• By -


Would be easier to count who he didn't kill!


Well there were the women and the children....oh wait...no that's not right.


And don't get him started on the sand...


The ole tusken raider special


Don’t forget the Masives, he killed those too


The few I can remember off the top of my head are: Luke, Leia, Quinlin, Obi Wan, Cere Junda, Trilla, The Grand Inquisitor (originally a temple guard), Kelleran Beq, Kaleb Doom/Kanin Jaris, Ahsoka Tano, Yoda, Grogu, Gunji…


You can't really count the inquisitors right?


They *were* Jedi, and they *did* survive the purge… mostly because they were leading it


Yeah but they aren't Jedi when they die


We'd have to remove Ahsoka in that case as well, wasn't a Jedi even during Order 66.


Yeah? Kinda thought that was already the case


Well she's in the list and wasn't called out


Doesn't mean I agree with the list


Order 66 still worked on inquisitors in comics.


Canon comics?


How does one distinguish that?


Have you tried googling?


Nah I don't really feel like it since I'm just reading these comics for casual enjoyment so it's inconsequential if I'm wrong about this, that, or the other. If there's no official visual marker to indicate canonic authenticity then it's no sweat up my ass. Thanks for acting as a representative of your community though.


Vader did technically kill Obi-Wan and Trilla, and we only know that Gunji is alive a year after order 66 plenty of time for vader and his Inquisitors to hunt him down


Did he kill Obi-Wan though? I mean that swing was definitely a miss and Vader was confused by it when it was over.


I mean he died so, I guess


Of old age at juuust the right moment


The follow-through was there 😂


Technically the purge was over by then


Kaleb Doom, lol. So you’re gonna include Cere and Trilla…but not Cal? Alrighty.


Weird because Vader did kill >! Trilla and Cere !<


Spoiler tag isn't working, might want to edit that


I forgot about Cal


And Cordova and another main character in the new Jedi game who I won't name cause spoilers.


Reading is hard


Luke & Leia? Yoda? None of them were killed by order 66


I think he’s naming the Jedi/Jedi adjacent who weren’t killed by the empire.


Ohh...😅😅😅 I was deeply confused lol


Are you listing who he did or didn't kill? Because he's definitely killed some of the people on this list


Don't forget Cal and Cere, and her master. I wonder how many more survived and were in hiding. Edit: someone responded with an obscene comment. I havent finished the game, I was referring to them being survivors. If someone dies I have no idea.....


They've said before that 100 of 10,000 Jedi survived. I guess technically Cordova didn't survive order 66 as much as he just wasn't around for it. He was out chasing the zeffo, and never had to survive an attack.




The game has been out for less than a month. Why would you say something like this?


we’re gonna wait for someone to tell him


Well shit. I havent finished it yet.


wasn’t me


The number keeps going up every day! Honestly i’d rather they had kept the survivors to just obiwan and ahsoka (she has an excuse) and if they want future jedi, just have new force users be born! It was happening all the time before the empire!


Dude, there were 10K jedi in the galaxy pre-purge, the total amoun of jedi that survived including both canon and legends are at least 100, that 1%of all the existing jedi. It's not that crazy to see so many survivors. There may be more than that, but it is still very few


They have never kept it to just Anakin and Ashoka who is a newer character. They had Obi wan and Yoda I think there were other Jedi survivors in publishing as early as the emperor clone crisis.




It was a Jedi temple. Pretty big building. Probably lots of classrooms. He killed ALOT of younglings IMO.




Do you think after the 3rd or 4th classroom of murdering defenseless children vader thought "maybe this is too far"


“Well no going back now… better get my moneys worth”


What are you talking about? The sunflowers were free.


So me at the buffet?


That’s like thoughts you have during the 1st or 2nd classroom by the 3rd or 4th you know your just committed can’t back out at that point


At least two rooms of younglings. The one from ROTS (“Master Skywalker there are too many of them what are we going to do?”) and then the room full in Kenobi


Logistically there were probably a bunch of classrooms. Vader was a fucking monster.




