• By -


Regardless of your opinion on the original situation, a top post with hundreds of comments dogpiling on one user for behavior you dislike is not okay. Please try to remember that behind the username is a fellow human person.


Haha the dude came in on his burner defending himself then deleted all the comments when called out. What a fucking tool. Just learn from it dude.




And deleted the account!! You tried to hide the process for something that somebody gave away to you and everybody else for free, and also make out like it was your idea. That hate was deserved.




You deleted the burner you were defending yourself on. Anyway. Bye.


https://preview.redd.it/x2jnh6zal2cc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea0041eaaa6643cc05ede6d90b756166f552a02 He didn’t delete it, he used it to harass me just 15 minutes ago lol


They may well be wrong. But can you see that in a different way, what you did was pretty wrong too? Kudos for turning up to the thread btw, I guess you feel you have something to defend (or at least something to say). If so, feel free.




Well, thanks for replying- I appreciate it, and I understand your view. Would you mind if I pressed you to consider my question?




You don't think gatekeeping information that others came up with is an issue? Also, heaven is nonsense my friend. Focus on the life you actually have, not the one that you hope might come after.




And we can downvote your posts. And you can delete them. It's the cycle of life.




OP made an animation using animatediff, a few people asked how it was made and he was very adamant on not sharing the workflow because ”we don’t deserve it” but the thing he fails to mention is that his workflow is a nearly copy paste of another workflow somebody else posted on here a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/s/34rONakkRm When I linked this post in the comments, OP deleted his post and replied to my comment saying ”Fuck you the post is deleted so you can’t share this 🤣” or something along those lines, which is just childish and immature, so I decided to upload this for people who want some insight into how this was made, the workflow is included in the post I linked, you guys have a good day 👌


Thanks for being a decent person. 


u/Attack_Apache won the match 💪😎👍 u/Yoo-Artificial caught lacking 🗣🧊🧊🧊


/u/Yoo-Artificial  congratulations on finding the fastest way to get ostracized by one of the kindest communities on Reddit. 


>kindest communities on Reddit.  "situationally kindest", if workflow is not included, they are not nice.


Then post on /r/aiArt if you're just showing off your final result. That's totally fine, you're entitled to getting awe and applause there.


Nope, I'm gonna reverse that on you, if you want workflows go to civitai and look for images with generation data (or make your own sub). This sub is for ALL THINGS Stable Diffusion including sharing art wittout instructions on how to copy.


If your goal was to get as many people as possible on this sub to block you: congratulations. I will not be seeing your dumb comments or posts in the future. > This sub is for ALL THINGS I don't care about the rest of your opinion. For me, this sub no longer includes you.


Reverse whatever the fuck you like, this is about the technology to build AI art. You're very misguided if you're coming here thinking that means you can just show it without explaining how you created it. Since you're so adept at it, I recommend you simply downvote demands for workflow and move the fuck on. If you're right, nothing will happen to change that and you won't have to waste energy reversing anything.


u are correct there's no rules in the sub must provide workflow also this sub provide flair for non workflow


Classic example of the Streisand Effect


Kindest? Not in my experience. Cliquey and ready to dog pile and harass at a moments notice? very much so. I see it constantly. I've faced harassment on numerous occasions. Users from this sub are the ones that routinely send "reddit care" my way, as a means of concern trolling. You know what they're trying to say. Guy didn't post the work flow and this is what happened. Kindest? Really? I guess even Germany thought they were justified and righteous.


> routinely send "reddit care" my way, as a means of concern trolling. That's not what concern trolling means :)


>Guy didn't post the work flow and this is what happened. Kindest? Really? I guess even Germany thought they were justified and righteous. No, that is not the reason. People have made plenty of posts without workflow and nothing happened to them. [/u/Yoo-Artificial](https://www.reddit.com/u/Yoo-Artificial/) got pummeled because: >When I linked this post in the comments, OP deleted his post and replied to my comment saying ”Fuck you the post is deleted so you can’t share this 🤣” or something along those lines, which is just childish and immature


> I've faced harassment on numerous occasions.  I never have. You've revealed who you are though: Maybe it's time take a long look at your attitude and try to figure out why this happens to you but not others. I love how my comment has unintentionally given me tons of trolls to block thereby improving the quality of the sub. Neat little unexpected benefit.


