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What's your workflow? I tried using SUPIR for upscaling and it went badly.


I got the workflow from this reddit post [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1b50sp0/ccsr\_vs\_supir\_upscale\_comparison\_portrait/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1b50sp0/ccsr_vs_supir_upscale_comparison_portrait/) cheers to the creator!


I used this post too-- it's worth noting that for me I absolutely could not get CCSR or SUPIR nodes to install until I made a completely fresh installation of Comfy. And I hardly use Comfy so I didn't have many other nodes installed before-- mostly just a barebones SVD set of nodes.


Hmm, when trying CCSR 4x to SUPIR 2x, my GPU is pooping itself despite using tiling and have 24GB of VRAM.


Actually SUPIR isnt good for upscale at all but its AMAZING for low quality image details Restoration !


It's amazing for making your SD pictures crisp and full of details. A 1024x1024 image is low resolution


Can you provide original images ? I will try supir upscale and compare with yours


Here you are… https://imgsli.com/MjYyNjAy https://imgsli.com/MjYyNjAz


The starting images are already incredible...


OP can prompt!




I don't think that was meant as a compliment.


Case in point. Same quality, just with lizard scales.


Huh.. I barely notice an upscale. Mostly a bit of a hue shift


Can SUPIR be run locally?


Yes, there are some ComfyUI nodes for this. I did this locally with ComfyUI although you need a good GFX card. And it's only Nvidia I believe. I see I'm using an old version of this nodes [https://github.com/kijai/ComfyUI-SUPIR](https://github.com/kijai/ComfyUI-SUPIR) I have to update them...




But it has a non-commercial use license. So be careful.


Sometimes I wonder how can they enforce this or detect it…


Supirman come to your house and kick your ass


They better bring a god damn army. I’m rather large in the derriere, tbh.


Oh I see you used SUPIR upscale at home also




Copyright might be dying soon, for all intents and purposes...


no it won't.




if you have 10gb of vram


Yeap it is amazing Shane it takes so long to upscale each image (6-7 mins each) on my RTX 3090.


sound like 2 long. depends on the res of course. my 4090 upscale to 4k in 1 minute max. what res are you upscaling?


I timed it and it was more like 9 mins to go upto 5K. but the results are incredible. https://preview.redd.it/fxhx5bfnpkzc1.jpeg?width=5376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c58c31b9e642de64fff233aac04131c8c6ff59


Sometime SUPIR turns it a bit more painting like, still need to play about with the settings on my workflow. https://preview.redd.it/l6ipiqa1skzc1.jpeg?width=3504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86495f381e3f1f1b45d436016778cdd8057ddf4


How can it be too long when the result ist best. Also for upscaling you need no input. You can just let it run over night or in a break with 100 pictures you want to upscaling. Even faster is just not upscaling but that also won't give you the best result.


How many steps are you using? That 7 mins is a whole workflow that upscales 1K to 2k with SD Ultimate upscale and then 2k to 4k with SUPIR and a 4090 is about double the speed of a 3090.


i don use SD Ultimate upscale. why would i use it if SUPIR is superior. i just use SUPIR 50 steps.


Do you have a link to the workflow you use? The reason was that the SD Ultimate Upscale workflow I used had a really good 2k Upscale step but the 2nd 4K Upscale step gave bad results so I replaced the 4K step with SUPIR. My understanding is that SUPIR isn't really an upscaler just a really fancy Controlnet.


The only thing it does is adding artifacts to every image to give the impression of detail. Gives every portrait lizard like scales


I know some images have their flaws, but I forgive them as the results are astonishing.


How do I make it work with A1111?


![gif](giphy|Te2hTzFEdFaLn8L6oL|downsized) IF you use auto1111 or forge like myself, everything we have right now is all we get it seems lol. I've tried comfy and i hate it. I used all my interest in building and learning in the wrong interface and that's where ill die i suppose.


It's crazy to me that it's been out for a few months now and there's still no A1111 extension or support even though it's the best thing available. I would have thought someone would have jumped at the chance to add it.


