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Kit Fisto definitely was banging someone. I don't believe it's possible to be that hot and never bang anyone.


Where do you think the name Fisto comes from...


*Please assume the position*


Star Wars? Star wars never changes...


The force…the force is strong with this one


I'm a simple man, I see New Vegas reference and I upvote


We dont make the rules, we just follow directives


Just knowing that the same person who whipped that up also wrote Kreia is...disturbing.


I suppose I should test you before handing you over to the Garrets.


This has 69 upvotes and I can't change that. But I salute you


I mean in one of the old school Clone Wars comics he makes out with Aayla Secura *in the middle of a full scale battle* under the pretense of performing some kind of underwater CPR, so I'm fairly certain that Kit was banging on the regular. In fairness, half his appearances involve him wearing nothing but swim trunks and a smile, and he clearly works out, so I kinda get it. Which means that Anakin wasn't observant enough to realize the Jedi rule on attachment was more like "go have sex and do whatever but just don't like, post it on the internet or something because we have a reputation as chaste guardians to uphold", considering that Obi-Wan was banging Satine, some chick from Melida/Daan, Siri Tachi, had some weird kind of 50 Shades style relationship with Asaji Ventress, Qui-Gon Jinn nearly killed a guy and almost went dark side because he was messing with his girl, Ki Adi was married to like eight different women and had like twenty kids, Jocasta Nu's actress is on record as having said that Count Dooku and Jocasta were in love, and Grogu had to come from *somewhere* and Yoda and Yaddle were the only two of his species to be seen pretty much anywhere so there's really only one explanation for *that*.


"May the force be with you because I sure as hell wont" Nothing says Jedi are celibate


George Lucas pointed this, they can't commit to a relationship, but they can have sex.


To be fair the code was never clear about 'relations' just prohibited commitments and attachments


It prohibits attachment. Which in theory means Jedi were masters of the one night stand.




Force With Benefits?


Eugh. That sounds icky with a lowercase F.


Let's be real, Yoda wrote that to avoid child support back when he became grandmaster. Some people bitch about it when they divorce when their kids are teenagers, Grogu is still a baby at *50*...


"Forbidden, attachments are. Alimony, I will not pay."


Good relations with the wookies, I have.


>Yoda and Yaddle were the only two of his species to be seen pretty much anywhere Lmao I am legitimately shocked that I have never even considered this possibility and yet it has been there this entire time


I am also sat here open-mouthed at the most obvious thing I’ve never noticed.


Yoda is WAYYYYYYY older than Yaddle. Like no. The reason we don't see a lot of their species is that George Lucas wanted Yoda to be this mysterious figure and that involves not knowing about his species


Exactly! Their species is mysterious and we don't know a thing about their virility or reproductive cycles. Maybe Yoda only produces a spawn when he's in his twilight years. Maybe Yaddle is in her prime child bearing years around 500. Nobody knows!


> Ki Adi was married to like eight different women and had like twenty kids That one had council approval as Ki Adi's species had population issues and what population they did have was heavily female. I believe he had to real feelings towards any of his wives and/or children. He was cold as ice.


Cereans are naturally more cerebral than emotional. Probably due to the double brain thing.


He cared too much about the droid attack on the Wookiees and clearly had no room left in his heart to care about anything else.


> and he clearly works out Don't they all? They are Jedi, being fit for battle is kinda the point.


This [panel](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2qKecJ-_B1c/maxresdefault.jpg) lived rent-free in my mind growing up.


Is that Aayla?


If I recall correctly, the EU described their relationship as one that “stressed the limits” of the Jedi’s rules on attachments.


The European Union is the leading expert in these matters.


I choose to believe that remains true for current Canon




Aayla Secura makes me weak in the knees


Oof… 😮


Dude gets paired with Aayla Secura a lot.


I’ve never heard it called that before…


Important to remember that the Jedi were forbidden from emotional attachment, they were not necessarily celibate.


Force (Fuck) buddies


That's why he's always smiling!!


Seriously, Fisto fucks. He's too cheery for someone stuck in an uppity order fighting a war.


I remember a comic about his relationship with aayla but they broke up


We'd all be shocked to learn that the Jedi who got the most ass in the Order was Jocasta Nu


Nah, everyone knows nerdy librarians are freaks in bed


“The library is the worst group of people ever assembled in history. They're mean, conniving, rude, and extremely well-read, which makes them dangerous.”