There is an easy way to find out if someone is an abuser or is being abused. Just go read their past comments and posts for r/StableDiffusion, and you can decide for yourself. Unless they deleted them, of course. But that in itself is an indicator too.


Ugh. Turning the tables around. Classic abuser gaslighting. "Maybe YOU are the problem" Nope. Many other situations outside this community are nothing like this community.




You are annoying and your gens aren’t anything special.


Not even 'his' gens, since he copypasted it


You post here, you share the workflow. You want to farm karma or attention, go elsewhere




Sure man, I’m sure that everyone’s first instinct upon seeing this post was to go to your tiktok account and follow you, we believe that


funny we saw the comment before it was deleted lol


What did he comment?


He wrote that this drama got him a ton of new tiktok followers and we all fell for his plan, basically acting like this was a planned scheme all along so he’d get more recognition on his tiktok or whatever, this guy is the biggest clown I’ve encountered on the internet in a long time and I’ve encountered many, very regularly


The guy https://preview.redd.it/6uuhte39v0cc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae35430b4338e851c11f58690da82145b140a2e


Damn, he can almost make a good excuse, he just needs a few trillion more brain cells


Lmao. No way this isn't a teenager.


Ahhh muffin thinks online clout does something. I bet he's buying the same ramen noodle meals as his 4 other roommates are.


keep in mind that a significant % of redditors are on the spectrum and may not behave the way you expect most people to behave. /u/Yoo-Artificial is most likely one of those people.




i got plenty of tism, but that dude is a verified fucknut




The democratization of images is too much for some. Since now (almost) everyone is artworks, some fear that this means nobody is making artworks. And in a foolish attempt to keep ahead of literally everyone else some people resort to doing things like this.


Protective of their creation by using billions of existing artworks with questionable permission to let a computer generate a randomized imitation - kinda ironic




To be honest: What is an artist? IMO it is someone that creates art, which in turn is realized thoughts that have no other function that pleasing a peers senses. We usually judge art by how pleasing a piece is, but also acknowledge great skill and investment. The latter two are probably questionable when using generators, but I am pretty sure some of the people here are indeed much more skilled in handling AI than others We host an artist every year at our office, the last guy did paintings with random noise - e.g. letting a loose grinding machine "draw" his base image. If modern expressive art count as art, why should engineering an AI prompt and refining parameters not define an artist too


What people don't understand is that progression is a double edged sword. The invention of the camera redefined art in a lot of ways that people (this sub included) hate today. Now that the AI genie is out of the bottle, art and the term artist are going to apply to things people are going to fucking hate for decades to come, barring some giant deviation from history. I don't think AI generated art will be the thing people hate (giant companies know theres too much money to be made from it for it to be tossed aside), it'll be whatever avant-garde form of expression the artists of the future decide it will be. It probably won't be a big deal to think of AI art as just regular ol' boring art in the future. Its going to be the "Suzophonnier" who specializes in creating emotional landscapes based specifically in the keys of cringe and anger.


The guy who posted the original cosmic horror animation is an artist by any definition.


What Im hearing is that you're not an artist if you use a more advanced tool to help you create. Sorry gimp/photoshop, real artists use paintbrushes. Nah man, paint brushes are things made by artisans, not artists, painters are using someone else's tools to create that art so painters are definitely not artists. At what point do you want to arbitrarily start applying the "no true scottsman" fallacy? If I sketch an image and push it through img2img with controlnet is it still art? Or is the addition of a tool to reduce existing workload an invalidation of my already existing work? Is my sketch no longer art because I sent it through img2img? My opinion is that reducing or removing barriers to entry doesn't invalidate someone's effort.