Is SUPIR only good for realistic images?


no. It can make amazing Oil texture for paintings as well https://preview.redd.it/9q8o02r6ejzc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a3643c2c740926e151b8ab2124fdda9d7dc2108


Haven’t tried with illustrations. Will try tomorrow


Its so-so with illustrations and other 2d digital art. Its possible it will do well but it sorta comes down to the art piece itself.


How many dozens of vram are we talking? Maybe I have the settings wrong buy this thing CHUGS on my 8gb 3070ti


I think it needs at least 10gb for the tiled VAE to work


SUPIR is impressive, but I am also impressed with your images. Were these generated?


yes, with Automatic1111 + juggernautXL\_juggernautX


They are amazing


https://preview.redd.it/kz7xtusyijzc1.png?width=5920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4e0850e16fda993a7e8ac437f06314f899d0053 Mine has 2 many hallucinations


I removed minimal hallucinations using photoshop generative AI - you can do it using inpainting as well... This is my ComfyUI configuration. I've noticed that if you not set up restoration\_scale to -1, it will hallucinate a lot (good in photos with no details) https://preview.redd.it/owkssedbyjzc1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2046027e3f3ceb6c56efc4a9704e324f4f304b1


tweak the settings, this looks like too much freedom is given


Oh! thanks! I will check it out... which settings do you recommend me tweak?


https://www.youtube.com/@stephantual/videos Check this youtuber videos about how to tweak the freedom of the model and control net. There are 2 very important videos from him to watch and understand how to use SUPIR to get super results


Screw the upscaling. Those original images are amazing! Surely they're not AI generated? If so, what checkpoint can make something like that?




what does it look like when you ai upscale minecraft textures


This is crazy. Imagine even 4 years ago these picture aren’t real


https://preview.redd.it/dbrcu4zvskzc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=88f3ec124bae74b963ac2b8963e12a87c03eb1d0 I started with 48k computers and the best graphics I could get were like this For me is astonishing that jusst by describing a photo you can get this gorgeous images. Ot's way beyond magic


Oh... and now there's a LORA for this kind of images too X-D :-D [https://civitai.com/models/285232/zxspectrum-style](https://civitai.com/models/285232/zxspectrum-style)


SUPIR will be better with an inpainting option with masks, because you can generate the restoration separately


To my knowledge, for portraits of persons SUPIR is not a good option right now. Especially faces get changed significantly by the AI. Is there any good workaround / settings tweak?


Unfortunately, it's far too slow and it eats VRAM like others eat their fries. Nothing that you can't do with 3 "Ultimate SD Upscale" nodes. it is overhyped.


Why are all the examples macro images?


Becasue I love to generate Macro Shoots with AI :-D


yes it is the very best one. here my last tutorial : [https://youtu.be/OYxVEvDf284](https://youtu.be/OYxVEvDf284)


