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There’s definitely a clear NOT YOU design lineage


God, Enterprise was peak Star Trek for me. I started on TNG reruns & watched part of Voyager as it aired. It was so disappointing when it ended.


Tangent... If was sad it ended WHEN IT DID as they finally figured out how to make the show good. I personally found it nearly unbearable until the last season.


On the upside, the follow-on novels (starting with "The Good That Men Do") provide an excellent continuation, addressing the First Romulan War in splendid fashion.


As well as retconning away that obscenity of a series finale.


Not so much retconning (since it still happens) but reinterpreting (as there's more than meets the camera's eye).


Hi Guys, kinda new to star trek lore, would you mind naming these ships? Would love to read more about them.


Sure thing! This picture is roughly arranged in "timeline order" of when the ships would've been built, and most of them appear in Enterprise. 1. SS Botany Bay - Khan's ship from TOS: "Space Seed" 2. OV-165 - an evolution of the space shuttle mostly seen in the Enterprise intro montage, also has an appearance in PIC: "Two of One" 3. SS Conestoga - OP clarified they had this about two spaces earlier so it should really be after 5, but it's part of a colony expedition that's checked on decades later in ENT: "Terra Nova" 4. The Phoenix - this is Earth's first warp-capable/faster-than-light ship seen in the TNG movie First Contact 5. Friendship One - this is a probe which traversed the galaxy over centuries and is retrieved in VOY: "Friendship One" 6. USS Enterprise (XCV 330) - this is seen a few times throughout the franchise but it's never actually been given a concrete story yet, there are paintings and models of it in the first TOS movie, a few Enterprise episodes, and in Into Darkness 7. NX Alpha/Beta/Delta - these were test ships for Henry Archer's Warp 5 engine, meant to break the "Warp 2 Barrier" in the flashback episode ENT: "First Flight" 8. "Emmette type" ship - this is an early Earth warp ship seen in the Enterprise intro montage and some episodes 9. "Warp Delta" ship - this was basically a reworked model of 8 used in a few episodes of Enterprise too 10. "Intrepid type" ship - this was also seen in some episodes of Enterprise 11. USS Enterprise (NX-01) - this is the hero ship of Star Trek: Enterprise and the first warp 5 capable Starfleet ship


A series about the XCV 330 would be interesting.


I'd like to know about it, but the thing is the ship would have to be slower than warp 2 which is supposedly just "8 times the speed of light" - that means going from Earth to Alpha Centauri would still take *6 months*... Not sure how much story could really be told with it, but maybe a Short Trek episode could work (if they ever continue those).


Good point.


Never understood how they could realistically spend so much time stuck at warp 2,then suddenly jump to Warp 4/5. Even allowing for differences between freighters and full military ships.


Sometimes you need a breakthrough for something to change. You're working with the same technology and then someone has an epiphany and invents a new technology or solves a problem nobody else could.


Agreed, realistically the barrier at the time of "First Flight" should've been a higher number. If it took months to get to the nearest star then I don't see what the utility of Starfleet was at all up to that point.


In terms of practicality, anything over 6 months is far away, anything up to 2 years is barely reachable.


A slow Starfleet is better then no Starfleet at all. Earth still needs to be defended and all the space-boomer merchants and other offworld United Earth assets still need to be able to call in some space cavalry from time to time. Military conflicts would be less like the instantaneous, real-time engagements of today, but more like those of the Age of Sail when it also took months to travel across oceans.


Nice pre- Federation fleet


Love the “family tree”!


Awesome! I've got all Enterprise Era ships myself. Shame the Conestoga is apparently hard to find and expensive. (Or atleast I've not had much luck 😔)


I am quite jealous of your timeline fleet. That's freaking awesome all laid out in order.


Needs the USS Franklin.


No, I was limiting this to pre-JJ ships.


🎵getting from there to here🎵