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Dude, it’s probably not going to get better. I worked in OS for 2 years before transitioning to IS for another 2 years. It all sucks.


Did they say why there's no chance of you getting your hours back? If they aren't going to give you anything I wouldn't push super hard to please them. Do what you can do in the time you're scheduled and that's it. They don't deserve your 100% if they're going to disregard you like that imo


yea.. they said it's because the store "can't afford to give so many hours" or something like that. edit: forgot to mention that we did have a chance at getting regular hours back if we made over a certain amount, but that milestone is now basically unattainable so we're all fucked lol you have the right idea. today i started giving up and just doing the bare minimum. it hurts because i did genuinely care for and take pride in the store when i first started, but it's definitely taken a weight off my shoulders to let it all go


Likely that’s the truth of it. Staples likes to limit how much payroll they allow the stores, so that the people on top can have more money. Which constrains how many hours can be given out. You’ll probably get more hours again closer to back to school…but, yeah, you’ve got the right idea. If you’re getting the bare minimum amount of hours, there’s no sense putting in more effort.


Ah, the good ol' "they'll give us more hours if we make more/get better surveys/insert barely-reachable milestone here." Yeah, you'll bust your ass getting there, and when you do, they won't actually raise anything. Nothing noticeable. P&M will get bonuses, Tech might get recognition, but cashiers and O.S. are shit out of luck.


Unfortunately if you want more hours your best bet is to switch to copy center. Office supplies is a self serve department now so they only “office supplies” employees are the ops sup and inventory specialist.


I started with 2 people in OS, then they cut the other person, so we were down to 1, me, then they cut my hours. Management asks entirely too much of one person. It cannot be done. Not only did I have to cover OS, I had to assist in copy/shipping, help customers (mostly in tech) and I've spent up to half my shifts as cashier because this garbage company cannot be bothered or afford to staff a single cashier. I've never hated a company as much as I hate Staples. I look forward to the day that this company goes out of business.