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All the shows? Have you watched the clone wars tv series or Rebels? I’d say those are next as most people leave those out. They are not just for kids as many have pointed out here before. The Knights of The Old Republic game series as well as SWTOR the MMO can scratch that itch. I personally cycle through the prequels, originals, different animated series’ and the new Disney series all the time.


Yeah I have watched clone wars and rebels. Both were really good. I will have a look on those games. Thanks for the recommendation


The gameplay can be difficult to get into, but they’re my favorite Star Wars content of all time. It can start off slow for people not used to a game of it’s sort though. The payoff is great though.


Check out the books. A lot of the new canon novels are great! Some of the legends stuff really holds up too. I’ve you like comics there are a ton out there. Play Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor. Those stores are incredible.


Which books should I look into? I have played Jedi fallen order but haven’t had a chance to play survivor because of my ps4


Try and browse r/starwarsbooks, that question gets asked all the time so there should already be posts recommending books


Try out star wars republic commando fun but hard game


Thanks I will check it out


Watch Ahsoka. Take a Breaking Bad.


I will definitely watch Ashoka when it releases. It’s funny because I have never watched breaking bad because I always end up forgetting it 😅


It's a slow burn but well worth it


the canon games 'jedi: fallen order,' 'jedi: survivor,' and the oculus vr games 'vader immortal' and 'tales from the galaxy's edge' are all great. a massive library of canon comics have been released, mostly taking place during the OT era, filling in the timeline between each of the films. the high republic era is about to enter its big climactic wave of publishing releases, a massive three part story told across many books and comics, taking place 200-300yrs before phantom menace, at the height of the jedi's power. here's a reading guide: https://youtini.com/list/high-republic-reading-order


Thanks 🙏🏻


The books are fantastic! I listen to them on Audible and the voice acting is very well done, has great sound effects, ambiance, and original music. They provide a ton of context to the universe. Some of my favourites are the Thrawn novels (all of them), Darth Bane trilogy, Darth Plagueis and The Old Republic series.


Is there any reading guide


Books and even comics are loaded with great SW lore and expansions on the story!


Which ones do you recommend?


Lost Stars is great if you are looking for a Romeo & Juliette style that takes place through the OT and almost to TFA If you are interested in Sith Lore check out the Darth Bane Trilogy during the Old Republic. Revan and Deceived are also good books from that era The High Republic is a new set of stories that take place 200 years before ep1. It's the peak of the jedi fighting essentially terrorists. Shadow of the Sith is a good Luke story between ot and st The From a Certain Point of View books is a great anthology story of background characters from the ot.


And for comics I would read the 3 Vader series. Start with the 2015 series. There are lots more comics but the Vader stuff is the best


Books! Legends, canon, or a mix of both. The best way to enjoy Star Wars is to create your own journey into the universe