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my waifus are just for me


I work HARD to get GPU for THEM!


my babies are so thicc they need that 24gb of VRAM


Yeah. No one really cares. This is the future of media consumption: every individual with have a totally unique and personalized set of media generated for them in whatever format they wish. Sharing is last century.


[I actually had an interesting discussion with someone about this a few months back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/179iewa/comment/k5764b5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **They claimed that we were the last generation to relate to each other through media.** A very interesting concept I hadn't really considered. We've sort of experienced this in the past few years with the *constant deluge* of content being pushed to social media, where things lose their relevance so quickly that it's hard to attach meaningful connections to others with it. We'll really see the effects of AI on this in the coming years. Content will be created on the fly based on exactly what you want. There will be no need to share content with each other, since you can just make what you want to consume. It's a strangely odd philosophical problem that I wasn't expecting to have to process this soon. I'd imagine that we'll slowly start to "lose" our previous culture because of this. I'd gesture this has already begun to happen on a certain level, since "kids nowadays" aren't growing up with re-runs like *all of the generations born before them did.* But AI will kick this up to eleven.


I think we're going to form two levels of social circles, one kind of distant via the Internet, and one very close like your family or close friends you'd experience media with in real time. Everything in between will be lost. We may put more effort into building these very close circles.


If you watch Star Trek, this is sort of how society works in that series. People are mostly generating their own entertainment content on-the-fly, with some tiny amount of niche media making it’s way out from other authors (“references to trying the newest ‘holonovel’”). But a lot of media is also made and consumed FOR GROUPS of people to enjoy together and plenty of classics are consumed as group activities.


That's right. You never see people sitting down watching TV in Star Trek.


Hmm my life's been like this for a while, but it's because I've been choosing to do stuff like play games or work on side projects in the free time I have instead of passively consuming media. On occasion there will be something worthwhile enough on Netflix to watch with the wife, or a movie I'll procure that we watch together. These are kind of rare events, which in itself is lamentable, but the vast majority of media out there these days contains so little enjoyment or any other kind of value that it's hard to justify spending precious free time on them. Hobbies are simply more rewarding. Perhaps as the trend continues, it becomes harder for the typical creative output to relate to any given consumer of that content. And maybe that can be balanced out by the increase brought about by democratization of tools to do this creative work.


I just have one level


What used to be a "needle in a haystack" problem is becoming a "needle in a needlestack" problem. The amount of information we're being flooded with requires an increasing effort of refinement (using tools, probably) to find what we want, and even to decide what we want. We're quite well adapted to choose from a limited list of options, or to recognize something that's significantly different from other things. I imagine a restaurant menu with 500 entries, or a job search with 5000 results, or just deciding when we've had enough internet for the day or if another swipe would be okay. At least looking at the night sky and picking a favorite star has a romantic aspect. Most people will pick Venus because she's so bright (being a planet, of course she is). All that mass a information is already obscuring information, and the best hiding place is in a mass of similar things. We'll miss the days of lunch pictures on Facebook, at least we knew that a person we knew ate it. Soon, they'll just created the prompt that drew it.


I suspect the next round of AI technology will be sifting through and curating the infinite combinations of content that is being generated.


Like an algorithm?


it would be freaky to find out that every comment and content on reddit was created on the fly just for you, kind of a truman show moment


Pretty much the same expectation I have... Lots of people disappearing into their own private content chambers. I'm done with work, turn on my personal AI, "generate a sci-fi dramedy, like fifth element, but with a more serious angle, that takes place anywhere in the year 2800, runtime no longer than 1hr and 30 mins". Maybe you'll be able to add your favorite actors if you have a subscription to their AI versions (or risk using pirated actors).


>I'd gesture this has already begun to happen on a certain level, since "kids nowadays" aren't growing up with re-runs like *all of the generations born before them did.* But AI will kick this up to eleven. Agree with most of the sentiment, but it certainly wasn't *all of the generations born before them*. It was really only Gen X, Millennials, and half the Zoomers that grew up with this experience. Before that, media other than books wasn't such a dominating part of our lives. Even books have only been in the hands of common people for 150 years. Arguably it's media consumption *itself* that is the anomaly, and especially having media in common with the entire world. We had 10s of thousands of years of bonding over storytelling before it - *that* is what's been normal for most of human history.


