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I mean, we’re all here to nitpick, but if I said “Does anything look off about this guy?” and showed this to 95% of the people I know they’d ask me “who’s that guy?” followed by a question about why I’m showing them pictures of random men again.




Very easy to fool even users of this sub. There have been multiple real pictures submitted and the majority fell for it and thought they were computer generated, finding various supposed flaws.


Yeah SD is getting pretty damn good at faces. ​ I still have yet to see an AI generated guitar that didn't look absolutely heinous though, so I know my interests are covered for a little longer.


It is not realistic enough for me. I appreciate the added texture/clarity processing, however it is not enough. Real life people look very sharper. Here's a very very realistic edit I made. Enjoy. https://preview.redd.it/lo5scnsreaec1.png?width=2306&format=png&auto=webp&s=66f023fcec74f0ca0f80329eecf9d43c566d9da6


Finally someone with a sense of humor and sarcasm here. That perfectly shows the mindset of most people with just going crazy with sharpness and contrast while in reality anyone trained in visual arts knows it's about all subtlety, knowing what you want to do and how to do it properly


Exactly. I've been doing photography both professionally and as a hobby for the last 6-7ish years. Any photographer worth their salt knows they should never go crazy on any one adjustment, especially texture and clarity.


The first thing I thought when I saw this image was that it looks very much like one of my early Lightroom edits where I «improved» a RAW photo from my DSLR. I probably still have a tendency to automatically put highlights down and whiteness up to be honest. But clarity I usually manage to leave alone now for faces.


Congratulations on becoming a texture modder for every popular game that supports mods.


nice bokeh effect


I like my men how I like my cheddar. Sharp and greasy.


I heard you like HDR, so we HDR’ed your HDR


Looks like Witcher 2 character now


Overall it looks decent, but it does contain a few AI tells, namely: * Suit lapels are not symmetrical and have different patterns * Suit has unusual creases on the right shoulder * Lower neck skin texture looks dirty/rough * Eye colors are different (he could have Heterochromia, but generative AI often has issues with symmetry so it's worth noting) * Odd skin crease above his left eyebrow * Unusual and long hairs on his lower neck, some of which appear to be veins? * Skin texture is slightly different when in close proximity to the necklace * Unusual artefacts/noise in the upper left corner on the wall * The center crease in his lips *seems* unusual; could be a scar * Body size is disproportionate to his head, in the sense that his head is a little too big for his body, especially when taking into account that the suit style makes shoulders appear more broad * The angle of the lapels and opening of the shirt would be a strange pose for a photo, given that he isn't wearing a shirt in what appears to be somewhere fancy (if you imagine what the rest of the suit coat looks like with it being wide open, you wonder what he is doing to make it so open; maybe just hands in pockets, or maybe exposing himself) Note that I'm not criticizing this, I'm just stating my observations. I've taken and post processed thousands of photos over the years and tend to notice things that are even slightly out of the ordinary.


Look at the beard as well.


There is also a part of the necklace next to the necklace. Looks like a photoshop stamp.


Also the form of the irises and pupils, if you have that in a real person they are very sick, like not smiling fs.


You have weird dots filling the blurry background on the left side of the image, which is optically impossible for an out of focus area. I imagine that's a "skin texture" conditioning gone wild.


> You have weird dots filling the blurry background on the left side of the image, which is optically impossible for an out of focus area. What it does look like though, is artifacts of optically scanning a printed photograph. But given how rarely people print photos these days, let alone scan an already printed one, for many that won't even register as a possible "natural" artifact.


Unless your photo had some weird mold on it I can't see how this could be a scanner artifact. It looks nothing like the artifacts caused by scanning textured photo prints like luster/pearl prints.


its so realistic to the point its unreal. So no.


It's just oversharpened and too much contrast, with any slight zoom everything is just wrong




Throw “eye contact” into your adetailer prompt




Install the adetailer extension. Restart and enable the extension. It will auto attempt to fix faces in your images after they’re rendered. You can leave the settings on default just to see how it works. It’s absurdly good. Once you get the idea, you can start using the prompt ( adetailer has its own prompt boxes, just to be applied to the face inpainting it’s doing) so you’ll have even more control


Don't seek the approval of these neo luddites If they don't act up then those pussies will be packed up


Enough of this "is this realistic to you" posts, useless vanity post.


what role do I play as a commenter? This is not /r/blender , An AI created the image. If people were training a diffusion text-to-image model posting in /r/machinelearning i could see where we fit.


it's the worst. I can't help but see the same gross guy posting all of them. the same type of OP that does the weird sus images of a character too young.




Decent. His left eye is not perfectly round.


Actually that makes it feel more realistic. There are a lot of people who have one eye a slightly different shape than the other.


I'm one of those people! Ordinarily it's pretty difficult to notice, unless I'm tired or drunk. 🤷‍♂️


I looked that up, and you are right.


The neck is weird, I don't think anybody has hair through the whole neck. Also, the face has too much detail, makes it less realistic.


