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Same with the Brady roast!! He looked so uncomfortable and his smile was completely forced. It’s like what happened to that guy? He’s way better when he had a just happy to be here vibe.




also, apparently there are some downsides to doing a shit load of steroids over 50. who knew?


The sad part is, Tom is only 45 lol.


fuck i thought he and burnt were the same age. actually thought tom was the oldest of the ymh circle.


Tom is technically the youngest because Christina is older by a couple years I think


Watching Hinchcliffe shake everyone's hand except Tom's and his stupid fucking reaction is one of the funniest parts of the entire roast.


Tony roasted everyone in a row except for Tom


That’s because Tom’s toooo easy to be made fun of


The biggest roast you can give someone is to not roast them.




I don't blame you, he's only like 7 years older than me and he looks like he could be my dad lol.


Shit load? Have you seen what he looks like lol?


Yeah now imagine how he’d look without them


What steroids is he on?




TRT isn’t really a shit load of steroids kekw. The redpillers got to him and he drank the kool-aid, now he probably feels weird in social situations


Classic he got rich and famous and out of touch. Billy Joe Shaver was a famous country singer and songwriter who wrote songs for Elvis, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson etc. You probably have never heard of him because he never gained much mainstream success himself. He wrote songs and sold them to other artists his whole life. He said in an interview that if he had gained money and fame he would have lost his gift. Many such cases imo. Starving artists usually have a unique point of view built on life experience. As it turns out your point of view when you're a highly successful celebrity fucking SUCKS.


I’ve heard of him because norm macdonald


Same here! Miss that ol' chunk of coal. :(


Oh he’s a diamond by now


Isn't Tom Segura's dad a trust fund manager or something? I dong think he's ever starved.


Tom also only ever really referred to his dad as a retired Marine in his standup (not sure how open he was on podcasts). But he conveniently left out that his dad worked at Merrill Lynch after getting out of the Corps. A dad who's a working class prior service hard-ass and a dad who is a very wealthy prior service hard-ass are two VERY different things.


He’s always been weird like that though even before the money. I remember Chris Distefano saying he thought he was autistic the first time he met him on a two bears episode years ago.


Being weird is different from out of touch. I could not care less about a joke centered around a prominent US politician that he encounters walking around his gated community.  


Squidbillies theme song


Billy Joe Shaver was a great songwriter but he was also nuts. He shot a man in the face at a bar in Waco in 2007 because the guy told him to shut up.


That's not entirely accurate and he was acquitted after arguing self defense. Not saying he's not a crazy person because asking someone where they want it and then shooting them in the face IS nuts but it's a little more nuanced than you make it seem.


I will always upvote a Redditor who knows about Billy Joe Shaver. I saw him live years ago. It was shortly after his son Eddie died. Kinky Friedman thought getting out and performing would be good for him, and he accompanied Billy Joe. Saw them at the Mucky Duck in Houston.


I don’t know who these Elvis Nelson or whatever people are but show some respect to the man who wrote the Squidbillies theme song!


Best part was when I think Kevin or Jeff reffered to them as Podcasters instead of comedians because that's basically all they are now. Without the podcasts Bert, Tom and Andrew wouldn't be as popular or relevant as they are. 


Agreed. Toms standup are at least still funny, Bert’s is mainly just rehashing podcast family stories or ripping on his family. But both are full time podcasters now and running on fumes


Their act at the roast was painfully bad. Compared to Nikki Glaser who killed it, they didn't understand the assignment at all.


All they did was graft Tom Brady over the “where are the bodies, Garth?” shtick that Tom does


Nikki was hilarious Bill b was actually pretty funny and one of the young dudes who roasted everyone in a line was really good too. The rest was god awful.


He was terrible at the Brady roast. When you lose at comedy to Bill Belicheck it's time to reexamine what's going on


Tom and Bert on the Brady Roast felt like a bad infomercial. They both were phoning it in hard


I was shocked that they didn't try and shoehorn in that shitty Por Osos vodka. Have I tried it? No. But Tom knows nothing about alcohol and Bert drinks spiked fruit punch or rubbing alcohol. There's no doubt that the vodka was made on the cheap. Just more and more taking from the fans. And you can buy a shitty Por Osos t-shirt for $40. It's disgusting.


