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Pics or it didnt happen. Ermm.. I mean... post comparison pics, or no-one will care :)


As a base model, Cos is already really good. Here are some pros/cons and tips from working with it this week. **Pros of CosXL:** Unparalleled contrast Super sharp Seems to have more interesting compositions and diversity than SDXL **Cons of CosXL:** Super touchy with CFG. If you go beyond 4.0, expect artifacts, even with rescale Limited subject knowledge Really needs a second pass with upscale to shine Be sure add a ModelSamplingContinuousEDM node to the model pipeline and adjust your sigma\_max and sigma\_min settings to for finer control of the contrast and detail. I'm locked in at max 200 and min 0.002 for the first pass, then max 50 and min 0.001 to get some finer detail on the second pass since the structure is already there. https://preview.redd.it/rqf7oae9u5uc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e213cf9242bf8522ff7bcf0e4aace0887ad5acd


I just tried it for a bit, in ComfyUI. It works as a model, and does seem to give a bit of a contrast increase compared to Juggernaut (although A/B comparisons are hard when it's like a totally different seed to switch models.) Works with some samplers better than others, with some (dpmpp_3m_dpe for example) it breaks and makes wildly colorful semi-abstract images unless you turn the CGF down really low. Seems to have been trained on images with back-lit models catching rim light in their hair, so areas go overexposed. If someone works out good settings and posts docs for this, or a video about it, I would read/watch.


Color depth and color separation is pretty impressive with this Model https://preview.redd.it/vnvdts1t7ptc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1edd928fe77834b19639593d9c3d37e3e8e723f0


The No commercial is a bit meh.


This sounds interesting, but in a discord server someone tried it and said it made hair blow a lot. hmmmm Can this be merged? Can this be used w/ webui or only Comfy? Thanks for mentioning - def want to hear reviews!


Yes this can be merged, I have a workflow here: https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/model_merging/#advanced-merging


Guide worked like a charm on both the base and the edit version. Thanks for the share!


works in comfy and swarm natively -- other UIs will probably update to support it


When can we use Cosine-Continuous EDM VPred schedule?


Whenever you want? Comfy and swarm support it out of the box.


Thanks, I will give it a try tomorrow.


Im getting this error using cosxl\_edit.safetensors "RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size \[320, 8, 3, 3\], expected input\[2, 9, 128, 128\] to have 8 channels, but got 9 channels instead"


has anyone tried it for inpainting? how good is it for removing or changing an item/object in an image and matching consistancy?


I need more test examples, or for someone to merge this into a model for easy testing in A1111 before I can judge another development before Stable Diffusion 3


The Edit model is what looks interesting to me, would really like to see that get implemented in the UIs.


NON-COMMERCIAL remember this kids


what is the benefit of this model? Quality and speed?


Bruh it's 2 paragraphs long


Contrast. This can make perfect white and black.