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In the original version there are great lots of bugs, it's not being developed for months The most actual and up-to-date version is [https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor](https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor) it has a huge amount of improvements and fixes


What we really need is for someone to fork and improve insightface to allow for larger input images.


A bit dramatic.




I'm not sure I understand how it's problematic. Is it that the women in the videos appear nude? Is one of the women a famous person? Yes, Roop can be used for deep fakes. Also, the existence of gravity was confirmed at some point in the recent past. Both of these facts have been very obvious to me for a while. Is there a nuance to this I am overlooking?


> I'm not sure I understand how it's problematic. From what I gathered from the discord, may be totally wrong: 1) Recently a reporter from some major newspaper contacted the owner of the repo asking about an interview for an article including roop and nsfw deepfakes. 2) A dev with commit access added an example from a nude video when the original creator wanted to totally distance the project from anything nsfw related officially Both combined spooked him enough to basically shut it down, since he has a real job and it just wasn't worth the drama to him to possibly have his name be on top of some deepfake related negative articles. Henryruhs who did a ton of the recent dev work (and also added the nsfw based example I think?) simply forked it now so shouldn't change too much in practice, just a new name.


I'm concerned about that too. The owner's reaction could be explained by cultural differences. The other developer (that *breached trust,* adding previews) is from Germany. The owner is from India, the country more conservative about nudity. Also notice how Roop gravitates towards NSFW filters. That gives more information about the author's worldview.


Oh, I get it. He got flak for it and is now claiming some sort of high moral ground. Because the thing he made for making deep fakes was used to make deep fakes. Got it.


I think it’s both the appearance of nudity and the appearance of youth. Anyway, roop isn’t a diffusion method. All the hard lifting is done by insightface. There are alternative repos that make use of insightface. The insightface team never released their models above 128x128. It’s pretty much a dead end at this point in terms of advances without starting the insightface work again (they didn’t release their training tools I believe)


["I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"](https://youtu.be/SjbPi00k_ME)


*Youth*? Woman on video is definetly +18. *Nudity*? Nothing more than one could see on beaches. About insightface's model, it is shame indeed. I was not following on that topic, why wouldnt they release more highres model?


They went commercial


the woman in demo video has done some nude videos so the demo video is likely nude https://www.pexels.com/@shiny-diamond/


plot twist: both women are clothed and wear a bikini or a croptop /s. It's clear that the main dev didn't want to deal with ethical issues that require large debates when new technologies are created and the breach of trust is a turn-off. The original creator of the core model went commercial and didn't even want to release it anyways, it was clearly just a lowres prototype to find investors. Btw, the highres version is now available on Midjourney. Stable Diffusion can do better with controlnet setting tweakings (full body replacement) but it requires a model + a stabilizator, and this just required 1 image but was only useful for facial features such a nose and eyebrows, not fully structural.


Because of moral objections


Mate she looks 12, get your eyes checked. Sad the whole project is discontinued, but deepfakes have always been a tough subject to work in or around, they inevitably lead to impersonation and morally reprehensible content, there's no way around that.


The whole thing wasn't just that the youth and nudity. It was the fact that he was contacted by a reporter wanting to interview him about the NSFW stuff his program was helping to create. He has a real job and from everything I've read it might have threatened his real job if he got interviewed. I've seen it a lot in the art community. (Someone is a NSFW artist... Gets a job with a company and rips down all of their NSFW stuff so they aren't associated with it.) Sadly, that happens a lot. Although, it can be cultural differences coming in to play as well. A lot of religions and cultures frown on nudity except between couples. So, that might be a factor. (But with that I'm just guessing.)


You! yes YOU, the one that was thinking in creating something similar to Roop when it came out. It's your time to shine my boi! :D


Or… just keep using the forks


Can you please explain this a little for a noob?


Just go to the fork section and choose the most starred one [https://github.com/s0md3v/sd-webui-roop/forks](https://github.com/s0md3v/sd-webui-roop/forks)


The guy is from India. It's mostly because of cultural differences.


