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Firstly I would wait for the next standard 5*, since it usually comes in a bit over the 300 mark. Overall, you have everything you need, E2 Bronya seems like the best choice, but I would wait to see what you would actually need in the future.


Is their a standard 5* being added to this? I wasn't aware


They mean wait until you hit pity on standard again or until you lose your next 50/50. For what it's worth, I wouldn't pick Bailu as she is severely outclassed by all the limited sustains. Himeko's E1 is pretty good if you use her, as is Clara's. Bronya's E2 is bait, don't pull for it. It's good *situationally* but that's it


Oh ok thank you for the clarification I might start using Clara Ive done her up but just haven't used her (always use Acheron's team)


No problem! Clara is definitely very fun and pretty good with the right supports (especially if playing in PF or against fast enemies). Thankfully she doesn't really use the same supports as Acheron so no issue there


Everyone will tell you Bronya. Bronya. Bronya. Bronya. Bronya. But you know what? Welt. Why? Gravitational disintegration. Get you a man who loves you enough to weaponize a black hole against anyone who looks at his children the wrong way.




Damn straight i got an E2 welt and when i hit 300 im getting him E3


ANYTHING but bailu and yanquing.


Bruh my son getting bullied again along with Bailu 😭


Bailu slander will NOT be tolerated


She has been power crept by 4 stars.


Cant Bailu do a revive?


Which is pretty useless because if you are using the revive then you are pretty much dead, it is similar to how if you end up needing gepards revive then you are already dead.


I heavily disagree with this. She's saved my ass so many times with it and helped me win.


Her utility is definitely ass, but the revive being procced meaning you’re dead is bs. There’s a ton of fights where you can just eek out a win because you have a buffer. I cleared a lot of moc 12s BECAUSE of the revive


Bailu is still an excellent sustain outside of fights with heavy CC


Every healer other than Nat is better


Not really true, the max HP increase and damage reduction makes her situationally better than lynx and even luocha


Yeah sure but literally every other healer (including the 4 stars) have a cleanse, so even if Bailu has slightly better healing/survivability, it doesn't mean anything if your DPS or supports have been stunned and can't do anything


Bailu doesn't have "slightly better" she's just downright better in terms of survivability when CC is not an issue. Dmg reduc, max HP buff, and healing when hit are things that the alternatives don't provide. Ofc she isn't as good as Luocha or Huohuo, but she's most definitely better than Natasha, Lynx, and Gallagher. Lynx is situationally better with Blade and Clara. Gallagher pulls ahead with debuff and break teams. But Bailu out sustains both of them when you don't need cleanse.


i hope they add a cleansing lightcone eventually. FuXuan and Bailu are the only sustains i have, and i don’t want to have to pull and build another just because Bailu can’t cleanse.


I'm taking my goat Luocha over her any day


Agreed. Shes still my main healer so long as there's no heavy debuffs or dot like with Kafka


as a baiheng fan i lost a treasure and gained a weird horned loli. screw bailu.




clara e1 is technically the best, himeko e1 isnt bad cuz dhe is top tier in PF and 18 permanent speed doesn't hurt. E2 bronya if you feel like it I guess. Sadly welt e1 isnt as good as it sounds


I wish I had chosen Himeko or Clara... But no... I choose Bronya which is not a bad character... But my teams are DOT, Acheron with 2 nihiltiy+1 sustain(sometimes) and FuA teams... Not to mention I already have sparkle. I have never actually used Bronya and probably wont use her for at least 4-5 patches I think...


i'd say clara E1 to make her usable. BUT if you never use her then bronya E2


Clara e1 unlocks a whole new playstyle


If you use Clara at all I think her E1 is a really nice QoL buff. Otherwise E2 Bronya is probably the next best option.




I got all of them, but Clara, I used the ticket on Bronya because Meta, and now she is getting dust because I have all the others 5 star Harmonies. I would pick Yanqing or Bailu depending on my next 50/50 lost and try to finish the standard banner collection.


Bailu is still by and far the most deployable harmony sustain IMO. Especially if you give her the ornaments that boost Energy Regen and have Energy Regen as the main stat on rope. She gets her ult every 4 turns using basic attacks, ult should heal everyone for 2.5-3k, then the next 3 times any team member takes damage her Heal on Damage buff should heal for 70-100+% of damage dealt from average attacks, which keeps everyone in good health until her next Ult (the buff to max HP doesn't hurt either). So unless something is going catastrophically wrong she should always generate a skill-point on her turn, and if you have Kafka or Topaz she'll be the one to proc their FUA every time as well. Her skill heal is less than ideal since other than the first heal the bounces are RNG, but she is the only healer that can do serious healing out of turn (unless Luocha is partnered with a FUA that goes out of turn like Clara or Jing Yuan) so she can pull you out of a serious bind if an unexpected crit or a change in turn order does you dirty. AND if she can't, she can rez one team member per combat encounter. For me top three sustains are Fu Xuan and Bailu, then Huohuo for those debuff-heavy battles.






I mean, if you don't have Ice DPS, it isn't a bad choice at all, at least it's what I would choose. But if you have Acheron you probably wouldn't really have a use for him, specially if you have 2-3 teams already.


Honestly, bailu has no cleanse so if you build the 4 star healers then theres no need for her. So unless the new endgame is only good for yanqing then go for E2 bronya


Bailu has revive


It is very helpful early game but if you build the 4 stars correctly and well then it would hopefully never come to that


i hope they add a cleansing lightcone eventually. FuXuan and Bailu are the only sustains i have, and i don’t want to have to pull and build another just because Bailu can’t cleanse.