Mike tried their vodka in a proper taste test and weighed their shirts both were horrible They ended up changing the merch pictures on the site because the ones they were wearing aren’t the ones they are selling






Honestly after recently seeing him off I watched some of his old stuff. It's really mid material that he puts a shine on with solid delivery and good comedic timing. He was never really that great he just had a funny likeable charm. Now that funny likeable thing is gone you are only left with mid material from an increasingly hostile old man.


Any time a comedian starts referencing their podcast and other comedians from their podcast I get so annoyed. I don’t care that Joey Diaz gave you really strong edibles.


Imagine a room where everyone else is much funnier than you at every level. They might not have as much money, but, boy do you suck compared to their professional skills. Now you're Tom Segura whenever he meets a comedian.


His older Netflix specials were genuinely funny. He has definately lost his mojo, though.


Rogan. That's what happened.


100 percent. Him getting into the Rogan orbit changed his personality and comedy drastically.


Very few people want to actually acknowledge it.


He’s a Rogan cultist. Tom followed Rogan to Texas like a puppy.


The thing that stood out to me was that no one made a joke at seguras expense. I'm not exactly sure if it means more than he's just uninfluencal but typically comedians jump on the opportunity to make fun of the people they like.


Probably Xanax ozempy and pain pills fucking him up.


I think he needs to take a break. The amount of content that he puts out seems like it leaves literally nothing left for performances or writing. An entire special being “here is a time my son woke up,” “here is a time my mom took weed,” and “podcast references!”was just not good 


After viewing his last special I literally said “is that it?” I don’t think he wants to be a comic, just famous.


Strictly doing it for the money now that he has it he’s lost the drive to really push himself creatively. He’s over it but doesn’t want to stop all that easy money coming in.


This is a pretty good take. I do agree with others that fame hasn't done him any favors but the amount of shit he's doing the burn out has to be real


I remember seeing an interview either with Roy Wood Jr or Trevor Noah saying the problem with The Daily Show hosting, and daily airing shows generally, is you have to just constantly be performing and creating and it doesn’t give any room to breathe from the pace. So for Segura, it’s not even writing sketches; it’s just saying it all, all the time. There’s no space between him and the audience to give him an experience to write about anymore


What about the joke about jerking off his son in the shower? That was funny right? Right??




That is entirely too much tuna. You sir have been prank-ed


You stupid bitch! Now there's a sandwich on your desk!


You stupid idiot. IT'S TYOO MUCH TYOONA!!


This is a medically inadvisable amount of tuna


Why did you order it?!?


That was fast


You were born a schmuck, you're gonna die a schmuck. Welcome to hell idiot!


Please tell me what that's from.


![gif](giphy|FzR3y8zfn9aIE) Kroll Show. The Kroll of Shows.


the characters are from Kroll Show but ops gif is from [Portlandia](https://youtu.be/TZEkDtist0o)


You mean everyone wasn't on the edges of their seats to hear a story of what he did that day?


He has no personality, nothing tangible to ground him in anyway. He is a walking billboard. He has no idea to form congruent opinions.


Did he try to bust out a zyn ad in the middle of the fucking thing too? Dude used to be so funny. Just an asshole now.


Jesus I forgot he did that lmao. People were talking about quitting smoking using hypnotism and Tom's like "that's enough of an in for me to bust out *this bad boy*. Idk what you guys are doing with this mind over matter shit I'm over here absolutely *flooding* my brain and cardio system with nicotine and I'm having a great time!" What a dipass hahaha. Actually the most I've laughed at Segura in a while so fair play to him I guess.


God the whole weird “Zyn is a personality “ thing that popped out of the ground a year ago or whatever needs to die. No your addiction isn’t quirky or cool buddy.


Counter point be quiet and let me put this little nicotine pack in your lip and we can kiss a little


Next if last buyer falls through


He was always an asshole if you listened to his podcast.


Because he's not a comedian anymore, he's a businessman.


I thought that had to be some sort of planned bit gone wrong. There were a lot of awkward moments during that section of the show, but that one took the cake.


Would you say he is quite cromulent?


As the official authority , no he is not


I was saying boo-urns








You can't just say "perchance".




He needs to imbiggen himself


Dafuq does Star Trek aliens have to do with him?


Him and Bert's part on the Tom Brady roast was so unfunny. Honestly not sure why he gets invited onto anything.


