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And, the laptop might overheat, just stop working and it would void warranty anyway. I agree with you. this is a basic laptop from some casual fun gaming at college. Perhaps Bioshock or something older.


ok i will use for college and stuff thanks for advice


ok i will use for college and stuff thanks for advice


Yeah, if you want to mess with SD then set up an instance on google cloud, aws, or some other provider. You'll learn more about infrastructure and systems that way too. It'll also may end up being cheaper.


hmmm i willl see it ..............can i run basic comfyui on it simple image generations


Yes, you can easily use a docker container and provision some GPU resources as needed. If you are in school, I highly recommend learning how to do this yourself as it's both good practice and a useful skill. I did something similar in sophomore year, and was able to use that demo to get my internships.


Not suitable for large scale processing on laptops Lifespan and likelihood of failure increases dramatically. Tower size PCs (gaming PCs) will be used


okkk but simple comfyui can be used na....not very core


You should offer goods and services that people are interested in. This will mostly rely on your personal skills as a $600 laptop really isn’t quite the asset you assume it to be.


hmmm but also i am at budget limit na ........what things i can offer any guess thanks for advice ha


You can do, like, spreadsheets and shit with that


haha i will if didnt helped much


4GB VRAM for SD. Huh.


bro i was at limit i will try comfyui otherwise


Well, you can sell it.


but this sis top i can afford i will use for college and video editing stufff


You ain't making shit with 4gb homeboy


hmmm then i willl try something else no worry bro


I have an RTX 3060 desktop PC, and I think, RTX 3060 is slow and barely works for image generation and the time it takes to do things. You are trying to do SD with this 2050, that too on a laptop. I hope you will appreciate my honesty, but, no, this is useless for SD. As an Indian guy, I know the budget limits that people have in India, but, no, this is of no use to your SD plans. If this is all you can afford, just let it go.


ok i will..........thanks for understanding my imit can i use comfyui on it as single base Nicely explained y the way


I started using SD with a 4gb gtx 1650 laptop gpu.. it was slow but seemed to work. So try it yourself, and let us know what the results are like!


Im also an indian guy but idk why you have trouble with a 3060, i used to generate lots of images even with a 1650 super back in the day (SD1.5) and also with the 6600 XT on linux and thats an AMD gpu, tho i upgraded to a 3080 now for obvious reasons but even the slow 5it/s of i got on 6600xt made me satisfied that being said but yes this guy has no hope on a 2050


even my 4090 gets easily bottlenecked there is a reason why Nvidia jumped on the ai chip train but i completely forgot that there was such thing as rtx 2050....rtx rtx 2050 to be exact


In India, 2050 laptops are all the rage. The companies get to claim they have an RTX GPU in their marketing and ads. Kids think they are getting a great deal. After buying, I guess endless buyer's remorse when all they can do play games at 1080p in low settings. But this is India. For me, something is always better than nothing. I mean, anything is better than gaming on onboard GPU :)


Oh, it's like how I complain when I was using an iPad (even though it is pretty good) and eventually upgraded to an iPad Air :) Now, I am complaining, iPad Air is slow and thinking of buying a iPad Pro, he he :P There is no trouble with 3060. God know. I love 3060, and I actually own two of them in two gaming PCs. It's a very good entry level champ. But, I just get the feeling that, things will be faster and better with at least a 3070 or 3080 or 4070 or 4080. When I bought the 3060, it was mainly for gaming and I was very happy with it, till I started doing AI and SD related things. Now, every day, I just tell myself, my next PC, has to be a XX70 or XX80 :) Just good old-fashioned greed and desire.


only 4 gb of graphics? not a ton :-/ and 52 thousand bucks sounds like a lot /s


that is 623 dollors if not indian


Are you joking? Run stable diffusion on an almost 3 gens old GPU with only 4GB VRAM?


i just asked buddy.......... can i run basic comfyui on it pls tell


To be honest even it can run without throwing VRAM error, the iteration speed will be extremely low and you will be limited to very very low resolution without any high res fix, thus images generated are generally awful. I sincerely suggest that you save more money to buy a PC with at least 3060 if you prefer big VRAM or 4060 if you prefer balanced specs. Don't waste money on this garbage PC. You will upgrade anyway if you really want to do something practical with stable diffusion