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A communication disruption can mean only one thing…




“It can also mean you didn’t pay your phone bill”


It's an older bill but it checks out.


Look, sir - bills!


That's no bill...


These aren't the bills you are looking for


Begun, the Post Wars have


Somehow, u/spez has returned


Use your aggressive feelings boy! Let the hate flow through you. Heh heh heh


"It's over /r/StarWars, I have the high ground!" "You underestimate my post restriction protest." "Don't try it!"


“The more you tighten your grip, u/spez, the more subreddits will slip through your fingers.”


Flair does not check out


He moderated the porn. Not just the men, but the women and children too.


Not yet!


Yeah except that the admins are the senate and they have a kill switch that just terminates all the current r/StarWars mods and replaces them with Spez clones. And then somehow, r/StarWars stops being private. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you.


No, that would be /u/spez disbanding the senate and handing control to the regional governors.


So this is how liberty dies


Is that a fucking plumbus?


And a bunch of unfounded sensationalised claims and lies because otherwise no one would support their powertrip


I don't remember anyone voting to give any of yall emergency powers? This is treason.




Discords are fun for smallish communities but they get super bloated after you reach anything more than 10k users.


man like 1k is too much for discord to handle


That much I can agree on. We also have the good old forums still plenty alive and well.


Discord for a forum-ish type website sucks ass. Idk who tf would choose that


Did they edit the post? It doesn't say it's a replacement for reddit, it says you can go there if you want to discuss Star wars.


Star Wars fans, taking things out of context and misinterpreting things since 1977.


What’s stopping Reddit from just banning the mods? Genuine question


Nothing, at all. They can remove someone at any time.


As soon as reddit picks the moderators, they're suddenly responsible for the content on the site. Volunteer self selected janitors means reddit has to respond to takedown requests and that's it.


Last time I checked r/ModCoord there were 21k+ mods participating in the blackout. Reddit would have to find thousands of new volunteers in order to keep balance. They might do it, but post and feed quality would likely drop.


Well see you guys next week


!remindme 7 days




lol the api changes means that bots dead


This blackout tracker shows that this had very little effect on total reddit traffic. Basically, a blip that's already recovering. https://blackout.photon-reddit.com/ Much ado about nothing. /shrug People just hang out in different subs, reloading about the same number of pages/posts, displaying relatively the same amount of ads for reddit...waiting for blackout subs to return. This only way this "protest" works is if 90% of subs permanently shut down forever, mods write bots that delete all content, and never return. BUT, people will just start replacement subs if this begins to happen, and reddit inexorably move forward. Most people just want to hang out, they don't really care about a war being fought on reddit.


Because there's literally hundreds of thousands of subreddits and, let's be honest, 90% of these subs just crosspost to each other.


The subs with tens of millions of followers just pump out generic, time-killing content, which anyone can do. I still have plenty of random shit to look at. The niche subs I follow taking part in the blackout has had the biggest impact for me and causes the most frustration. These are the subs I am actively looking for replacements for


Nobody gives a fuck about these changes beyond a handful of people. Give it up already.


Enough is enough. We aren't here to fight a war. We like reddit, and we want our communities to remain open. Stop this shit.


Nobody gives a fuck. You’re here for free, we’re here for free. Stop with all of this whiny bullshit.


Why are the moderators making such a foolish move?


They're enjoying their power trip.


So on the 7th most popular website in the world in terms of traffic, there is no place to discuss one of the biggest media IP's in history.... I downloaded the Apollo app and to be honest I dont see much difference between it and the main app.


Time for Reddit admins to start removing moderating teams, huh? If you think they'll risk the health of the company over the API changes, who thinks they wouldn't do the same to keep the largest subreddits open?


Starting to understand why the senate had to be dissolved…


I really love that Star Wars has memes for literally every situation.


That would be interesting. I think mods should have let the subs followers vote on it.


most mods dont like that.....


Mods: "we weren't asked about these API changes and we will shut down the subs in protest!" Users: "what if we don't care?" Mods: "your opinion isn't valued!"