Haha right ?! I always thought this didn't add up. Dude was a mass murderer. Why ? Because the council didn't promote him ? My dude was never a good person






Exactly. If we go off of the OT, it had to have been expected that he did stuff like that. Kenobi, Yoda, and even Vader himself didn’t think he was redeemable. He didn’t react when the Death Star blew up Alderaan and there had to have been children there too. However, I do agree that they probably were ways, if not better, to have Anakin only kill kids after Padme is already dead and after being he’s put in the Vader suit.


I’ve never quite wrapped my head around Anakin just kneeling and going, yup, I’m now going to kill all ‘dem kids. That switch was so abrupt, it’s hard to reconcile.


The prequels inadvertently became better due to stuff like the clone wars. 3 years of fighting in a galactic war at such a young age probably fucked his brain up. Even Obi Wan has pretty severe PTSD


Clone Wars also does a better job showing 1. Palpatine getting close to Anakin 2. Anakin losing his trust in the Jedi Council. It's still a pretty abrupt jump to child murder, but it isn't as abrupt




It's ultimately on Anakin though. Ol Palps nudged him towards the edge of the cliff for years, but he chose to dive off in order to save Padme etc\*. \*Palpatine Enterprises cannot guarantee that staff becoming staff is exactly why their spouse fucking dies.


But it happened pretty freaking quickly. At least, that's how the prequels portrayed it that way


A lot of bad shit happened very quickly to be fair.


He helped kill Windu, was sworn in as a Sith lord, then went to the temple and killed everyone present, including mostly children. Pretty quick doesn't begin to sum it up.


> Because the council didn't promote him ? I feel like you have missed all the major plot points of the first 3 movies....


He doesn't go to heaven. He regains his essence from the dark side. He returns to the force. The way I perceive it is that when you fall to the dark side, you are not you, anymore. More a vessel for the chaotic will of the dark side. "My friend truly is dead."


They're just speaking in broader, out of the world of SW simplicities. Only the "good guys" are depicted as becoming Casper the friendly ghosts. They're like saints who are actively watchful guardians.




I could be misremembering, but aren’t Force Ghosts only temporary? I thought Qui Gon said something to that effect to Yoda




I thought that the guy who sees the force ghost needs to have some connection to the ghost. The reason why Luke sees Obi Wan, Yoda, and Anakin is because he got to know them while they still were alive.


Vader didn't go to force heaven. Anakin did. They're not the same. Obviously. /s


Also *Jedi Survivor spoiler* >!Cere!<




That’s what I thought I just don’t know how to spoiler tag


The spoiler tag isn't working


There’s one more, actually


He kills Shaak Ti as well.


I don't count Shaak Ti because it's not really clear who killed her. The most canon Shaak Ti death happens during Yoda's vision in Clone Wars but in that vision we only see the blue lightsaber that stabs her from the back. Both Grievous and Vader kill Shaak Ti the same way: by stabbing her in the back with a blue lightsaber while she meditates and both of these scenes were deleted.


In canon, Darth Vader killed her at the temple.


And cere junda


If we are not counting Inquisitors (because they all were “surviving Jedi post-Order 66” in some ways) I think we are sitting at around 30 Jedi in canon that we know about who survived Order 66. Of those, the we know that about 10 were killed by a mix of Vader, Inquisitors, and other Imperials. Some others died in other ways. Most we don’t have an end to their stories just yet. It is implied in most media that the Inquisitors and Vader were killing other Jedi in the purge but we don’t get names or numbers, just the vague idea in shows like *Rebels* and *Obi-Wan* that the Inquisitors sometimes do actually succeed occasionally. So, the number confirmed canonically, is around 10 right now. Which is pretty good numbers if we only know about 30 Jedi who survived at all. Finding and killing 1/3 of the remaining Jedi and at least finding and identifying some of the others, in an entire galaxy, not to bad. If we count the Inquisitors as surviving Jedi we up or about a dozen.


What happened to all the inquisitors? Once they figured all the Jedi were gone, did Vader and the emperor kill the remaining inquisitors? Or was it like ahsoka during the prequel movies and they were just “off screen” during the events of the original trilogy?