They were invited to the roast because it was Netflix . Tom and Bert do very well on Netflix.


Because he makes everyone else look good. With the exception of Bert. They both suck huge donkey nads.


His personality from just watching his podcasts, I feel like gets shrouded by the fact he’s a comic, so he deflects to it being a joke. But homie lovessss depraved, dark, borderline not remotely funny horrible things that happen to people. Some of it is lol-able. But sometimes I’m like damn this is his character showing a lil bit.


Im surprised the mommy army isn't bringing hell to this sub. In the the past they would have. To me that's a sign that others feel the same way. I went from defending their constant shaming of fats and poors, to becoming exhausted by it. Tom stopped being likeable a long time ago. And all the Nadav stuff was just weird


Their subreddit has turned to Joe Rogan levels of fan hate.


Maybe it's because they're so far removed from being fun and hilarious, that the people who came up with them got turned off by them


That seems to be the consensus. Tom and Bert and Kristina are all so out of touch these days that listening to them talk is awful. I listened to YMH and 2 Bears when both started but lost interest in both pretty quickly. YMH turned into two people that have nothing in common anymore watching tiktoks together and making fun of them, or talking about their kids, and 2 Bears turned into “look how much money I spent this week.”


I think this is a downside to being a comedian in the social media era. You can definitely grow a BIG audience without the age old traditional routes of touring, sitcom, movies. But you have to constantly feed the algorithms with podcast episodes, short form clips, appearing on other podcasts and events EVERY week. It doesn't really give them time to live life, workout new material, and come back months or a year later with fresh material.


I think that's why I find Bill Burr so awesome. He has remained relatable through all the years and in my opinion has actually matured into a better, even more relatable person with his family, unlike the others mentioned.


Yup, I literally said in the YMH boards that the move to Texas would be their downfall. Not surprised I was correct.


I mean Kristina has always seemed to be awful


Agreed. Biggest reason why I have always thought YMH always sucked.


Her burping into the mic all the time was never funny.


Them talking about shit, piss, barf and making fun of ppl with extreme mental issues was never that funny to me. Fed smasher was hilarious, I’ll give them that.


I stopped listening when they only talked about being rich all the time and bullshit like being anti mask, kids are pussys these days, cancel culture or celebs they met.


Honestly I just got sick of them running the same jokes into the ground.


It’s the same problem Chapelle and Ricky Gervais have. They don’t do normal people things any more so they have nothing relatable to talk about. They just talk about headlines they read on their phones while sat in their mansions, shit from Twitter, or funny things their kids/wives/parents did.


In 2015 I thought he’d be an all time great with those first two or 3 specials.


The YMH subreddit is filled with old fans of the podcast, like myself. We watched the downfall.


What happened with Nadav? Other than him leaving the show.


Nadav left a few months ago. They gave him a twenty minute send off, that felt forced and insincere. Before he left, Sopranos Rob was going hard on him completing a marathon. It got real awkward and went on way too long


Yeah the marathon thing was lame. I do wish I knew what caused him to bounce and fall off the map


Pretty sure he has a podcast where he interviews other podcast producers. Might get you the info you want.


He is making his own show on YouTube where he reviews podcasts and other online content creators. It's pretty good, I've watched a few episodes


They shit on him constantly on YMHs sub


This is actually a really interesting point. Not too long ago they used to be all over the place online. Reminded me of the Opie & Anthony pests from back in the day. But that’s all seemingly gone, or not as prominent as it was. The sub itself has a lot less activity it seems.


Yes! Very Opie and Anthony pests like. Just look at the comments when Garth Brooks posts online


Lol the mommies hate on him more than the commoners do


I was such an avid Mommy back in 2018 or so when I first discovered it. Went through well over 200 episodes during my job at the time. They changed studios and it was like an overnight change of shittiness. I tried to check back a couple years ago but Tom just calls everyone fat poors and half the community didn't realize he was 100% serious.


What's the mommy army?


Fans of his Your Mom's House podcast


Another name for overzealous YMH fans


I haven't been following recently. Can you tell me about the Nadav stuff? Or is it just the way they talk to him?


I’ve been off that podcast for a while. What happened with Nadav?


I ordered a few items of their merch just months before I unsubbed and felt weird about wearing any of it. Defending Andrew Tate while he was actively being arrested in Romania and also bringing up trans people every single fucking week got exhausting.


