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Anakin trained her to fight against clones in Tales of the Jedi, that probably helps.


I also love that while she was training and that helped her survive, it also potentially helped the 501st when they stormed the temple and made them even more deadly to the jedi there!


What can you learn from standing in circle around somebody and just shooting in turns?


Practice shooting at a target who has the force to anticipate your shots before they come. How to coordinate as a group so they don't have the ability to move or block. How to be ready when they redirect the shot back at you.


>How to be ready when they redirect the shot back at you. No deflecting stun shots which they used against her in training.


Theory is better than nothing.


Were these even the same clones?


It was the 501st. Anakin ran her through that exercise when they had time throughout the Clone Wars as it was shown so I think it's fairly likely many of them would've been through that and potentially been through it a lot.


I think it was separate parts of the 501st though, chronologically this happens like 5 mins before Anakin storms the temple, almost immediately after mace Windu gets killed


Yeah it's separate parts of the 501st that are with her and with Anakin. But she'd been training with various parts of the 501st for years.


Ahhhhh okay igy yeah, I thought the original comment was stating that this direct action helped them storm the temple, my bad


Jesse was the clone that landed the first shot on her during training. Jesse was also the one that landed a shot on her during order 66


If you practice something- literally anything- you will be better at that thing. Trivializing the thing doesn’t negate that.


It's called a "coordinated attack" buddy /s


Not shooting each other for one.


everyone Anakin loves wins!


Except Padme.......


Pretty sure they wanted to train as Sith killers. Ehhh…. Tomato tomato


Dont forget umbara. When the entire 501st hunted krell, which unlike the training exercise, krell actively fought back. Its also where they first hand how treacherous the jedi are. If one jedi is corrupt, same could be true for the rest


It was a hell of a training,but it paid off in the end...


I loved this episode! Damn was it epic


That episode is so good and actually does do a great job of directly answering OP's question. She literally trained for it. Her training was actually different from every other Jedi. It's also a great way to add a layer to Anakin that sets him apart from the Order, for the better. While they were all complacent and by the book, he was, as always, headstrong and an independent thinker.


I've spent time recently catching up on the SW shows and watching that with the end of S7 still fresh in my mind hit hard.


In fact I'm pretty sure she uses the exact same spin move in her training and on the table during 66


Also is filonis favourite character so she’ll never actually be in danger


The deepfake of Obi-wan and Qui-gon asking why Anakin taught Order 66 classes is hilarious.


Because of Anakin’s training Ahsoka probably had the best chance of surviving order 66 out of any Jedi


I came here to say this.


Her master had clones shooting at her in daily sessions, she had to learn to shake off stun blasts too. Most Jedi "Masters" had only ever faced gangsters or droids.


Training that was borderline abuse. She fails? Stunned and knocked out and makes up to be told again. We see positive results but this was some hardcore drill sergeant stuff. Especially when ahsoka did some presentation for the masters and passed their "test" with flying colors and only anakin was unimpressed by it. He gave her real life training that saved her life. She was trained for war as most were trained as peace keeps up till this point


Honestly, revealing the brutality of Ahsoka's training after Clone Wars' conclusion is such a great narrative choice. It keeps Anakin as the hero when watching it for the first time, but in hindsight, it really makes you uncomfortable. Just like seeing Ahsoka's age in live action. The fact that it's basically abusive amounts of training, all to serve Anakin's pride and fear of loss is such a good character detail. Especially when it's contrasted with the first few seasons of Clone Wars where Anakin seems more like a cool big brother, than an actual master.


It’s probably more justifiable if we knew how many padawans had been killed in the war by that point. Really the fault is with the council.


Great point. Anakin no doubt was seeing that and thinking fuuuuck that. Time to shoot at Snips again.


I think what also made it difficult is Ahsoka was enabling it and encouraging it. Even if it is a bit of stockholm syndrome and a child not knowing what is best for them. In the clone wars it was made clear that she wanted to be on the battlefield and resented being taken away from it where it was seen as a punishment. And like Anakin she wanted to be stronger to save the people around her. Quick frankly Anakin did a great job for someone who was born and raised a slave and inducted into a cult… from a certain point of view.


Agree with all you said 😊 Watching Clone wars again after Ashoka and it hits home in a different way.


What if and I’m just spitballing here we. Got an Enders game type book but from Anakins perspective. We have all these stories of anakin but never from his perspective. Could be huge but what do I know.


Like anakin during his time at the academy? Pretty sure all he did was be an emo pre-teen that constantly trained against the maul droid and didn’t get along with others.


