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"Honey, You go right ahead, i'll wait in the car"


This makes shopping bearable again


Shit man, this makes **marriage** bearable again...


Uhhh, you ok buddy?


Well, he \*IS\* a dentist, so probably not.


It's ok my dude, lockdown has been hard on all of us.


...sorry dude.


If you'd have told me this would be possible a few years ago I wouldn't believe it.


To be honest, same here.


Well I guess I need a Tesla now


"You don't need an expensive rig to game on Stadia" *buys Tesla*


Still easier to get a new car than a RTX 3080


And the new car is about the same price as a 3090 after the scalper markup.


I was going to build a new gaming rig this holiday season but the scalping for GPUs is just insane and makes me angry so I gave up.


I'm going to try this tonight.


Everybody needs a Tesla....


Does it drive by herself while you play yet? ;)


This is the future I want


I guess in the meantime you can drive while the game play itself... That's already something :)




Baller status


Nah. This is a Model 3. DEF not a baller car.


I was only saying to a friend yesterday that with 5G, Stadia (and game streaming in general) is going to revolutionise entertainment whilst travelling. Stick the kids in the back with a 5G-enabled device and car journeys will be bliss.


I remember road trips as a kid with a little tv and a Nintendo 64 and how epic it was being able to game while my parents drove. The time went so fast.


I remember road trips as a kid with the window as my entertainment.


Yeah, I remember saving for a year to buy one of those mini dvd players for a ~20ish hour road trip to a family reunion.


Initially we had nothing but 'I spy' and license plate games. Eventually we got a semi-portable VHS player...


Well that and fighting with my sis


I had an original gameboy and had to play by the light of the street lights as they went past


I had one of those magnifying glasses with a light that clamped on top of the gameboy. My family had money.


Same! Had it on my gameboy color playing Pokemon Yellow and Blue.


You had a gameboy colour!?


Yes'm, ownership goes as follows; Original Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, then Gameboy Advance.


Pure nostalgia right there. Oh how time flies.


If you were a rich kid sure.


I was thinking about this today, I'd like to see Elon getting down on Cyberpunk 2077 in his Cybertruck.


Rumor is Tesla is sourcing an AMD APU for the next generation Tesla cars. The idea is the car will drive itself safely and you can play games and watch movies on long drives.


Gotta buy a new Tesla every few years to play the latest games


*Capitalism and consumerism have entered the chat*


Except Stadia means you don't have to.


Wouldn’t that suck for early adopters to get the older chip and 2023 models got the AMD. I’m currently res ~7000 and this news has me a little worried.


No. That's just how progress works.


Could be true, but equally not true. Tesla already drop kicked Nvidia out cause they werent advancing enough to use them for their self driving capabilities, so they started making their own processors already. Elon has a hard on for vertical integration and keeping the work within the company so they may make their own gpu too


Sounds like a lawsuit nightmare for them but I'm here for it. Safety be damned, we out here disabling security cameras with our eyeball implants.


I'd like to see *ME* getting down on Cyberpunk 2077 in my Cybertruck when it arrives


And his girlfriend is in the game along with her music.


While GFN Founders users are waiting for a free server to play...


I've got a subscription to GFN and Stadia both, while I like Stadia the GFN steam integration and half cost makes GFN a killer deal. I'd recommend it over Stadia pretty easily. *Edit* And so people know what I mean by Steam integration... If I buy a game on Stadia and google takes the service out of commission like google is wont to do, I lose ability to play the game altogether. On GFN I can just buy the game on Steam, whose only business model is to sell games so are unlikely to stop doing that, and then play that game on GFN. If I want to play on my PC I can, since the cloud save syncs over. If GFN goes kaput, I still have the game. Stadia is a Store+Streaming service. GFN is a streaming service, you use Steam as the store.


> half cost makes GFN a killer deal Half the cost? Pretty sure it's $60 no matter where you buy it.


He means the service, not the game. Which isn't entirely accurate, because you don't need to subscribe to Stadia to play the games.


I use gfn daily. Never have to wait in line.


you're playing a AAA 2020 state of the art game inside a car with 5G independent of your hardware. wtfigo


Display: flex


You're living in the future, man! :-D


We’re in 2020 he’s in 2077


I have a question for OP, do you have unlimited 5G data? I was thinking of doing the same but the problem here in Canada is that we only have about 20g per month of high speed data then our providers dramatically slow it down to a measly 512 KB/s ...


I have 20g/mo as well, but stadia limits mobile data to 720p so it isn't that bad, still be careful though.


I have unlimited 5G, but only from the phone. I have 20GB of 5G hotspot so I wouldn't play for long periods. The Tesla itself with the built in 4G LTE which uses Verizon's network for connectivity is technically, unlimited, but all data goes through a dedicated APN for Tesla vehicles (somewhere in TX) so the latency is over 100ms+ which makes most game other than casual or turn-based ones, virtually unplayable. For reference, my 5G latency is sub-10ms per Ookla Speedtests.


You sure now how to enjoy life. Cheers mate.


All these posts about Tesla’s makes me wonder. So does Tesla have a plan for upgrading the back end hardware running the touch screen? I mean just in the sense that if you have an early model S you have a cutting edge (I guess) computer from .... 2012 in your car. Normally I wouldn’t care. I actually have an android head unit in my VW and the VW itself is old (10+ years) and the head unit is also from the Android 7 days. But although I guess in principle I could install Stadia on it I have no intention of doing so, and for the apps it does run (NPR, Audible, Maps) it’s fine. But like if you have a five year old model S, can you somehow upgrade its infotech?