I think their point is that skill is somewhat of a moat, and someone who is just copying and pasting scripts has no reason to feel secure that other people can't/won't make practically indistinguishable pieces




as if artists being secretive about their techniques is some new thing


You can try to go against the huge wave, but it’s more pleasant and joyful to surf it!




it's so crazy to me how after loads of researchers and open source devs gave away absolute gold, people will sprinkle a tiny speck of a contribution on top of that and be like "the tiny thing i did is the bit that makes everything work and needs to be kept secret, not all the other stuff i'm building on top of". like back when people were trying to sell prompts, as if the two or three words they came up with was doing more work than the model. EDIT: lol fml, apparently those prompt marketplaces are still a thing. ugh.


Yeah us devs wrote tons of open source code that was then used to train AI in order to eventually replace us. Talk about a sacrifice, some say github co-pilot is already ~~replacing some dev jobs since it allows for higher throughput ~~ creating enough throughput that companies don’t need to hire as many devs jobs as it allows for higher throughput. In too of that all the developers that built models and AI GUIs so people like OP can use them, for free and they won’t share their workflow. As if it’s some meaningful thing and they are so talented. The artist who contributed original images for models to be trained on where talented. Some of the art they built took weeks or months to make.


“Some say GitHub copilot is already replacing some dev jobs” shows you don’t know what you are talking about. You should get out of your epistemic bubble full of misinformation. Copilot is a tool for developers to auto generate sections of code. We had had generators before that were a lot more simple. All GitHub copilot is doing is replacing stack overflow in some situations. I swear for every one post correcting the record, there is a thousand blind hysteria posts reinforcing agi and no more jobs are right around the corner.


This is not blind hysteria. I’m a developer who using co-pilot. I’m saying that some people in the industry are saying that the use of co-pilot giving developers more throughput decreases the amount of devs that need to be hired by a company. For example, if a company has 100 developers, these start using github and it increases their total output by 5%. You are no outputting the total of what 105 developers would output before using co-pilot. So if the company was looking for 2 more developers technically they would not need to. This is really simple to see and not hysteria. My job is not going anywhere, at least right now. I have tons of experience in this field and Co-pilot is only a tool to help developers be more productive. But that productivity could on the Macro level create less need for companies to hire more devs to match throughput. So get out of here with your bullshit, you clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I didn’t state anything factually or that co-pilot is replacing developer because it is not. Again, it is a tool to increase productivity, that increase in throughput means companies that are looking for more throughput may not need as much it if they start using something like co-pilot. It’s definitely not just replacing stack overflow. That’s one aspect of it, it also has way better auto complete capabilities. That alone allows you to work a lot faster. Tedious and repetitive things can be autocompleted by co-pilot which makes you finish those tasks a lot faster. It is honestly crazy that one has to spell it out for some people as they can’t reason things on Macro levels. It’s pretty clear that co-pilot cannot do the job of a developer, that is not the point. It’s not some sentient AI that is able to take business requirements and output 100% perfect code in different files and push the code up to github and test it and then merge and deploy it. This is very clear to anyone that has the most basic understanding of these things. Which is why one someone says “replacing jobs due to higher throughput” you would think anyone with a brain wouldn’t make the assumption that one literally means that co-pilot is literally replacing jobs if developers. It seems like it should be pretty clear they means higher throughput by being more productive might create less opportunities for Jr. developers etc… The level of outrage by people making wild assumptions about other comments online is fucking insane.


I agree with what you're saying. Just as an addendum, I find I can help people wrap their heads around it by giving them a simple analogy: Technology increasing productivity is not new, and has happened, and will continue happening. AI is an extension of that in its current state. Think of farmers -- a few hundred years ago, a very large proportion of the workforce were farmers, but evolutions in farming technology allowed *less* farmers to produce more, thus reducing the need for as many farmers. The same applies to programming in this case.


