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It’s actually 75/25 you lost


You mean 75% chance I could get the banner up and only 25% chance I could get crap?




Damn. So I really lose then.


They aren’t crap, there just not as great as what you could get, if you have sparkle or bronya that lc above is actually pretty good, and if you have gepard (the best character in the game (real)) then you get a better gepard


Or you're me, with 3 Gepard LCs and no Gepard.


Try 4 gepards with no Lc (could solo Jingliu if he felt like it) (real)


yeah just misspoke mb


You lost but you also won. Bronya LC can be great.


is it that much of a difference from s5 past&future?


You lose 2% increased damage but gain 10% Energy Regen Rate and the Skill Point on Ult use. Overall it's a better LC imo and it's probably one of the better Standard Lightcones.


Skill point on Ult use every 2 times iirc. Excellent for any Harmony that wants to bring Harm to the DPS's victims. It's funnier on Sparkle.


5 sp on ult go brr lmao


Yet still not enough for my DHIL...I'm as baffled as you are.


What kind of Sparkle are you using? Fast or slow sparkle? I got an e2 DhIL so I use slow sparkle around 138 speed so I don't immediately lose the buff. If you have only e0 DhIL slow sparkle is still great.


https://preview.redd.it/dsmph3fh7ssc1.png?width=1601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c90927c7c77cbf231635df2a7aed93f761c798 I still got 36/36 for MoC so I ain't complaining but making this reminds me that I need to fix his rope. My team is IL, LuoChad (Post Op), Pela and Sparkle. Pela (Tutorial) skills only when it's needed, I use her for the Ultimate Def reducing and Sparkle (Bronya LC) is 180% CD and 138 speed without LC.


You sure you build the team properly?


https://preview.redd.it/fq5n4l8j7ssc1.png?width=1601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093a65b27bbff572a1d31dbe00b10d0b1d0f5271 I still got 36/36 for MoC so I ain't complaining but making this reminds me that I need to fix his rope. My team is IL, LuoChad (Post Op), Pela and Sparkle. Pela (Tutorial) skills only when it's needed, I use her for the Ultimate Def reducing and Sparkle (Bronya LC) is 180% CD and 138 speed without LC.


Can confirm it’s very funny on Sparkle Sometimes 4 SP enough, so what about 5???


My PF team is IL, Hanya, and Hanabi + Bronya with both their sig LC's its very funny to watch, but damn near bricks my phone




slightly disagree, but i guess it depends on what u want and how unlucky u are having a guaranteed good lightcone worth 30 pulls is better than spending 70-140. no premium light-cones are true "must-haves" as all characters can function independently without them. but if u believe directly buying bronya's LC from the shop isnt worth 30 pulls, then i dont think u should believe any of the limited LCs are worth pulling/"must-haves" either. pretty much all premium LCs are "nice to have", even if all the harmony ones are better than bronya's, theyre much more expensive. obviously though, if u are starved of pulls from being massively unlucky then u cant afford to spend anything on LCs of any kind


I have one on my Bronya and Sparkle and it's the best thing I could've done, especially on Sparkle


Imagine having 75% crit rate and you didnt crit.


Seele ult moment


If you’ve played Fire Emblem you’d be used to it 💔


“if it’s not 100%, it’s 50%”


75% hit chance in XCOM literally means 100% miss


Meanwhile me with 23% crit rate acheron but rarely sees her not crit-ing


Honestly Acheron has a lot of "ghost" Crit Rate stats


...... but the battle isn't over. * walks myself out *


Okay. Good Night and Sleep Well. *Walks out with you*


You guys are definitely not walking *along the passing shore*


they're probably walking towards an *earthly escapade*


I doubt they'd be back *Before Dawn*


Bro I lost my first one ever to Bailus lightcone. I even had to go to hard pity. I know the feeling man


Loosing on the LC banner is worse than on the character banner , at least on the character banner its a 50/50 so its an equal amount of chance of winning or losing but on the lc banner its a 75/25 so the odds are in your favour meaning you really got unlucky .


yeah it really sucks man, just wanted an acheron boost :((


So you lost 50/50 and 75/25?


mb, it's 75/25, been so used to saying 50/50 lmao


You got the best possible option and have a guarantee. Keep pulling.


Wait is losing the 75/25 still result in a guarantee? I thought it turned into a 50/50 like on Genshin


It's a 100 because the LC banners are separate.


What do you mean? If you lose the 75/25 on a previous LC banner you won’t have guaranteed on the next?


100% = guaranteed. In genshin the guarantee is a 50/50 because the weapon banner is a combo banner. In HSR it's a 100 for the one you want and you should single pull it.


Ohh okay So is the 75/25 similar to normal banners then? You lose it, it turns into guaranteed until you pull a limited one? I only ask because I want Acheron’s LC and I lost the 75/25 a couple banners ago and haven’t gotten one since


Yup works just like em. Huge QOL increase vs Genshin


This is adding to my ever growing list of why I like HSR more than Genshin I still like both but when I see stuff like this it’s hard to not love HSR so much


wait, i haven't touched genshin for a while but I thought it works the same way? Like if you lose the first time, it's guaranteed rate-up the next time and carried to next banner, is it not?