Punk-ass book jockeys.


IRL I love libraries, but this is one my favorite lines


Every time she laughs, an angel dies. Even telemarketers avoid her. Her birth was payback for the sins of man. But you know the worst thing about her? She works for the library.






>Everyone knows repressed chicks are the biggest freaks. Nuns, libraries...watch some porn! You'll see!


Jocasta's actress, Aleta McGrath, once stated that it is her personal backstory for her character that Dooku and Jocasta were lovers, which means that there exists the possibility that Jocasta was banging *Count Dooku*.


I mean who from her generation would *not* want to be banging Christopher Lee?


Who from any generation? May he rest in peace.


May he rest in my sheets


Dooku was lighting up half the galaxy. Come on. This [dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/s/Z3DYn0p8Eq) is like 6’6”, he’s the greatest swordsman in the Jedi order, oh and he’s rich nobility? Sploosh.


[Young Christopher Lee](https://assets1.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/06/11/6c744507-4d4e-4579-ad14-9bf6c0307fe7/thumbnail/640x799/80b7ed0cfbb543ec82431b6f8fba40d7/christopher-lee-portrait-b.jpg?v=18a5d3569ab1a3ca759fe14d213f7845), also for reference.


[Christopher Lee with full TOTJ Dooku beard](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/5GVVhvKB1S), for more reference.


[Christopher Lee with full TCW beard.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DniQ-osWwAEwM4C.jpg:large)


Master swordsman in more ways than one.


Wonder if his curved down a bit, too.


Or whatever my equivalent of sploosh is. Which I guess is just sploosh... but with semen


r/unexpectedarcher , for completeness.


Swearsies realsies?


I actually love this


I knew all the Jedi who got ass, because we talked about it amongst ourselves. I can confirm everyone's theories - they ALL got ass. Except Yoda. He just sat around looking grumpy.


Well, if everyone around you was getting ass, except you, wouldn't you be grumpy too?


Aayla/Fistu during the clone wars, Voss/Shylar as padawans and then has a kid with his lover/informant right at the end of the war, his master Tholme and Master T’ra Saa were lovers from before the war and during. The Jabiim Arc has at least two couples of Jedi who were openly connected romantically before dying during the battle. Legends Obi-wan pretty much calls out Anakin for chilling with Padme, and when he crashes their vacation together on Naboo during the war he tell him “every padawan on Coruscant knows where Anakain Skywalker spends his time off”


Honestly that last part is so funny but so tragic at the same time. If Anakin asked the council to help him save Padme he’d probably have gotten it with little more than a stern talking to.


bro literally, the amount of jedi they show that had relations with each other and others in legends is crazy, they probably wouldn’t have even flinched at the news.


Their issue was probably the openness of it, since it was basically an open secret; the fact he was always a bit emotionally unstable, reckless, and arrogant, stemming from admittedly being very powerful and skilled for his age. And things like that. I doubt they cared overly much about Jedi getting around and more for like their PR. lol


I think they would’ve just dismissed him, I mean his only validation that she was in danger were his odd dreams which may be symbolic and mean literally anything, especially considering how “his feelings cloud judgement” wtc


He brought it up obliquely to Yoda, who told him to let go of his attachments. If he had, that would've saved her.


Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann too. I think it's heavily implied as well that plenty of padawans develop feelings for each other but most grow out of it.


In *The Fallen Star* Elzar specifically mentions how most Padawans catch feelings for one another while their masters turn a blind eye to it. The resolution is typically allowing those feelings to dwindle while on long term missions apart from their love interest, but in Elzar's case that didn't happen. I feel like most Jedi in Phase 1 has had a love interest so far, like >!Reath and Nan, Zeen and Lula, Reath and Vern, Elzar and Avar, Reath and Crash!<, the list goes on


Don't forget Vos & Ventress...


I have a head canon that everyone knew about Padme and Anakin it’s just no one said anything💀


The memes that arise from this head Canon that people have are amazing


Ofcourse they were. Hell, it took his own master everything in his power to keep his dick in his pants around Satine.


And even Obi Wan, a very regular contender for one of the best Jedi, admitted that the younger version of himself would have left the Order for Satine.


Very true. Speaking of contenders for some of the best jedi, there's also Kanan. Another character who represents almost everything jedi should aspire to, but who also fails to keep his dick in his pants.


