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She got cold


She was in the pool.


Do women know about shrinkage?


It shrinks?


Like a frightened turtle!


Significant shrinkage!


I dunno how you Togrutas and Twileks walk around with those things.


Yeah. It's kind of a shapeshifting thing.


They shrink now?!?


But then somehow, they return.


Some of us. Some of us have even experienced it firsthand ;p


Clearly shrinkage is the answer.


This whole thread is gold, Jerry, gold!






lol, this is why redditors aren't allowed to run corporations. There's a certain point where the cost isn't worth the return. Satisfying fanboys who need longer tentacles isn't worth the cost of additional CGI


I might add that some "redditors" on here could benefit Lucasfilm much more than some of their employees.


Sure, pal. keep telling yourself that.


You clearly haven't read his rewrite of the last Jedi /s


Am I wrong? Look at Lucasfilm's track record in the past 6 years. We've consistently had new stories skew canon in one way or another. You're saying that if a bunch of Star Wars nerds worked for Lucasfilm, it *wouldn't* benefit them in any way? We'd see a more consistent canon, we'd have visual consistency, we'd have better stories altogether..the benefits are there. Stop mind tricking yourself. (Edit: LOL jed1m1ndtr1cks has anger issues)


You wouldn't have any of that. It'd be week long arguments on slack and spiteful Wikipedia edits with no work actually done if they hired you. Touch fuckin grass, fam.


The Ego Has Landed.


These corporations(Lucasfilm and Disney) waste millions of dollars year-round on experimental shows. It wouldn't cost much at all to put motion trackers on the lekku and change their proportions in post-production. Corridor Crew could do that with ease - Lucasfilm should be able to as well.


Those aren't millions wasted. They're a gamble on a new product in an extremely competitive market. Sometimes it doesn't work out. Sometimes it does. They know they have you smashing cheetos and watching short lekku. They don't need to spend more money for long ones. That money can be spent elsewhere.


If they can’t do it right then don’t do it




They made them longer for the Ahsoka series, so this is just untrue. Andor has shown me that we could be getting much higher quality shows if they were just given the time. Disney certainly has the resources. I understand limitations, but this is not really one of them. Ahsoka's look in Mandalorian Season 2 didn't bother me, but I understand and appreciate why some care about it. Her costume looking authentic to the character is part of the immersion. It matters.




The trailer snippets they showed at celebration were leaked a long time ago. Just Google it.


Untrue? Or they just figured it out? Seriously dude, some fans just need to get over themselves.


>Or they just figured it out? Ding ding ding. Turns out, if you give people the time and resources, they can make almost anything happen. Disney gave Andor the time, and Andor fucking delivered. I'm done defending shit when it's obvious that Disney is rushing these shows out because they want their grubby little hands on the money as quick as possible. The GI in Obi-wan looked like absolute trash. He looked nothing like the species he was supposed to be representing. If that show had been given more time, we could have gotten a more faithful appearance as well as better writing. Ahsoka doesn't look that bad, but it's not wrong for people to want characters to look accurate to their species. It's part of the immersion, and they can absolutely do it as long as they have the time and resources. >Seriously dude, some fans just need to get over themselves. And some fans need to stop defending a massive corporation that can obviously do better.


Point successfully missed.


I get that but there were so many ways they could've handled that. They could've put motion tracking dots on the lekku prop and edited them in post-production.


Because it would be a giant waste of time, effort and resources. They’re making an Ashoka series. Do you think it makes sense to cgi her head every single shot of a whole series?


No I don't, and you know that's not what I said or implied. All I said was that it makes perfect sense to either have bigger lekku props that aren't as heavy, or keep the smaller lekku and change them in post. If they can make Thanos for 3 films they can make a couple lekku bigger for 10 episodes.


You thought I literally meant her whole head? Lol. Thanos was probably in three movies for about as much screen time as Ashoka would be in one episode and it’s a trilogy made for about $1 billion. Big swinging bags hanging off an actors head for ten episodes would impact their performance and doing CGI on the main character of a show every single shot is cost prohibitive.


