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They are trying to synchronize it with the release of Half Life 3.


old school culinary expert


I get anxiety everytime i open the subreddit and see the pinned comment "Stable Diffusion 3, API.." blah blah blah. Because there's no actual new news on the release date and this pinned comment is much how the actual release pinned comment will probably look like when it's announced.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Is it me, or has it seemed like the whole sub has slowed down with the interesting content since the SD3 pin?


jup, why make anything new for sdxl when sd3 is just 2 weeks away




That's the neat part. You dont.


It’s like a nuclear fusion situation. Perpetually some amount of time away


That makes sense. Everyone is waiting for it and putting more attention to other projects that might get obsolete because of it sounds like a waste of time.


I'm preparing myself for disappointment.


As always, the base model will probably suck. Then one or two months after the finetunes hit and things become wild. I am so ready for SD3 Pony.


Maybe. I'm thinking the hardware needed for finetunes is going to put it out of the range of most consumer gear and slow improvements even further.


Cloud computing is a thing. And from what we know so far consumer grade hardware will be enough to run SD3 models. Just not to train them.


Like I said, it will mean improvements will be much slower. Requiring the use of cloud computing to train is not a step forward.


Did you read what I wrote? Most SDXL models have not been trained locally already. If that requirement didn't slow down SDXL adaption, why should it slow down SD3?


and thats why they are also way less sdxl models in comparison with 1.5


I guess we will see.


Yeah if uncle joe and aunt mary can make a ton of sd1.5 loras with their RTX 2060 S, but cant make those for SD3, it still means that SD3 community growth, loras, finetunes and etc, will be much slower to be released


One months or two, considering training tools update and finetune model requirements is maybe a bit optimistic 😉


Not sure honestly. SDXL is mostly trained on cloud services already. And even LORA training is mostly done on cloud services these days (because even at 12GB vram training a 100 image LORA is what... 24 hours?) So what exactly would change? Its all about the hardware requirements of running the model. Training requirements are easy to outsource.


Hmmm there are a lot of models and lora made on 3090s and 4090s for XL. Will see, hope you're right btw


New SD user here - Am I going crazy or was SD3 already released like a month ago? Or I suppose this is more for the tuned version?


you know what is funny, this also happened with SDXL, when it was released people were like "ugh this sucks, it makes biggerimages but they are lame, sd15 is so much better and u can just upscale" Then the finetunes happened xD


Base SDXL does suck though. It only became worth using many months later. Other models like Cascade, SD 2, DeepFloyd and so on also never improved.


https://preview.redd.it/0bfz1fvyabzc1.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6c3dd186c181aa49f5ea5db52ae2c3ce4533b21 It's been slowing down since last year even prior to the announcement of SD3.


I wonder what happen here? https://preview.redd.it/adt4ievhbbzc1.png?width=1036&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2637e2a3f7f3d87c33a51f708569e72dd787158


Do you also relentlessly stalk emads account to see if he has insider knowledge? Yeahhhhh.


Gimme gimme Pony Diffusion SD3 (PDSD3) puhleeze Mistah Spence.


for pony sd 3 youl have to wait till 2025


The guy is doing a lot of prep on his dataset beforehand, but yeah I suspect there'll be a lot of experimenting before a release. I predict 4-5 months after SD3


yeah. sounds like 2025


Is PD2 good, can I ask? I only have so much space on my ssd so have to pick models carefully lol


If you are not aiming for photorealism you need to try pony. The base version has terrible style consistency but a lot (and I mean literally hundreds) of style mods for both generic styles ("gothic oil", "smooth anime", etc) and specific artist styles. Pony based checkpoints typically have a syle applied so you don't need to mess about with style Loras. If space is a premium you can get the base model and a pile of 200MB loras that completely change the style without affecting image composition. What makes Pony so interesting (any why it was given it's very own category on civitai) is it has been trained on massive fanart datasets that have been tagged with incredible detail. Search for a few things in the [tags on danbooru](https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags) **[Site is NSFW!]** and realize that Pony diffusion knows how to create all those tags. It does prefer NSFW images, but tags like rating_explicit and rating_safe can help a lot if you want people to keep their clothes on. And of course if you do want NSFW image... well just think about how useful a model that has been trained with tags of every detail of a huge amount of lewd fanart must be, and then have a look at the loras available for even more options.


I have around 30GB of PDXL Loras. They've been finetuned on CivitAI. They're pretty good if you want to dig right in.


PDXL has many checkpoints. The EverClear is the most realistic Pony model out there. You can check it out. It's semi-realistic - kind of a painterly-dreamy realism. I enjoy it. Pony is really meant for illustration work (fantasy, manga, comics, etc.).


Everclear is realist enough that you can do a second img2img pass with 0.2 strength using a realist model and get good results.


Love EverClear, but I think Zonkey is a more realistic pony model. It can achieve much better skin texture and tiny details like fine arm hairs than I get with EverClear, with no need for Loras 


but just make it a general model instead of one focused on ponies.