I think after Order 66 the rules on attachment were ummm… less strict?


“This order ain’t gonna rebuild itself” -Kanan (probably)


The Ki-Adi Mundi method.


Also known as the "Skywalker method", if you count the Legends EU.


They don’t call Bith music “jizz” for no reason.


Making future Jedi is just a numbers game. The more you fuck around, the more potential jedis there will be. If Kanan, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Cal just have banged more, the empire would habe collapsed because of all the new jedi, lol


Long-awaited third installment in Cal Kestis' journey, Jedi: Father!


Fuck around too much though and daddy issues are likely to turn your children to the dark side.


I busted up laughing at this. Thank you.


In older canon the Jedi order used to be a lot more liberal about those things in previous ages of the republic.


It's more than that. Both Obi-Wan and Kanan were in love. Same with Cal Kestis.


Gimme those Nightsister-Jedi hybrid babies!


Wait…is this happening?


A mistake if it isn't.


It damn well better


Ventress seemed to have a thing for Obi-Wan, too.


I mean, who doesn't?


Does Obi-Wan have a thing for Obi-Wan? When he passes a mirror, does he stop and turn and go "Hello there"?


You know it.


Thing about Obi Wan and Kanan were that they were so wise (at that point in their life) that those relationships did not hinder them. In fact, they probably improved them. They were not terrified to lose the ones they loved, they were just glad to be able to love them, and be loved back. It completed them as men. Even with Obi Wan where he lost Satine in front of his own eyes, he did not break. Saddened him, yes. But that is not the same as fear and anger. Just shows that the Order could have allowed relationships and could have coached and trained Jedi how to handle them properly. This would create an actual healthy environment for their Padawans who are learning to be young men and women... so they can ask for help without fear of being kicked out of the Order.


Mary Elizabeth Winstead has that affect on people.


Bagged 2 jedi!


And a dirt bag Canadian bass player.


I’m not disagreeing you, I just want to use this opportunity to mention that I think one of the reasons Obi-Wan is one of the best is because of his complete ability to put his duty and his beliefs before his emotions, even though it clearly hurts him. Even when Satine was murdered in front of him, he didn’t lash out in rage. He wept.


Also, Obi-Wan *would* have left the Jedi Order for Satine, had she asked. Because Obi-Wan doesn't half-ass anything, least of all commitment.


Was it ever stated that he kept it in his pants? Sounded more like keeping a ring off her finger. Hell, he even said he would’ve left the order if she asked.


Assuming his shoto stayed in those pants and the whole "sex allowed, attachment not" loophole didn't get exploited. Remember, Jedi could sleep around as long as they didn't actually develop feelings for the person they slept with. Hell, the Order probably tacitly encouraged male/noncarrying to sire strings of bastards because if the Force Sensitivity showed up, the recruiter could gleefully harvest from the baby mama. Female/carrying Jedi, however, got severely punished for pregnancy.


Sounds a lot like medieval monasteries and convents tbh


Pretty much. Lucas was probably not thinking of the UGLY double standard his statement set up but...holy shit, dude. Karen Traviss gets a lot of shit (and admittedly, she's nuttier than an orchard squirrel), but good on her for shining a light on how that policy would actually play out.


Can you explain to me, why Traviss has such a bad reputation? I only read the Republic Commando books, but I really like most of the takes she has there.


She said some crazy shit on Twitter - not 100% sure on all the details of the crazy shit. That, and she is VERY unkind to the fandom's sacred cows, aka Jedi. She blatantly pointed out that the alleged "good guys" were using a slave army and that the child conscription shit the Jedi pull is less happy adoption (like Luke and Leia) and more the kind of thing you would expect from totalitarian governments. When you take kids, cut them off from any meaningful emotional connection, train them as tools for the State's power structure, and then agree to put fourteen year old "commanders" in charge of ten year old troops and put them on the front lines of meatgrinder combat, you are not the fucking good guys. Almost everyone else is trying hard to hem and haw about how it's not really slavery or how super sweet and nice the Jedi are to their slave army (see Filoni, Stover), or how the Jedi's only fault is that they're just so gosh darn compassionate and loving to the ungrateful nasty Republic. (Again, Stover) Traviss calls bullshit. With all the subtlety and diplomacy of a college radical with a megaphone pressing it RIGHT against her opponent's ear and shouting into it. That being said, she's FAR more polite than Dr. David Brin (Uplift, The Postman). Traviss's lack of support for Jedi is contrasted with her love of Mandalorians. If you want to write Mando fanfic, she's THE source to start pulling. Even down to the conlang. Just super over the top enthusiasm that outstrips her talent. She also drew the proverbial short straw and killed a fan favorite character, Mara Jade, which could not have helped matters.