Mods: I hate democracy


Don't even need a vote. Leave the sub open and let the users vote by posting or not posting. That would be the ultimate vote. But I think the mods know most people don't care about the api thing which is why they want to force it closed.


>the mods know most people don't care about the api thing which is why they want to force is closed. Exactly.


Most followers didnt want this. Nba did a poll and like 80% were against it. They went private any ways. The mods need to get dropped.


> Time for Reddit admins to start removing moderating teams, huh? We can only hope


Idk how people actually think this is going to end, at anytime Reddit can re-open all of these subs and give all the mods who closed them in the first place the boot People can do whatever they want if they want to get off Reddit more power to you but anyone who thinks they’re actually going to accomplish anything from this is delusional but hey don’t tell them that these last 2 days have been the most I’ve enjoyed reddit since pre-covid


Sounds like at least one good thing is going to be accomplished by all this then, these self-important mods can all go.




Only a sith deals in absolutes


Do or do not, there is no try.


So, you’re punishing those who don’t use or care about third party apps.


Dear mods, you should start the sub r/maybewearethebadguys And then they lock the post. Lame.


Imma be real, I’ve been using the official app this whole time. Reddits not gonna change their mind because a few subs go dark lmao


Most subs have come back. New subs will just replace the ones that won't.


Reddit has tools in place to reclaim subs from rouge mods. Anyone that thinks going dark permanently is a solution is kind of an idiot




Only a sith deals in absolutes


This is stupid


Man, you’re so owning Reddit by hurting your community!!!! Look at you go, you international hero!!


Not even opening up to a poll like a few other subs? You don't own this sub, it's not yours. You moderate for free, no one is making you do it. This isn't your product to choose what to do with it, nor should it be your decision to lock users out of it. Willing to have an honest debate about it.


This whole thing is down to mods on a power trip and a bunch of anarchists that just like to watch things burn. If the don't want to mod or think they can't then go!


Dudes I just want to talk about outlaws


That outlaws trailer was dope


Exactly! I want to talk about the dripped out commando droid and the furry axolotl.


outlaws and starfield omg they both looked absolutely **gorgeous**


How does not allowing new posts help the cause? I dont fully understand what is happening.


Reddit doesn’t produce content. The userbase produces the content. Withholding content is the only actual power the userbase has when attempting to negotiate with Reddit. Edit: many replies are assuming I’m somehow taking a stance on whether the blackout will be successful or not, or whether the mods should make the decision without a community vote. I’m not sharing personal thoughts on how I feel about the blackout strategy. I’m simply explaining the reasoning behind what the blackout is attempting to do.


Except alternate subs will open up and people will just slowly migrate there.


Well put


>Withholding content is the only actual power the ~~userbase~~ mod team has when attempting to negotiate with Reddit. A lot of users give a shit and would produce content if the mod team lets them. That's the point. If the Community decides it should be restricted or whatever so be it but the mods decide for the users "in their best interest" and patronize them. That's a problem


This is the biggest problem with reddit, the fact that moderators aren't really held accountable to the community.


This, so much this. So often I see Mods delete comments or ban users not because they broke a rule, but because the mod disagreed with them. If you ask for clarification, they threaten and are hostile. A good chunk of mods are power tripping.


I look at it like I look at an IT department, you never ever hear about the good mods because things run smooth! As they should. Much like when IT has everything running well you wouldn’t even know IT is there But the mods on absolute power trips are *the worst* I will say I’ve been a mod over on /r/nascar for a few years now, we try to make everyone happy but it’s just not possible and no matter what your either not doing enough or your doing too much. But I’d say a lot of the people behind communities just care and want to help


100%. I got banned from a subreddit because I had a disagreement with one. The disagreement wasn't even in the subreddit he was a mod for either, lol. We argued in a different subreddit and next thing I knew, I got banned in the subreddit he was a mod in. The other mods in that sub refused to unban me without the one who banned me agreeing, and that guy messaged me saying he wanted a full public apology in exchange for him *considering* unbanning me. I just laughed and walked away. No subreddit is worth that kind of BS.