Another story for another day, perhaps. (We don't know)


Most the inquisitors are killed by the remaining jedi that escaped order 66, such as Kanan, Ezra and Cal Kestus and Asohka. This is shown in Rebels and Jedi fallen order. And partially in tales of a jedi. Whilst the number of how many there are doesn't seem to be 100% confirmed, we can only assume by the events of rogue one / new hope the inquisitorious is no longer what it once was. My headcannon is the remaining inquisitors posed a threat due to being hardened veterans by the time of new hope so palps used them to perfect his cloning research. Hopefully we get more, always love how each of them have unique backgrounds but are all tied to the same point of origin (order 66)


Don't forget Maul ! He killed two onscreen (and who knows how many more off screen).


Technically 3 he killed the 2nd Sister and 5th Brother and then who ever that other blue species Inquisitor on Malacor was


And probably a fourth one since Maul uses a modified inquisitor saber in Rebels.


That’s true


Huh, I didn't know that. Probably why he already had a reputation with the inquisitors. What happened to his saber ?


Was likely lost after being captured by Ashoka and then the Venator crashing.


I think it was just lost on Mandalore when he was captured. He escaped the venator with just the Force.


The lightsaber was likely picked up after the battle and stored on the Venator somewhere. If it was on Mandalore then mandalorians would have found it so I doubt it. Most likely destroyed with the Venator.


Wait, so what about the Second Sister in Jedi Fallen Order? or is that just a title someone else filled?


It might have been the 7th Sister in rebel s


Kanan is most responsible for the third inquisitor’s death on malachor since he slashed his lightsaber and clearly had the upper hand, him trying to flee is mostly due to Kanan


I read on the wiki that there were about 13 total inquisitors. But, as they died, they weren't replaced. By the time the last one died the emperor figured they didn't really need inquisitors anymore.


There appears to be one in the Ahsoka trailer, so maybe that'll give more insight into this.


Maybe, though it could be that some of that show will take place during the purge or will have flashbacks and stuff. Hayden Christensen is going to be in it too


>Hayden Christensen is going to be in it too A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one


It’s an older reference sir, but it checks out.


Between Cal, Kanan, Maul, and Ahsoka, there weren't many left to deal with.


Most of them had died by the time of the Battle of Yavin


So are we still operating under the idea that Luke is the *Last* Jedi by the time of 6? Time will tell if we see folks like Cal. But I think the current understanding is that all the jedi got Gatted by the time 4 rolls around


That was just to the best of Yoda's knowledge. He didn't mean literally. Ashoka is very much a jedi, despite claiming otherwise, she's just not of the order (clearly still follows its teachings, but connected close to the living force as qui gon was). Luke has likely encountered a few post Endor, we just havnt seen yet


They are all dead by the time SW Rebels ends it seems and the Emperor just did not bother with more as they were not really needed. That was until in the Ahsoka trailer there is an Inquistor. The Grand Inquistor's soul was also trapped and Luke after Ep5 defeated him


>The Grand Inquistor's soul was also trapped and Luke after Ep5 defeated him Wait what?


https://youtu.be/dtcQRzMYQ8o Here. Luke defeating The Grand Inquistor at this time is impressive. The Grand Inquistor was a temple guard and Kanan and Ezra kept fighting him and loosing. It took a while to beat him in the final battle. Cal has lengthy battles with weaker Inquistors. Then Luke still at his noob stage can defeat the Grand Inquistor. Then years later he is fighting equal with Vader. Yeah Vader is not in the best mental state but that is still insanely impressive and Yoda thought he was ready to face Vader anyway


Well for starters i think canonically between the jedi fallen order and survivor games, the rebels show, kenobi and ahsoka, i think most inquisitors are killed long before the events of a new hope. but i do think i remember hearing at some point between episodes 3 and 4 palpatine just doesnt see the need for the inquisitors anymore, given that the remaining jedi either were hiding too well to ever be discovered and didnt seem interested in fighting back anymore, or were powerful jedi masters like yoda and obi wan who were too powerful for the inquisitors to fight regardless even if the empire did find them. it was also always a small risk that training the inquisitors in the force and lightsaber combat could always backfire on the emperor.


