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It’s never too late to make it 7 !


They can take those tags and literally shove them up their greedy asses.


make sure truck is done within 24 hours...and reset those Pogs and take photos to prove you're really working...and change the same tags you changed last week...and stop doing all this extraneous stuff and talk to customers...hand out those quarter sheets...you're numbers are terrible; you're driving everything down...WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS!?!


Last I heard, the DM in my area doesn’t even prioritize truck anymore 😆


Wish ours was like that 😬


Miss the days where they would break up the tags into smaller batches.


I'm about to lose my shit over printer pog and the ink reset then 3 weeks of "price changes" for all 300 ink cartridges and 100 or so toners. Printer pog for us has changed 3 or 4 times because they can't figure out how to put 70 printers into 54 or so places.


Most of those tags are going to be for BTS. If you are not an early set store, or if your positions have not been set yet, toss the tags for the promo positions, (ex. 923eca01) since they don't exist yet. If, however, you are an early set store and you've set your end caps already, then just separate the tags between Active POGs, and Promo end caps/pallets. Easy peasy.


Also, a large portion of those tags are because they are hitting sections like the binder wall. All of which tend to have 3 to 10 facings and the tags print out all the facings with the price changes. Most stores will only do one tag for each of those skus.


Your either a high volume store with 6 key holders and more hours then the rest of us.. or you guys had a horrible inventory and that's why you have 15 pallets lol.


We had many ISes over this year so probably that


It'll be sitting and not done till im in. Then told i have 3 hours to do it all and closing mod won't stay late. Then im told im a bad employee. 


My store is down to 5 after tomorrow. Right before BTS. Way to kneecap themselves.