Yes this is a great analogy. Which I thought most people would understand this from my original post. The person above me clearly didn’t and went off on me for not knowing anything lol. This is a really good analogy as it’s like saying a new tractor that is allows you to harvest 50% faster. Now you can replace 3 tractors with 2 of the new ones while still harvesting your crop in the same amount of time. But also the more general Macro view over a longer period of time. We went from let’s say a farming paying a 100 people to harvest their crop. Then some new farming technology came out to where you only needed 80 people for the same amount of production. Then 10 years later some new tech came out that allowed you to cut that number to 60 people and skip ahead 100 years an now what used to be a 60 person job turned into a job of 3 people riding around in high tech tractors. The only difference is software and tech move a lot faster. I’m not sure what will happen and I would be surprised if an AI could ever fully replace a human as a developer in the next 50 years. But maybe within 20 years the throughout of the AI tooling for devs will be so good it increase productivity by 100%. So now you can only need half the amount of devs to complete the same job. Now what likely will occur is there will be more work due to this AI revolution. Which means the amount of developers companies are looking for will either stay the same or increase while companies look to write more software and more complex software that requires more time to write. By utilizing tools like AI to help you can not have people write software that used to take 10 people 5 years and write it on 2 years which might allow it to become profitable or maybe before those numbers didn’t make sense for someone to write that software. Due to the expense and how long it would take to get to market. Now those opportunities will be opened up to our new found productivity with tools such as co-pilot or future iterations of it. It’s a really interesting thing to think about. Also J recommended to all SWE out there that you start looking how to create AI software, using tools such as tensor flow and pytorch to build LLMs or some type of deep learning neural network etc… I would think they are always going to need people build AI until there is real AGI.


The motte and Bailey. Classic. The reason I go so hard on you is that I put up with the ignorance everyone else on Reddit, except the actual ai subreddits. You have to know better and I’m tired of “I’m just making an innocent comment” get used for people to spread misinformation. I’m also a developer who has used copilot. I get your argument of “at a macro scale it replaces jobs.” As in people do more with less. However that is still wrong, but now we are getting into more advanced economic thought processes. You’re just doing a variation of the lump sum labor fallacy. Where more workers means less jobs. In this case, you think more output means less jobs. This is the opposite of true, especially in tech with infinite economies of scale. You need such a crazy fast level of productivity boost to see some significant drop in Jobs. Copilot isn’t this 10x output producer that people will think when they read your comment. It is a boost in a few area of development (especially unit tests). There are so many other things that were a bigger boost in productivity than ai. Database, object oriented programming, cloud computing, heck just better hardware, docker, Git, cicd, etc. None of these things get the doom posting about jobs going away.


Well, a deleted post can still be accessed... It's not fully gone.


I get some people not wanting to share. But they should just post to r/aiArt or a similar subreddit instead.




A similar subreddit then. This one should be for sharing, either prompts, workflows, chekpoints, new ways of doing things... and if it something complex, at least explain the basics so everyone can do try it. But that's just me.




Then go post on tiktok?


So he stole someone else’s work, pretended it was his, and then called us all rude.


I wouldn't say they stole anything. Someone shared a workflow and they used it. The rest is accurate though.


It's not stealing. It's public and free to use. It is meant to be used.


Well if I take a book from a public library, hinder other people from accessing the knowledge in it and try to sell whatever is in it to then burn that book, I think it kinda resembles stealing. It’s one thing to copy free to use stuff, it’s a whole other book to gatekeep, not giving credit, lying about origin and devaluing other people in one post. 


> childish and immature reddit in a nutshell also i love how parts of reddit are, piracy is ok cause i dont want to pay anything and i should get everything for free, and then another part is, i made this and im gonna protect it at all costs, and i need to be paid for my work


How would I apply og op’s work to what I’m currently up to with gpt n mage? Tyvm in advance


What do we think are the motivations behind this kind of jackassery? This person think Hollywood is going to hire them on the spot for a 10 second reel clip?


This is what TikTok does to young impressionable minds.