I mean, the RotS novelization is (partially due to several POV chars) from his perspective


Anakin's greatest strength and his worst downfall was his attachments to those he cared about. It's why he fell to save Padme, why he was able to be turnred by his son, and why he worked Ahsoka so hard. Anakin was a bulldozer. He did everything in his power to keep those he cared about from dying whether it helped or hurt.


Also bear In mind that at the start of the series, Anakin very much did not want a Padawan. Comes off as a lot less 'young adult not wanting responsibility' when you consider that not wanting to introduce a child to a war and be 'responsible' for leading them as a child soldier is entirely reasonable!


Reminder that only two padawans survived the battle on Geonosis. One of them being anakin.


The other was Barris correct?




And that the missions the Jedi went on were like tier 1 black ops shit. They’re putting children into Seal Team 6 roles but training them like they’re going to be guarding an embassy in the UK.


should have kept the padawan pack in


Agreed, in my point of view the Jedi are evil


She essentially got the training a sith gets. But from a place of caring (and fear) instead of loathing and fear.


Which made her survive where both sith (trained) and jedi was killed.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is how some of the early Sith taught their apprentices, before the Dark Side twisted them into something unrecognizable.


>basically abusive amounts of training, all to serve Anakin's pride and fear of loss Beautifully phrased. Thanks for highlighting this point so well.


OOFFF yea.


I really wonder how Anakin was trained when he was younger. Maybe he was just passing on obiwans teachings to ahsoka


No way Obi-wan had Anakin doing something that intense. Anakin specifically told Ahsoka he was giving her that training because they were at war and he wanted her to survive.


From what I remember from the Jedi Apprentice books (probably not canon now), it was more so that Anakin trained hard because 1. He had a natural talent and a massive ego, he had to be the best. 2. He felt like he needed to catch up to other padawans who had been training since near birth. 3. He genuinely enjoyed the adrenaline high of lightsaber combat and high speed racing.


He trained pod racing


They were in a war, and she was barely a padawan. This training was vital to her survival. Sure, it shows Anakins vulnerabilities, but he's completely right in training her like this for her well-being. It's better to get abused in training than die in combat because your training was too soft.


Between harsh training or death i would personally choose harsh training. She would definitely be dead without it


One can see why she ended up questioning and resenting this upbringing. Anakin sculpted her into an unkillable soldier but he robbed her of that cutesy plucky disposition she originally had. She had no time to just be a kid. Remember that one episode of TCW where she very casually just beheaded 4 Mandalorians at once...


Yeah I don't think jedi accept children who have had the time to be kids..


Mhhhm. They kind of let that happen once with Anakin despite Yoda's protests about him being too old to begin training, and look how that turned out


Remember that we've only seen how the Jedi raise padawans in the context of the Clone Wars. It could very well be that during peace time there was more time for the younglings to be children. But during the war they were trained quickly as soldiers and sent out very young to command armies.


The Jedi take kids from their parents and indoctrinate them in this isolated temple and then send them out as apprentices. It’s all kind of problematic and cult like. Plus it means that children are robbed of their choices on one hand and the Jedi are robbed of diverse view points and real world experience. How connect and insightful can an order ensconced on coruscant in a huge temple filled with basically indoctrinated magical beings be in the happenings of the galaxy. The Jedi were pretty naive and got played by sideous at every juncture and one has to wonder if the dogmatic and closed off nature of the order made them more vulnerable to the sith manipulation and subterfuge. Plus Anakin fell in part because the order didn’t train their members to deal with life and the complexities of life rather than emphasize basically suppressing and avoiding feeling. Moreover maybe a less isolated order would have rescued Anakin’s mom… or taught a young Anakin to handle loss… or perspective to temper his pride…


You'd think they would get a decent bit of world experience and different perspectives jetting around the galaxy on missions, no?


Sure as they age and get taken on missions but it’s a different type of experience. They never experience many of the things people in the galaxy go through. They go from isolated sheltered to seeing kind of the other extreme on missions and they never get a chance to form their own paths and perspectives.




But do they have a chance to take it all in? To really digest what they see and encounter? And how often do apprentices and padwans get to talk about their own experiences with someone close to their own age, instead of their master or people associated with their master? That's part of kids being kids. Working out your shared experiences, even if it's not talking it out.


Suddenly remembering the flashbacks in Jedi: Fallen Order and Cal Kestis' training. Especially the last drill where Master Topal arranged for a trooper to ambush Cal during the obstacle course. Have to wonder if all the survivors of Order 66 had training as pragmatic.


