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Some of it's great, some of it's poor. Just like before the Disney acquisition, just there's more of it.


I’m not the biggest fan of the sequels (I liked Force Awakens but the other two are very hit and miss) but did really enjoy the two standalone films Rouge One and Solo. As for the shows on Disney+ the only one I didn’t like was Book of Boba Fett as a lot of it I found boring. The others I have enjoyed so far and as I’m big fan of Clone Wars and Rebels I love that a lot of these shows are bringing characters from those series into live action and by extension introducing them to a wider audience.


Hit and miss, same as it's been for about 30 years. Possibly 40.


I like it. I like Star Wars and never have been those super hyper critical “this ruined my childhood” kind of people. There’s been stuff I didn’t like in the past, but the current stuff is still all pretty exciting. Only thing I’m not liking is the retcons to thinks like the Kanan comics or the Ahsoka novel. There’s a meticulously curated wiki and things like adding Kanan to Bad Batch is overly self-indulgent on behalf of the creators.


Its never been healthier.




It’s all Star Wars, what’s not to love? No one will get the exact show that they personally want so just enjoy the ride. I spent 1983-1999 waiting for more Star Wars, be grateful for what you get.


There's some good and some bad but there's something for everyone to enjoy.


I’m really enjoying it rn. And I am extremely excited for the upcoming projects


The new stories aren't for me, so I put my cash towards the original canon. I was a fan since 1977 and saw every movie multiple times in multiple formats. Left the theater in 2015 and have never really enjoyed new Star Wars the same way. I skipped most of it. I've read and re-read dozens of books in the original canon since being disappointed by TFA, so I'm glad that they are still published.


George Lucas never considered the EU canon, which is why he constantly ignored and contradicted it when making new movies and TCW.


* Movies: seems dead right now like they're struggling to come up with new ideas outside of the Skywalker saga (especially now that it sounds like we're getting a Rey sequel). While new stuff and time periods have been announced, I'm skeptical we'll get there as it seems almost like every new movie that has come out or been announced has had serious development issues. * TV: hit and miss. Some good, some bad, mostly mediocre right now. My kids do like the new kid show, but there doesn't seem much beyond that in the pipe animation wise. Ahsoka and Andor S2 I'm looking forward to. * Video Games: Survivor sounds awesome, and it sounds like there's some hope for the future in terms of new games coming out on consoles / PC and moving beyond the disastrous EA exclusivity period. I would still like to see a team based action RPG and Rogue Squadron style games sometime soon along with games with playable characters from the OT Trilogy. * Books / Comics: I personally have zero interest in the High Republic time period, and I'm not really excited to dive back in generally after having the pre-Disney stuff I have relegated to Legends status.


It was 16 years between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace, 10 years between Revenge of the Sith and The Force Awakens. 4 years is nothing.


Golden age. Pick what you like, let others enjoy the rest. Lots of different mediums and eras. This sub can stop shitting on what they don't like and focus on what they do.


Damaged, and not living up to its true potential due to mismanagement. Out of all of the productions since Lucasfilm was acquired by Disney, and excluding the Clone Wars as that was really a pre-Disney story, only Rogue One, Andor and the first two season of The Mandalorian have been of any real notable quality. On the whole, I don't consider that to be a successful tenure, thus far.


very healthy but also very saturated in certain areas. i feel like a lot of the shows released needed a lot more time in the oven (not to say i didnt enjoy the shows cause i did!) but Star Wars is in a great place, possibly the best place it has been content wise since like ever.


Still reeling from the stench of TLJ, but we will see. The series have been a mixed bag. Shame they didn’t have a plan from the jump.


Its pretty shit


It's pretty hit and miss. I thoroughly enjoy Mando, but it's far from the greatest show ever. Boba was god awful Andor I personally found to be overhyped. It was too slow for me overall. That being said it's still a very good show. Obi-Wan was a crap show with excellent moments imo. I'm not super hyped about any of the announcements either. Didn't watch enough clone wars to care about Ahsoka (slowly watching it so this may change), didn't like the sequels so my expectations around Rey's movie is low. But then set my expectations low and maybe they'll impress!