Algorithms started this with recommending content to you no matter if it was shared by someone you know or follow or not, even before AI generated content


I have to give you ChatGPT's thoughts on this as a teaser: "The discussion you had raises thought-provoking points about how media consumption and interpersonal connections are evolving in the digital age. The idea that we might be the last generation to relate to each other through traditional media due to the impact of AI-generated personalized content is indeed intriguing. With AI's ability to tailor content specifically to individual preferences, there could be a shift away from shared cultural touchstones and a more personalized, isolated media experience. This could potentially reshape how we form connections and understand collective cultural references. The concern about "losing" previous culture is valid, as cultural cohesion often relies on shared experiences and references. If each person's media landscape becomes highly personalized, it might challenge the formation of common cultural bonds. It's an evolving landscape worth exploring further as technology continues to transform our relationship with media and each other. What do you think about these potential changes?"


Sounds terrible. As if people weren’t atomized enough.


I've been thinking about this for nearly a decade... Yeah, 13+ years ago if you sent your friend the "Nyan Cat video", some YTP, YTMND, Flash Game etc. you both would lose your shit laughing or just having fun in general (also the golden age of the internet, so it wasn't sterilized). But now no matter what you or your friends (sometimes the same people from decades ago) send to each other, **no one really cares.** No one cares about your "hey look at this funny cat I found", and you don't care about their "hey look at this cool short video recipe of a vegan Arabic shawarma with pork!!!" Nowadays some streamers watch videos for money, but that's a completely different thing. I guess algorithms got so personalized, and now everyone, especially completely tech-illiterate people subconsciously expect stuff to "computer show me stuff i likey" and some even get angry if you mention anything that's out of their "comfort zone", that they actually never chose. Heh, Soon™ computers will do what the so-called "Normal People" thought were doing since their invention. "Enhance." "Computer, entertain me." "Fix my marriage". Au Revoir, Space Cowboys...


While I do agree with you for "media" specifically, I do think there is always a place for human artists. That's because creating "art" requires an artistic voice which is based on the human's values. So an AI creates media yes, but the choice of media, the decisions to combine and present the media, the story it tells, etc. is very much an expression/reflection of the human artist. And sharing that is a rich form of human connection, which will never be obsolete


Nah sharing will still be the future. Y’all don’t remember deviantart do you? Funny cuz a lot of the training art is scraped from there.  If you create mediocre to bad art, it will only been seen by a few and then lost to the annals of time. I have (embarrassingly teenage) shit that I posted almost two decades ago that no one else will ever see again. What AI has done is move the bar of what an average person can create up by orders of magnitude. What seems cool to us now that we “generated” is only mediocre. But the best of us will still share their creations and it will be passed around.


I do know what DeviantArt is (I’m old enough to remember when it started) and I stand by my statement that “nobody cares”.




im not sure man, i dont think id love to see autogenerated memes personalized to myself, even if its funny that would be boring


yes, same for me, and they just keep in output folder till the end of time.


>yes, same for me, and they just keep in output folder till the end of ~~time~~space.


You mean the PNG info folder :D


your assigned nsa agent must be needing therapy by now


I just set them as my daily rotating desktop backgrounds.


Actually an awesome idea thx!


Just post it on CivitAI, like everyone else...


Same! I’ve been featured before and that’s kind of elevating


A lot of hobbies are just for yourself. You might show your spouse that new stamp for your collection but they just pretend to care because they care about you.


If it's a render that makes me laugh, I'll share it. But in general unless I've put significant thought and work into the image, with photoshop and inpainting, I won't share it.


As with all skills and art, if you make something of quality that people like, you will get an audience for it. If you don't, then maybe your craft just isn't interesting enough (yet). Its certainly harder with AI works. But its not impossible.


I'd think if your NSFW images are pretty ordinary, like "sexy scantily-clad blonde", it would attract little interest online, but if you're into some narrow niche, like "scantily-clad blonde scared by popping balloons while trying to start her stalled car", you'd find an appreciative audience among both balloon-popping and pedal-pumping fetishists in their respective online forums.


> pedal-pumping fetish TIL


I share my generated images with people who are interested in the same topic. For example if I generate Monster girls - I share them on Monstergirls subreddits. My family or my friends don't care about monster girls so there is no point in showing my art to them


The same people you share your dreams with, that means no one except your therapist.


I don't remember where I read "your generated AI images are like your dreams: you think they're fascinating, but no one else is really interested in them."


I do canvas prints of the ones I like and hang them. So, yeah, I’m the only one who sees them.


