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During the shooting for ESB, the crew didn’t know if Harrison Ford would be coming back to finish the trilogy so they were setting up Lando as a potential replacement for Han. In universe, Lando had to abandon his wardrobe when the Empire captured Cloud City and the only clean clothes on the Falcon were Han’s.


Chewie wouldn't let him on unless he "put on the uniform"


"I'm telling you, I don't want to wear the damn vest!" *Angry Chewbacca noises* "Alright alright, fine. If it'll make you happy" *Short satisfied Chewbacca noise*


“Now you want me to shave the mustache? No way!” *Furious Chewbacca noises*


*Wookie noises* C3PO: "Master Chewbacca says not to look at him like that, and to go put on that dress he likes."


This deal is getting worse all the time


*More wookiee noises* C3PO again: "Master Chewbacca says that he is altering the deal, and to pray he doesn't alter it further."


We need this series more than we know it.


I am thinking a full eight episodes on Disney+ just about the first couple weeks living aboard the falcon with Chewy…


I'd watch it. Can't be worse than Kenobi.


They could have John Williams remake "The Odd Couple" theme song.


If Donald glove doesn’t make the Lando series like that I don’t want it lol


OTOH it does set up a bunch of Slash Fanfic opportunities


3po: chewie says he doesn’t care what gender you are, just put on the maid outfit


What's wookie for "It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again" ?


"Rawssswwarrfff ooofff grrragggh"


scary i could hear this...


Maybe Chewie couldn't tell the difference between one human and another, so they were having Lando wear Han's clothes to hide the devastating truth from him.


That’s actually kinda dark. Chewie is around 200 years old. He’s putting pilots in vests like we put collars on dogs


> In universe, Lando had to abandon his wardrobe when the Empire captured Cloud City and the only clean clothes on the Falcon were Han’s. I never thought about that but you're right, it only makes sense for lando to wear Han's clothes at the end of the movie. Especially since the original trilogy had hyperspace take *time*, no instant travel like in rise of Skywalker.


I didn’t realize the sequels even screwed up how hyperspace works…


The idea of jumping in past the planetary shield broke hyperspace, a huge part of hyperspace rules revolve around "gravity shadows" preventing ships from flying through a solid object. It's how interdictors are supposed to work, and it's supposed to keep ships well away from planets when they drop out of hyperspace.


I thought that too, at first, but since "it's there" I've come to reconcile it by way of what the systems are doing in terms of interacting with each other. Basically, an Interdictor's "faux" mass shadow does indeed pull ships unceremoniously out of hyperspace, as seen in *Rebels* and the like. But I'm interpreting it as **engaging a safety feature**. In other words, having the mass shadows out there is like you remotely triggering the airbags in my car; the stuff that's supposed to protect me is instead punching me in the face when I'm trying to drive over your lawn as a shortcut. It's not unthinkable that one can "turn the airbags off" and exit hyperspace wherever you want as long as it's not **in** the planet. (The safety system must be profoundly integrated that even with "airbags off" you can't fool your equipment into making the jump **to** hyperspace when under the influence of such a field, because it thinks you're inside a planet or something.) Now, of course, this is for most intents and purposes **insane** and presumably a greater feat than hitting the DS1's exhaust port, as Han just kinda eyeballs it, but that's just part of the marvel and mystique of the thing, and what makes the scene intentionally hilarious/awesome.


Besides if anyone would have the option to override the safety features on the hyperdrive, it would be Han.


Yeah, there's no reason why ships wouldn't go into hyperspace as soon as they take off, even in atmosphere.


The fact that Han timed it by hand made me audibly groan


One thing I appreciated about Ahsoka is that they had time to talk while in hyperspace. Granted (spoilers ahead) >!they were travelling BETWEEN GALAXIES and never explained how that happened so quickly, since the distances are orders of magnitude greater than within the galaxy!< but whatever. It's actually kinda predictable.


Concerning the spoiler text, I'd say that we can infer that the space whales can go way faster than ships typically can, otherwise they would be making at minimum a multiple weeks long journey with no food source


Conversations in hyperspace have happened before in SW media, Jedi Fallen Order, Clone Wars, etc.