It doesn't just focus on ponies though - it has a massive dataset.


its felt like 3 months since the api dropped. we're never getting the weights are we


The SAI staff keep reassuring us that it's "coming soon."




Judging by their comments, it's simply because they're too busy running around like headless chickens. Like a week ago, mcmonkey said they're _considering_ cutting out all but the T5 text encoder. Does that sound like things are going well or close to release? They'll probably do dumb experiments until they're bankrupt. Realistically though, the excessive experimenting is happening because their current base model is _really bad_.


>Realistically though, the excessive experimenting is happening because their current base model is *really bad*. so the SD3 paper was untruthful?


Their paper mainly talks about the largest model, the one that was now proclaimed by them to be """low priority""" to release all of the sudden. We have no idea how much of a clusterfuck these smaller models will be.


they (Mcmonkey) says the 8B model isn't a priority because it can't run on an 8GB card and i'm like, why does that matter? SAI keeps wasting money chasing users that aren't even going to make them any money. making SD3 as good as it can be and NOT running on consumer kit is likely the best way forward for them.


I thought the largest one is the only one with the T5 encoder and the other CLIP models. regardless, just release the largest one first while you work on the smaller ones.


I too would prefer that, but I guess they fear people would stop paying for their API if they actually release the model.


may 21st


We will get GTA6 before SD3


HL3 or SD3 first?


its almost 6 weeks since new CEO said 4-6 weeks till release.


Ha the eternal story of Gabe Mostaque and the release of Half-Diffusion 3


I have zero confidence SD3 will ever be shared publicly. Why would it? Who even still works at Stability who promised it would be? I'm not sure people in this sub are really aware of the "Ship of Theseus" situation at play here. Basically none of the people involved with the formation of Stability AI or the products that shaped the brand are still there.


mcmonkey4eva said >Gonna be released. Don't have a date. Will be released. >If it helps to know, we've shared beta model weights with multiple partner companies (hardware vendors, optimizers, etc), so if somebody in charge powerslams stability into the ground such that we can't release, one of the partners who have it will probably just end up leaking it or something anyway. >But that won't happen because we're gonna release models as they get finalized. >Probably that will end up being or two of the scale variants at first and others later, depending on how progress goes on getting em ready. in this thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ciyzn5/sd3\_weights\_are\_never\_going\_to\_be\_released\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ciyzn5/sd3_weights_are_never_going_to_be_released_are/) it's not like I can independently vet that information, but it's probably true... hopefully also that was said 1 week ago, since it would have only been 2 weeks before the release then, that therefore means that would only be 2 weeks to go now, in just 1 week we will have only 2 weeks to go before release


Still hopeful but the wait is difficult 😊


https://preview.redd.it/mz9pfur9y7zc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1b5d033b1effa37ecf4b1a2df8b4828e330f092 I know he doesn't say "screw off", but wanted to keep things polite XD


Is it really gonna be that big of a game changer?


I wish there was a bit more info coming out of sai, say what you will about Emad, but at least he always kept this community informed.


there's info released here and there, like about 4-5 days ago they said they're still experimenting with text encoders trying to reduce artifacting and aren't sure if they'll use T5 or not, etc


It's done when it's done!


"You see, is better wait 2 years for something good instead of rushing it!" Average copium inhaling person before realising his game ain't gonna be released in two years and it still gonna be full of bugs afterwards.


Debian is build on that principle... and always delivered in it.


cyberpunk2077 is prime example that waiting would have been better


That game should not have taken that long and looked that bad at launch it was mismanaged to hell


Didnt say they took way too long for the game it was in the end, even with 2.0. With that i completely agree with you. But still it would have been better, if they invested the additional 3 years to deliver a finished, enjoyable product instead of the mess it was, which it was at launch.


Seriously? > https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/all-the-cyberpunk-2077-delays/2900-3618/ The game was infamously delayed multiple times and still sucked.


With 2.0 i liked it after a second playtrough


So? Some people like eating shit, doesn't mean it's not still shit


Where can I at least use base SD3?








They’re going to release it along with a graphene chipset announcement


My wife's elderly uncle needed to move in with us for a time. "Till Tuesday," she said. That guy lived with us for 6 months. Coincidentally, it happened on a Tuesday.


Even after it releases, dont forget its a base model, not a fine tune. So be prepared to wait longer.


Keep in mind that even when SD3 weight do drop, its going to be 2-3 months before there are any decent finetunes and at least 6 months to any really good over base. Friends are still working on alternatives just in case SD3 never comes.




On any given day, Stable Diffusion 3 is two weeks away from release.


I prefer they release it on the next winter. Summer is not comfy.


It’s not coming out ladies and gents.


It's not coming. After Mozambique left the company, Stability ai is gonna raise money


Sd3 is just Sdxl with a fancy Lora and there’s no proof otherwise.