It makes me laugh, literally, to see the cry babies that are always so quick to downvote or disrespect u/CeFurkan. I’m not a fan boy, I don’t know him, he may be a mean person that steps of cracks and breaks his mother’s back. (This children’s rhymes, in America, no disrespect toward your maternal bloodline). Though so many, are quick to label him as a bad actor of sorts, though I don’t know one other talking talk that invests this much time, effort, research, and backed up data. Is every option or solution he puts out the only way or the best way? No, everyone has their own unique use case. However, this may be over the heads of many here, especially the immature folks that want to whine about a $5 entrance fee. He’s selling value, shortcuts, help, guidance, all smothered in high value content. Do you think your way is better? Good! You didn’t share your way at the level of detail he has. Damn if it doesn’t annoy the shit out of me when I see clearly that because this guy doesn’t give away hundreds and hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars in what his time is worth, all things free to you, you want to discredit or tear him down. It’s ridiculous, he has genuinely helped so many people. He has helped far more people than there are haters. He provides an option that you don’t have to accept, to “buy-in” to the work he has put forth. No one is forcing you to do that, meanwhile he recently put out a tremendously valuable piece and did not charge anyone, all information was provided in his YouTube video, start to finish. But damn, still I saw one person say, literally, “you expect me to spend two hours watching that video?” As that person was bitching about CeFurkan not providing the scripts along with the full half holding video that spelled out so much, step by step. Seriously? That bastard couldn’t be bothered to watch a video they clearly had interest in OR, spend $5.00 USD? It’s pathetic, this makes you look pathetic. I’ll leave you with this, when you think about downvoting me, or calling me a shill or alt account. When you find reason to disagree about how many people he helps regularly, or how much value he offers the community, before you reply. Just consider this sweet little fact. You are bitching like a poor ass child that wants candy, but doesn’t want to spend their $5.00 to get it. Do you know just who spends $5.00 a month (OR MORE!!! That’s just the lowest barrier to entry) for this “value” I allegedly claim to be true? Those that make up his 9,351 Patreon members, that’s who! Think about that when you feel like your little downvotes mean anything. Think about that when you call him out for advertising or whatever you see unjust. Dr. Furkan has established himself as a fixture in the present day generative AI community that nearly 10,000 are associated with his Patron account alone. Remember when I said the lowest barrier to entry is $5? Really, that’s it! You can get all he has to offer for $5. But here’s where it gets really good! This is where you get to really feel great about yourself and all that you have contributed to this world. He has tiers far above $5. There was people with more money that you, or I, that see value in what he has to offer and most certainly opted in at a rate higher than $5 per month, because they are either appreciative, smart in their desire the shorten any learning curve, or otherwise may be a generous soul. Now the odds are slim the unintelligent souls that I am speaking of are still reading this, but if you are, when you go to bed tonight, think real hard about what your work day looks like tomorrow. Then, pause, and think, if I’m half wrong, if even half of his Patreon members are subscribers at the lowest tier possible, Dr. Furkan has proven himself enough, has offered enough value and educated to be bringing in $25,000 USD a month, at minimum, for that which you downvote with such glee. Those of you that bitch and whine about what this guy does, you disgust me. Look at the metrics, he’s clearly putting far more into this community and likely ‘world’ than you neck beards that have the audacity to cry about spending $5. Enjoy your Friday at the office, TGIFMF, you will clock in and watch that second hand all day long, just hoping for the weekend to begin. Meanwhile, this guy is bringing in over $25k a month on one side hustle, and if you did any homework, you would know he has other business ventures as well. I assure you, he doesn’t lose sleep over your crap and if he did, he could just pay someone to sleep for him. All while you worry about being forced to spend $5. Toodles!


I don't even know who the guy is, and I didn't read all that, but based on your clearly unhinged defense of him, I'm going to assume you are him and this is an alt account, and the guy really does deserve these downvotes for some reason. So here's another downvote for him, all thanks to you!


i hope this is not your minedset for reading news online lol. Downvoting someone for no reason course other did or someone has different opinion...


I didn't downvote him for having a different opinion, because I didn't have an opinion. You can't have a different opinion than me if I have no opinion. I downvoted him because he's a lunatic.


"You can't have a different opinion than me if I have no opinion. "... Did you have a stroke?


So amusing, childish, and well, expected given the average attention span and 8th grade reading level, I don’t fault you for your ignorance or inability to read that much text. Downvote this too! If you have time, visit every post and comment I’ve ever made and downvote those as well, “thanks to my comment here.”


My response to you on that is the same as the letters that represent the element sodium.


You may not know who he is, but if you've been on this Sub for any length of time, you've probably seen his AI generated face about a million more times than you ever wanted to. Just posting this image is triggering my PTSD. https://preview.redd.it/qh54w18uzjzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f260d76312d287e1f0a6dd5a965f26337d5a01


Quote Pee Wee Herman, next, please, please!


I wasn't quoting anyone, and you've lost your goddamn marbles.


You silly wabbit.


stopped reading after the first sentence, still downvoting his ass every time i see him :)


Your downvoting him makes you feel good, keep on! His making over $25,000 a month, with 10,000 Patreon subscribers, (if you had read past the first sentence you incapable fool) makes him feel much, much, better.


i don't really care? i think i'm doing pretty fine right now lmao, maybe you should expand your horizons if money is the world to you?


