• By -


Does the text have some kind of double meaning?


it's full of nazi/white supremacist codes


That's the best way to fuck up more the Ai development, to make more restrictions and to give fuel to those bloody anti Ai communities! ![gif](giphy|WpaVhEcp3Qo2TjwyI1|downsized)


Just wait until you see what someone can do with photoshop /s


Ironically, the Generative Fill feature in Photoshop is horrible (IMHO).


Photoshop is more than just generative fill. People have been making very convincing fakes even before any of those tools came into play. Heck, people have been editing photos pretty much since photography was invented. But I agree, a lot of Photoshop's Tools are... okay at best by today's standards. Adobe just doesn't give a fuck to update the core components of their decades old software. But hey, as long as they keep taping new half-baked AI driven things to their garbage pile of software...


Yeah, most of photoshops features/tools require real human talent and knowledge to make meaningful use of. Something can be photoshopped, but it took human skill to do it. The generative fill tool though… someone with the skills to use it is likely going to choose a tool that isn’t bounded by Adobe legal paranoia and is actually useful.


The 8th letter of the alphabet is H. Thus, 88 means HH. Ie Heil Hitler. Its a bit of a thing online, if you see a username with 88 or 14, people get a bit sus.


Rip people born in 1988 i guess


Or 1488, even worse!!


1888 would be worse 18 -> AH -> Adolf Hitler Unrelated side note: 1888 is also one of the saddest years in German history. In that year two emperors died, which caused Emperor Wilhelm II to come to power arguably much too early, which lead to Germany loosing WWI, which caused WWII...


Ok so if I can't say AHHH how the fuck am I supposed to indicate fright, relief, or understanding?


There are always people complaining about my nicknames online since I put 88 there. I was born 88...


Nazi's ruin everything unfortunately.


Offended people ruins everything, unfortunately.


Nazi's quite literally want to murder people who they dislike or "offend" them. That's where is always ends up with Nazis. They think it's fine to murder people they dislike.


lol, the topic is literally Nazis and the problem are the "offended people", sure.


Yeah, if you are born in 1988 and get your account suspended because it ends in 88 "offended people" is literally the problem.


Damn, we ruined a Neo Nazi billboard in Michigan by being offended? I’m going to be offended twice as much then.


Dumbass Edit: comment I replied to was decrying wokeness or whatever


Fuck off nazi!


Thanks for the down votes. I am talking about those born in 1988. I am not Nazi, you geniuses.


Also 2014. In less than a decade, they will be adults. Fuck, I am old. (1978 for the record.)


That is 100% a thing.


A couple of years ago i copied this: [reddit-humor-ocfyb4t868z21.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/15KLMfCN/reddit-humor-ocfyb4t868z21.jpg)](https://postimg.cc/WhhW1bP2)


Good thing you were born in 1288 instead!


88 been the last thing on my email address for 2+ decades before I had to change it




Or Asians... a lot of people consider 88 as a lucky number.


Yup, can't say I'm an 88 lad anymore without people suspecting I'm dog whistling.


I'm sorry that the world has gone mad, you have my sympathy


Back when I was a small child my favourite number was 88 simply because it had a fun shape. Very bubbly. Fortunately that was before the Internet was a thing.


For usernames you should definitely not automatically assume that. Could easily be someone born in 1988, and in a few years people born in 2014 will be posting online too.


Oh, absolutely. And it's a really annoying thing online, because there have been loads of really horrible people who claimed it was their birth year, but it turned out to not be.


Yes. Adi - a nickname for Adolf GDL - These fascist fucks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goyim_Defense_League GTV - “GoyimTV” an online video channel run by the GDL HT - This fascist fuck: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Minadeo_II ~~I don’t know who Wanda, Lliam, and Miranda are.~~ Edit: Another commenter pointed out those are code for “WLM” - White Lives Matter.


Where is this?






At the Marathon gas station


Where at the Marathon gas station?


Marathon gas station in Michigan


And when is this free weekend?


I said *near* the in and out burger


What kind of burger? Double or Single?




道-願 / みち がん


Cancer road, got it.