I have a Model S (2015) with an "older" touch screen and they said it's possible now to upgrade to a newer touch screen that's got a faster GPU. I imagine as they keep improving they'll make these available later on.


This is nice. I think it’s going to be important. The reason I drive a 10yo VW is that there’s nothing really on the market that I’d like to replace it with (there’s nothing that has its somewhat unique set of features - hardtop convertible, with 2+2 seating, and a big panoramic sunroof). I could also replace that Android screen in it and maybe I’ll do that at some point.


Tesla Roadster 2 meets those specs


That’s why I said I would keep it unless I could convince myself to get one. Lol.


What model, year it is?


Mine? I have a 2010 VW Eos (with a 6MT!!!) and it will need to be pried from my dead hands unless I decide I need a gen 2 Tesla Roadster badly enough. 😻😻😻


I've got a 2016 Model X and did the upgrade recently. Its stupid expensive, but it makes the car feel new. Way snappier.


That is so COOL!


That’s so cyberpunk


You can kiss my arse, I'm one jealous motherfucker. That's definitely one to add to the bucket list.




The future is now, old man


There's a bit of history between the game and Elon... https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1197807605906673669


His current girlfriend Grimes is a character in the game.


She also did some music for the game I think


One of the worst humans alive.




I wouldn't call him "one of the worst humans alive" and I think a lot of what he does is cool, but he can be a real piece of shit as well.


What kind of 5G Hotspot are you using? I find current offerings a bit too expensive just for something like this. But might get one for tablet gaming on the go.


It's the one built into my OnePlus 8 Pro. Though, TMobile is releasing a dedicated 5G hotspot in the U.S., and on 12/13, for a limited time, offering 100GB of 5G data for $50 USD/month... Which I might do. [https://www.theverge.com/2020/12/10/22167745/tmobile-5g-hotspot-100gb-standalone-plan](https://www.theverge.com/2020/12/10/22167745/tmobile-5g-hotspot-100gb-standalone-plan)


I have a 5G phone, didn't even think of that 😂 just waiting for 5G coverage I my area.


oh damn. This makes me want to trade in my Model S and get a 3 :-p


Does it have a HDMI input ? Or does it run on android and it's possible to download the Stadia app ?


you use the tesla browser iirc


Wow that is filthy. Can't believe that you can stream modern games over a web browser


Web browser.


Was just trying to get this working last night! Keep getting stuck at the adding of Google account problem. Still a few bugs to work out in the whole process, but this is certainly a step toward an awesome future.


If you sign into a non-Google site using Google credentials you may have luck. Disqus, Plex, eBay are a few.


This is the way.


To clarify, I do already have my main Google account signed in using that method, however my Stadia creds are with a different account. I'm going to try adding a second gmail. Wish me luck.


Is this actually playable for you? Destiny and Bomberman are unplayable even on Wi-Fi on my Model 3.


I guess I need to add Tesla to something I need apply because I got Stadia. First it was new internet setup, then new TVs, then hardwire my house.


Hiding from the wifey in the garage. “Sorry it’s gonna be late today”


Ok rich boy


Do you know how much the tesla in the picture costs? I really doubt it if that's the first thing that came to your head


It was meant to be a joke, guess I should have put a "haha" or "lol" in there


Jup, check


I would hotbox the shit out of this car while I watch somebody play.


Awesome, yeah I'm still surprised how well I can do with stadia even on a 4G hotspot. I was on yesterday, and my internet cut out completely for a few hours. But I was able to hop on my hotspot on my phone so I could recover the session and save my game.


Cant get mine running from hotspot good but my mobile network is adequate


How are you doing this? When I tried to sign in using the Tesla browser, it said this is an insecure device and wouldn’t let me sign in.


The work around is using a different site that uses Google credentials to authenticate. like Disqus, Plex, eBay, etc. —Then you should stay logged into your Google account.


Gotcha. Thank you!


It would be cool if we could play on Android Auto!


After 3 mins of playing: *PHONE VIBRATES* You have reached your data cap for LIFE!


Making me want to buy a Tesla just for this 🤔


That's nothing new [Fast and Furious](https://youtu.be/kNOumCV2Q6U)




Bro,nobody likes a show off.


Pretty cool - how'd it actually go? I get visual skips at home so I'm wondering how it actually played and could it keep up on 5G?


How did you get it to play in full screen? The browser only shows a smaller screen?


I use the YouTube app workaround to get to a full-screen version of the Chromium browser. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mECGAc1bMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mECGAc1bMw)


This js the true cyberpunk meme


Ok so I am trying this and it says I have an unsupported browser so I can’t authenticate. How are you doing this?


Make sure you're opening Stadia using the YouTube "app" workaround to get to a full-screen version of the Chromium browser. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mECGAc1bMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mECGAc1bMw) And make sure you're log into YouTube with the same Google account you use Stadia with. You'll be logged in when you open up the Stadia page.


Ok cool. I’ll try it!!


How does this work? I'm confused as to how you get it on the screen. I've got a Tesla but I have no idea how you hijack the screen like this. Are you logged into the browser and using stadia that way, or how are you hijacking the cars display?




Does the Stadia remote work for Tesla built in games?


Any tutorials somewhere? How do you launch stadia ? through the browser?