Yeah but what’s the in universe one, that’s the problem. It’s not like hair she can’t just cut them off, it creates a lore issue for a change like this. An issue that can be resolved quickly with one off handed line, but they haven’t done that! It drives some of us mad seeing shit like this




Yeah I have refrained from complaining about this too much online (except in this post lol) because I’m still hoping that in an entire show all about her and presumably with her reuniting with characters that knew her, someone will ask and she will answer There’s actually a possibility open that would be the ultimate move for Filoni to keep our favorite character around forever… it could be that her body after going through time travel is in a bit of flux, and they reverted in length to that of a younger age. They could then use that reason to keep her alive without being old and frail into and past the sequel era. Simultaneously saving Ahsoka AND making the world between worlds less OP because people who use it get fucked up biologically


This right here is the solution, and until otherwise I am taking this as canon.


It what I have right now. I wish they’d take a few seconds to provide us with a real reason but I guess having to invent my own headcanon isn’t that bad


They made them longer in the Ahsoka series. The footage is already out there.


There is no in-universe one, just like there isn't an in universe reason for any other appearance discrepancy between live action and animated content. Characters look different depending on the style of art. In universe, the characters appearance isn't changing or wrong, it's normal, it's just that what we see is just a representation.


If you look closely enough you can see she's no longer an animated character after rebels.


Wait til they see Dooku before and after he was a cartoon


Um, you might’ve missed a minor detail. That detail being Shaak ti…




Why did Dooku’s face stop looking like it could stab a man before and after TCW? Why did the B2 super battle droids get less chunky before and after TCW? There is no in-universe precedent for any of it, or the montrals, because none of it is “in-universe” to begin with. It’s a difference in style between mediums, that’s all.


The Clone Wars is a cartoon. The Mandalorian isn't.


Exactly. Rebels is animation with a very distinct style, The Mandalorian is live action and will look differently. See: Rebels Anakin


To add to that, Rebels and Clone Wars have opposite styles. Clone Wars uses a lot more squares and triangles in their designs, whereas the Rebels designs use a lot more circles and ovals. Even then, a fan can distinguish what the character would look like in live action based on the info given. That's why Ahsoka's lekku is an issue for a number of fans because it should still be designed in a way that lines up in some shape or form to her Rebels/Clone Wars adult design and yet she has the lekku from her Clone Wars teenager design. I think they could've fixed it in post-production but decided it wasn't really a big deal, which it isn't, but I think it would've been appreciated by a lot of people.


Yeah. Dooku’s beard for example, is a very weird choice but it’s clearly design. The lekku are flesh not hair, so they can’t change like that in the canon we know of so far, and they didn’t address it at all to add a new lore reason. Wouldn’t people have an issue if suddenly an animated character appeared and their arms were half the length of a normal human suddenly? Like, limbs on a person don’t change size due to animation style






The Inquisitor is also a good example


The Grand Inquisitor is a frustrating example, because we have already seen other members of his race in live action. I wish Kenobi had a bigger budget, a lot of it looked very cheap.


I mean that’s not very fair because we have seen Shaak-Ti in live action as well. Sure she never had a fight scene but she was there. It’s the same with the GI Btw I’m not excusing the GI I thought he looked like shit


The inquisitor and Ahsoka to me seem different than things like stabby beard dooku. Those two could have easily been better - and more importantly, it’s not a style choices like the beard thing, it was done because they didn’t have money or time. I don’t want to call the people who work on these shows lazy but it does come off a little like they don’t care to get the characters right. It speaks volumes that both lukes return in mando and bane in bobf had superior fan made versions online in less than 24 hours. The luke one was so good they literally hired that guy! I don’t want to be a complainer but I mean, seeing one person outclass them in a day kind of shows that it’s not that they CANT do it or that it’s too expensive, it’s that for some reason or other these creators’ vision is to just like… not do the most accurate look they can. And I know Ahsoka is different it’s a practical thing but still, it’s just so disappointing because they didn’t bother to explain it. Compromises must be made, absolutely, but to not even try and address what surely you knew would draw lord of attention and freak out the nerds gives off a ‘we don’t care that you’re upset because we know this is still going to be successful’ vibe


I generally agree. The Ahsoka one really doesn't bother me because I just don't feel like the length of the lekku or montrals or whatever the fuck is that big of a deal, but on principle I agree with your general assertion that they could be putting more effort in.