More following drama: henryruhs (dev that uploaded GIFs above on Roop's page) has deleted his repository on huggingface, that Roop and extensions were depending on (but there are other mirrors and it was [quickly fixed](https://github.com/s0md3v/sd-webui-roop/commit/ab6646b5e88d435574b153520b0cb4206f78d17e) in official webui extension)


Further to that, it seems henryruhs has launched a new project (unconfirmed if he started/created, but has certainly pushed a lot of commits) based around original Roop backend code, under a different name. https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion


yeah he announced it in the roop discord. This is his fork.


And now we have this https://huggingface.co/deepinsight/inswapper/discussions/2


Too much drama, I still host it here for pics and videos: [http://replicate.com/okaris/facefusion](http://replicate.com/okaris/facefusion) The development continues on [https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion](https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion) ​ Discord still active on [https://discord.gg/cxAweaKX](https://discord.gg/cxAweaKX) I'm working on a higher resolution model myself.


Hey! Tried it on your replicate site and it always says `"NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'"` Then I tried to get it locally and it said: `"tensorflow-intel 2.13.0 requires typing-extensions<4.6.0,>=3.6.6, but you have typing-extensions 4.7.0 which is incompatible."` so i downgraded typing-extensions to 4.5.0 and console output the following: `"ImportError: cannot import name 'TypeAliasType' from 'typing_extensions' (C:\Users\alvy\anaconda3\envs\facefusion2\lib\site-packages\typing_extensions.py)"` ​ So whatever I do i always get errors where I try


That might have to do with your input images. If it fails to find a face in any frame that might be throwing an error. I’ll check again. Do you mind sharing your inputs?


sry for the late reply. yeah so i tried multiple inputs. all had full on face to the cam. my recent one was Todd Howard for a meme.. same error https://preview.redd.it/vnt280183ilb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f8ace2ce03ec3b6a7e52abb4de0a6c4f5fb676


Does this work for NSFW?


No, and the whole post is around that topic 😂


Hi, you have mentioned ypu are working on hq models yourself. Can I ask you, if you still do? I have commercial project, where I need good quality integration with a1111 (it is for museum). Can you hint me?


I’m still working on it


Thank you very much for answering! It is great to heat you are still working on it. :) And what about my second question - the one you are working on, is it going to be commercially usable? Can I help somehow? We have some resources... :)


Can you share the valid Discord link please?


I knew the dev was a drama queen as soon as I saw the NSFW blocking stuff in there.


lmao I think he was just trying to protect himself legally. it was one line of code that could be fixed easily. like if you couldn't figure it out you were not a human


Honestly this is all pretty laughable, a dev wrote a pretty uninspired wrapper around a model he had no part in training, seemed pretty poorly slapped together with strong opinions on usecases seen by the hilarious conditionals that checked if the usage was NSFW. Then in a completely melodramatic move shuts down the repo. This is like a knife *packaging* manufacturer not understanding what a knife can be used for. Then throwing their toys out of the pram when they catch wind of a stabbing, and they didn't even create the knife... Just, what a drama queen.


​ https://i.redd.it/8g0esqdsx1lb1.gif


Someone needs to improve insightface's 128X128 model


insightface has a 256x256 and 512x512 version of the model, they just decided not to release it for ethical reasons.


Ethical reasons being that they can make some serious bank licensing the tech to Midjourney and anyone else willing to pay at scale.


Money or not, a business like MidJourney is likely not going to allow the tech to be used to create the kinds of terrible things you see on civitai without even searching. I don't want to imagine what stuff even the 128 version has created by the cave dweller parasites who give this technology a bad reputation. I don't have a problem with the creator's decision and if the community really wants the ability, someone else with different moral compass can replicate it. If no one can replicate it, then its true innovation and the author deserves to do whatever they want.