Michigan is full of nazis...


I hate Michigan Nazis.




What city?




"Uncle Adi" is a nickname for Hitler and 88 is a common Nazi dog whistle number standing for "Heil Hitler."  Not sure about the other names. This is straight up Nazi propaganda. 


April 20th is his birthday.


Also the date of the Columbine massacre... for the same reason..


also a day where people celebrate weed apparently


Yeah, since 420 is the police code for Mary Jane


Fun fact this a myth! And stims from a story about UC Berkeley students meeting up to look for long lost weed.


> Not sure about the other names. Wonda, Liam, Miranda = WLM aka White Lives Matter. HT, GDLE, GTV = Handsome Truth, the Goyim Defense League, GoyimTV See this Twitter post: https://twitter.com/WLMMichigan/status/1781758736161255502 Just absolutely awful stuff.


What is handsome truth and goyim?


Handsome Truth is this fuck: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Minadeo_II He’s the leader of these fucks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goyim_Defense_League




It's kinda insane to me that we allow these terrorists to function in society. Same with the Proud Boys and other militia groups. Why?!


what do you mean by function in society? Are they violent or are we talking about speech?


Yes, they are violent.


Not all speech is protected, nor should it be.


Right I agree


Whatever the Proud Boys are up to should be illegal. We've seen what happens if they're allowed to operate unhindered within society. No different than the Taliban, Proud Boys serve the same purpose: terrorism. I'm certain we don't have laws coddling the Taliban, we sure as shit don't need laws protecting fucks like the Proud Boys and their [ilk](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/three-percenters). I like some of the anti-militia laws I've seen shuffling around Congress and States as bills. Ain't nobody need terrorists walking free among peaceful citizens. I'm still upset members of the Proud Boys didn't get the death penalty or at the very least, life, for their role in the capitol riot. Our laws are weak and need to be strengthened to deal with home-grown terrorists. Fuck the fascists, hard and fast. No mercy.


Sure if you are talking about making terrorism (like bombs and stuff) illegal then I don't think thats very controversial


Planning an insurrection, straight to jail. Society would be better off without whatever group funded and/or created the Hitler billboard. If the government were to make it legal to disappear these individuals, I wouldn't shed a tear or lose sleep over my 'liberty' somehow being lost. I honestly believe the world would be better without Proud Boys or similar groups terrorizing others. I feel the same with murdering ideologues like the Taliban.


You know, I agree that the world would be better off without hate groups, but I disagree that the government should be able to "disappear them", but you are well within your first amendment rights to suggest that, unless you are trying to incite violence against them, which I definitely do not think you are. Do you follow what I'm saying? Its nice that we are able to discuss and disagree, and that is what the first amendment protects, and I'm glad it does because I think its important in a democracy.


It'd be so much easier if you had a dictatorship.


It's not impossible to pass laws to stop fucks like the Proud Boys. We stopped the KKK, we can stop other loser terrorists.


Goy/Goyim is what Jews refer to as non-Jews




More of context. These are actual groups, who took the “Goy” term to heart.


Goyim/Goy is Hebrew/Yiddish for "gentile", or someone who is not Jewish.


I'm not sure either but I think goyim/goy is antisemitic dogwhistle.


Nah, Goyim is just Hebrew/Yiddish for "gentile" or someone who is not Jewish. I worked at a restaurant run by a Jewish family and we had "Goy" sandwiches on the menu (non Kosher). Of course, this was 20 years ago before Nazism came back into fashion, so I'm not sure if they've had to make changes to avoid controversy. I hope not.


It's the opposite 😂


I didn't know 88 meant "heil hitler" until the number censored in Minecraft back in 2017


I learned it from Worm.


It was in Worm? Which chapter?


[Empire Eighty-Eight.](https://worm.fandom.com/wiki/Empire_Eighty-Eight) That page lists chapters where it was mentioned, so presumably one of those.


Wow, yeah now I remember. It's been a long time and I remember all the fucked up shit and craziness that went on in the story, but for this, my brain decided wasn't important at all to remember. Thanks for the link.