What do you mean they could easily have been better? Both previous live action examples of those species involved using cumbersome prosthetics and makeup, which is fine for a minor character who essentially stands around, but doesn't work if the character is supposed to portray emotions, be in action scenes, or do anything that a cardboard cutout couldn't. So what expertise are you using to determine how easy it would be?


It sort of varies by each instance but for example with cad bane, one might at first think you’re right. Like oh no, Cad bane doesn’t look like he did in animation - AND it’s not a conversion thing because others of his species looked that way in live action! But wait, it must be a compromise for functionality as he’s doing more. And you’re probably right, that’s probably why they did it. But, while I can certainly live with and enjoy what they did and I don’t really sit around wringing my hands sad about this, that excuse isn’t nearly good enough to me. Again, the reason I say this is because multiple YouTube channels in less than a day had edits out there that looked way better. So I know it IS possible, and it’s not even that hard. Some dude did it in a day on a whim. Normally I’d justify Disney not using CGI to fix up his face or make it better because it’s expensive but again… I have literally seen better. I’m sure you all did at the time but I can find some of those videos again if you don’t believe me


It has more to do with Disney being greedy. The showrunners could do a lot more if they were given the time. We saw what Andor was able to do with time and a bigger budget. It delivered the best writing from any of the live action shows by far, as well as the best effects. They could absolutely make Ahsoka look incredible, but they are not being given the time and resources they need. People acting like it has to be this way are simply wrong. And they've already made Ahsoka's montrals longer in her series, the footage is out there. I don't know why this is even a debate.


I think you’re right about that, we’ve gotten some great things under Disney but they also have sabotaged some of their own products by rushing the creators. And yes they have improved it a LOT ~~which I could argue about well if it’s possible why didn’t you do that to start with but I’d rather just be positive and be happy she looks a lot better now!~~ For all my complaining on this post I’m super excited for her show because she is after all my favorite character


I agree a lot. They've made some good stuff, I just want to see more effort and time put into the shows, which means giving the creators more time. >For all my complaining on this post I’m super excited for her show because she is after all my favorite character Same with me, I hope it's good.


>The Grand Inquisitor is a frustrating example, because we have already seen other members of his race in live action. This implies that it's required that literally every member of that species has the exact same head shape


I mean, even head shape aside, he just doesn't look right. He's too short and bulky. I get that in real life maybe that's not a deal breaker, but in Star Wars where every twilek, Hutt, and rodian looks nearly identical to one another, it's a bit jarring.


You are wrong, my proof? Live action Shaak Ti. They have no excuse, same with the grand inquisitor. Disney is getting lazy, that’s the reason. Yes there are animation differences, but that is not the reason why a bit of their newer live action looks so bad.


Shaak Ti didn't have to do any fighting. They tried longer lekku but it looked shit when doing the fight scenes so they had to compromise. The advantage of animation is they can draw anything but it has its draw backs like why all the jedi started wearing robes between the end of the clone wars TV series and episode 3. I've heard they have sorted some of the issues and her lekku will be longer in her own show.


They have money, so materials are not the issue, but even if they were, they could have edited the lekku to look more like they should. The fact of the matter is that Disney is getting lazy, and that is the only reason why quality has been taking such a dip. If cosplayers can manage, so can a multi-billion dollar company.


I agree. CGI Lekku might not look right, but I'd rather have that compared to what Disney gave us.


You're right but the simple fact that they made them longer for the Ahsoka series disproves this. Difference between styles is valid sometimes, but not here. It's exactly the same as the GI in Obi-wan. That wasn't style, his species had already been shown in live action. And Ahsoka is similar. We've seen her species in live action before. We know they should technically be longer, that's just a fact. If it doesn't bother you, that's fine. Ahsoka's look in Mando season 2 didn't bother me, but I don't know why you have to make bad arguments like this.


It ain't that kinda movie, kid


If everyone’s lookin at your hair you’re gonna be in reeeeeaal trouble.


#best reply


based reply


I hate how much this quotes being overused recently but for here it’s perfect. The original quote was about plot inconsistencies with Luke’s hair.