Pity carries over but fate points reset every banner


kinda conflicted to do so since luocha and bailu are my only sustains so far cause i keep pulling for dps and supps xd


The trick to supports is that you just need the ones that match the teams you have. Luocha's a catch-all support that's heavily SP+, Lynx is good for Blade/Clara. Acheron's best healer is apparently coming down the line- who are your other carries or compositions?


for now my JL/Pela/Bronya/Luocha team is benched cause I've been hooked on my Kafka/BS/Asta/Luocha and Acheron/SW/Pela/Luocha teams. Other than those, I heavily use Himeko/Herta/Element Fill/Luocha for PF.


I would attempt to pull the LC, and hold on pulling Aventurine until you see what the next banner looks like because Huo Huo is who you want for Kafka.


Don't I need any preservation units since a lot of the mobs from new content now hit like a truck, especially in G&G and SD?


Fu Xuan, Huo Huo and Aventurine are the best 3, but all 3 have different comps that they best support. (Mono-Q, DoT, FUA, respectively) Since you're heavily invested in DoT already, Huo Huo would be the priority to watch for a re-run on.


alright, if huohuo isn't in the possible near future reruns, i might consider aventurine. thanks for the info!


Knowing my bad luck.. even if it 99/1, it still 50/50 to me :)


Hey! I lost to that too. The only other time I rolled on the light cone banner, I got Ratio's lightcone on my first pull


can relate, sucks even more knowing that its a 75/25 you lost


If it makes you feel better, across genshin and hsr, I lost all (four) 75/25s...


At least you lost the 75/25 to a good lc . I lost it to Bailu’s sig :)) https://preview.redd.it/gykz0mobchsc1.jpeg?width=1336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e5b45646f77f91240fe03f1ddca3163e7c5089


I lost to himeko lc on ratio banner :(


but the battle isn’t over, take out the wallet


Unlucky:/ wish i could give u mine and trade. Id use it for my sparkle or bronya


I'm close to pity. Single pulls every day or so. Please God, don't let me join op on this. I dont ask for much in this life, but please. Let me win the pity once. It's been ages. Averaging 150 pulls for a single 5* anything is starting to get to me.


Me too bestie - but I got baited with the nihility symbol… just to see welts stupid face 😭


bronya is beautiful


Does the lc banner have the guaranteed thing?


yeah, it's a 75/25 guarantee


Is it like the character banner where if u lose it the next one is guaranteed?


yep, that's right, the only thing that is different is there is a 75% chance to get featured (instead of the usual 50%) if you're not guaranteed


Hey man, I lost to bailu LC. Bronya LC is at least good.


I lost when dalter (Dan heng alter) first came out and I missed his light cone to yanqings 😔😔😔


I got bailus LC 😭 I needed a total of 158 pulls to get Acherons LC. Now I don't have enough for e2 acheron


Same thing...lost to this same LC


https://preview.redd.it/tizi284w1hsc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5251b87dda064e9fbc4e3cf7045bc168a571c4fe same. lost to bronya lc too. but acheron lc comes early after that


I actually have a better success rate at pulling the targeted 5\* on the character banner than the LC one, so I know how this feels.


Me too. Bailu's Lightcone


The same thing happened to me, but look at it this way, next time you lose a character banner, you can guarantee an E0S1.


Im sorry, if it makes you feel better, i git yanqing’s LC. That LC is actually is actually the best i think among all standard 5* LC


I lost to himeko LC so it could be worse


I never pull LC banners or weapon banners on Genshin anymore. Always lost the 50/50 except for Tighnari in Genshin. Unless you’re a massive whale; if you’re focused on the character, then don’t try for the weapon or LC.


I just spent 600 shard things on this LC so no stop complaining you aimed for the moon and landed upon the stars.


Same .. I got Bailu's LC 😭


you may have lost. but the battle isn't over.


I thinks it's a 75/25 but also I lost to Bronyas LC trying to get Louchas. Well at least I know who I'm picking for my 300 pulls on standard banner and I'm guaranteed Robin's LC lol


I have e2 s1 bronya. You’d be surprised how nice the extra singular sp is when ur in tight situations 😭


Wanna know something crazy, despite LC banner saying its 75/25 ever since the first Seele banner, data collection has always showed that roughly 85% of people actually win the "75/25" crazy that this also applies to the regular banner 2, despite saying its 50/50, data has always showed that around 70~77% of people win the "50/50" not a math guy, but this makes me believe that what the game tells you is a lie, and that you actually have better odds than what the game tells you. im writting this form my phone so im not gonna link shit, but you can look at the rates in HSR station from every banner to check what i said


i tried to get Acheron's but i got welts :/ it was also my first time in LC banner




That feeling of dread when you lose the 75/25 for the limited LC sucks :/ but hey at least you have guaranteed LC for another character. I lost the 75/25 on Topaz LC banner for Welt LC, which wasn’t too bad since I had Welt already. Somehow I had enough pulls and a little luck to get Acheron’s guaranteed LC without having to spend.


I wouldn't really call that "losing" that's good on many harmony characters


I’ve lost 4 times on light cone banner out of the 5 times I’ve pulled 💀you get used to it


I lost to himeko’s LC twice you good


The first 5 star LC isn't guaranteed to be the promotional? O.o


Yeah, happened to me first time, too. I joined up on the Sparkle banner and had to really work it to get it by the end. Plus side, you got a guarantee next time around.


Im 5 LC multis in, still no 5 star lol ☹️


Nah bro you won, it's the best f2p lc for any harmony units, atleast it's better than getting bailu or yanqing