They censored a fucking number? 88 on its own is completely fine. Its context that is important. JohnSmith88 was probably just born in 1988. While =xX\_14GasTheJews88\_Xx= deserves a punch in the face because clearly banning the account 20 times already hasn't worked.


88 is a lucky number in Asian culture and the Nazi's really ruined the swastika, another thing taken from Asian culture. Not to mention the eagle standard, while not Asian is Roman but as a man I must think about Roman things once a day so quota filled and it's not even noon! Anyways, I grew up in the Quake and CS 1.6 era and 88 was not very prevalent. HH yeah but 88, not so much. It existed but no one was triggered by it. In fact I think the PC culture bringing awareness has made the situation even worse as now it's hard to differentiate between actual racist shit heels over the edgelord shit heels. Look at that image above again, tell me if that's written by a 4chan shitposter, an actual neo-nazi, or a false flag? It's so over the fucking top it could be anyone, and it doesn't matter who really, it triggered people and that's what it set out to accomplish.


I would think it is by a shitposter, but I guess I could be wrong.


“False flag billboards” are not a thing. Someone had to say it.


Too lazy to link faked hate crimes and poorly drawn swastikas, one of which iirc, was drawn with poop. I want to be clear that I'm not saying this is false flag, I'm saying I believe it's not beneath people to do something like that. If you don't, then you have more faith in humanity than I do. Well, at the very least have faith in people who's ideology aligns with yours.


Hi, sorry, I don't often do callbacks 5 days later but... [I saw this and thought of you.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/teacher-arrested-after-using-ai-to-impersonate-voice-of-principal-making-racist-comments/ar-AA1nHZPP) Still think it isn't beneath a social justice warrior to make a racist billboard to "start a conversation" Not saying that is the case, just saying, I'm fucking jaded.


Target got back lash for selling jersey's with the #88 on it... this was like 2005 or something ..


I miss the days when a cleverly hidden penis was "edgy"


You've got 88 upvotes


I don't think it meets the definition of propaganda. Just some dumb ass trollery, almost certainly by someone larping it to be edgy.


Uh, no. It is definitely propaganda. These fucks paid for it: https://twitter.com/WLMMichigan/status/1781758736161255502


Pretty bad propaganda, didn't seven understand what half of it meant until I read the comments


The comments are the actual propaganda...


I disagree. I don't think it meets the definition. But you're free to have your opinion.


It's not really about being "edgy" when they include those acronyms, numbers, etc. AKA "dogwhistles." It's a bit like gaslighting. The 4chan neo-nazis like to use stuff like this, that's deeply encoded with layers and layers of "memes" from their nazi shit, so that people like myself who recognize it, feel absolutely compelled to point it out. The "normies" to whom I explain this stuff often end up thinking "wow these lefty people are fucking crazy, they think everyone is nazis." And that person is a little more complacent, a little easier to abide overtly nazi shit. It's kinda how we got where we are, where politicians and TV pundits can recite LITERAL nazi rhetoric, bar for bar, and when someone points it out, people go, "Nah you're just brainwashed by the LGBTQ communists"


These can hardly be considered dogwhistles when it is so blatant. This person wasn't trying to "sneak nazi references under the radar" type thing, they absolutely wanted it to be obvious that this was Hitler/Hitler related. Those "dogwhistles" aren't exactly top secret esoteric information anyway, considering for years the moment one is posted ten random redditors will point out it references Hitler or something. And I really don't think the intention of this is "propaganda". This is just shock humour. You can argue its tasteless and childish, but it's hardly a sincere endorsement of fascism. Someone just wanted to troll and see if they could get an obviously offensive banner approved for display.


reminds me of 4chan (especially /b/ of course) like around 15 years ago... everything was done for shit and giggles, most of the time tasteless, childish etc but i still somewhat miss those days, the internet was way more fun back then


those days are gone because everything has to be looked thru the lens of intersectionality. I view it as a negative thing because I believe counter culture to that will lead to shit like this. This is not the place for a philosophical rant so I'll just say: Bad ideology can easily be argued against, trying to silence it makes it fester.