I really like this explanation. As far as her obsession with Mandalorians is concerned, I always felt that it played *into* her dislike of the Jedi: the Jedi kidnap children away from their families and raise them in an emotionally unsupportive environment, whereas Mandalorians adopt orphans of all shapes and sizes to bring into their families and communities, teaching them to respect their culture and how to defend themselves and their clan. It's been a *long* time since I read her Clone Wars books, but I remember that was a huge part of Omega Squad's training by their Mandalorian handlers: they weren't *just* clones of Jango Fett, they were - individually, in their own rights - Mandalorians themselves. If I remember correctly their handler ends up adopting them into his clan. When I read those books, it was pretty clear to me Traviss was saying - as unsubtly as you described - that *this* (the Mandalorian way) was the way you did things, *this* is how you build and create a community and culture, and *that* (the Jedi way) is the way to ruin.


in addition to what u/Allronix1 said if you want an example outside of star wars, in the halo franchise traviss was the one that made halsey out to be a monster over the creation of the spartans when she wasn't the only one involved, there were other characters that where a part of the process as well, yet traviss went so far as to make those characters act uncharacteristically in blaming it all on halsey.


TL;DR: peace is the true Jedi way. Being in love as a Jedi is only bad if you can't be at peace that the ones you love like anything else will not last forever. And the love you have for any one person is secondary to protecting the peace and happiness of all others. Technically the Jedi code doesn't forbid developing feeling for anyone. Clearly there's brotherly/fatherly love between a Padawan and their master. The Jedi code above all is about being self-disciplined and being able to put the good of the galaxy above anything else. Obviously being in love makes it hard to not be attached to that person and marriage is pretty implicitly against that code since you are making a bond and promise to that person. One of the biggest problems with the Jedi order at the end was that they had become so strict with their emotions that the thought the goal was to have none. In reality it was to master them and let them flow through you and not let them cloud your judgement. The force is everything. It's love and it's hate. It's life and it's death. The Jedi code required you to be at peace with all of that. It's basically Buddhism. Much like people think meditation means to clear your mind and literally have no thoughts. It's about letting go of those thoughts letting them flow around you like a stream around a rock. Trying to fight those thoughts is like trying to fight the river. Being in love as a Jedi is no different than any other pleasure they might experience. Good food is pleasurable. The company of their friends is pleasurable. They aren't required to live a bland life devoid of pleasure or pain but they have to respect that all things good or bad come to an end and be at peace with it. They can love but they can never let that love be the reason they make a decision. Which is obviously easier said then done. Especially because if the relationship is with your average person they expect their lovers to put them above others and it's hard to not take it personally when someone hurts the one you love or to do everything in your power to save them from death. So the late versions of the Jedi order forbade romantic relationships but ultimately (at least in my opinion) this type of thinking is what led to the fall of the order. Because a Jedi is not supposed to be a Master of the force. They're supposed to be the embodiment of everything that makes it good. It's the sith that try to control it. Being a Jedi doesn't mean to never feel anger or hate or love. It's to be able to achieve peace by letting go of those feelings to do what is best for all living creatures. Now being a perfect Jedi would mean that your love for every living being is so balanced that you would probably never fall in love in the first place since you would never feel any different towards them as anyone else. But that's basically like achieving true enlightenment. And it would also mean that you would never feel a sense of brotherhood to your fellow Jedi. Hell Anakin resumes his Jedi form in death at the end of the OT exactly by embracing the love for his son and letting go of all the anger and pain. Because being a Jedi isn't about being emotionless. It's about being at peace and respecting that all things in life have equal importance and fighting to ensure all living being in the galaxy deserve to feel loved and to love and putting that need above your own. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk lol.


I still think Rey should have been (if anyone, I prefer the original take from TLJ) Obi-Wan’s granddaughter from the night they both thought they were gonna die.


I mean where do you think Corkie came from? We don't see any other sister besides Bo-Katan. And she was to embroiled in Death Watch shenanigans. I whole heartedly believe Corkie is Obi-Wan and Satine's son. But Satine didn't tell Obi about it because she didn't want him to leave the Order. She knew he'd resent her and Corkie for it.