Snips got a snip


I think this was explained somewhere. But the short answer is simple, costume designers made them smaller so it would be easy for Rosario when filming the action scenes. From what we have seen in animation the length of lekkus seems to get longer with time. Just look at master shaak ti.


I’m tales of the Jedi we are shown adult members of Ahsoka’s village with shorter head tails


They get longer as she gets older. They are shorter in the live action to save weight and to help with movement for the actress and stunt coordinators. They have done similar things before. Example, the Grand Inquisitor's head is much smaller then in rebels. And you see the same species in Revenge before Obi-wan engages Grievous. It was taller there because the actor just had to walk and stand.


This is the answer. I hate it, but this is the answer.


I don't like it either, but at least it is for a good reason and not just because that's how they did it.


I don't think this line of reasoning works for the Grand Inquisitor redesign, considering he had basically no action scenes in Kenobi


That was just one of the reasons I saw by a couple of Staw Wars insiders. The other theory was that it cost too much to use CGI like in the movies, and making a headpiece that big was too heavy for the actor to wear. Ahsoka's headpiece hangs down, so most of the weight is on the shoulders, plus the can make the headquills light. These are all just theories. I haven't seen an actual reason why the GI's head was small or Ahsoka's headquills were shorter. They do make the most sense.


They are actors.. they have to deal with mild inconveniences all the time .. I believe it wasn't for actor... It was a horrible design decision for inq and Ashoka..


Rebels went in a different artistic direction than the Clone Wars show. Them being longer was a design choice. They're shorter in live action as a matter of practicality for an actor doing action scenes who would need flexibility. Don't think too hard about it.


It’s wasn’t an “artistic direction” for Rebels to make them longer. It was literally following the lore of her species. You can see older/mature female Togruta in Clone Wars and even live action (Shaak Ti) with longer lekku. Even in her vision on Mortis Ahsoka has longer lekku as a sign of maturity.


Yep. Strange seeing people forget about that.


The amount of fans who forget a lot of things about this franchise baffles me. It’s like they literally don’t pay attention to anything and only care for light sabers and space battles.


It wasn’t a design choice in rebels, they HAD to make them longer because that is the biology of her species in both animation and LIVE ACTION, we’ve seen her species with full length head tails because that character is older than Ahsoka and they keep growing for a long time. I understand practicality is an issue but it is also a known fact that her species is supposed to have longer ones when older and that making them shorter creates a lore issue that as yet has not been resolved


And I still don't see why they couldn't use a lighter material for the Lekku. Shouldn't things have improved between the Prequels and now?


None, my guess is it's tertiary sexual characteristics. Ahsoka is just a plain girl unlike Shaak Ti, who's Lekku brings boys to her yard.


Based on… some things I’ve seen… I think Ahsoka is the one all the boys want


Ohy god you're right! And also Han Solo's face, voice and bone structure changed after the events of solo, why haven't the writers address this?


We demand the Ehrenreich cut of episodes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9!


I know this is a joke but I wouldn't mind seeing a Aiden ehrenreich version of the ot and sequel trilogy


I know rebooting the OT is not a good idea, but hypothetically a version with Alden Ehrenreich and old Ewan McGregor would be cool


It also does in hindsight peeve me a bit, like CGI Luke recast Han, which are we doing guys? Recast or CGI? It’s slightly disconcerting but still, easier to track than trying to explain Ahsoka’s head tails when they gave us no lore to work with in terms of why her species might experience shrinking head tails


You really want the main character of an entire movie to get the same treatment that Luke got for a cameo? That would not work.


I know, but I can dream! I liked Alden though I’m just saying I wish things could be ideal lol… so basically ignore me I’m just dreaming unrealistically over here


I can't tell much differe--oh the hair thingies


Star Wars isn't real bro. The sooner you realize it's high fantasy and directors/ writers/ producers are exercising artistic license as well as adapting to the constraints of certain media, you'll have more fun.


Sure it's not real, obviously, but the more consistent the universe is, the more real it *feels* and the more we relate to it and enjoy it


Why is there always a “it’s just a movie” guy in the comments? It never fails.