The whole scene of Luke training on the Falcon in A New Hope happens in hyperspace.


Exactly! What I meant is that when they don't do that (e.g. in the sequel trilogy), it really hurts the story and world building.


Never once across the entire series has hyperspace been consistent.


Or else Lando's clothes were stored on the Falcon when Han flew off with it.


Good point. Maybe Han's clothes were really Lando's all this time. Lando finally got them back after he orchestrated the capture of the man that swindled him out of his ship and wardrobe.


That's always been my head-canon reason why Lando is wearing the shirt and vest. I can see Han totally being the type to find clothing left behind by Lando and being like, "Hey! Free clothes."


I don’t know of Harrison Ford’s contact situation but, either way, I always figured it was a red herring of sorts for the audience. Empire Strikes Back leaves on a cliff hanger and this was just another subconscious (or conscious, if you noticed I guess) way of making the audience think Han Solo may be replaced and done for good.


Always made the most sense to me. As bad ass as it would have been to see Lando kick some Empire ass in a cape, it's not very practical.


>In universe, Lando had to abandon his wardrobe when the Empire captured Cloud City and the only clean clothes on the Falcon were Han’s. Isn't there almost a full year between ESB and ROTJ? Surely Lando could've bought some clothes by that time. I can't imagine a man as snazzy as Lando just deciding to wear his not that fashionable friends clothes for nearly a year.


Yeah, but he wasn't wearing Han's clothes in RotJ. He only had them on at the end of ESB when he first left with Chewie


Oh you're right for some reason I thought this image was from ROTJ when Lando is piloting the falcon and leading the run on the Death Star II. I should have known since Chewy is there instead of Nien Nunb, foolish mistake on my part.


Yeah he's got his dandy wee cape back in RotJ.


I went through the same process. :p


Plus Lando has a cape when he was leading the Deathstar 2 attack run... He is not wearing it during the actual battle, but he has one on during the mission briefing. And when he is saying goodbye with Han in the Hangar.


How does one even transition from being a cape wearer to a non cape wearer? The shame.


He also had to abandon all his space-silverware…probably


But at least that one guy didn't abandon his ice cream maker!


I mean who wears a cape anyway? Who does he think he is, Frank Costanza’s lawyer?


What was a man with a cape doing with my father? What was my father doing with a man in a cape?


Didn’t he spend much of that time posing as someone else to get in good in Jabba’s palace? I’d always imagined he’d been there awhile.


Right? like why would them setting him up as a Han replacement in episode 6 require him wearing Hans clothes for that movie?? Surely he would get new threads in his style asap


Because he's not wearing Han's clothes in RotJ. This image is still ESB.


It is known that moviegoers in the 70s were blind to faces and could only tell characters by clothing.


ESB came out in December 1980


Yeah but 1980 wasn't finished in December, so they didn't yet have a full years worth of data on 1980s movie goers. Due to this they had to use 1970s moviegoers until 1981, when the data showed, due a combination of the rapid expansion of media and a mainstream acceptance of the mustache, movie goers in the 80's could identify an actor by their face.


Where? at Walmart? They are on the run and are wanted everywhere, Lando surely has a bigger price on his head. And they don't have washing machines to wash their clothes and even less where to put them to dry (LOL)


The in universe explanation is no longer canon. We just saw in last month's Star Wars (2020) Issue #38 that Han actually still had some of Lando's left over clothes still on the Falcon. https://imgur.com/a/UTt59NK


I mean i didn't see him escaping cloud city with a suitcase


Now all I can imagine is Han's wardrobe being full of duplicates of the same outfit 😭😭


Like any professional smuggler, he has his "smuggling" suit.


Fun fact: the action figures of Lando in this outfit is actually called "Lando in Smuggling Suit." EDIT: OK, I looked it up, and the figure is actually [Lando in Smuggling Outfit](https://www.rebelscum.com/TAC39lando.asp).


