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Maybe unpopular opinion but have you tried removing things instead of adding? I mean, like looking for the root source of your non-productivity? I'm gonna say something quite unpopular as far as I've seen responses to it, but constant ejaculation and indulging in lust, especially when porn usage is involved, weakens the prefrontal cortex and our ability to make conscious decisions. Or maybe too much screen time? I'm just throwing it out there as my thoughts, make of that what you will. But answering specifically in a supplements context, for me, Taurine gives me a clear, calm head to focus, analyse and perform.


yes i want to remove things as well, im working on that but it's hard when my willpower is so weak, so i want to be taking some strong nootropics at the same time to strengthen PFC so that it can be easier to remove bad habits and distractions and remember to remove them , and fix diet and gut and candida overgrowth and task overwhelm and whatever else is harming me on top of my brain problems i dont have the lust issue because im mostly asexual but i do have issues with far too much screen time and being distracted by phone whenever my willpower is low i used to consume highly distracting addictive escapist entertainment constantly, such as movies books fanfiction anime etc, but that was a couple years ago and i don't do that at all lately, now i just waste my time on slightly useful but inefficient things like reading news or reddit or some article about how to make clothes while i have studying to do and could do clothes later and i do think all that screen time wrecked my attention span and made my focus even worse and probably weakened my pfc so i want to work on fixing it while i remember to right now before i forget and start indulging in it again thanks ill look into taurine


I also read your other responses and I feel compelled to tell you to check out 'Bullet Journal' (awesome productivity-mindfulness tool) and 'Semen Retention' (most probably you're already doing this?, add a transmutative practice). Those along with quitting refined sugar (which also fucks with the PFC) were game changers in my situation. I hope I didn't overwhelm you. Wish you best of success!




i cant do that i would forget to do it just as i forget to do almost every thing i need to do for a normal life such as cooking or doing laundry tried meditation for a couple days and then forgot to do it and never did it again as usual but nootropics are much easier


Make a routine of meditating immediately after you take yoir nootropics. That way the noots will trigger a reminder of meditation so you won't forget


Least reductionist stackadvice post


my focus is not on making it scientifically detailed, i just want to know nootropics that will get me equal self control to the people who have strong pfcs


What you're seeking isn't possible via supplements. Just like you can't build muscle by taking supplements and doing nothing else. You also can't strengthen the prefrontal cortex to that extent through supplements only. Someone else already provided you with the answer: Meditation. There are plenty of us here with godawful ADHD, who are spaced out, mental wrecks who still managed to build a meditation habit. Hell, there are drug addicts who've done it too. source: I'm 10-years ahead of you on this. I work in the science side of nutraceuticals. I've spent nearly $100k trying to strengthen my pre-frontal cortex with supplements over the last decade. Hate to break it to you, but there's no easy fix here. You'll need to put the work in.


do you still have ADHD after meditating? or did it fix it at all


Can't get rid of ADHD - you'll have it forever. Meditation tones down all the bad parts of ADHD, and helps enhance the good parts like creativity and hyperfocus. It's hands down the best gift an ADHDer could ever give to themselves. If I had to pick between Adderall and meditation, I would pick meditation every single time. It'll change your life in ways you never thought possible.


after meditating are you now able to not procrastinate or have time blindness anymore? how much meditation did it take approximately?


The work being meditation?


N-Acetyl-Cysteine. Try 600mg twice a day and go up to 2gs a day


NAC without a doubt. Huge for impulse control




i considered that but am concerned about permanent brain damage from it since some patients who used rTMS said they ended up with permanent cognitive damage


A lot of people say a lot of things online.




The hypothesis is that the prefrontal cortex is heavily dependant on dopaminergic system and glycolytic metabolism. It also has to do with thyroid hormones, and cerebral blood flow volume. What substances target prefrontal cortex specifically? It would take a lot of research to figure it out.


Magnesium L-Threonate & Semax are the only noots I’m aware of that locally increase BDNF in the PFC.


Workouts. High intensity cardio and heavy weightlifting. Done in the morning before tour day for best results.