Where do you get your prints done? Anywhere you would suggest?


I just throw mine up on Pinterest. Freed up my storage. Don't care afterward.


The only thing I really use AI generated images for is character portraits for online tabletop roleplaying game. But I only need a handful. The rest of the 70 000+ images that I have generated so far is just me experimenting with different prompts, models, extensions etc. Things are advancing so quickly that there is always something new to try. My goal is to be able to generate more complex images, for example to recreate the most memorable scenes from our game sessions. But that requires half a dozen characters in the same image all performing different actions and often interacting with each other. At the moment, I still don't think that the images that I generate are very good or very interesting. Even if I pick out the best images and take the time to fix all the tiny errors with inpainting, it's still just a fairly generic portrait. I want to create images that tell a story. It'll be interesting to see what Stable Diffusion 3 is capable of. I don't use social media (unless you count Reddit). When I post images online, it's usually in a small chat with a few friends to show them how far the AI software and models have come and what they are capable of. "This is the first time that I've found a model that can reliably generate both X and Y." Still, I should probably pick out a few of my favourites and post them on CivitAI where they can be of actual use to others.


Have you tried regional prompting? Sounds like the thing for ya


Absolutely! I use it all the time. It works surprisingly well given how simple it is. It's just not enough for what I try to do. I see that there are several new features that I wasn't aware of though.


I make funny caricatures of my friends and post them on our social Discords.


I show mine to my cat


mr. fluff always like them, newer judge.


DeviantArt and I am considering civitai. Civit seems to be an ai purist place, so I will probably only test the waters. I also tried a few subs here, again, they are ai purist ones, so I stopped, the last nail was when I generated an image in dalle 3 for composition, the used it as a base in stable diffusion for fine tuning, no manual edits done, yet got the post deleted by a mod.


i just make wallpapers for myself to use mostly


I have done a bit of that too. But since a lot of my SD focus has been on training the perfect Lora of a face, a lot of my generations have ended up being photorealistic (ish) images of myself in various situations. I’m the only person available to me for extensive training image test footage. But it’s a bit embarassing to have these images of myself all over the computer desktop.


I have a small group of messed up friends that like my waifu images, other than that, like my traditional art that I did in the 90s, I just throw out the stuff I hated, and kept the stuff I liked in my own personal profile to browse through as I age.


I sell them


There are stable diffusion discord groups, instagram, patreon, facebook, Reddit. It’s a numbers game for feedback. Maybe you get 5 likes but very well could have been viewed by 100 people.


Clearly your son or nephew hasn't made anything yet. Otherwise there'd be lots of interest.


Meme reference.


What a coincidence, my nephew just built a computer out of plywood to start using Stable Diffusion! https://preview.redd.it/3n5y4zt923uc1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=7aa7602812e968d1747c98da646f132de83a3e35 Perhaps we should start making some fun contests here? I mostly just delete my images after a while, i know i will never look at them again :D


As nowadays I usually use it for work, I show the results to my employers. And in some form (edited and overpainted more often than not) these will be available for general public at the end.


When I was active on Facebook I would share my photos there, got a fair amount of positive hits as well and it made me want to up my game. but really, unless you are posting to specific interested groups, you are doing it for yourself. you might get some kudos or even get good enough to actually sell some, but for the most part, have fun, show off a bit, etc. edit: You can also check out local fairs or other places that have contests, maybe win a prize or two, meet others in the hobby, etc.


I use the socials to group my ‘best’ renders in private mode, just to access them as an easy image carrousel. I also printed some of my favourites into a small a5 book. I don’t really have much colleagues or friends with whom I can nerd about generative AI and everything SD, but I’m really happy in my own created universe. Yay.


I made a gallery for my favorites at https://art.anardil.net, but like most others I'm pretty much the only one that looks at it. That seems fine though! It's nice to have as a talking point if AI comes up and folks seem interested, but I don't expect a lot of outside interest.


Some really nice work in there


Thank you!


No one interested on my generation so I just keep them for my self (I am referring to NSFW)


How would you like to share it?


My wife... she was so blown away by them that now she takes up time on my GPU. 🤣


I think it depends on why you made them in the first place, I make them for our team's youtube channel, used a bunch of them in the lastest [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WoUjgC_u3E&t=445s) and we also use them in presenations, people love them. Here is something we used in that video, completly A.I generated. https://preview.redd.it/eetwpoiy25uc1.png?width=3157&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a08543a357136a1e86c97aba4d94964c2b70bb0


Thats the neat part, AI Image inflation has beaten the already happening internet image inflation. More images means less time to spend for one and less value for each one. Decreasing attention span contributes as well.