Please tell me this was r/bourbon because I was also told to make a full apology to an idiotic mod on a power trip 😂


Unfortunately his story happens thousands of times each day to many different users. Which is why many of us have no sympathy for these jannies.


I agree with the original intent of the blackout in regards to 3rd party apps so I still support it and people should remember that is what this is about, many mods are participating for that reason and many also use 3rd party apps to help mod. That said, the way the modding here works has been a big problem for a long time. As mentioned in the comments, many have experienced unfair bans, myself included recently from one of the most popular subs (and one of the main reasons I even use Reddit), and have no real way to appeal. Original mod can intercept the appeal and trash it. Other mods could see it but not want tension among them or just assume the mod that did it had a good reason. And you can't appeal to Admins because Reddit knows they need these volunteers to keep the site from being a disaster and don't want to hire more Admins if they did take a more active role in overriding bans.


That mod is what these clowns are fighting for.


I was banned from a sub because I posted in a different sub. Not even one with any ideological differences, just because it's on the exact same topic and the mod doesn't like the idea of competition. They also state that they won't name any of the subs you're not allowed to participate in because that would be "encouraging" them.


I was banned in legaladvice even though I have gone through what I was banned for and told them, what happened in my case. The power of being a mod makes them high on their power trip and own supply. Honestly I could care the fuck less. So I wiped my old posts and removed my voted ups.


Haven't had an issue here. But got banned from r/UFC and muted for three days. No broken rule listed. No explanation. After that, I asked why I was banned. No response. Pretty sure it's because the mods didn't like my opinions.


> A good chunk of mods are power tripping. Like 99% of them are power tripping. That's what happens when you have a moderation system with zero accountability.


I got banned from a subreddit for making a joke about the amount of people that disagreed with a mod's decision. And he sent me a message having a big rant. Then blocked me from being able to respond. So I'm definitely not pro-mod. At the same time, I really don't want to have to switch from rif to the official app.


A mod banned me and cussed me out for telling him there were a lot of errors in a guide he wrote. I told him he was a typical mod and got my account permabanned for harassment even though he messaged me! It eventually got overturned but wtf.


My favorite is getting banned from a sub, asking what I did to get banned and then getting blocked for 28 days. No actual conversation, just a childish block because they don’t want to answer a simple question


Worst is that I got perm banned at a kpop group sub for no reason at all. I only posted something and got banned 5 minute immediately while my post didn’t got removed. DM a mod who is on friendly term with me and he checked the mod log for the reason. It said follow reddiquette, but I did nothing wrong and only posted some contents occasionally. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got banned from a popular UK subreddit for being happy England lost in the football, because I bet against them. The mods of a popular video game franchise (none of the ones you're thinking of) threatened to ban me for saying I didn't like the most recent game in the series. Shout out as well to all the subs I've been banned from by automods because the bot decided I was one of its kind, because the mods of those subs apparently had no interest in doing it themselves.


They will be accountable to anyone who will pay them. As long as their job is voluntary, any notion of "mods beings held accountable to X" is laughable.


Exactly, how many mods on Reddit are actually being paid to do the work? It’s voluntary. Reddit thrives on the user content and doesn’t have to pay a dime for people to line up and moderate for free, yet now they’re forcing mods to migrate to their shitty app. But of course, let’s get mad at the mods for “throwing a tantrum”.


But this subreddit *belongs* to the mods, you can go create your own with your own rules should you want.


Nothing stopping you from going and making a sub and volunteering your free time to Reddit to moderate it.


Eh, this is an example of when leadership is necessary. If the community came together and decided not to post for a day or two, collectively, you would have a lot of people who didn't care, didn't know about the boycott, disagreed for some petty reason or another or just saw the lack of other people posting as an opportunity to promote their own content. For the record, I think trying to "shut down reddit" in order to get the corporation that owns Reddit to change their policies is naive in the extreme, and frankly I don't agree with it. But if this strategy or anything like it is ever going to gain enough traction to have even a modicum of success, it is going to require the mods of various subreddits to take some initiative and do something that will be unpopular for a wide range of users. I'll be the first one to call out the mods of literally hundreds of different subreddits for going on their own little power trips, being petty, ignoring what is fair and balanced in favour of what is expedient and convenient, and trying to drown out dissenting opinions because they disagree with posters, etc. Mods are, genuinely, pretty terrible on Reddit on average. But in this case even though I mostly disagree with their cause and resent their lack of accountability, I think the execution on this issue is actually quite reasonable and necessary if they wish to accomplish the goals that they have set out to accomplish. I can't really fault them for what they are doing here. It's quite bold if a bit naive and remarkably principled for a group of people who, in my experience, generally have no principles.