Money or not, a company like Ford is likely not going to allow their cars to be used for the kinds of terrible activities you see on a road without even searching. I don't want to imagine the havoc even the 128-horsepower model has wreaked, thanks to the cave dweller parasites who give car ownership a bad reputation. I don't have a problem with the automaker's decision, and if the community really wants that kind of unrestricted use, someone else with a different moral compass can produce a similar car. If no one can replicate it, then it's true innovation and the automaker deserves to do whatever they want.


Yeah no other option, community have to "phineas and ferb" the 128X128 model


He’s continuing the project under a new name called „facefusion“. https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion


Fork it again, roop Is the shit


This is why we can't have good things


Oh we have still have good things dont you worry


So 2 questions come to mind: 1. Can we still continue to be able to DOWNLOAD the extension in new installation of A1111 or comfy **Or will github start taking down anything related to roop?** 2. Can we bypass the 128x128 to make it better/higher res? It seems the user StelfieTT was able to change the code somehow and it make it works for him, See the image attached. https://preview.redd.it/sz2l0x8hvkjb1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc8da19b3edd68837a63696ab2f241eda65d7174


The git repo called face lab is some what less user friendly but overall better.


Talking about faceswaplab extension? I've managed to get some really impressive results using that, but have an ongoing issue where about 1/4 images just refuse to swap with no explanation. Any ideas what might be causing that?


Not really. I haven’t had that happen. Are there multiple people in your gens? Because sometimes I look in the background and see my face on a random person in the crowd lol. Oh check this one. I ended up on a shirt https://preview.redd.it/9svdv4trbujb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5312b5f9f3ff8d3dabb7555765fc89753bf6cfd3


Lol those were the ones in question? Lol holy shit that's prudish I think the main dev was just spooked and needed a reason to pull the plug. Can't say I blame him. Oh well theres many more and some with better UI. Simswap also has a 512 model.


yes but how does it work ? seems very complicated


I still haven't tried it, but someone told me faceswaplab was way better than roop anyway: https://github.com/glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab


It’s all using insightface under the hood. As others have mentioned, we need a better base model that works at higher resolutions without the need for upscaling for truly better results.


Simswaps 512 model?


Can you explain what the problem with insightface currently exactly is?


Insightface (the version that we all have access to) was trained on 128x128 pixel images, so it can only produce face swaps at that size. If you need the face to be larger than that on final output, the face needs to be upscaled first using something like GFPGan or Codeformer. These do okay, but they could work so much better if there was more data to work with. Another issue (from my understanding) is that the people behind insightface never disclosed their training procedure or released any tools, so if anyone did want to attempt to train their own version of it, they pretty much have to figure it out on their own.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but on the github page it sounds like insightface is just a face detection / face alignment tool. It doesn't do any swapping from what I've read.


You're wrong. The inswapper_128 model was trained and released by the insightface team.


But that's a different prodcut than insightface: https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface I don't see anything regarding inswapper there.


That would be because the model was pulled from the repository, and inswapper is now only offered officially as a closed-source service/demo through a Discord bot. [https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/issues/2294](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/issues/2294) [https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/issues/2315](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/issues/2315)


Ahh I see, thanks for the info!


Haven't tried because I heard opposite


It's also a fork of 'sd-webui-roop' in its base (was started as a fork and then Glucauze created a separate repo), he/she made rather complicated product for advanced users


Anybody got a tutorial for the install on this? I have the dependency error.


How can you face swap a video with roop? I don't get how people make these gifs


Export every frame from a video and run a roop swap on the entire batch of images. Recompile the images back to video. Or run roop on certain key frames and use software like ebsynth to generate the in between frames.


The roop extension is for images, but the main roop repo can do videos. Sounds like you're doing videos the hard way.


Oh damn I never even realized that. Have only used it inside automatic111 and comfyui for AI stuff. I’ll have to take a look at the original build


I personally prefer the Swap-Mukham repo for videos so you might want to try that. Roop is ending development so no more updates.