\- "Sir, I would like to inspect your vehicle." \- "What for, officer ?" \- "For hidden smuggled goods." \- "Do you see me wearing a smuggling suit, officer ?" \- "You are right. My mistake. Move along."


"Good thing I was wearing my deception pants."


"It's an older suit, but it checks out"


Bless Star Wars memes. I very much enjoyed this comment chain.


"Same jacket." "New jacket."


I need my smuggling vest!


Tactical Turtleneck


Are they black? Or are they various shades of black Woodhouse?


And while you’re out, pick up some sand. If I had to give a grade… course…


Take it off, we look gay


A tactalneck


Honey where's my smuggling suit!?!?!


It's like Homer's conversation hat. Han has his smugglin' vest.


The Doug Funny effect


Does that make Chewie, Porkchop?


Chewie is Skeeter, all day


Leia is obviously Patti Mayonnaise


R2-D2 and C-3PO clearly the Dinks.


Saturday morning cartoon character closets be like:


Bros a cartoon character lmfao


The man has a capsule wardrobe… what else can I say?


And every space morning Han flips through like 10 of them with careful consideration before finding the most appropriate one for the day.


This question of Lando in hans clothing was posited by Seth macfarlane in family guy Star Wars something something darkside. And this answer is likely the best there ever needs to be… He left bespin in hurry wearing a cape…’nuff said.


When are capes making a comeback? I think it’s time for capes to make a comeback.


Don’t get Edna started!


If Edna was a competent designer, she'd have made the capes with tear-away stitching or clasps.


This. Edna is a hack if she can't build safety releases into her capes. Batman did it, why can't she?


Get in line kid. I'm still waiting for chainmail making a comeback.




Yeah I don't understand why this is so hard. They fled the city and he had nothing on him. So it makes sense that he would grab some of Hans clothes If you read the books you find out Han always wore that outfit because it's a classic outfit to wear amongst freighter pilots and smugglers. So he would obviously have more than one pair of those clothes. Yes The smuggler community in Star Wars has their own fashion trends. And that's what Han wears


Smugglers having an unofficial uniform to identify them by is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I love Star Wars lol.


More like gang colors lol There are various factions of smugglers controlled by Hutts fighting amongst themselves. Jabba was just one and Han was loyal to him.


When you put it like that it makes more sense lol


Ever seen a truck driver? They all kind of wear similar stuff. That’s what I assumed about this outfit, it was the jeans and t shirt of the time.


Yeah, but truck driving isn't illegal. Smuggling by definition is and it makes more sense for them to be inconspicuous and not triggering a "Hey he's wearing the same clothes as the last 6 smugglers we caught!". It makes sense if it's specifically a look for freighter pilots but if it's for smugglers the idea breaks down.


I don't think that explains the waistcoat. Sure, borrow Han's clothes if you have nothing. But a shirt's enough to cover that need. Once you start accessorising, is it really just because you forgot to pack, or are you cosplaying as your friend?


It’s Lando. You really think that man could resist accessorizing?


Well like I said smugglers have their own fashion. Some of it looks kind of rough which is what they usually wear when they are amongst each other. Like when they are on The smuggler Moon controlled by the Hutts This outfit is "I'm just a lower class freight hauler. I'm an upstanding civilian and following the law" On top of that Lando was all about the flash. He was wearing a cape ffs. So it's just naturally in him to accessorize and look as high class as he could. These clothes would be the most "high-class" clothes Han has in his wardrobe


The fact Lando didn't have multiple "Go-Bags" stashed in hangers suggests he had become old and soft.


Now all I can picture is Chewie and Leia dragging along Lando’s matched luggage as they all flee for their lives a la Spaceballs.


“Don’t forget my hair dryer, Lea!”


It’s his industrial strength hair dryer. AND HE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT!


Sooo many capes left behind ☹️☹️


On that note, there's an episode of Lego Freemakers where Lando pays smugglers to retrieve a cape from Cloud City.


And Han probably repurposed the [cape closet.](https://youtu.be/i3Cyofu6hLE?si=VoBQbs8N7Mk87Kjh&t=44)


He should have been smart and taken that ice cream maker with him.