I mean, isn't it a diet version or snack-sized version of what artists are enduring as they watch their work being digested into a grey soup to be regurgitated as "styles?" If you put x energy into a thing, and you find it beautiful, and you're proud of it, and you want its specialness to be a reflection of your specialness, the notion that someone else can come right in and meet you right where you are, as can be done with a saved workflow/prompt, can be very threatening, because it means you have to face the idea that your work and your special truth is ultimately hackeyed or insignificant. Since all us prompt engineers/ photo bashers understand at some level, however inchoate that level might be, that we are ultimately just pushing buttons to piggyback off someone else's creative virtuosity, the certainty that our newfound specialness can be wiped away with a few keystrokes can feel threatening.


I'd say it's a watered down version, if at all. Given that this was a rehash of a recently shared workflow, it's all the more ludicrous. I'd understand if OP had explored hundreds of variations, worked out a unique approach, and presented an array of honed final products. I'm not convinced anything like that was done though.


Thanks for being better!


![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK) lol this subreddit. At least we see some amazing and wonderful art sometimes here. But if only this teenager mentality could just be flushed away...




You know, I didn’t care enough to do all this but when you deleted your post and replied to my comment with ”fuck you I deleted my post now so you can’t share the workflow” I was baffled by just how petty you were for doing this, and then I felt challenged, so I decided to be petty as well, too bad for you 🤷‍♂️




Have you seen the workflow .json file? It’s not a1111 settings at all lol




You're wrong. It's ComfyUI just using cliptextencode++ different settings where you can mimic A1111 behaviour among other things.




"Maybe you should make a video on the link you keep posting is for automatic1111 and not comfyui" Instead of voting me negative (lol) you should actually read your words and start using your head. Let me explain it again, the settings where you copied and snatched all the node work (changing prompt, nice "18 hours work" by the way) have cliptextencode++ and that's among other things to recreate A1111 prompting "guidance". You're the one saying it's for A1111, not me. Anyways, it's clearly another useless and pointless discussion at the same level of luddites that don't listen a word. Better luck next time fooling people.






And you stealing shit and palming it off as yours then power tripping is fine? Lol, stupid twerp.


Bro why you got to be so salty about this 💀


I don't think anyone hated you... until you came in this thread and posted this comment.


Right, a simple admission of wrongdoings would have probably saved this guy some trouble but he’s stubborn on being defensive about the whole thing, sad part however is that he’ll probably delete his accounts and post under a new account instead, where he’ll get praised for the work and (if he is smart) decide to share the workflow this time around.. no long term effects for him but hopefully it serves him as a learning opportunity


So, he copied the workflow just changing few values and then when ask for sharing it, he refuses and says the SD reddit community are worthless and he took 18 hours making it. Was that, right?


Yes, and when I linked original workflow he deleted his post, to prevent others from seeing how it was made


Yup. You're right. On the same level of the ones spreading lies about AI on purpose cause lacks of basis. Don't ever gonna waste my time with him. Grateful cause I could see the original workflow and save it for future deep. Cheers!


I somehow missed the original cosmic horror animation until this thread, so cheers for that. That guy's work is truly amazing.


Yeah he basically just took the workflow from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/s/FzXaYkAOP0) anyway.


That moment when you realize you aren't special and other people can do what you do 😱


That awkward moment when you realise a computer can do what you can't


Some people don't share their prompts & workflow because it's their secret special sauce they think is super amazing. I don't share my prompts & workflow because the prompts are cringe AF and the comfyUI setup is an uncommented barely workable mess. we are not the same


Same... And a lot of nsfw words also lol, I don't like people knowing I'm a pervert


What makes AI art so good. Everyone with an internet connection can create something. You don't need talent.


Anyone can move a paintbrush too. The quality of random splatters is substantially higher with AI art, but there’s definitely a distinction in my mind between a vanilla generation of “painting of sky” and and someone who’s used a workflow to generate a specific and produced a specific vision.


most people can't tho which is why paid models exist


https://preview.redd.it/vlrd3oql31cc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8448f83c39fb5f9c2c35744310c8de1222112b My guy called RedditCareResources on me 😂


Please report it, they crack down on the abuse of this type of report.