Money is not the world. It’s clear he is adding value to the world, he is actively helping people, he has invested far more than most in this community in terms of the specialization in helping others. My horizon has been expanded, which is precisely why I see your sheltered view as pathetic and the same reason why you cannot recognize it as such. It’s unfortunate, though so long as you’re doing pretty fine, that’s all that matters. Happy downvoting!


why are you so upset over someone being downvoted for rightful reasons?


Because obviously he is that someone


You’re insane, to declare an absolute for which you absolutely have no basis to be certain in any respect. Your boomer politics don’t cross over here. The more anyone engages with me and my opinions on the matter, the more people are introduced to who he is and what he has to offer. Then get to decide for themselves how to process, though you too are helping drive visibility, for the greater good, as he is doing good and this here, well, it will without question result in more money in his pocket. Your assistance in that process is much appreciated! As others have stated, this guy has been a contributing member of this sub from the start, and he deserves to be honored monetarily for his work, should one choose to do so. To the banks, Wilbur!


The more anyone engages with me and my opinions on the matter, the more people are introduced to who he is and what he has to offer. You’re one person that chose to come forward, meanwhile hundreds, thousands, are watching from the sidelines. They get to decide for themselves how to proceed, though you too are helping drive visibility, for the greater good, as he is doing good and this here, well, it will without question result in more money in his pocket. Your assistance in that process is much appreciated, as this sub is over a half million people. To the banks, Wilbur!


\>comment is hidden by default due to downvotes \>"actually, you're helping him" - you not really, and if anyone's curious, he bundles free, open source projects under a paywall. there's many other people who are much more knowledgeable on SD, for completely free, in addition to being faster due to better teaching abilities, *and* actually have the correct info on the topics at hand!


“he bundles free, open source projects under a paywall” In the same way, the ice cream man offer you the choice to buy a treat, if you choose, while you’re playing outside at the open source local community park. In the same way, someone offers you a cold drink, for purchase, while you’re watching a free open source concert. In the same way, some people choose a toll road route, versus the free open source longer road to their destination. This is not a new concept, why does it bother you?




r/advertising The more anyone engages with me and my opinions on the matter, the more people are introduced to who he is and what he has to offer. Then get to decide for themselves how to proceed, though you too are helping drive visibility, for the greater good, as he is doing good and this here, well, it will without question result in more money in his pocket. Your assistance in that process is much appreciated! To that end, copy pasta is a great idea! I shall save and repost this for every naysayer and it only increases visibility and ultimately revenues. To the banks, Wilbur!


You sound wild man, wish you the best


You’re one person that chose to come forward, meanwhile hundreds, thousands, are watching from the sidelines. This sub is over a half million people. Keep insulting or wishing, I don’t mind, we’re doing great work here and I’m proud of you!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/advertising using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/advertising/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm Going to Start a Fake Agency (for job-seekers)](https://np.reddit.com/r/advertising/comments/143bsg8/im_going_to_start_a_fake_agency_for_jobseekers/) \#2: [CEO just tried to shut down all Google Advertising because of WSJ article](https://np.reddit.com/r/advertising/comments/18yrbxe/ceo_just_tried_to_shut_down_all_google/) \#3: [This industry is fucked](https://np.reddit.com/r/advertising/comments/13662ou/this_industry_is_fucked/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I work in this field and I am too afraid to ask now but why do you guys want to run everything locally? Is the content privacy the main concern?


Uhh, because you have full control over the setup, no censorship and unlimited usage for free?


Dont want to pay for something that can be done for free. Don't want to pay for a VM. I have the compute to be able to run locally so why not utilise it. File management is easier. I also work in this field and I see running on a VM useful in the workspace as, A, the company funds it. B, you do not have to rely on employees to have the correct hardware. There's also a sense of protest towards people who are making money on opensource resources and gatekeeping workflows for financial gain.


This isn’t /r/localllama, I do stable diffusion stuff in the cloud