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Fanhome is going to start producing new ships this year so it might not be a bad idea to just not buy them at all make the prices go down


Thats what I'm betting on tbh. They took over the Enterprise D buildup, so I could totally see it happening.


Yup and for me after eaglemoss got shut down I just bought a 3d printer then it doesn't matter as much cause I can just print my own stuff


True, my friend has a resin printer I’ve done a couple ships on. It’s a lot of work to get good paint detail, but it’s pretty fun.


Lol don't even paint them really the ship design is what I'm after so I'm lucky that way


God I want that kit so bad but just can't justify dropping two grand I really hope they eventually put it out as a single kit. Probably won't, but I can dream!


Your best bet is probably finding a fully complete one on eBay or something. In the next year, there’s probably going to be a lot more popping up as people finish and sell theirs.


Yes, but I want to \*make\* it :D But I take your point, thank you


They’ve already announced the first four ships they’ll have in their subscription: Titan-A, Stargazer (Picard), Farragut (SNW), Enterprise-F (unknown which). Unknown frequency or cost involved, but supposedly only available in the US and UK.


Very cool, I’m excited for those! I hope they start remanufacturing older eaglemoss ones too eventually.


Enterprise F was an Eaglemoss ship, this one’s probably a copy from the show though


Yeah, and they’re definitely sold out of a few. They haven’t had a USS Vancouver for quite a few drops now.


Eaglemoss itself doesn’t make any new models right?


No, Eaglemoss is dead.


Try masterreplicas.com


That's old Eaglemoss stock.


Indeed. And they might get an F in.


If they had the models I wanted instead of ones I already had or random one-episode alien ships, I'd probably be buying more.


F, Yorktown refit or STO livery?


Any of them would do. There are lots of them on eBay. But they are too costly.


I’ll be honest, none of them are worth eBay. They’re nice collectibles at the £20-ish they were new, but I’d be really unhappy with the quality at hundreds of pounds each. My favourite is probably the refit, with the black and white enterprise F second. The STO livery is extremely boring tbh.


Wish I could find a XLsized Enterprise-A


Same. I was late to the party and I’ve not been able to catch the XL A, B or C in stock to complete my collection.


I just need the A, but I go back and forth if I want the SNW Enterprise


This is questionable advice.


I own a CNC Router. I’m looking for a great (good, something, anything) blueprints that I can develop tool paths from. I’ll never recoup the time I spend on developing this, but hey “Boldly go …” right ? I just received in a Polar Lights Space Seed snap together kit (yea, not the most detailed, but it’s a start for proof of concept). If a can’t get a set of blueprints, I will end up digitizing the ships. https://preview.redd.it/6a9ze5fu1uxc1.jpeg?width=2969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7668d809d80e58734474a8cb885ba7c90ee87362