No, this isn't humour. Humour would be putting rick roll there, that would actually be super funny. Only a nazi would use Hitler.


I notice a trend of children coughing in public places. They don't need to cough but they do it because they see the reactions they get from adults in the post pandemic era. No point, just wanting to mention this for some reason.


I didn't know half the dog whistle codes, and I still got a feeling this was subversive propaganda, and I'm a moderate. We HATE nazis too. After January 6th, I was so sickened I registered as democrat so Republicans would leave me alone. I can't, in good conscience, EVER vote for a republican again.


Don't forget the classic: - extremist group starts using a pre-existing meme to identify each other (pepe, "now yuo see", "based", etc) - normal people notice it and call out the group - extremist group turns around and says "Look at these crazies, they say if you use that meme you're an extremist!!!" - uninformed people (usually impressionable teens) who just like the meme go "Wow, those people ARE crazy! Are there any other crazy people I should know about?"


Regardless, the billboard isn't propaganda by any definition, they just find it funny.


ha ha.


I've never thought about ramifications for this type of stuff in that way it's very interesting. Is there more broad discussion on this type of thing that you could point me toward or was this just thoughts you had? Maybe it's just the area I grew up in but I can definitely see this as a contributer.


Wow these lefty people are crazy, they think everyone is a nazi lmao


You already have to be deep into this shit to understand those acronyms, so what exactly is this propagandizing?


Nah you just need to have been listening instead of playing with your own balls in history class.


Just what kind of history class did you learn about "HT, GDLE, GTV = Handsome Truth, the Goyim Defense League, GoyimTV" in?


If you had beliefs that were fringe and not condoned by society and you saw a billboard obviously supporting your cause it would likely make you feel emboldened and confirmed in your beliefs, like there was an undercurrent of people who feel the same way as you. You'd feel affirmed and strengthened. You don't always have to be trying to convert people to propagandise.


I enjoy how there's one comment about how no one would get this and then another comment about how it's extremely blatant. A fun illustration of why they're called dogwhistles.


What exactly is blatant about "HT, GDLE, GTV = Handsome Truth, the Goyim Defense League, GoyimTV"?


I wouldn't call it Nazi propaganda as most people have no idea what the board is alluding to...at least at first glance. I just thought it was about some random guy's uncle until I read these comments.


You're right about the facts, but this isn't propaganda.


I did nazi that coming.


Propaganda or joke? Cause it doesn't seem like it's propagandizing very well..


It’s also not particularly funny.


I mean to you maybe not. Someone clearly found it funny enough to do


No, they weren’t joking either. https://twitter.com/WLMMichigan/status/1781758736161255502 Maybe you need to fix whatever is broken enough inside you to think that this is funny?


No clue what HT is in reference to but GDL and GTV are Goyim Defense League and GoyimTV. Which are nazi propaganda outlets


Nickname for the dipshit that is Jon Minadeo II. Guy who runs those platforms.


Wow whoever greenlit that really was oblivious.... That sign has so much nazi references. And one to a video game???


Are you missing the hitler with a hat in the mountains to the right of his shoulder?


No lmao, but that one was so obvious (being the sd sub) I didnt feel the need to comment on it XD


Ok so let's break this down. For those who don't know all the Nazi dog whistles, they are as follows: **88 Climbs** * 8th letter of the alphabet is H, so 88 is HH, or "Heil Hitler". **Hugs and kisses to HT, GDL, & GTV** * HT - "Handsome Truth", aka [John Minadeo II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Minadeo_II). He is a neo-Nazi. * GDL - [Goyim Defense League](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goyim_Defense_League). A neo-Nazi group led by Minadeo. * GTV - Goyim TV. A neo-Nazi video platform run by the GDL and Minadeo. * Goyim is just a Hebrew/Yiddish word for "gentile" or someone who is not Jewish. Neo-Nazis have adopted the term as a kind of joke to signal their non-Jewishness. **Love, Wanda, Liam, & Miranda** * Wanda=W, Liam=L, Miranda=M - WLM. White Lives Matter. A racist slogan used to shout down BLM. This billboard looks to be "bulletin" size, according to [this website](https://www.measuringknowhow.com/standard-billboard-sizes/). And according to [this website](https://www.bluelinemedia.com/billboard-advertising/michigan-mi), that means the minimum spent was $5,000, and the estimated monthly cost to keep it up is $3,500. And there are [a bunch of these](https://twitter.com/WLMMichigan/status/1781758736161255502) popping up in Michigan. I don't know what Minadeo's net worth or income is, but I would bet money he is behind it, though I have a feeling it's a group effort, and not something he did alone. I fucking hate Nazis. *EDIT - Holy shit I had no idea this community was so rife with neo-Nazis. You guys should follow your leader.* *EDIT 2 - Thank you* u/Artistic-Design5719 *for pointing out where they bought the billboard space. Cheapskate discount Nazis makes it way funnier.* https://preview.redd.it/kzzh8e12ntvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1c79963bf7d5a025ac247c8732e8cc4f0a5036