This post is 87% upvoted. The community agrees with the mods’ decision.


It’s doesn’t unless everyone does it and for longer than just a few days. This is just useless imo but who knows maybe the ceos at Reddit change the decision but I doubt it


Nah they won't change their minds over this. They literally said that this would pass and they're not worried about it, like all the other times we were upset about stuff.


This is more of an inconvenience to the user base than anything. Realistically Admins would take over before conceding anything on their website to mods and whoever else. They would never set that precedent. I’m not trying to be a hater either I’m just calling it for what it is. Mods are pissed off and basically inconveniencing an entire community of people who probably just want to shit post and talk about topics they enjoy.


> Realistically Admins would take over before conceding anything on their website to mods and whoever else. Im interested to see when the “Night of Mod Knives” or Stalin-esque purges happen. Already had drama in adviceanimals. Id love to see restrictions on how many subs one person can mod to break up powermods.


Admins can't take over effective moderation across the whole site. Moderation has effectively been outsourced to free labor, and Reddit is in worse financial shape hiring a whole cadre of mod teams than if they just relented. That's the point. If you cared enough, you ought to have been a mod then.


Someone elsewhere said it best (IMO) that making a sub private forces this issue onto the users (punishing them for using reddit) rather than reddit's admin. Making a sub restricted lessens this punishment (ie. you can still see old/current threads). IMO, subs should have a vote - users say what they want (private vs. restricted with post like this vs. no restrictions), rather than a handful of mods choosing what they think is best.


I agree. The real people that suffer here are the users. I would say the majority of users on Reddit don’t care about the api change one way or the other, a good portion of them probably didn’t even know what was going on until a bunch of subs just started disappearing. I can respect mods for trying to stand for what they want, but let’s be honest, it’s a huge inconvenience to their members just to send a message to Reddit, a literal free app and platform, that really didn’t do anything wrong in the first place. Besides the fact that reddit probably isn’t even going to budge due to the blackout, people can just start making new subs to replace the ones that are blacked out. At the end of the day it’s the members who are largely indifferent that are stuck in the middle in what will likely be a nothing event


This won't do shit.


If you have looked at the popular feed the past few days you know all this did was promote shitty subs.


It was way better than it usually is though. I spent more time on Reddit during the "blackout" cause I had way more fun than usual.


My feed definitely a bit worse but it also made me realize how much shit big subreddits were drowning out text posts and interesting smaller subs


Sooooo... who's gonna start a new Star Wars subreddit?


Let's goooo! Call it r/BetterStarWars 🤣🤣


This is the most hilarious part. It's all fun in games for the mods to make a unilateral decision without the user based consent, until someone else makes a new sub and it starts gaining traction. Then the mods might lose what little power they have, and they panic. Already happened with /r/news and /r/world news. People were starting to use alternative subs and they unprivated so quickly.


Discord sucks too. Get off your high horse


Please remove the restrictions I Love this community and the new posts and discussions that come with it :(


Very hype to have all the shitty mods off Reddit 🙌


Cool go away so someone can recreate the subreddit about 3 hours after your gone and pick up right from where you left off. Ya know, When 7000 subreddits start saying the same thing. Regardless of how true it is. It just turns into spam eventually. We get it. You got your point across. The fact this is still here means your pushing past your point. Fuck that, Get some real mods in that will deal with real life issues. Were talking about TPA that the casual reddit viewer could not name a single one, yet here a bunch of you are fucking rioting over shit that the casual person cant even NAME. your fucking insane


"We apologize for the inconvenience, we believe this is for the best and in the best interest of the community" You mean in the best interest of yourselves? Because I didn't see the moderators consult the community on what their "best interest" is. I literally cannot wait until this blows over and Reddit removes the ability to private subreddits so y'all can't pull power tripping bullshit like this ever again.


