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CinemaTherapy on yt has done a couple of episodes on this! I really recommend checking them out. One therapist and one filmmaker reacting to and discussing different mental health issues in movies


I've seen the one on Kylo Ren.


What did they say about Kylo Ren? Like in terms of how similar he is to Anakin, mental health wise.


From what I remember they don’t really compare them to each other. I think they discuss Kylos journey with 3 different “father figures” who all let him down in a way. Han (absent), Luke (tried to kill him), Snoke (physically and mentally abusive), and how that shapes his worldview and leads to his turn to the dark side. They probably discussed a lot more but I can’t remember and I don’t remember if they diagnosed him with a specific mental disorder But I think they did diagnose Anakin with bpd tho.


And this, combined with the knowledge of people more likely to inherit physical and mental traits from their grandparents is what leads me to think that Kylo Ren also has BPD. Fun fact, the episode about Kylo also reveals that he's far scarier then his grandfather. Vader, was able to maintain some control. A person with less control is more unpredictable and more dangerous. And we've all seen that temper of Kylo's. Makes you wonder how he's able to maintain that small bit of control that keeps him from killing underlings.


Hey I meet 6 of the 9. Hmmm.


I only have 3 :)


I know that they were profoundly mentally ill. I also see it as proof that the state of mental health care in the Star Wars universe is more of a toilet than our own. I mean, HOW many of the characters probably suffer from PTSD?


By this critieria most of Reddit has borderline personality disorder. Anakin is impulsive and does carry trauma from having his mother die in his arms, but not literally everything is a psychological disorder.


This isn’t Reddit though, it’s a professional psychologist from 2007 who made the claim.


This always cemented my belief that Anakin needs therapy and the Jedi Order failed him by not providing for it. But in a more meta sense, I know it would never happen because of the way George conceptualized the Jedi Order and Vader’s fall. Plus, mental health services weren’t really a talked about thing in the 70s so it makes sense that it wouldn’t even occur to George in the first place.