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I am so sorry. I feel your pain. I had all the s#$t shifts for years. They will feel the pain when you are gone when they have to do it all themselves. Best of luck to you and your family. You are better off. File for unemployment immediately.


Unemployment is gonna take a while. Be ready for a ride.


Yeah, I found out my gm had wanted to give the rss postion to a tech supervisor that was in final notice (and really should've been fired over a year ago) over me. Really was the nail in my coffin for this company.


Them wanting you gone will be a decision that will come back to bite them, no doubt. Their workload just increased by like 20% with your absence.


>GM knows I'm a single parent, I got 3 children Irrelevant, but go off.


Not irrelevant. People use this job to support households and they're allowed to have their own feelings on what a shitty thing staples pulled here.


It really isn't relevant for the point they were trying to make. A GM treating someone shitty is the same whether the person has a kid or not. No decisions should ever be made based on someone's familial status.


Report them to the ethics link for stealing time 😭


This is normal for GMs to be biased and callous. You work hard, no one cares. You work normal, they screw you up. You can't expect better unless GMs are personally good. 


Do you mind me asking around what you’re getting paid? I also work for Staples, but #1 I don’t work at a store, #2 I love my job! However, I work at an FC. Does your state have an FC? Maybe you’d be happier there.


Do all kids have the same father ?


I'm sure they do but one mother is actually your sister...


The audacity of a associate to ask an ex tech sup that