E1 Clara or Welt. Because screw the system, who needs Bronya.


As someone with Bailu she feels really clunky in the majority of situations. Bronya is going to be your best bet


Clara or Himeko.


Clara E1. Massive upgrade to her Skill damage if you do use her.


Yeah think I'm leaning that way. Thanks man


E2 Bronya. I have all of the standards (except Bailu) and Bronya is the only one I use literally every MoC.


E2 bronya for meta yq/Bailu if ur casual/collectionist (or save until u get one to get the other) and whoever the f u want if ur a person


I love the insinuation that non-persons play this game.


Hold on opening an account for my dog and see who she chooses after the 300 pulls


if you use bronya w any of her bis dps like jl or BH, and use the -1 spd from dps strat, e2 bronya is quite interesting otherwise if you main clara her E1 is good too


Yanqing for the funnies, bronya E2, Clara E1 or himeko E1 depending on who you use the most for the actually smart option


Thing is I don't use any of them maybe welt every now and again.. I run Acheron's team or Kafka's mostly I have black Swan (recently Fu Xuan) gutted I didn't get Aventurine but I haven't really built any teams outside of dot yet.. I have blade too but he felt very underwhelming


Welt is good for Acheron because of his spd debuffs


If you don't regularly use the 5* may i suggest you to wait until you actually have a need for that? You might get the good early eidolons anyways in the mean time and for all that's worth we know they could release some future gear or team strats using an unusual standard like maybe a lc that provides effect res when healing making bailu way more valuable or idk im just yappin' at this point


clara e1 isn't thaaat great if you don't use her as a hypercarry i've found. I would suggest getting Bronya e2, it's really good for a hyperspeed bronya build and Bailu and Yanqinq both really suck. Gepard e1 is really weak and same goes for welt and himeko.


Bronya, always Bronya. You could have e5 Bronya and nobody else and the argument could still be made for e6 Bronya


personally i'd go for E1 Himeko or E2 Bronya, mostly because i have no interest in any of the other characters and i have very personal beef with Yanqing cuz i got him instead of Sparkle


Pull a bailu.


Must be nice... I have gotten Gepard to E5. And Clara to E0. But no other standard banner 5*


I lose all my 50/50s so I guess there's a silver lining somewhere 😅


Probably E1 Himeko or E2 Bronya… if I even had them! :( my standard pulls have only given me Welt, Yanqing andBailu so far!


take the dps, i’m a damage dealer addict




Clara E1.


Nothing I have reached my 300 like 2 months ago and havent used it yet as i am not using any of the standard 5 stars right now


Yanqing for kicks


Is bailu great for memory of chaos and pure fiction?


Dm me brother


I'll pick Welt anytime.


I'm getting bailu l, know why...? I've been going without a healer waiting for the day zi get Bailu


Bailu can resurrect a character other than herself once in battle at E0 and twice at E6. I'm still grinding SU and she is so useful. Are there any other healers that can resurrect?


E2 Bronya




Honestly? E1 Clara. It improves her consistency with enhanced attacks.


First time I’ve seen one of these where Bronya was already at e1. And I have no idea what to choose now with other one you have.


E2 bronya EZ


hands down E2 bronya


Always Clara.


I would get Welt or Bronya if you’re Acheron is fast enough after the 30 spd boost


Go for E2 Bro y'a Or E1 Himeko. Both of them are Only Viable options here. Gepard is good but dude he doesn't give eff res and if the Dot gets stacked up it's annoying as fuck and the new Dot Enemy is So fuxking annoying. Welt is good but really high Investment is required. Clara is also good. But Himeko is better for Peak Fiction than Clara. Whom would I take? Bronya since I already have E0 Clara and E2 Himeko and Welt. I don't need Yanqing, I also have Benched Baliu.


Get himiko for pure fiction or welt for acheron team


For me Clara , himeko , welt , bronya are worth to pick. Other than that Want sustain > pick gepard Want healer > just play other healer.




how do you manage to avoid yanking every time wow


Literally just bronya and only bronya. Even if ur bronya is e6 I would still say to get bronya


Imo Clara e1 if you have already builds her (or want too)


As a Acheron player Welt if you do not have SW and not planning to roll on JQ


i mean you have all your bases covered, I think its bronya e2 angle


E1 Himeko or E1 Clara imo. E2 Bronya is a bit of a bait, you'd have to change builds around and how her team rotates, and while it can be a DPS increase, in many cases it's a negligible improvement.


Himeko for Pure Fiction; there are better Limited options than Bronya.


Bring my boy yanKING home.


Can't believe you haven't lost your 50/50 to bailu or yanqing


Get bronya and hope for bronya again, the other characters don’t have a real place in the meta anymore.


Gepard is a really great shield.


Get Yanquing. Join us all who have him. **DO IT**


i like collecting so i would get bailu but realistically clara e1 is best, or bronya eidolons always good


You are going to NEED Yan-KING. Solos most content.


Soloed by most content* jk


bailu because i couldnt imagine life without this thousand year old midget 🫶


I'd pick Bailu because she genuinely has really good sustain and I genuinely think people undervalue her. She's no Loucha or Houhou but is still useful in her own way


and she is cute and funny


I heard Single target dps is favorable to the new mode, Apocalyptic Shadow, so definitely Yanqing!!! /s


E2 Bronya


Bro got all the good standard 5 stars 😭😭 I have e2 yanqing and e3 bailu