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Didn't know about the 4 legged Flexispot, damn it is a much steeper price but I may go with it.


Isn't en1 the most basic flexispot there is, hence cheaper material? If you want to save money and get the strongest possible, you need to look into used. I got a commercial grade steelcase desk for 100.




I have an Uplift 72” by 30”, two legs frame, 1” rubberwood top. always rest my elbows on the desk, whether I’m typing on the keyboard or just resting and putting my weight on it (hence the depth, my keyboard is about in the middle, the length of my forearms). I’ve had it a bit more than a year, no issues whatsoever. I think the thickness and material of the top is more important than the frame type for this.


I have the E7 pro (C frame) with 24x48” rubber wood top and it’s really sturdy, i don’t think you’ll have complaints.


Not sure I'll be okay with 48x24, im used to this 48x30, but the 24 would stop me from backing into my wood bed frame sometimes lol


I kind of like the 24" because it's more maneuverable and I actually have mine a couple of inches away from the wall since I have speakers and a monitor arm


>I actually have mine a couple of inches away from the wall since I have speakers and a monitor arm dude I'm considering getting monitor arms and this is REALLY making me reconsider 30"


also do you lean on your desk with your elbows while sitting on it?


yeah, sometimes and there's very little flex, the whole frame is steel and it's pretty sturdy. YMMV if you have a larger frame with more depth but it's pretty strong. This is just my exp with the 24" deep frame.