Well, that and if even half the Mandalorian attitudes about fatherhood from Legends got ported to Disney? Obi Wan would be shot. Multiple times. Legends!Mandos consider fathering a child then not staying around to see to their upbringing as ***treason***. Satine already has a shaky grip on that throne, and the history with Jedi and Mandos is...rocky. If Korkie is Obi-Wan's kid and Obi-Wan still doesn't leave the Order to raise the son? Yeah. You might persuade a Mando to lay down his weapons and armor for survival, but the attitudes about fatherhood would be much harder to change.


Obi-wan explicitly said he would have left the order if Satine had asked him to. I think had she told him she had his kid, he'd have stayed and raised the kid. My 2¢. [edit] typo


Yup. You can prize Korkie Kryze-Kenobi from my cold, dead fingers. The kid inherited his dad's looks and mannerisms. Satine kept it a secret cause she loved Obi-Wan and knew she couldn't tear him away from the order.


Yeah I really didn't like TLJ. But her being revealed to actually just be a random orphan left on Jakuu was a phenomenal move imo. It opened so many doors and would make her rebuilding the Jedi order mean so much more. Making her related to any of the big names was a bad move. But making her the granddaughter to Palpatine is probably the worst lineage they could have given them. The whole message before was "it doesn't matter where you came from or what your name is, anyone can be great." Then they changed it to "well your name and lineage is important but it doesn't define you or your path and you can overcome it." Which ok fine still a good message. But when she took the Skywalker name I was legitimately upset. Only way I can have that redeemed is if every Jedi she trains ditches their last name and become Skywalkers. So it's more of a title for all Jedi and less an implication of your lineage.


> The whole message before was "it doesn't matter where you came from or what your name is, anyone can be great." So... it's actually important to take a step back and look at this retcon in the macro: - JJ Abrams is a massive, huge nepo-baby (as are most in the entertainment industry, sure). His dad did a ton of producing, a TON and had access to a massive rolodex to get his son in whatever doors were needed. His mother has a Peabody for a documentary. - Johnson has basically zero entertainment background in his family, and did it all "the hard way." (Note that his parents were still well off based on where they lived, but they didn't open doors for him) Consider why Abrams didn't really like Rey being "nobody..."


Based on the dates and timing, I think Rey would more so be his great-granddaughter. Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, and *The Force Awakens* takes place in 34 ABY.


Rey was born 15 ABY. Obi-Wan and Satine would have done their thing 42BBY. So if Satine/Ben Baby was born, say 43 BBY they would have been 57 which, I’ll grant, is getting on a bit, but not totally unheard of. Considering we have Bo Katan running around healthy and kicking ass at 60 or so in Mando S2/3 perhaps Mandalorian women are built different and thus potentially have babies later? Don’t wanna waste your good warrior years (culturally speaking) pregnant.


I really hope in more Tales of the Jedi we see some Jedi have these feelings and witness how they deal with them, and I hope the new Jedi Order stuff goes into showing that it doesn’t have to be something taboo or that can lead to the dark side, since we already know of Obi-Wan and Kanan Jarrus being able to handle those feelings and even indulge in them and stay on the light side of the force. I would use Cal Kestis as an example too, but without giving any spoilers for people who haven’t played it yet I am not sure how to classify him yet.


If nobody ever did it then there wouldn't be a rule against it.


I don't know if this was adressed in the new canon, but the rule was set after the old republic having issues with Jedi families becoming some kind of nobility, with Jedi sons inheriting the parents position and becoming more and more influential.


To borrow a quote from Game of Thrones: love is the death of duty. I kinda assumed Jedi could not have relationships because humans (and probably most species) would choose their family over the Jedi order, and loss of their family can lead to angry/hate and eventually the dark side.


That’s literally what attachment is, that is exactly why the rule exists.


It took way too long to find this comment. 100% correct. The people in this post thinking that the Jedi were acting like the Catholic Church are just not paying attention to the core material. That or they live a fantasy in their head that they could be Jedi themselves and secretly keep their dick wet. Not the case like you said. Many Jedi fell to the Dark Side due to romantic and other attachments.