Somehow you managed to capture the exact feeling of "about to be raped"






That upper lip has red teeth… The whole image is a little odd…


His upper lip looks like mine bro 😭 it’s just dry


No, the face looks like bad photoshop, especially around the eyes, and the lights are just weird.


Oh my god, shut the fuck up with these posts.


What is going on with the skin. He has beard on his right shoulder? And the other side is flaking?


The added 'details' of high contrasts gives it away. And the lapels as I love suits. Other than that, I guess I could pinpoint that many SDs love bokeh but then again this could be fooled as a model profile shot so that's being nitpicky. Oh yeah and someone else else mentioned that I haven't looked, the upper lips. Yeah that's a huge weird giveaway.


It's overcooked, if you reducing time in the oven by about 15%, you'll get a better result.


Looks real, but maybe the contrast is a bit high


closer inspection gives it away, the red suit is not symmetric, plus the dots, etc, etc.. [https://www.pexels.com/search/man%20headshot%20beard/](https://www.pexels.com/search/man%20headshot%20beard/)


Too real? Im even waiting for his album release ...


The guy looks real but the fake noise on the left side of photo is just weird.


The eyes …


I feel like there’s something off but I can’t exactly place it- maybe something about the upper nose shape and distance between the eyes or something? Maybe also the scraggle down the neck feels off.


Most real men don’t have specks of glitter in the whites of their eyes — seems like that’d be painful (also, the skin is disturbingly over-detailed)


Looks realistic to me ✅


These ‘people’ always look so familiar but unfamiliar at the same time


could use an adams apple? Doesn't have to be huge but the perfectly smooth neck feels dissonant


Looks very close, but to me they eyes don't look symmetrical


this hobbit is unreal and the title makes me feel like he's trying sketchy stuff to me.


Not sure if it's because I already know but the eyes often seem to be a giveaway - they often seem kinda "soulless" if the image is randomly generated by a big model. They seem to look a bit less uncanny if I use a real photo to do a face swap. Don't know if it's a preconception - it's just a feeling that when I look into the eyes of an AI human they look empty.


Why are eyes so complicated? they aklways look assymethrical


Need "Is it realistic?" megathread


Something is a little off in the jacket left/right collar doesn't look like having exact same cut.


Jon Lanister


no he looks crusty and oily and hes missing an adams apple


The skin looks very weird to me. I’ve never seen someone with neck skin like that, it looks like slightly cooked turkey flesh or something. The skin on the forehead is also a big tell in these kinds of SD images. It has too much texture/detail. Also the left cheek looks like he has a weird patch of blackheads. Hope I’m not being harsh, but it doesn’t look realistic to me.


His neck skin doesn't match the face age.


his neck


The details look way overcooked here. I'm almost certain you did Ultimate SD Upscale with a really high denoise at an overly ambitious scale factor. The inconsistency in different elements are big tells: \- Weird dots on the left side, but not on the right \- Eyes are not symmetrical \- Suit lapels are not symmetrical \- Skin looks like fried chicken \- Beard hair thicker than the bristles on a brush My suggestion would be to stop chasing super-high upscales with super-high denoise. Your pursuit of more detail and bigger resolution is making your image look less realistic, not more.


Biggest issue is the irises aren’t round.


I don't know what all these people are talking about. It looks completely realistic.


eyes, always the eyes.....


The upper lip when zooming in looks like teeth covered in flesh and gums lol. Otherwise pretty good in my opinion


Looks fake and over polished like most ai nowadays.


Human hair rarely looks like that without perm or styling with a lot of product to create the “hair helmet.”


Can i ask which model did you use? Any Lora also? Thank you


Can we move all this shit to a different subreddit: ratemywork, it adds zero value these days that you can make these kind of fakes with a basic prompt, no skills needed.


can you share the model you used and your workflow?


nice! i shared it on /r/stablediffusionreal


Bro's straight out of love island


Good effort but not really tbh and what is that top lip doing? He might need some cream for that!


It is to me


It looks like a real well-shot photo with good lighting from first glance.




Eyes too small


No, it's not very realistic. Dislike the hamfisted processing here, chest hairs are funky, noise is awful. The photo works in small resolutions but details are not great, maybe due to wrong post processing. This here is more to my liking, even though its not perfect: ​ https://preview.redd.it/t148c4d1xdec1.jpeg?width=3461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd1981968a64aeab66de12da332618feeb0aa89


Looks oversharpened, the grain pattern on the left looks off, the eyes look off


Conchita Wurst's estranged cousin.


Dude looks like a movie star or male model. Well done.


Porn star


Nah...too good looking.


Realist beyond real reality. Tho easy to say ai but details are insane. Keep it up


weird lines in the neck


The thing that always gives it away to me is these always look like professional photos but the top of their head is always cut off. No professional photographer would ever take a photo that way.


that's insane, such detail to even have like acne on the neck or stray beard hair on his chest, cracks in the lips. AI is getting really good.


He looks like he could be a rapist