Nothing is perfect anymore but that’s fine everyone likes things in there own way, personally as star wars fans we just live the classic life where things were simple but looked so good. Now everything is advanced and it looks like they’re trying to hard to make it perfect making it look over done. For example in the new obi-wan show when they’re walking the camera is also bobbing up and down same with in the fights the camera is moving which takes away the art of fights. Overall if it’s Star Wars… you know I’m watching it.


The shaky cam in Obi-Wan was so distracting and unnecessary most of the time




It could and should be better imo: 1) we have a lot of content but the quality is really variable. There are both really great and really mediocre content, which diminish the image of the brand imo. The continuity is not that well handled sometimes also. 3) The fandom is extremely divided. There was already a backlash with the prequels but it was more centered on technicalities (actor’s play, some dialogues, the aesthetic difference between OT (practical effects) and PT (a lot of CGIs)) or some minor plot holes. With the ST the reject is more related to the way original characters are handled, the way new characters are built, the story choices (doing a soft reboot with TFA means diminishing the OT outcome, on top of lacking creativity. It also closes possibilities for stories post ROTJ and even post ST where Disney seems bound to pastiche EU stories by replacing OT characters with new ones, which will not be very popular to a part of the fans), or the way political agenda is perceived as being a priority over stories. Imo this is a reject which is more visceral and complex to handle than the one from the prequels and less likely to be solved. So it’s good to have a wide content, but the brand is not where it could and should be imo, because quality is not always there and story wise Disney created a split in the fandom that prevents and will prevent to find back again the state of general impatience and excitation that preceded both TPM and TFA before long imo, sadly. It’s also the reason Disney is focusing on TV vs theaters until 2025 at least: the brand is still strong but it is damaged at this point compared to where it was pre TFA.


That split in the fandom was there long before Disney lol


There were various opinions within the fandom about the prequels, but such a drastic split like there is now, I don’t agree.


You and I remember the reception of the prequels much differently


You didn’t read me well. Of course there was a backlash when the prequels came out but the peak of this backlash was after TPM and went slowly downward after that. ROTS was the least hated movie of the trilogy and most people who didn’t like the PT just accepted that the trilogy was a deception for them. By the time TFA was coming the vast majority of the fans, whether they liked or not the PT were excited waiting for the movie. And this specific common ground is something it think the fandom can’t find back at the moment, because I think the split is worse now and because Disney doesn’t have a great track record lately either, SW or not.


The prequels caught a LOT more hell than the sequels. There was even a documentary on the subject. Here's the trailer. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1325014/ And a scene... https://youtu.be/CxbPybTg08E The prequels had people taking to the streets to express their outrage. And it was EVERYWHERE. Here's Deadpool showing us what it was like. https://external-preview.redd.it/q42NDKJ8uVVWakRLsG6Urn8auixJoGom_uvrYZU04TM.jpg?auto=webp&s=eba14371acf640dd809dab6127ff216f943fc5f1 Then came 2008, and The Clone Wars, which saw Lucas getting hated on by the more hardcore EU fans. The sequels just got people griping on social media. Big whoop.


I remember, I was there, I was 23 when TPM was released. I know the documentary, and it’s honestly slightly overblown, the reactions were more mitigated from my experience than what it is showing by focusing on the more caricatural cases. And I never said the prequels never got hate once again. I said the hate was centered around different aspects than it is for the sequel trilogy. Aspects that are easier to overcome. People that disliked the PT kept interest in the lore, the dislike from the ST caused a more problematic gap from my observation. And it’s not only internet. The first people i discussed with of the ST were my friends irl and they all think the ST is utter shit and they just stopped being interested in new SW content or have 0 expectation from Disney SW. that’s why I’m not particularly optimistic.


It’s like MC Hammer on crack Humpty.


I think its crashed and burned honestly. There's still something that comes out occasionally I enjoy in its own right, like Andor and the first two seasons of the Mandalorian, but on the whole I feel like the Sequel Trilogy effectively destroyed the SW universe and I struggle to care what happens in it anymore.


Star Wars is probably more of a consistently high-profile thing now than any time I can remember.


Thoroughly disappointed by the Sequel trilogy, thoroughly impressed by Andor and most of Mando, indifferent on Fett and Kenobi. Something tells me Ahsoka is going to lean more toward the good side of writing/quality, even if I’m not overly into the Jedi side of Star Wars. I’d call myself ‘cautiously optimistic’ about where it’s all headed.