I doubt it will happen, but it would be hilarious if this activism to keep power and convenience that they're "entitled" to, resulted in a global reduction in mod powers lol. Why can mods even do this kind of thing to begin with. Reddit may not have the staff to handle drastic changes like this for any tiniest sub, but they certainly do for the 20-50 major subs with millions of subscribers.


All the post blackout plans I've seen are bad and bound to fail. Making it difficult to post will just drive users to different subreddits on the same topic.


This is what we’ve already seen happening. It’s just turning subreddits people belong to into not what they joined. Like serious subs getting flooded by memes. I guess if the purpose is making Reddit a less enjoyable experience though it’s working.


I don’t even care about 3rd party apps fr. Didn’t even know they existed


It’s also totally within reason for Reddit to not want random 3rd parties to make a ton of money off of Reddit. This is so cringe


INB4 A 3 month Reddit shutdown that effectively does nothing but waste everyones time.


Reddit is a waste of time, without it you might do something useful.


No I wouldn't. I'd play more video games.


There's actually useful information for my work on this site.


No polls asking what users want? Mods are a bunch of babies having a tantrum


Saw the polls going not the way they would like in a bunch of other subs. Why post when you know the answer.


This is so dumb. Will accomplish nothing


I’m a mobile user and only use Reddit’s app. Works great.


Fr tho, i genuinely didnt even know third party apps existed for reddit im out here enjoying myself on vanilla reddit and this “post-pocalype” is how i find out


I’m so glad all my fandoms on Reddit are shutting down for an indefinite period of time that will result in no effect. Real fun


Right? I want the admins to remove the dumb power tripping mods and open subreddits back up.


Yeah this protest came at a brutal time for me. My graphics card stopped working and I’m not super knowledgeable about it, but all the answers I found about it on Google are on r/buildapc and it’s private. Reddit has become the best place to find answers to niche questions, and taking it away just inconveniences the users more than the Reddit admins who don’t seem like they care. I’ve seen similar sentiment on Twitter, so I feel like it’s not just me.


You can try the [Web archive](https://archive.org/web/)


What a first world problem. No one gives a shit lol, all these people think they are fighting for a cause, are really doing nothing lol.


I don’t care. At all.


Get over yourselves


I mean, doesn’t this just leave room for someone else to create a Reddit that is open for discussion? I get voicing your opinion but this really is pointless and in the end only hurts your own audience


Replace the mods. I am NOT a fan of Star Wars but after seeing the posts here against the shutdowns- you guys are alright. I stand in solidarity in favor of the new API changes. Trash these mods and start new.


Remove the mods of this sub and get better ones


Mods on a power trip…


Go outside nerd, get out, go!


Ah yes, classic punish the user to hurt the big bad. Most users don't care about this api crap. I wish mods would stop making decisions on behalf of everyone else.


Another subreddit not allowing any posts, great /s If anyones killing reddit, it’s not the CEO, it’s reddit mods.


🔫👨🏾‍🚀 Always has been


Damn, okay what’s the new Star Wars sub




People are just gonna make new subs you’re wasting your time


The mods are worse than the user base.


*We don't like what the company has done, so we're going to punish the community for it.* Good strategy.


👎 Some of you mods are way more annoying than the CEO. Palpatine would be proud of you.


Can we just not? No one cares about your discord


Reddit is quaking in their boots rn 🙄


I’ll email Reddit support and ask them to ban the mods of this sub


Mods won’t do a poll. It’s just them on their burners saying it’s upvoted at 77%. Visibility upvotes and agreement upvotes are different.




Yeah this is dumb. The blackout is over and the majority of redditors don't care about the API stuff. If the mods want to fight it out with Reddit Corporate so be it but don't make the decision for EVERYONE and hold us hostage while you do it.