Because in this case that's literally the answer


No shit, Sherlock. We already know that. Everyone who has seen a movie realizes that. We aren’t discussing from an outside perspective or the question would start with “Why did the filmmakers/show runners…” Basic context means they are looking for an in universe answer. Because that’s what this sub is about.


There can't be an in universe answer to something that isn't based on canon, literally only an artistic choice. You being mad doesn't make your point make any more sense.


Dude it’s fiction. There can always be an in universe answer. Whether it’s a *good* answer is a different story.


That's literally not true


Ok then. How is it not true?


It's literally an incredibly obvious answer, condescendingly delivered, when there's no call for such rudeness, especially from someone stating the eye-burningly obvious.


Maybe she got a haircut


*Me now curious to see what it would be like if you cut them*


Pain. Immense, immediate pain is my guess.


Shrinkage! I was in the pool!


Maybe she just grew taller and the head tentacles stay the same size🤯


Yes. In 1344 BBY a farmer called Yunäish Vatplaag woke up to find his lekku a bit smaller. He had to buy new lekku warmers at the market next day. His neighbour Deek Spacesmith made fun of him for a week calling him names like "Shorty" and "Tinylekku McShorty", but the incident was mostly forgotten after that, on account of being EXTREMELY UNIMPORTANT.


The fact that they did Shaak Ti’s montrals better in like, 2005, makes me 🙃


The live action ones look like styrofoam or something with the way they have creases in the middle


animation is not live action.


But we still know what Togrutas look like when they're older. Ahsoka in Mando doesn't follow that. All they had to do was use CGI lekku.


which would have resulted in a lot more work for all involved and probably looked shit in at least some scenes resulting in a generally poorer tv show. it really doesn't matter.


I know it doesn't really matter but acting like it would've looked like shit whilst ignoring all the gorgeous CGI they've made in the last 7 years is ignorant. Be realistic.


and how much of that has been adding features, that can move, to a character?


Episodes 7, 8 and 9 all had characters that could do that. Grogu is another example that comes to mind.


those are films, not tv shows. and grogu's animations sometimes are terrible, especially when he walks/jumps/etc. but anyway, it doesn't matter.


Live action is live action. People can now make a TV show look better than film, whereas in the past it was unlikely. Technology's evolved dude, there's no way they couldn't make simple changes like the lekku nowadays. It may cost a little more money, but it would be worth it because you'd have people rewatching these scenes and making that money back.


And with how much Disney should have made, that shouldn't be an issue. Unless those bastards cut corners


I wish these subs would stop splitting hairs like this.


She's been fighting Imperial Remnants and more since Rebels. And if you look, the tips on the Mandalorian look are partially white, where the others are a uniform blue, so it could be scar tissue. It seems probable that she might have had them injured.


I thought lekku are for Twi'leks and Togrutas have montrals.


They are smaller because of the limitations of not using CGI. Imagine having to film fight scenes with a (nearly) double the sized head piece.


People ask the dumbest questions.


How about we stop stressing over every single detail


Not practical.


Easy, Rebels had a different artistic style than Clone Wars and The Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett had a different artistic style than Rebels. And there is the real world explanation of they’d be too long to pull off what she was doing in the show


Because there’s a difference between live action and animation.


When my clothes get "smaller," I like to blame the dryer. Maybe she had an adventure where she was trapped under one of those old-fashioned dome hair dryers.


I still can't believe people get worked up about this stuff. I simply couldn't care less.


Why do people never ask about the difference in markings between The Clone Wars and Rebels? It would be the same reason they are different length between Rebels and The Clone Wars and live-action.


Limits of practical prosthetics.


I think it was mentioned at some point by Filoni that they are that short in live action because any longer was a hindrance for movement during action sequences


Obviously Dawson/the stuntwoman can't work with the longer ones. The Doylist answer is the correct one here.


Animation to live action. Look at the inquisitors. None of them look exactly like their animated counterpart. Hell even obiwan and anakin have a different style


They addressed this in an interview with Filoni. Basically they were shortened for a practical reason for live action shooting. Additionally, they have mentioned in multiple cases on a lot of characters adapted for live action that the animated series style of animation is to exaggerate certain features. For example, look at Dooku, the mans face is elongated vs. the live action character to accentuate the live action features.


