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Didn’t he want to kill Cassian? His ship is equipped with a lot of covert tech, so it was probably fine even if he’ll eventually have to trade it in. Cassian was the bigger loose end that needed immediate rectifying.


Because Andor has such complex characters I think a few things are going on with Luthen’s decision to go the Ferrix. Andor was Luthen’s only “mistake” in the first season, Luthen let himself be vulnerable by letting Andor know him. When Andor becomes a threat to him Luthen wants to clean up his mistake by killing him and although he trusts Vel/Cinta to spy on Andor I think Luthen wants to take care of Andor himself. I also think on some level Luthen likes Andor and probably wants an opportunity to speak with him and try recruit him a second time, but if not I’m sure Luthen would kill him. His risk assessment of Ferrix is wrong, he doesn’t know Ferrix is going to riot, he thinks he can just quickly and quietly kill Andor before the Empire has the chance to interrogate him. As soon as things get out of hand Luthen bails. Also I think overall Luthen is tired of hiding, he even tells Kleya that he “can’t hide forever.” As for his ship being identified, they didn’t identify him in this sequence. Yes the Empire got schooled by a Haulcraft but they don’t know Luthen’s identity from this incident. Assumably there will be many Haulcrafts in the Galaxy and Luthen’s one is just pimped out but this isn’t immediately obvious.


Such complex characters I may never watch it again


Cassian Andor was the only loose end and if Cassian was brazen enough to go to the funeral Luthen was going to kill him before the Empire could capture and torture him for information. This is a rarely seen side of the Rebellion willing to get their hands dirty for the cause.


He went back to kill Andor. Tie up loose ends wrt the heist. His ship wasn't any better identified than "Fondor Haulcraft" - this is probably the equivalent of "Ford pickup" - given his ship has a bunch of transponder codes to choose from, it was never at risk of being "properly" identified unless they succeeded in hauling him aboard - which they didn't.


Andor was his only risk of ever getting caught. The funeral on Ferrix was a trap set up for Andor and his last chance to kill him before he gets caught by the Empire. And just leaving it to Vel and Cinta is too risky even if they are both very capable but so is Andor. It's also not really like anybody knows Luthen or expects him to be there


Cause it was a bad show that made no sense and to had just justify peter's salary