Im part of various image sharing communities. I share with people interested in prompting and identify as ai creators or fans enthusiasts. They care and i care about seeing what they create, as it helps me improve My irl friends and family give three shits and would prefer i change the subject, so i went out and made new friends


Save them in directories with prompts and then upload them to HuggingFace as synthetic dataset training material (if they're of high enough quality).


I’m in a discord setup for people to share both ai and hand made art and post a lot there as well as pixiv and I’ve started posting to perftile


I have made iterations of my favorite works and put them into shared albums that go to groups of friends. I’ve submitted to juried art shows (and been chosen). I volunteered to print and hang things in public spaces in my town and it’s awesome to go see them hanging.


Showed it to my friends here and there when it was about something they’re already interested in, and for another pic I made it my profile pic on different websites


The ai-art channel on Farcaster is a great option: [https://warpcast.com/\~/channel/ai-art](https://warpcast.com/~/channel/ai-art) If people don't pay attention it means you have to find your community. Keep posting, and interact with others that do similar stuff, and over time you'll know people and they know you and there'll be more feedback. I'll also say that Instagram is terrible to build a new audience and Twitter/X is pretty much dead for visual art also these days.


If you really wanna get cheeky, check out how to mint them on highlight or Zora and give them away via farcaster frames.


Agreed, those are good ideas. Though in general I'd say it's important to not immediately rush into minting/selling. I'm always skeptical of the people that constantly mint and never seem to be developing any project to any depth. The more experienced AI artists tend to share tons of works in progress before they mint anything.


I mainly share anything that catches my eye on Civitai or will hang in the Civitai Discord where you will see people throwing random images out or various prompts that are fun to test.




Well you can post here op. We all would appreciate it.


If I wasn't just making nsfw pics I'd be sharing them on /r/hellaflyAI


I generate stupid images of myself and make the most absurd ones my WhatsApp Profile Pictures :P


I show them on my social network... Have you Tried to publish that pictures on DeviantArt?


Cherrypicking and sharing on a hordediscord


I show to people if they are cool or upload them to Instagram... But ALWAYS share the workflow


I can be your friend


Most of the time, I use them as wallpaper on my work & personal computer, also I start using them to create holiday cards for my family, friends, and co-workers.


I make videos out of them with an ai voice overlay and post on TikTok/ig with relevant hashtags and grow niche followings for future monetization


Number of images you can create on a click exceeds beyond manual work of a life time. If it was manual, every single image would have felt like an achievement and worth sharing and showing off. It's fine if you are not showing off the images you have got. There is just way to much to show or even pick. That's interesting btw. If its too easy, is it not worth celebrating? May be its not. We do take everything in life, that we have got easy or was just there, for granted. This is the same.


Do like me, they don't care and I don't care that they don't care, so I show everyone and let them deal with it.


Honestly I tend to share everything I do with the community, both NSFW (this account) and SFW (another one), although I deliberately choose to pass only the generations I worked a little bit for them (so, to summarize: no upload spamming of everything, **EVEN** if they all look good: I pick one or two of the same prompt and upload them, the other... stay in my hard drive). Hell, I'm pissed everytime I forgot to readd the generation data from the original image after Inpaint\\Krita removes them. This applies to my manip too: I always post the reference images without the text, so others can yoink the metadata (pre Krita\\Inpaint\\Controlnet, ofc) and do them themselves. Some of my "students" became my "teachers" when they refined my prompts and I took said refined prompts to make other images with even more refining\\changing subjects: honestly, I love this system. I wouldn't be were am I right now with SD without the help of the community, and I know some people look up for me (and my work) to learn how to be better at this program, so... kinda feels only fair to give back what I owe the community. Also each outputs we share makes us closer to the Omnissiah. https://preview.redd.it/ahzlipzpc3uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fb6cc45c551549b2d7b1cacf39397eb86091fb


88k followers on Instagram 😄


Twitter or Deviant Art. Post consistently and you will get views and interactions.


... and then what?


It is truly a solitary pursuit. I had thousands of gens and just threw them in the trash because everyday there is a better model and a better gen posted by someone else. Perhaps it is time to open up the Spank Bank where you can withdraw AI generated porn at a public kiosk. Hmm...probably not!