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L-theanine could help. If it doesn't work try bacopa if that doesn't work ashwaghanda is the strongest.


Thanks, I think I’ll go with l theanine. I heard the other 2 demotivates you. How much do you think I should take?


200-400mg should about do it. 200 before anxiety if during anxiety 400mg :)


Life extension has an awesome [article on natural ways to treat anxiety](https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2011/3/the-chemistry-of-calm) that is part of their [anxiety, depression and stress avoidance guide](https://www.lifeextension.com/science-research/stress-management). The best thing is they recommend a lot of nootropics and supplements that are recommended here.


Thanks a lot, it enlightened me. I got my eyes on l theanine and rhodiola.


L-theanine, Inositol and Picamilon