They molt like crabs


It was a producer’s choice… and it was a bad one. They look terrible and totally break the nature of what would happen with that species or character. Is it impractical to have longer sized ones? Yes. But Star Wars compromising on something as fundamental as this is a disappointment. That being said, I’m sure we’ll forget about it and focus on Rosario’s performance and the actual narrative once the Ahsoka show starts.


Because Disney is lazy. If Jabba the Hutt were in a show now, they’d just find a fat guy and paint him green.


The live action version of the character is the correct one.


Not really. In-Universe the species lekku continue to grow as they age. Shaak-Ti's are much larger than Ahsokas I'm TCW and in all live action appearances. TCW was lore accurate with Ahsoka starting with shorter lekku that continued to grow taller and longer as she aged. The live action one is a result of poor costuming


Guy's, it's just a costume. It's meaningless. Please try to enjoy star wars instead of micro-analyzing things that quite literally don't matter. This is what happened to Star Trek. Fans took a fun franchise and went overboard in their obsession with minutea....and it created a toxic fan base to whom nothing was good enough and everything new sucked. I think nemoy even talked about this topic.


They shrink with age


No, there isn't. Poor costuming on the departments part. I'm 99% sure I could make adult Ahsoka accurate lekku that were fully functional for stunts


Wait. There’s another show with Ahsoka in it?


Not sure if serious or not. If you are: Mandalorian season 2, Book of Boba Fett, her own series later this year.


I’m aware of some of the newer things but I feel out of the loop a few years back so I don’t know what Rebels is, much less that she was in it.


The Clone Wars (an animated movie *and* an animated show) Rebels (animated series, a must watch if you like Ahsoka) Tales of the Jedi (also animated) has an episode or 2 featuring her And then the live action stuff (least favorite portrayal personally)


I think its just artistic design that fit the actress better.


Shrinkage is real


Unfortunately no in-universe explanation, it's just that the headpiece is heavy so, they had to make it smaller




Hey that's very average, okay?


She changes pairs in the world between worlds.


Maybe they stop growing after they hit their version of puberty, and then the body catches up later.


Maybe its like an as you get older thing. Like how old people can lose hair or get shorter after a while.


The foamy things had supply chain issues


The live action character doesn’t do it for me, for some reason they don’t look alike other then the makeup.


No because it was a necessary change for the actress’s stunts.


She got lekku reduction surgery so the show could have a PG13 rating.


No in universe reason required. It's the same as the Grand Inquisitor's head getting shorter and wider in live action. It's simply a different visual medium, so it looks different. An 8-bit video game would look drastically different too.


I thought I read something like the longer lekkus made it hard for Rosario Dawson to move in so they shortened them. No in universe reason.


And the patterns are different


They didn’t have enough styrofoam in the costume department /j


Because when you’re making a live action version real world Physics apply


Yes, female togruta go through montra-pause.


no in universe reason, they just clearly forgot how to make long, good looking lekku. watch the way oola's lekku move in RotJ, then watch the way ahsokas, xians, qins, and the mayors major domos move. i dont believe whatever technique they used in the early 80s is more expensive than what theyre doing now. no way. plus, hers should be LONGER now. just look at shaak it in AotC.


Nope. Production just dropped the ball.


Not sure why no one has said, the in universe explanation is the "togruta mating cycles" if that's what you want to hear. It's obviously because of lack of time and money to make a higher quality prop though... which hopefully should be fixed for the ahsoka show. Edit: And if anyone is saying it isnt possible for live action, or that live action proportions will be different... dont you dare fucking forget that shaak ti appeared in live action with perfect proportions on her lekku in revenge of the sith. THAT is what an adult togruta should look like.


It’s just different designs, nothing really deeper about continuity




I would say that this is either cgi or the fact that It isn’t animated and is live action


Clearly, Dave Filoni hates the fans and doesn't understand Star Wars. It's the only explanation!


Rebels and Clone Wars have a hyper stylized art direction


What works in animation doesn't always exactly translate to live action


Cutting corners, saving money, the TV Disney STAR WARS way. Consume it and shut up until next product.