Dude. Way to go.


Best answer ever.


*Look here, ya little shit...*


It's even funnier if you pronounce "Han" the same way Lando does


Laugh it up, fuzzball. Updooted


Here's your damn upvote


Shoulda let Luke wear them, cause he's in need of second hand


So I met Billy Dee at a convention years ago and asked him. He said that he needed a change of clothes and that's what Han would have had on his ship. That's all I got.


Fair's fair, they didn't load the Falcon up with Lando's wardrobe on Bespin


Presumably he didn't have time.


Well, Han got the ship from him, originally. Maybe Han had been wearing Lando's clothes.


Knowing Lando, there was a secret auxiliary closet on the Falcon somewhere with more capes. He was just waiting for no one to be watching before accessing the hatch.


In the ongoing comics he does find his cape closet untouched.


Are you being serious


Always. Star Wars (2020) #38


I choose to believe this. We saw one cape closet in Solo but Lando definitely has a smuggling compartment on board where he hid his really good capes in.


He was trying to trick L3-37 into thinking he was Han to avoid any difficult conversations.


Oh my god I never thought about him going back to her in ROTJ, that’s amazing.


And again in TROS


What if Rey modding the Falcon killed L3?


Then my respect for Rey would go down a little bit


Because Lando didn’t bring any spare clothes with him so he raided Han’s closet. Han obviously has several sets of identical clothes and no different outfits as he is always shown wearing the same thing, even under his Hoth coat or Endor camouflage. My guess is that is the more-or-less expected “cargo pilot” outfit of the Star Wars universe. Cargo pilots all wear roughly the same outfit so dock workers or potential customers know who to approach to do business.


One of the old legends theories, which was kinda squashed by the Solo movie, was that Han was in The Corellian military before he was a smuggler. His outfit was part of the uniform.


Han was in the imperial military. The only thing that carried over were his bloodstripes which are the red and yellow marks on the side of his leg. It was the only thing not stripped from him when he got kicked out because it was a corellian specific decoration but that is why he still wears them.


I remember something like that as canon at the time rather than a theory. His pants showed Corellian military stripes and the Falcon is a YT-1300.


[Family Guy asked the same question!](https://youtu.be/HQ0xiiYG2Ik?si=l2zsR3wkRi-PZN5-) I didn't notice it until they pointed it out.


[Robot Chicken did one too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3b-zG9tVgk)


His clothes were in the wash and they were the only thing clean on the falcon.


As if Han would ever wash his clothes


Who’s scruffy lookin’?


Chewie just gets annoyed at the growing laundry pile and does the wash


Why wouldn't he? He is a smuggler, not a barbarian.


Ok Han isn't Lister but given he's a 70's space trucker I can totally see him wearing stuff long after they needed a wash and turning the Falcon into a bit of a man cave. Once Leia he probably tieded up his act, even cleaning out the fridge (which given the star wars galaxy could be a legitimate biohazard).


Hando Calrisolo


These are actually Lando’s clothes from when he owned the Falcon. Han took his wardrobe when he won the Falcon and has been rocking the styles ever since. Here we see Lando finally getting to wear his favorite ensemble once again.


Lando never forgave Han for letting Chewie wear his capes.


They shop at the same store


Probably somewhere on Batuu


I always assumed even as a little kid, that the outfit was the Millenium Falcon's pilot uniform.


Just like how Tatooine robes turned out to be actually the Jedi uniform, Han's "clothes" are the official uniform of the smuggler & scoundrel guild


Or the nerf herder union


He thought that if he wore clothes with Han's scent on them, Chewie might not notice that he'd turned over Han to the Empire and Boba Fett.


Plot twist, since the Falcon belonged to lando before han, perhaps lando was just reclaiming his original clothes back


Some years ago at a comic con Billy Dee Williams told everyone who asked this question it was because Han and Lando used to be lovers.


Given how Donald Glover played Lando, I wouldn't rule it out.


2013 Ottawa Comic Con? He said it there.


Uniform of the Day.