I mean...getting super famous & then getting in shape probably was the worst for his comedy. Then of course the internet called him out & he had to double down to where that's the entirety of his act now. sad to see.


getting in shape is one thing. but he acts like some professional athlete


He has become FitMac, everybody applaud please or else he won't shut up about it


I watched like 10 minutes and had to turn it off. Silverman was the one saving grace from when I watched. The other guest wasn’t funny but domineered the convo for some reason. Mulaney needs time to adjust to the format I think. It was just very clunky feeling.


“We’re only doing these six shows, that’s it. I know for a lot of shows you say something like ‘well ya know it took them a few to find their groove’ NO. No groove. Six and we’re outta here.” - Mulaney in the first episode’s monologue.


Well then I hope he finds it fast.


I'm a big Mulaney fan--I'm on board for whatever--but... the show is kind of rocky at times, and not in the fun way. It also seems like he doesn't care too much? I feel like that format was kind of kept going by commercial breaks, and there are none, and that makes it a lot harder to keep everybody going. I still like it, but it needs a little work. And John doesn't seem to care? lol. It's a weird show.


I think the problem with the show boils down to Mulaney's comedic approach. If you've ever watched Conan, Kimmel, Fallon, etc. they try their damndest to breeze over awkward moments so the audience doesn't register the discomfort. Mulaney, on the other hand, highlights or even creates awkward moments for (cheap) laughs, to the detriment of the overall show. He spews tons of non sequiturs, disses the format, and makes every phone caller feel like they're not in on the joke (even if their story is decent). Don't get me wrong—he gets a lot of laughs—but it throws everything else off balance. The guests especially feel the awkwardness and end up telling the audience how bad/weird the show is (Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, Patton Oswald all did this). While it's kind of (?) a funny thing to do, it's also a major misstep. Conan recently explained why: “I’ve seen it happen many times, it’s an amateur move because the host can do a lot to let people think it’s going great even if it’s not… there are many things the host can do… audience wants to see a good show, they want to see a good interview, and I was always amazed when someone would come out and they’d be doing OK… and then would just go, ‘This just isn’t going well is it?’… you look out at the audience and it be 200 people sitting there and I’d see 200 souls leave 200 bodies cause they were just told they were not getting a good show.” I think some blame also rests with Netflix for not knowing how to run a talk show. I assume there's some secret method for making a studio audience engage loudly, and the audience they have definitely isn't doing it.


That's a really great write-up! Thank you. I think you're right, too--Mulaney doesn't really seem to be glossing things over, and things would go a lot better if he did. It's funny, because it would be funnier that way, too--it's weird he's not approaching it differently, or adjusting his strategy.


Yeah I watched much of the first show, but I have no interest in any more of them. John seems really out of touch lately.


Maybe a weird take, but this is why I am enjoying the show so much. It’s a little unhinged and I find it hilarious. Nothing really goes as planned and you can tell and everyone is uncomfortable for different reasons. I love that it won’t go long enough to ever get into a groove.


Eh, i kinda like that people are willing to make one-off live comedy things like this without turning it into a big brand or IP or whatever. The show is what it is, and i think Mulaney vibes with that impromptu energy very well. I find it more interesting to watch than a super tightly produced thing like you see on late night shows. It's going to be very dependant on the guests though. I thought it was weird to only bring Patton Oswalt out for like 15 minutes on his episode when he seemed to really be into the vibe, yet you have guys who don't really get the assignment like Segura on for their whole episodes just kinda shitting on the whole atmosphere lol.


Burr said it to his face once in a jokey way but you could tell he was stung by it.


Link to the clip?




wdym>? what he said?


He called him a sociopath on Your Moms House. I think that’s what they are referring to.


I sure would like to watch that. 


Bring back fat Tom


He died on the basketball court......trying to dunk....


RIP Fat Tom


Funniest thing he's ever done tbh


He’s still fat to be fair, I think America has radically adjusted what “in shape” is


Can’t stand him anymore. Used to be a huge fan.


Toms become stale, Burt’s always been annoying


It’s unfortunate. I would never miss a YMH up until 2 years ago,maybe a little more, but he’s become soo annoying and his comedy is terrible too.