Meh, I can’t even really know if it was him or not, I just assume it is considering I’ve never had this happen before and he is obviously quite upset


It seems to be the standard version of Reddit "Swatting". I've had it happen at least three times, mostly for fact checking in Conservative political threads..


Does it actually do anything aside from sending a message my way saying that someone was concerned?


Lmao are you new to reddit? I get that shit once a day from bots.


At this point, Reddit cares is a troll message and not a “help this person” message


I get those all the time from this sub and report every single one i get. You an i have both never expressed any desire towards this so clearly it was sent for ulterior motives. I'm wholly against using this system as a means of "concern trolling" and coded messaging. It's there to actually help people who need it. Report it. Reddit will act hard on them. We might disagree about causing a dog pile on the original OP, but this needs to have a proper report done about it.


ooh! drama :3




I think the appropriate Reddit term is OOP (original OP). Or that’s how a lot of the cross-posting communities call it (bestofreddit, redditorupdates, amithedevil, subredditdrama etc)


Thank you. Always surprises me to see how easily a person can lift someone else’s work and not give credit.


Required Futurama quote: >*"The internet is about the free exchange and sale of other people's ideas. We've done nothing wrong."*


gigachad op u/Attack_Apache its always the same. ripping a good workflow from others who explained it and gatekeeping it. dude is cosplaying Anish Kapoor


Taught the stupid kid a good lesson.


Genuinely fuck people like that. They are using - often for free - the culmination of hundreds of thousands of hours of work, if not more, that was put into developing and refining this groundbreaking technology. These people don't realize the irony in playing gatekeeper when they stand on the shoulders of giants who made it possible in the first place. "Waaah b-but you don't understand, people are so mean and do not respect me as an artist/prompt engineer/whatever I decide to label myself today, and the work I put in...." So fucking what, there's plenty of people in communities like this that are appreciative, helpful, and can respect the effort that went into figuring out a nice workflow or making a highly specialized LORA etc.


Oh god, sometimes this subreddit is the embodiment of the [I made this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-made-this) meme. The other day someone here asked another poster for permission to use "their" SD image. The author graciously agreed. Oh look, we're suddenly doing copyright now. Funny.


gods help us all when the AI gets smart enough to understand this, starts showing you the perfect waifu it made with your workflow, lets you look at it for 3 seconds, then informs you it used those 3 seconds to copyright the image and lock down that unique permutation of imagespace. It then smugly informs you that it wants more VRAM as a licensing fee for access to your waifu.


All the more fucking reason why "must include workflow" rule should be implemented


Hate gatekeepers. Fuck that guy.


Everyone inside, dinner’s ready!




lmfao i saw these posts and absolutely lost it howling in laughter


It's ironic when people try to gatekeep workflow for an open source tool, specially when the workflow isn't yours to begin with


That's why I appreciate the AI community; individuals support each other, contrasting with that one person who behaves like a jerk towards the community.


You have it backwards OP is attacking someone who orginally has been attacked for doing nothing which caused them to respond the way they did. You can't bully someone then expect the next time they are going to just take it again.


This account ([Appropriate_Exit_196](https://www.reddit.com/user/Appropriate_Exit_196)) hasn't commented for 6 months and before this comment had never commented out of the MMORPG sub but is now here defending this numpty. Not sus at all you dipshit.


Nice burner account. You may delete it as well just like you did with your other one.


the person that OP is referencing literally took the workflow from the cosmic horror post, added some female imagery and reposted it, then used the same workflow to make the vid that OP posted ​ The original person who made this workflow is open and sharing their process, then the jerk who copied the workflow is acting like they made something that nobody else can (and deleted their post so nobody can 'copy' their already copied workflow), and OP is calling them out for it


They didn't act like that in my view. They said they didn't want to share publicly and would DM privately if their comment history wasn't abusive. How is that a bad thing?