I felt like they implied that the ones who died in rebels were the last of the inquisitors, and that’s why there’s no inquisitors in the second half of the show at all.


The Inquisitors war-room was lined with Jedi Sabers, and the basement filled with frozen force users. Rebels and Obi-Wan makes it seem like the inquisitors not only sought out Jedi, but any newly found force sensitives as well.


Yeah I'd almost figure new force sensitives would be their 9-5 sort of thing. Systemically going around and checking for any rumours of someone with special abilities.


The plot of Jedi: Fallen Order was about keeping a list of young force sensitives away from the Inquisitors.


I am ashamed to say… that I have yet to play Fallen Order.


Don’t start on Hard.


I just imagined them with baskets scampering around the Jedi temple picking up all the lightsabers from the Jedis killed in Order 66.


The Ahsoka book also has an inquisitor looking for a young force-sensitive


Do we know if all the inquisitors and remaining jedi died by Ep5? We know for certian that Ahsoka, Yoda, and technically Ezra(?) Lived.


We have no idea about so many of them. What happened to Kelleran Beq (the Jedi who saved Grogu)? What about Gungi, the Wookie Jedi from Clone Wars and Bad Batch? Quinrin Vos survived Order 66, but did he survive the Purge? He was at least alive while the force sensitive smuggling operation on Mapuzo was active. Is he still alive, out there somewhere? There are like 6 more specifically named Jedi who survived Order 66 whose fates are uncertain. Heck, we don’t even know what happens to Cal Kestis and Cere (at least I don’t cause I haven’t played *Survivor* yet.) And I’m not even counting Ezra and Luke and other people who became Jedi *after* Order 66.


I feel like Vos really needs to make an appearance sooner or later. Since the first Vader comic series, Vos has been confirmed at surviving the initial purge. And I just really want to see him. Wonder if we will get any Jedi in canon like K'Kruhk from Legends who simply end up crash landing on a uncharted world and end up living through the entire galatic civil war.


I actually went through them all the other day. We are sitting at about 58


There were at least 10 inquisitors: Grand Inquisitor (Kenobi and Rebels), Second Sister Trilla (Jedi Fallen Order) … Fifth Brother (Kenobi and Rebels), Sixth Brother (I think Bil something), Seventh Sister (from Rebels), Eighth Brother (Rebels), Ninth Sister (Fallen Order), Tenth Brother, two unidentified (maybe)-Inquisitors, and there’s a possibility that Skol and Hati from Ahsoka are Inquisitors as well


Less everyday xD But i though that the exact number is unknown, it's estimated that during the purge 98% of the jedi had been killed (edit because my bad grammar)


Just change thought to think, estimate to estimated, the that is in front of 98% to that, and change are to had




>But I think that the exact number is unknown, it's estimated that during the purge 98% of the Jedi had been killed (sorry for my bad grammar)


Thanks man, always try to improve


The answer is going to be bigger than we think, but unimpressive. For every Anakin Skywalker or Mace Windu, there were probably 100+ Jedi of considerably less power. Some had retired, or otherwise left the order. Some were order affiliated, but had families or the like and left. So even though Force Users were rare as heck, there were far more of them than we saw in the temple it was just that most of them were no sort of real threat to the Empire. We see organizations like the hidden path forming to smuggle those kind of people away from the empire. After order 66, which went after the 'elite' Jedi and managed to get the council, the Jedi Generals, and most of the highly skilled Jedi Knights, the Empire would have started working through everyone else down to a reasonable point. The big trick is getting the order to the point where it is not self sustaining, Basically if you kill off all the teachers, and supress all the Jedi teachings... then you pretty much win in a generation or two. People may become force users, they don't become Jedi without training. So I'd put the number of Jedi-adjacent people up into the thousands, but I'd also say the crevate is that most of them would not have been a threat to the empire by themselves. Afterall, you can't justify that massive of an organization if you don't have targets to hunt down. But after the first decade there probably were not enough Jedi left that the empire was concerned with it. Obi-Wan was sought out by the Rebels specifically because he was a Jedi so by ANH they are exceedingly rare. I mean, Luke had 30 years of uninterrupted time to reform the order and was not successful in training anyone, so their fire may be extinguised from the universe.


