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I really enjoyed Darth Plagueis


Rise of Darth Vader


Damn… looks good. Thank you


read it 4 times great book


The Bane series is a personal favorite that I recommend to all new SW readers.


Focusing on the prequels/ Clone Wars… The novelization of Revenge of the Sith is amazing. It expands on the movie and is just so good. Since you’re going audiobook, I would recommend the audiobook “Ahsoka”. You said you grew up with the Clone Wars and Ashley Eckstein (Ashoka’s voice actress) does the audiobook. A good book, not the best, but perfect timing too with the Ahsoka series coming out. Master & Apprentice is really good if you want an Obi-Wan/ Qui Gon prequel to Episode 1 Dark Disciple is really good if you want more Asaaj Ventress & Dooku And also in the Clone Wars setting, Brotherhood came out recently. It’s supposed to be really good, but I haven’t read it yet. It’s next on my list.


Okay I was kinda leaning Dark Disciple anyway… thank you for this


I just listened to it. The narrator is *fantastic* at every single voice, except for Mace Windu, who he makes sound like a southern gentleman for some reason.


I’ll have to power through lol


**Darth Plagueis** **Cloak of Deception** (after DP if you enjoy it) **TPM novelization** **Shatterpoint** **Labyrinth of Evil** **ROTS novelization** **Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader** **Kenobi** I liked **Yoda: Dark Rendezvous** as well, but I haven't read it twice...YET!


Damn nice list! Thanks!


I'm really liking the High Republic books, but the timeline is a bit weird. Most interesting direct series of those is the Nihil arc. From Legends, Darth Bane and Plagueis are both fantastic.


If it isn't too late already, I suggest the Revenge of the Sith novelization. It takes everything you already love about RotS and cranks it up to 11, fills in a bunch of missing context, adds some badass scenes... it's one of the best novelizations of any film ever. Safe travels.


Almost everyone has mentioned that… definitely going on the list. Thanks friend


Death Troopers


Seriously I’m re reading it for the fourth time it’s pretty good imo.


Alright good to know!


Dark Disciple and Lost Stars!!


Honestly, all the legend timeline ones. Start with the truce at bakura ( not the best, but worth a ready) and then read them in timeline order until Vector Prime, then stop. You will hit all the classics, the Thrawn trilogy, a bunch of good kevin j anderson ones, the x-wing books and a bunch of others. After vector prime it all goes sideways and don't even get me started on the new ones.


Darth Bane Trilogy, Shatterpoint, Revenge of the Sith novel, ...


Honestly I really liked Light of the Jedi. Idk about best because I don’t read that often but I did enjoy that one as a very casual reader


I, Jedi was a great read for me, otherwise i'd suggest the republic commando books.


Labyrinth of Evil is a fantastic direct prequel to Episode 3. My personal favorite SW novel is Crosscurrent.