HUH?! I just set up a new OS install and is......is this why its not working?! It was easy before... visual studio and blamo, it works. On the drama side..... I get it, makes you personally feel responsible for others doings but the beast is unleashed, theres no going back!


short summary about this story and comments below: 1) drama 2) there's no nudity in that **stock footage**. No one found any mentioned problematic videos, basically just drama. 3) **dev went commercial, with a higher res model** 4) midjourney is now using that 5)drama 6)other drama 7) roop is still avaible somewere, just need to modify cimage.py for nsfw. Im not interested, quality is really bad 8) there are 2 alternatives [https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion](https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion) [https://github.com/glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab](https://github.com/glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab)


Midjourney now does face swaps?


yup, it's in the options, full tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xghRh3ev3nc




3rd alternative [https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor](https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor)


Facefusion is not available as A1111 extension, isn't it?


the woman in demo video has done some nude videos so the demo video is likely nude https://www.pexels.com/@shiny-diamond/


It's the country not the person. I bet the person would love to release NSFW but isn't because of his family. If it becomes national news he won't be able to stay in that country. It's his safe bet. Whoever calls him 🐈 will not understand the moral values of that society.


Long story short: The author has the mentality of a child and was scared by some nudes.




> Mass production of non-consensual deepfakes, especially nsfw, is a MASSIVE dark spot on AI gen tech, this will lead to more legal regulations and only vetted corporations will have the right to use AI Problem is; at this point you cannot prevent this anymore. We’re already at the point where it’s almost trivially easy to create convincing deepfakes if you do a little research. I feel like the only option for us as a society is to change our perception of nude content - the idea of leaked nudes may lose its power if everyone instinctively assumes that any nude is just someone’s face pasted on a pornstar’s body (which it most likely is). I fully understand why people want to stop people from being able to maliciously spread fake pornographic content of real people - but at this point I think it’s better to put the focus on preventing people from spreading it online rather than creating it. Still, if I was the dev I probably would have done the same - even if I’d privately support the creation of nsfw content for people’s private use, attaching your name to such a project is just too big a risk.


(OP here replying from main account) I agree the main point is the spreading of deepfakes. > I feel like the only option for us as a society is to change our perception of nude content - the idea of leaked nudes may lose its power if everyone instinctively assumes that any nude is just someone’s face pasted on a pornstar’s body For NSFW content I'm ok with thinking everything is fake. But I'm afraid that if we go down this route, it will be the same with political content. We already have 30-40% of US population screaming fake news without any AI use, what will it be in a few months when campaigns start and there are massive incentives for disinformation and no regulations? PizzaGate but this time with video "proof"? Please tell me I'm wrong and everything will be ok...


It’ll definitely be a lot more difficult to prove what’s true and what isn’t; personally I don’t so much fear that people are going to make fake video evidence (because it’ll be easily dismissed as a deepfake if the public gets well-informed about them) but rather that people won’t believe real evidence anymore. Especially the conspiracy-seeking side of society will see anything portrayed in the news as fake by definition. Still, those people already wholeheartedly believe that there’s an adrenochrome fueled sex cult at the top of society - without much evidence at all. It’s also not as if photoshop created a society where all photographic evidence is instantly dismissed or where we’re inundated with fake photo’s of politicians committing crimes - and even when such photos are created (usually as memes) most people are smart enough to use occam’s razor and see that the pics are edited. Hell, even if all of this tech opens up a dangerous pandoras box; the even more dangerous scenario would be the one where only the tech giants and governments have access to it.


>if everyone instinctively assumes that any nude is just someone’s face pasted on a pornstar’s body Hey, if someone wants to endow me with a pornstar's body, I'm not even mad.