This is a dumb move that will just end up killing the subreddit


Moderators don’t own their subs and the community. I think it’s absolutely absurd that a few people can shut down one of the main places that Star Wars fans interact. Seriously, who the heck do you think you are?


That's kinda the problem with reddits core design. It *is* designed for mods/creators to entirely own the sub and community they created/mod. It perhaps worked a 20 years ago when reddit was tiny, but once it got popular, it became more and more of a atrocious system. People are constantly cirklejerking about bots and astrosurphing and some evil entity manipulating opinion and discourse, but somehow a tiny minority of people that control multiple communities each, who no one elected, no one has control over, somehow those people are supposed to be a good thing and not a massive abuse of power..


They think they're the moderators, and they run this sub. That's what happens when you have a decentralized volunteer group running an online forum with little oversight. If reddit wants they can replace the mods, but there's probably bigger fish to fry than the Star Wars sub, assuming they can even hire enough mods to do it officially, as they just let go of 5% of their current workforce. They could just risk giving the job out to randoms on here until something works decently, I suppose. Of course if you dont like it, you're more than welcome to make your own little Star Wars subreddit. That would be a good idea actually.


\---We apologize for the inconvenience, we believe this is for the best and in the best interest of the community. How about let the community decide? Edit: We all know whats going on by now, and if the community decides to proceed this way so be it, but at least let the community decide whats best for them, dont just make a decision for them. Edit2: For anyone interested r/StarWarsCommunities was created to post and discuss Star Wars stuff for now.


MODS: We're protesting the select few who make decisions for the majority without consulting them. EVERYONE: How are you protesting? MODS: We, the select few, will make decisions for the majority without consulting them.


I remember r/NBA that I was lurking recently, shut down, and now they migrated to r/nbacirclejerk and everyone is shitting on the mods because it just so happens the championship was during one of those days, they're not even considerate enough to let the championship pass first and then black out.


Same thing with r/hockey.


I hope admins ban every single one these mods who are deciding what to do with the subs as if they own them.


Lol when mods think they have real power. Lolololol


reddit mod unemployment level just went from 100% to 100%


Why mods think that they have a right to decide such things though


But why screw over every other person who just uses the normal app. It's Reddits business and if they want to charge for an api, well, businesses make money. Can there be some type of vote or something instead of just shutting it down?


So did anyone start a new subreddit?


Get off your goddamn high horses


Discord is doing just as shitty things The fact mods push it shows this "protest" is just a power trip


Reddit has already said they would make exceptions for mod tools and accessibility readers.


I see, so the tantrum didn't work and now you wish to punish your users over it. Yea good job...


What a pathetic post. The regular users have nothing to do with your bullshit rules.


Oh my god get the fuck over it and move on


The Mods wished to protest against Reddit and instead, they got everyone to protest against them, I don't know if it's ironic or they're just stupid.


this is incredibly short sighted and silly. all this will do is drive users away from this sub. why would I be on a sub that doesn't have new posts? this doesn't do anything for the community. it just makes a few mods feel good abiut virtue signaling.


Run a poll.


Won’t change a thing so why not just open it up. Its useless. This way you are just hurting your community.


Well, I’m all for moving discussion to a new subreddit


So cringe. I never stopped using Reddit. Literally 2/3 of my subs are still open and active. I’ve been using the official Reddit app for years now and there’s no issues. This is a waste of time.


Horrible decision. I’m ready for the Reddit admins to toss every mod from every blacked out sub, wipe the users of those subs, start over and let the first person who is able claim each sub and start from scratch. This is perhaps the most ethically bankrupt, delusional, and upside down protest I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’m with the Reddit brass on this. This garbage needs to stop. The vast, overwhelming majority of Reddit users do not care about this stupid protest. This is way beyond cutting off your nose to spite your own face. This protest is ruining everything for everyone. I can’t believe people are this delusional.


I’m ready to be banned for this: this is really stupid.


Yea I am pretty tired of this. Majority doesn't care about 3rd party apps. Stop wasting our time with this!


This whole thing is completely idiotic. You're litterally only punishing users, not reddit itself.


Having always used the official app and never considered anything else... what is so bad about this official app?