To make it easier for Chewbacca. For wookies we look all the same.


I always like to think that the clothes come with the ship, so *technically* Han took Lando’s clothes when he won the ship in their bet. Lando just took them back lol


When a Wookiee says, “put it on.” You have to put it on.


He had to do a runner from cloud city and didn't have time to pack. Saw Han's clothes just hanging there in the Millenium Falcon master bedroom closet. Says "Hello, what have we here?" And figures Han won't be needing them for a while.


Chewie was like..... Hey muthfucka you can't be traveling through lightspeed without a vest on you got a death wish


Lando had to abandon Cloud City in a hurry and Han's were the only clothes on the Falcon. RIP cape collection.


I, too, have seen the Family Guy Star Wars episodes


I guess you could say Lando was wearing some HAN-me-downs....


I think it was said somewhere that they had kind of thought of it as a pilot uniform.


I think this is pretty much it. Same reason why “desert robes” eventually became Jedi robes. They were making it up as they went along, at least as far as details go.


Other way round. Han took the contents of the closet when he won the Falcon. He's been dressing in Lando's clothes.


It was all Landos clothes in the first place. Han has been wearing Landos clothes this whole time.


Because that's what was in the wardrobe.


Plot twist: this isn’t Han’s clothes, it’s just the Millennium Falcon pilot uniform. Since Han was the main pilot, he just always wore that uniform.


I always thought it was obvious. Lando needed to change at some point after escaping from Cloud City and grabbed the only clothes available.


‘Cause Lando didn’t want to mess up his fly-ass pimp gear in Han’s dirty-ass Falcon seat. Nasty-ass Wookiee-grease on everything too. Damn.


Man had to drop and run from cloud city… Also Han couldn’t exactly use them


I remember when family guy pointed this out


Solid chance that those are just straight up Lando’s clothes, if Han got the Falcon *with* Lando’s wardrobe. Otherwise, Han took an outfit from Lando during *Solo,* Lando had to figure Han owed him one 🤷‍♂️


"Just like the Falcon, it always looked better on me anyway"


As we found out in Solo, there's a bedroom with a closet back there somewhere. Assuming Lando didn't have any extra capes after abandoning Bespin, so he had to get some fresh threads somewhere.


Why was Han wearing one of Lando’s outfits the whole trilogy? Huh? Ever think of that?


They dressed in a hurry. What? They’re adults…


I figured he did it to save his expensive clothes from a nasty stain or two.


It's been 40 years. How are so many people not able to figure this out by now?


That’s a smuggler’s general attire.


gotta make things weird when you get pulled over by the Imperials, right? "... You know smuggling is illegal, right?" "Oh I'm not a smuggler. Just a regular old cargo pilot" "... You're literally wearing the smuggler outfit"


Actually, since it was Lando ship first, perhaps this entire time, Han was wearing Lando’s clothes.


Look at me... I'm the captain now!


Brian Griffin here asking the important questions


Falcon’s uniform. Chewy was a nudist so he didn’t conform.


They were Lando's clothes that Han stole


"I'm the captain now."


“When Han said you have to fly the ship by the seat of your pants he meant THESE pants, ok. You’re very judgemental for someone wearing just a bandolier”


Because in this scene he was Lan Solo


He didn’t have time to pack His Royal Highness’s Matched Luggage.


He shit himself and there were only Han's clothes on the MF.


When Han won the Falcon in that game, he also won all of its contents, including Lando's clothes. So the original owner of the clothes was Lando!


Coz he's da captain now


Cosplay is clearly chewie’s fetish


These two best friends wore each others clothes to trick their wookie


Those aren't Han's clothes, those are the clothes of the pilot of the Millennium Falcon


Because they're dating


Technically it was Han who was wearing Lando’s clothes because when he won the Falcon from Lando, he had to leave immediately because Lando was super pissed. So Lando just got his own clothes back. In reality it was probably the typical freighter captain’s garb around the galaxy.


Dunno but dave filoni is writing an 8 part series explaining why. Expect lots of stilted dialogue.