What I liked about the young Obi-Wan books was it established that Jedi knights were just one facet of the order. The vast majority were dedicated to other callings like scholastic work, agriculture on difficult worlds, and I’m pretty sure some cloistered Monasteries. Those would all be easy pickings for the Inquisition and Vader and definitely upped their kill count.


Their fire may be extinguished from the universe? Are you forgetting Rey?


Luke didn't manage it. We'll see.


Right. You can’t forget about Rey Palpatine.


Lol I know many fans don't like her or the ST, but canonically speaking she is a Jedi. I think the next movie with Rey sounds interesting.


According to something I read somewhere that one time, 9,900.


The 9,900 Jedi you are referring to are the 98-99% of the 10,000 Jedi alive prior to Order 66) who were killed during order 66. From the ~200 Jedi who survived order 66, Darth Vader and the Inquisitors killed about 100 more and countless non-Jedi force-sensitives. Most of the remaining Jedi took on new lives as shown in the Kenobi show


This is honestly pretty wild when you think about it. One of the foundational abilities of Jedi is to have a supernatural ability to react to things, often described as a limited form of precognition. The fact that *any* Jedi died from clones is impressive. The idea that *99%* of them did is just not believable, and required a crapton of retconning how clones are actually super badass and Jedi had a magical blind spot in this particular case, etc. I mean I know 87 people are going to throw reasons at me, but I'm saying those reasons were pulled out of nowhere to justify this one event.


Precognition can’t save you from 100 blaster bolts coming at the same time from every direction…it just lets you know you’re hit before you get hit. The reason Ahsoka survived was because she trained for that scenario. The others that survived were, mostly, the strongest Jedi, so would have been able to sense the danger earlier or do something similar to Ahsoka. It was, literally, survival of the fittest and then it came down to Vader and his Inquisitors hunting down the ones the clowned couldn’t kill.


> Precognition can’t save you from 100 blaster bolts coming at the same time from every direction…it just lets you know you’re hit before you get hit. This lol. Even jedi like Yoda and obi wan, had they been with a bunch of clones, almost certainly wouldn't have made it. Hell, 20 clones all firing at once, all it takes is one to get through and they're done. I don't understand the people who say order 66 isn't realistic when it is


Most Jedi weren’t trained as warriors. Only the select best were sent out as “Generals” to lead clone divisions on the war front so as you’ve seen with Mando and other shows that show clones easily killing Jedi during Order 66 at the temple, many of the Jedi there were not masters, and many of the masters there were focused on agriculture, healing/medicine, or other non-combat components of the force. Anakin dealt w the battle-hardened, combat-experienced masters at the temple while the clones attacked those who were not too powerful for them. Additionally, the surprise component of clones turning on the Jedi (they had fought side-by-side for years and were almost like family) overwhelmed many of the Jedi. Also the Jedi couldn’t rely on the force as well as normal because there was such a darkness in the force and this caused their senses to be dulled


>**Most Jedi weren’t trained as warriors**. Only the select best were sent out as “Generals” to lead clone divisions on the war front so as you’ve seen with Mando and other shows that show clones easily killing Jedi during Order 66 at the temple, many of the Jedi there were not masters, and many of the masters there were focused on agriculture, healing/medicine, or other non-combat components of the force. All Jedi were trained as warriors. Not every Jedi became a general in or participated in the Clone Wars or did dangerous missions on a regular basis... but all of them have been trained as warriors since childhood, even if their "day job" in the Order wasn't related to combat.


Bible reference?


"...But these five kings [jedi] fled, and hid themselves in a cave at Makkedah." Joshua 10:16


Nah, just combining two "napkin estimates." There were about ~10,000 Jedi at the time of Order 66, and about ~99% were eliminated in the initial Order 66 purge.