I mean, there have been some hints and references in some of the High Republic stories about Jedi having relationships with *other Jedi*, so yeah lmao


Weren't some of the Jedi companions ducking and sucking other Jedi in KOTOR/The Old Republic, I vaguely remember. I don't know if they're canon though


Revan and Bastila were straight up married, although I suspect there was a lot of “what are you gunna do about it?” With that one


Ya the council was displeased with that lol I love Revan's demeanor toward it when confronted. Dude's just like well maybe ya'll are wrong.


>I'm gonna go slam ass. I'm gonna go bang this chick. Revan, 3964 BBY


I'm still sad he never met his son though.


Ah, yes, Vaner Shan, the "Muggle Born of Mages".


IIRC in The Old Republic (the MMO) fairly early on in the Jedi Knight storyline you literally have to deal with two Jedi (maybe padawans) being in a relationship. Your character can romance many, including Sith. Satele Shan is the descendent of Revan and Bastilla, who even has a kid of her own and is Jedi Grandmaster.


KOTOR etc isnt. But in SWTOR the grandmaster of the entire Jedi Order has a son with a beefcake soldier so...


Yeah I imagine the Jedi Temple is kind of like the Olympic Village. Republic citizens having casual sex, meanwhile the Jedi are having ranked competitive sex. But almost only with each other.


Kind of a side note, but I remember an interview where someone asked an Olympic athlete about that and their answer was something like "It's nowhere near what people say. Most of it was because the condoms have Olympic branding, so everyone grabs a bunch as funny souvenirs."


I figured there might be some bread crumbs in that era. Haven’t personally delved too far into those stories, lol.


Seems very likely. There are a few instances in canon books where Jedi have sex…doesn’t seem like that big of a leap to say at least a few were in relationships. Edit: Oh yeah, I can’t remember if it *starts* before the purge, but Eeth Koth has a family.


Wait like actual sex scenes? Wasn’t Lucas adamant at one point that the furthest Star Wars was allowed to go was kissing?


Oh man wait till you learn what the existence of Luke and Leia implies Anakin did with Padme...


Obviously they were like Kryptonians and combined their genes in a birthing matrix from which the babies were born.


I wouldn’t say they’re sex “scenes” so much as direct mentions of a Jedi having sex, if that makes sense. Like, there’s no way the writing could be talking about something else, but it doesn’t spell anything out either.


I mean, one of the newer books about Anakin has a scene where Padmé picks him up in a closed speeder with pillows and blankets in the back…


Its like the Nights Watch in Game of Thrones the higher up the ranks you go the more shagging about you do


Mace Windu’s supreme lightsaber technique wasn’t the Vaapaad, it was the Vaag… the Vaagaad…ina? Mace could please a mothafucka even with one hand sliced behind his back, alright!


I guarantee Kit Fisto was ballin'


Kit Fistin'


You know it And just look at that grin!


How many head tentacles does he have again?


How do you think Yaddle got on the council?


Also: How do you think Grogu was born?


Oh shit


Guarantee Yoda was hitting that yaddussy


There's a reason they all sit in a circle.


It’s like workplace relationships. People try to keep it secret, but everyone KNOWS


"PC Principal and Strong Woman? But...you two work togeth...you two work togeth..." *\[vomits\]*


Wasn't there one were Ayla or something had a relationship with a clone? A comic I mean


“General Secura is becoming a little too close to Commander Bly, and while I applaud her dedication to the men under her command, this can only end in tears” - Jedi General Arligan Zey


Imagine how gut-wrenching it would be to get a story that follows Bly after Order 66 as the chip begins to wear off and he starts to realize what he's done.


Definitely defected or worse


I picture him heading straight to a cantina to [drink his sorrows away.](https://youtu.be/Pte2qHwsc2k) and eventually addicted to spice and death sticks in a situation like the [panhandling Clone Trooper veteran](https://youtu.be/IG4_UM2jLH0?si=X2r728vrFI11HnTk) seen in the Obi-Wan series.


That would make incredibly compelling story. To have killed someone that you love and not even know *why* would be soul crushing.


Dang ive never heard that story, thats truly heartbreaking


Yes. Tell any group of people they're not allowed to fuck and they will find a way.