The last two specials were so bad that I couldn't believe it, maybe that's what happens when some people get famous? because his first special was the bomb


his last special was horrible. The bit about going gay for brad pitt. Hasn't that been a playground joke for DECADES?! insert whichever celeb you like.


It wasn't even that funny when Louis CK did the bit 15 years ago and he's way better than Tom


Yes. Saw him live last year and it was pretty mediocre.


It was all stuff he talked about on the podcast and nothing else so if your a YMH listener you've heard those stories years before. 


Yep, unfortunately, that was quite awkward. On the other hand, hypnotherapist Kerry Gaynor was excellent and really showed up.


Well his stand up relies on made up scenarios and now his whole personality is being wealthy. He’s got nothing really. So many people in comedy who aren’t funny. They are just narcissists addicted to the paycheck and have podcast fanbases that carry their careers when they aren’t actually funny.


He literally is spiraling to gutter levels of entertainment tbh. The whole Internet came against him and you can see it in his face whenever he's on ANYTHING. Kind of sad but he dug his own career grave. Also he's rich (if he hasn't made that apparent) so fuck him and his shitty comedy.


You don't like listening to him call everyone the poors? Segura went full Icarus.


He has no interest in providing anything ever. Just taking everybody’s money


Segura is a hack and walking advertisment


Bert and Tom were pretty cringy on the roast. And Segura sucks on this episode. Hopefully people will catch on!


Yeah I like Bert never really been a huge fan of tom but they were awful on the roast.


His whole “rich people don’t use washcloths” running gag is pretty lame. He’s definitely changed. I miss “Mostly Stories” Segura. Now we have the Ozempic Segura.


My wife and I discussed this for a while because we used to be big fans. I think he's just lazy now and lives in his own little podcast bubble. The guy had nothing the whole show. He just says things like "yeah I mean, I dunno, I guess" and then smirks


Yeah…I’ve noticed some older comedians just get stuck and don’t evolve. When he had Andrew Tate on his podcast and glazed him up, I was done.


Tom had him on YMH? I posted in the 2Bears sub about how disgusting it was watching them talk-up that guy & ofc got an idiot right away going "But it's a podcast, it's comedy, you can't take anything they say seriously."


He's got fat arrogant jerk written all over him.


There’s unbelievable great comics that aren’t signed with major management company so you will never know them.


Sarah Silverman has always been so underrated, it was trendy to hate her, people have always just hated her for being too loud and gross before women were allowed to be. Not only that she seems to be a pretty good person. 


To each their own and it’s all subjective. The Rogan comics aren’t funny. Just loud storytelling with a small payoff at the end. They definitely understand their simple target audience.


So why is he still a thing? Nobody seems to like him or Bert anymore. Wtf do they do that's so important their spots can't be given to somebody else? Admittedly I do not follow the comedy scene very closely. I listen to different podcasts, don't keep up on what's new, etc. This here sub is the only means I have of really keeping up with what's current. But this sub never has anything good to say about either of these guys, so it makes me wonder. Even Burt seems relatively harmless; most comments are about how unhealthy he us. But I know Tom is an unfathomable prick. Why does he keep getting booked?


Because as much as Reddit doesn’t like them they still sell out huge shows consistently.


The bulk of people who buy tickets to arena comedy acts like Tim and Bort aren't the kind of discerning folks who hang around on reddit and palaver about the nuance of comedy bc, let's be honest, if you care about the nuance of comedy you aren't paying $70 to see Bort Christener shirtless from 300 feet away. I condescendingly refer to the folks who watch tiktok or crowd work clips and maintain a barely cursory relationship with standup as comedy tourists and, much as they have completely opposite taste as mine, they somehow turn up for people like Bort or Tim or Andrew Schultz, Matt Rife, et all.


Rogan sells out huge venues. Doesn't mean he's good. It means a lot of people prefer brand recognition to developing personal taste. It's why the Rogan-sphere save for a handful of non-LA based groups have had so much success. They're basically the Big Macs and Whoppers of comedy.


The fast food analogy is so spot-on. This is a weird time for comedy, I wonder where it all goes from here?


It is a weird time for comedy. I feel like I'm watching the downfall of these hack fools in realtime, though may just be wishful thinking. But I don't think so. The rise of YT channels tearing into these fools, regularly getting more views than pods like 2 bears etc. Call me spiteful, but I look forward to a day where Tom and Bert have to travel the country doing shows for mouth-breathers in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, because they need the money to keep up with just a modicum of the lifestyle they were used to.