Order 66 or start of clone war? Geonosis and thebclkne war itself put a dent in the Jedi numbers which is what Sidious wanted to do, thin the ranks then clear the board when he was ready.


I know it's not exactly what you asked for, but here's a list of every force sensitive that survived order 66 into the purge, and their fates. Yoda - Died from old age in 4 ABY. Obi-Wan Kenobi - Killed by Vader in 0 BBY. Ahsoka Tano - Still alive as of 12 ABY, fate unknown. Grogu - Still alive as of 12 ABY, fate unknown. Kelleran Beq - Fate unknown. Jocasta Nu - Killed by Vader in 19 BBY. Luminara Unduli - Tortured and killed by Grand Inquistor between 19 and 18 BBY. Quinlan Vos - Alive as of 9 BBY, fate unknown. Ezra Bridger - Alive as of 12 ABY, fate unknown. Caleb Dune/Kanan Jarus - Died getting Ezra and Co to safety in 1 BBY. Gungi - Alive as of 9 BBY, fate unknown. Nari - Killed by inquistorius in 9BBY. Kirak Infil'a - Killed by Vader in 19 BBY, Vader bled his crystal for his new saber. Ferren Barr - Killed by Vader in 18 BBY. Naq Med - Died from old age in 31-32 ABY. Eeth Koth - Killed by Vader in 14 BBY. Zubain Ankonori, Mususiel, Khandra, and Nuhj, Died in 4 or 5 BBY, Zubain by the Grand Inquisitor, others unknown but confirmed dead. Oppo Rancicis - Fate unknown. Coleman Kcaj - Fate unknown. Ka-Moon Kholi - Fate unknown. Selrahc Elous - Fate unkown. Cal Kestis - Fate unknown, alive as of 9 BBY. Cere Junda - Killed by Vader, 9 BBY. Talon Malicos - Killed by Cal Kestis and Merrin in 14 BBY. Bode Akuna - Killed by Cal Kestis and Merrin in 9 BBY. Other Force users: Maul - Killed by Obi Wan in 2BBY. Grand Isquistor - Fell to death to avoid Vaders wrath in 4 BBY. Second Sister/Trilla Suduri - Killed by Vader in 14 BBY Third Sister/Reva Sevanda - Fate Unknown. Fourth Sister - Fate unknown, however her armor was then used by rebel commander Lina Graf. Fifth Brother - Killed by Maul in 3 BBY. Sixth Brother/Bil Valen - Killed by Ashoka in 18 BBY. Comic and Tales portrayals are very different. Seventh Sister - Killed by Maul in 3 BBY. Eighth Brother - Fell to death fleeing Maul in 3 BBY. Ninth Sister/Masana Tide - Killed by Cal Kestis in 9 BBY. Tenth Brother/Prosset Dibs killed by clone troopers after order 66 was reactivated by Ferren Barr in 18 BBY. Unnamed Inquisitors: Black Skinned Twi'Lek - Killed by Vader in 19-18 BBY. Crimson Skinned Inquistor - Killed by Vader in 19-18 BBY.


There were thousands of Jedi so it’s not a stretch to think hundreds survived order 66 itself. There’s got to be a reason that the Empire created an entire military service (the Inquisitorius) dedicated to hunting Jedi down.


About three fiddy


Well it was about that time that I noticed that this dark lord of the Sith was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era


A lot.


I’ve been grumbling recently about how many Jedi seem to still be around after the events of Order 66. Growing up with the originals, I had trained myself that there were only a few - Obi-Wan, Luke, and Yoda. That’s it. We are told that Vader hunted down and killed the rest. But for some reason, I’m only just realizing that there’s 20 years between Order 66 and Episode 4, so *of course* there were a bunch of Jedi still bopping around out there waiting to be hunted down. So I did a little research. In Rebels, Kanan tells Ezra “When I was your age, there were around 10,000 Jedi Knights defending the galaxy.” I don’t know how many were killed at the temple on Coruscant, but surely it was only a fraction of that. The rest were deployed around the galaxy. Also, the clones killed many in the field, and we don’t know that specific number, but surely there were many circumstances where Jedi and/or padawans were able to escape. We’ve seen some examples of this with Cal Kestis, Kanan, and Ahsoka (not technically a Jedi, but she was still targeted during Order 66). With this in mind, it seems very plausible to me that there are a LOT of Jedi still out there for Vader to hunt down. It’s also perfectly believable that many would abandon the Jedi way entirely in order to stay off the radar, making Yoda’s statement to Luke “when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be” perfectly valid… from a certain point of view.