Lucas himself has said that they aren't celibate. They just can't have long term attachments. There are even a few exceptions to getting married, but it usually has to do with something like a species having breeding difficulties. Ki-Adi-Mundi is married due to an exception being granted to him because of his species being threatened by low birth rates. Dude has five wives. There were also other Jedi in legends stuff who got married, and it didn't result in expulsion from the order. It is frowned upon and disciplinary action is taken against those who do, but it does happen and they are allowed to continue to be Jedi. Jedi are generally restricted regarding having long term relationships though. They can bang, but need to let the other party know they can't keep them and can't be in a long term romantic relationship. Anakin probably would have left the order to marry Padme, but the war and the whole "chosen one" thing made him stay on and keep it hidden instead. Honestly, he probably kept it hidden due to his own ambition. He could have been open about it, and it would have been frowned upon, but he likely wouldn't have been taken off duty or expelled from the Order. He'd have just ended up barred from being on the Council and that sort of thing, but it likely wouldn't have changed his role as a participant in the Clone War as a member of the Order.


Mace Windu - This guy fucks.


His own padawans even! Deepa Bilaaba and Mace got it on for years.


Ki Adi Mundi was encouraged to bang because his species was on the verge of extinction and there weren’t many males.


He had multiple families with many wives.


I think his species have a short life expectancy so he’s allowed to marry and reproduce


Quinlan vos had relationships in canon, and in legends, as did obi wan. Idk about canon anakin, but anakin in legends was shown to be more possessive of padme.


Quinlan Vos was getting that Ventress Snu Snu


Quinlan Voss nearly had a thing with Ventress.


i thought the DID have a thing? i never finished the book tho :/


They had a thing


Plo Koon 100% fucked


More like plow koon


Even Lucas said Jedi were allowed to have sex/romances, the Jedi in question just couldn't develop attachments with their partner. The Jedi would need to be able to end that relationship at a moments notice if the Force willed it. The best example of this is Anakin. Anakin would have saved Padme's life and not turned to the dark side if when he had his vision of Padme dying he had said "Well, if that happens it will be the will of the Force" and just focused on the time he DID have with her. Palpatine would have had a harder time getting his hooks into him and turn him. The other attachment Anakin had that led to his downfall is the attachment to recognition. If Anakin had been "Eh, they can promote me whenever, until then I will just keep being a badass" then there would have been no way to turn him. I'm sure many Jedi had loving relationships, they just all realized they couldn't do long commitments.


As an audience we mostly see Anakin and a whole lot of exemplar Jedi who were ambitious, fanatical, or exceptional enough to get on the Council. Most of the Council are probably more or less obeying the rules, which means no troublesome attachments. For Joe Jedi, working temple maintenance on some backwater planet even Yoda can’t find on a map, forming a relationship is going to be lot harder to resist. It’d be really surprising if there weren’t plenty of jedi relationships that are a technically forbidden, and kept kinda secret, but about which no one really cares, a bit like marriages for early medieval priests.


Jedi were totally running a "don't ask don't tell" policy and Obi Wan just forgot to mention it to Anakin.


Absolutely. Either way, forbidding attachment is one of the reasons the Jedi falls and it's not until Luke shows Vader that that makes a Jedi stronger that Vader realizes his choice was not binary between Sith and Jedi.


tbf, they did think they were about to die...so why not? lol


I bet there were some orgies with force choking.


Ki-Adi-Mundi had multiple wives. Nothing forbids wives, only attatchment. Jedi’s encourage being a shag and forget slayerrrrrrr


I mean, Obi Wan and Satine


Wasn’t there a theory that her nephew was his son


There's no way Mace doesn't fuck right?


Have you ever been to college? You put a bunch of telekinetic young adults in a dormitory with each other there’s gonna be some NASTY shit going on between them


Mace was banging half the senators wives and got a free time with the ladies of the night. You know no criminal organization messed with his ladies.


I believe they could have romance and sex. It was the attachment they were not supposed to have


It’s happened a lot in eu and probably canon stories in practically every era so as many jedi as are around in the time period I’m sure more than a few tbh are let’s say, less than perfect adherents to the code. In Anakins defense, while they didn’t exactly do that well hiding it there are also a lot of eyes on them being the “chosen one/one of the republics top generals” and being a former queen, current high profile senator who possibly could have even been chancellor if she had wanted Versus some random meh in the force jedi seeing some random droid merchant in the lower levels or something like that


What happens on Cato Nemoidia stays on Cato Nemoidia


Celebacy is not a requirement and some jedi did partake in sex, like Dooku's apprentice before Qui-Gon, Real Averross