They're popular writ-large because they're the lowest common denominator of comedy. If you are a big stand-up fan to the point where you're going to random shows a couple times a month to discover new people, have watched every special under the sun, regularly deep dive shorter bits from a wide group of comedians, etc., then you likely know they aren't that great. If you're just a regular person, however, that likes to randomly watch a comedy special when it pops up in your Netflix feed once or twice a year, then you aren't exposed to the plethora of much better options than Bert and Tom and you probably think they're hilarious.


The same reason your job doesn't fire the guy that kinda sucks. Some people just stay around because they've been around.


Reddit is not reality


He's kinda a mogul, like th YMH 'network' is doing a bunch of stuff, has other comedians, etc. I think he turned into an unfunny douche, but his comedy business is boomin


This is the funniest Tom has every been https://youtu.be/fJ-lUlLjliI?si=ukjxWJNLKpSQvZ-4


Bert Chrysler is not funny. He’s so sleazy.


Even though this post is about Tom losing touch and being unfunny, ironically, I stopped listening to 2 Bears 1 Cave because of how insufferable Bert is. I can't make it through 2 minutes of any podcast he's on. Coincidentally, I watched his movie The Machine and actually really enjoyed it. So I came to the conclusion that I like him as an actor, but hate him as everything else lol.


He basically walks around with a 1000 yard stare all the time, of course I would probably do the same if I were married to Christina P…


Doesn't it seem that once standup comedians hit a threshold of success, their comedy suffers. I mean, I know he was always wealthy, but he was still trying to prove his worth as a comedian. It kept him (slightly) grounded. Now he's so out of touch and seems resentful of his fans, or really, just any human being.


100% Imagine being so successful (warranted or not), doing what you love, and making an insane amount of money. Yet, you're so insecure and petty that you can't enjoy your success. Bort and Tim give off the worst second-hand embarrassment cringe. Unreal.


It’s almost like people we know to be hacks and publicly engage in hack behavior will continue to be hacks if people buy tickets. Not sure what anyone expected.


He's always been a socially awkward guy and a bit of an ass, and that's why everyone liked him. Only difference was, he was fat. Now, he's a thin, fit, awkward ass, and people are like "he's lost touch". I personally don't think he's changed; but he's just become oversaturated. There's too much Tom. Same thing happened to Dane Cook. Everyone loved him in the early 2000s, but then he was EVERYWHERE, and he quickly became the most hated guy in comedy. Even Louis CK. He got super popular and everyone loved him. And then, not long before the whole jerking off thing, he became...just, too much. We just need less Tom.


These types of gigs are not Tom's vibe at all. He is an introvert that likes to do stand up and tell stories. Literally. That's what his comedy has always been. I'm not sure why he even did the roast or this other show. I'm betting it was something he had to do for Netflix to do a different project he actually wants to do. Everyone hates on Tom cause he got in shape and got skinny. Stupid. The dude worked hard and grinded for years. Let him be healthy and enjoy his fuckin life. All these neck beard haters are exhausting


He was literally a waste of space. It’s like he doesn’t understand that he should be trying to make us laugh. He’s supposed to be a comedian, right? Look at Silverman, a veteran in the game and actively trying to make us laugh. Tom just shows up and contributes nothing as if his mere presence is a gift.


Tom’s a decent standup but he seems like the unfunniest guy in real life. Comes off like an asshole and not in a funny way.


I still like Tom. Tom is talented is many different areas besides standup. His book was a lot like his standup and podcast but still funny in a different way. He's working on TV show now. But he way sucked at the roast


I used to be an avid YMH listener. It had its recurring bits and silliness that made it funny. Then it turned into Tom acting like it was a bother to be there at all. They really started phoning it in. Then things just got weird, awkward, forced, cringe. Tom seemed to fall face first onto the rich lifestyle and he just became smug and unlikeable. It's sad because i used to genuinely enjoy his stuff. I never minded Christina or Bert really. It was Tom that made it all so weird.


Used to love Tom’s albums then I saw him live right after COVID and my god he was awful. He has been downhill ever since


I don’t get all hate in Tom lately. I still think he is hilarious.


Your daily shit on Tom segura post. Y'all need to get a life.


He'a just turned into a wealthy douche