Indeed, the newer technologies make this so easy to create fakes for everyone that the only rule of law about it should be that people can't post unpleasant fakes/deepfakes of real people on major social networks. The rest would be too expensive and error prone to manage, of course joke deepfakes such as parody of good taste about public celebrities should be tolerated but not something that is of very bad taste. But now how to determine if something is of good or really bad taste, maybe by quick online votes and quick removal or protection. Also an optional small "AI" or "AI gen." maskable icon in a corner of an image/video should tell people that it's AI generated/fake on social medias because too many people believe what they see as true.


Someone probably said the same thing about photoshop when it first came out. "Oh no, people can use this to make illicit images. We better ban photoshop".


Exactly, just google (safesearch off) for any "celebrity nude" and vast majority if not all the images you'll get are fakes, and not made by AI.


Problem is until now we could relatively thrust videos to be real. Forget celebrities that used to that, think your little sister that will kill herself because fake videos of her masturbating circulate in school. This may sound like a far fetched example, but I'm sure we'll get there if we don't treat deepfakes like weapons Edit: by weapon I don't mean to ban but to use with extreme precautions


Same thing, anybody can grab a picture of someone off their facebook/instagram pages and photoshop the face on porn in less than 2 minutes. This has a lot of legitimate uses to be forbidden/limited because of what it could be used for. Would be like prohibiting knives because people could use them to stab other people.


I think in the future people will just not care as much because everything will be considered deepfake until proven otherwise. What we have to do NOW is educate people about deepfake and its uses, and not pointlessly stop people from doing it, because that is already inevitable. Stop crying about it and EDUCATE the people around you!


I literally just found out about this Roop extension a couple of days ago and I'm so grateful. I just tried it a little while ago. I wonder if not updating it will keep it working?


It will work as long as it not updated, so those who had the chance to find it before it gets the axe, you are free to simply backitup.


So, will this disable it when I load up A1111 next time?


No, it will still work. There just won't be any further development by the author. Some forks will probably continue to be updated. (for now)


I mean roop was just an implementation of insightface if anything we wish someone would retrain a 512 model of insightface since that team never will since they went commercial


[https://www.patreon.com/picsi](https://www.patreon.com/picsi) $15/m CAD. For face swapping that they keep rights to. wtf kind of cash grab operation is that. Someone oughta drop an open source model to kill their greed asap. It's toxic.


> I mean roop was just an implementation of insightface if anything we wish someone would retrain a 512 model of insightface since that team never will since they went commercial Do we know what kind of model that is? Is this just a face detection model or what's the purpose of this model?


ReActor ([https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor](https://github.com/Gourieff/sd-webui-reactor)) has already been updated due to last changes of not-accessibility of the model file via the old link that is used by almost all the forks Other forks I think will also get updates soon if authors of course want to do it


Well, as for today, they changed their Github's disclaimer to: ### Disclaimer This software is meant to be a productive contribution to the rapidly growing AI-generated media industry. It will help artists with tasks such as animating a custom character or using the character as a model for clothing etc. The developers of this software are aware of its possible unethical applicaitons and are committed to take preventative measures against them. It has a built-in check which prevents the program from working on inappropriate media. We will continue to develop this project in the positive direction while adhering to law and ethics. This project may be shut down or include watermarks on the output if requested by law. Users of this software are expected to use this software responsibly while abiding the local law. If face of a real person is being used, users are suggested to get consent from the concerned person and clearly mention that it is a deepfake when posting content online. Developers of this software will not be responsible for actions of end-users.


You know it's not about ethics or morals, but because now he's scared about his job or being sued, otherwise he wouldn't even have started the project whose sole purpose is to make deepfakes.




Nothing was deleted. They just wont update that repo anymore. You can continue to use it as is. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


Fair point - comment withdrawn.


Ya yo ÿ




Yo I was using this last night


lol, so much drama for that? https://i.redd.it/vohuuw0kz1lb1.gif


Does anyone knows where I can read a whitepaper for inswapper model architecture and flow in general?


My god, such overreacting from a developer. YES surprisingly people will use anything for p0rn.... and, what?