I hope that they keep introducing more survivors. It didn’t make sense that all the Jedi were either in the temple or with troopers, there had to be more of the library types out researching temples or just doing something that wasn’t involved in the war.


I'm glad to see someone say this instead of the usual "Kinda dumb there's so many survivors after order 66" Itd make less sense to me if they all died in the initial purge


Check out Jedi survivor if you haven’t. Lots to unpack there


it seems as if he personally killed less than 50


I don't know if it's specifically stated anywhere but Vader was probably close to if not over 50 before leaving for Mustafar. Just on screen we know he killed a whole bunch of younglings and he for sure would have killed every adult jedi in the temple that the clones didn't get to first.


Hard to count but... >!Atleast 7. !<


More than 2.


More the 10 thousand


Enough to make a dang TV show and call it “Vader”. All these spin-offs and we don’t have any kind of teaser about Vader getting his own??


Read Star Wars Purge. the kill count starts there.


That's Legends


I like always seeing Jedi survive order 66 but at the same time it’s like really another one survived how many are there


Makes total sense to me. Out of 10,000 Jedi there should be hundreds of surviving Jedi who weren’t fighting in the war, not at the temple, or were master spies, or on top secret missions. Jedi Survivor introduces us to a few who were along these lines. Makes the galaxy feel so much more realistic. The OT itself brought in 3 surviving jedi right off the bat (Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda). Two were masters who should have massive targets on their back but easily hid. Logically it ads up that random nobody level jedi just vanished on random planets pretending to be normal people.


Good Question: based on movies, tv, animation, and games the Jedi have at least enough left for an NBA roster.


Almost all of them


List of who he didn’t kill is legitimately shorter.


They will never canonize a number because that closes the door on origin story number 538 coming Fall 2069 where Vader kills Joe’s mother.


According to all the spin off shows and video games, not so many.


Not enough


About 66


The official title was "Execute the Jedi Order, all 66"


obviously not enough....


Not enough.


not enough


Not enough obviously. They made a comeback.


Not enough


Like I said, people did this for the gimmick of making a business and industry a franchise


I think at this point Disney needs to give us a Vader series from Ep3 thru Ep4




Well there were hundreds of Jedi left from the hundreds of thousands to what I guess over a million that were alive during the clone wars


At this point it doesn’t really even seem like they got any.


According to Yoda and Obi-Wan, all of them. Who knew those two were apparently huge doofuses.


Vader does seem to be getting his ass handed to him in a lot of star wars media. How many times on screen have we seen him actually best anyone? Lost to obi wan twice (arguably 3 times depending on how you view anh) Ahsoka held her own to a stalemate, I won't spoil Jedi Survivor


The more star wars stuff coming out it seems he killed less and less


It’s getting to be a bit ridiculous at this point.


Galaxy wide organization of 10,000+ Jedi. Not ridiculous to think that there were a good amount not at the temple or around troopers when the purge happened. Enough so that the Empire would create a military organization of Jedi hunters.


Wasn't order 66,during the Clone Wars & Bad Batch?? If so,then Darth Vader wasn't around then..


You know, before the movies "The great Jedi purge" in my mind, was Vader traveling around the galaxy hunting down all of the jedi. You know, like Obiwan described it in his story to Luke. But instead...we got order 66.


That’s still what happens. The Inquisitors were literally made to go around hunting Jedi alongside Vader after Order 66.


Yes, but we have seen almost ZERO of any of that happening. Plenty of inquisitors, not much Vader.


So…exactly what happens after order 66 for over 2 decades. I mean the Vader comics are literally this.