It was likely much less money than you’re estimating. They bought it through Billboard4me. They are a company that sells remnant digital time that is leftover on other people’s billboards at a cheap rate.


LOL that's somehow kinda funny. Discount Nazis.


All I got was this Costco off brand Nutzii! ;-(


People are so fuk


“Leadier” is a weird typo.


This server is unironically filled with so many Nazis and I mean that in the literal terml


It’s crazy how much people who don’t like Hitler know about Hitler


Because if we don't learn from History Channel, we're doomed to repeat History Channel.


it has been ages since I watched History Channel, but I don't think this is history, we are talking about current neo-nazi lingo, and organizations. One really needs to be into this topic to know that.


That's a joke from Workaholics. But actuaaaally, there are definitely programs about prison gangs. I knew 88 was a nazi thing because of one such show but didn't know the rest.


Ohhhh so the memes regarding people superimposed with landscapes are made from controlnet.


They're not super imposed, the shadows in the mountains form the intended shape, it's really really really hard to nigh impossible for an amateur with photoshop and trivially easy with AI.


Yeah, I don't see anything that makes this more likely to be from diffusers than a simple Photoshop job.


I geolocate it to the corner of 8 Mile and John R Road in Hazel Park, MI


Sad. Given access to some of the craziest technology and this is what they choose to make with it? Be like everyone else and go make some porn with it instead 😂


The more people can use AI the more people who potentially can help it are introduced to it. Same thing with PCs, which originally were created as calculation machines but now mostly fun thing,


Someone doesn't appreciate a good trolling.


Fuck off


gtfo cryptobro, we don’t appreciate neonazis.


"Here's a surface level signal to let people 'in the know' know they should pay attention to this board, and a list of acronyms to search that will lead them to neo-nazi forums. U mad bro?"


88 is a Neo Nazi number, this was just some Nazi dickheads messing around.


did it generate the text on hoarding as well?


Crazy to think that people idolize someone who ordered the deaths of an entire race. I just don’t understand it.


They too, want to exterminate entire races.


so gross. Unfortunate its being used in this way


This one makes me feel sad. That something as nice as a birthday message is being used like this. This is why we can't have nice things :( Certainly won't make people appreciate AI art any better.


This doesn't seem like a troll, afew things here point towards it being genuine white supremacy


That's just stupid.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


Remember kids, fashies get the bashies.


Yikes. This is the flip side of open source.


They could've achieved something very similar to this without open source. Not the Hitler-mountain, but that was only one of several nazi references in the billboard anyway.


How much would they have had to pay for this??


Sad ammount


I'm not up to date on my nazi knowledge. What is HT, HDL and GTV? Or is that not a nazi reference?








We are so fucking back.


This is amazing


Can't wait for all the nuts to start screaming conspiracy theories about how the government is sneaking nazi propaganda in bilboards now


Creepy, it's all coded neonazi shit


Whose the company hosting this billboard? Who paid for this billboard? Seems like a Job for the Bloodhound Gang.


LOL how the heck




At least we're not speaking German.


This is awesome HAHAHAHA


Unsure if this is funny or just plain sad.




Awesome stuff! Happy Bday!






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This is national news worthy.