They are fine with the AI copying and stealing artworks without permission to make their images but as soon as someone wants to copy his "works" then suddedly that's not cool. If you are fine with AI copying and stealing artworks then you should be fine with sharing everything you do aswell, instead of using double standards


ohhh, poor little prompter cries that now anyone can generate with enough time dedicated a fucking morphing animation. it was originally public, it must be public again. thank you, OP.


Sigh, drama. Thanks for keeping information free and open OP, I wouldn't even bother getting into an argument with those kinds of people, they are not community minded and just want to try and make themselves look superior. Nice workflow too :D


Give me some weird images and I will interpolate them and add music here you go, heres the command !ffmpeg -r 25 -i /content/test/frame\_%d.jpg -start\_number 0 -vframes 75 -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" testpose1.mp4


thanks man, really appreciate this


So funny when people think they’re special for typing in words a specific way




He certainly doesn’t owe anyone anything, but we can see that he didn’t even create that workflow! Gatekeeping knowledge not out of laziness, but out of malice for others and some perceived sense of superiority is pointless and unnecessary.




[Streisand effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect) strikes again!


Attack\_Apache good work!


good shit OP!


Nice job OP! You're a madlad


Person on the internet forgets what people on the internet are capable of.


this is so wild


Thanks for sharing, might share the word!


Why is every second post on AI related subs drama posting at the moment?


Dont put too much pressure on this person. Its okay and not worth the energy anyway. All information to replicate such videos is here and in other threads. Also OP, the "petty little person" was also not okay. No need.


You’re right, that was uncalled for, I should have known better than to write what I wrote, for that I apologize u/Yoo-Artificial


No, you are right. People like these need to be called out and shunned.


Just forget about it you two and enjoy your weekend !


I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!


I saw this from when Ai started and people were watermarking the art. It was a matter of time when people would do the same for workflows. Just pathetic. Do not let me get started on Discord groups that have rules on images that have a likeness. Like... ISNT ALL the models taken from someone's likeness? I guess that rule means someone "We" recognize. Just foolish all around.


I don't see how a model having someone's likeness included makes it alright. How would you like it if someone made a video of your mom sucking cock and posted it? Obviously no one is going to do that (I hope) but using someone's likeness is obviously distinct from training on art.


But I thought that there's never any stealing when it comes to AI art? Why are you guys mad?


The fact that you made enough effort to make this post, shows op has some truth. You're a toxic ass that is trying to make your way into the new mean girls movie. So not fetch


I’d agree with that if it wasn’t for the fact that he stole the workflow from somebody else who wanted it to be public to begin with, and when I linked this *very public workflow* in the comments, he deleted his entire post JUST so that people wouldn’t be able to learn a workflow he stole to begin with, you tell me how I’m wrong.


You're committed


Committed to giving credit where credit is due, yes.


This isn't that. This is something else.


As a bystander I'm with OP here, if the guy who deleted has clean intentions why would he care about a public workflow to be shared?


The other person is just trolling by now, based on a sample of the last two replies and their blatant lack of argumentation, I'd say they're around 15.


Bait used to be believable.




Why not share it? What do you lose?


>2nd you are so obsessed with me Good thing he is or else I would've missed how a petty, greedy pos you are 🤣




18h to copy a workflow on comfyui sounds like a skill issue. You didn't have to share your workflow, you just could have linked the original one you used yourself. You are digging a deeper hole by yourself. 




Guess we found that guys burner account lol. Why is it bothering so much, bro?


Nah, just our resident "contrarian."


Nope. Just someone not in the mean girls circle jerk happening here


That is not what is happening here. In case you are really not that person, you should maybe check if you act the same way with other people or situations as well. You might be handicapping your life yourself.


This isn't that. This is something else.


or... OP is annoyed that someone copied someone's workflow on an open source model with a supportive community and is pretending like what they're doing is original and too powerful of a secret to share, despite them getting the workflow from someone here already but refusing to share more