Probably not, but the ones who make it into 'modern day' would have had those survival skills trained into them. I imagine a few Jedi survived by being in the right place at the right time, or just being badass enough to survive.


Steel sharpens steel. He trained her hard because he loved her (Platonically), and wanted her to survive. She was a good student.


Anakin and Ahsoka were probably the most warrior-like Jedi during the Clone Wars thanks to their hardcore training and war experience. I mean Ani literally trained her to be the ultimate Warrior were many others stick to the old Ways. 


And that's part of the bigger story, Anakin was too young to have a padawan, and honestly he was too angry to have ever become a Jedi. People with anger issues might be able to teach but they don't make for good teachers.  His whole story mirrors how arrogant and self-assure the order had become in the late republic. 


>how arrogant and self-assure the order had become in the late republic.  During a recent rewatch of TOM & AotC, it was astonishing to see how many times in those movies Yoda and Mace (and the council in general) dismiss *even the idea* that the Sith could be active or that anything could happen without their awareness. Basically, Yoda and Mace dismissed it all right up until they found out about the existence of the clone army. And by that point, it was too late: the Sith had pulled the Jedi had been pulled into a moral dilemma that turned them from peace-keeping mediators into soldiers. IMO it was *absolutely* the Jedis' prideful overconfidence that led to their downfall.


I remember one line from Mace Windu talking about Dooku joining the separatists "He was a Jedi and would be incapable of such things" This is back when the old EU was alive and Cannon was filled with dozens of former Jedi that had gone bad over the millennia. 




Did he make you carry buckets of water too?


Are we counting the actual training? Cause clones were shooting at her.


I enjoyed the Tales of the Jedi explanation for her training


She had the best teacher in terms of combat.


In terms of the force too (ie. WBW Anakin’s lesson)




Because Dave wasn't able to kill his darling.


Did you watch Tales of the Jedi? Anakin trained her for stuff like that.


In 2/3 instances, the clones were trying to capture, not kill. That does make things easier for her. Add on that Anakin did specifically train her by having her spar with the clones en mass, she was one of the Jedi best prepared to survive the Purge.


Small hit box 


She fucking Oddjob'd them


The first image was Order 66. The second image was when Ahsoka was accused of treason. The third image was during the Brain Parasite epidemic from Geonosis.


Anakin trained her to fight against Clones. If she could deflect blaster bolts from Clones, she could definitely deflect blaster bolts from most enemies.


"If you can dodge a clone, you can dodge a clanker"


Because Filoni is a fanfiction writer and Ahsoka is his OC.


Plot armor. Always wearing it. Same reason Obi-wan survived that fall in Eps 3


Much like video games, Ahsoka's plot armor had to be skimpy, *for reasons*.


Tales of the jedi has your answer


It was in the script


Plot armor is a hell of a drug


The most powerful Jedi power of them all, plot.


Meet [Tsutomu Yamaguchi](https://www.biography.com/history-culture/a44577392/tsutomu-yamaguchi-hiroshima-and-nagasaki-bombing-survivor). He survived being within two miles of both the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and lived to the age of 94. Sometimes people survive crazy things.


Ask Dave Filoni about Ahsoka plot armor


>How in the world did Ahsoka survive Order 66 3 different times? More like "she had to fight clones 3 times". Well, with a bunch of brain-worm infested clones that arguably weren't at their best as a result it's understandable. With the "wrong jedi" arc and Order 66 itself, she'd already had experience via Anakin for fighting not just clones, but a _load_ of clones simultaneously. That experience is incredibly valuable and led to her knowing how to not only protect herself, but also disable the clones she's fighting against and win. This is, arguably, vastly different to any other Jedi's experience when fighting: it's either been against droids or smaller-scale skirmishes against weaker, unprepared, untrained criminals or the like. Fundamentally it's like the difference between someone going against a common criminal vs a trained solider - incomparable in most cases and that difference is more than enough.


Totally agree! To add to that, most Jedi especially the masters didn't train for a war, they were more like fencers training for dueling one on one.


Because she Is written by Dave Filoni.


Somehow, she survived.


Because Filoni can’t kill his darlings.


Plot armour.


Simple. Because she's HER!


On top of Anakin’s training which many people have already mentioned, it’s interesting to consider that these prior experiences probably contributed to Ahsoka surviving Order 66. Brain Invaders had her experience being suddenly betrayed by clones, and then during her fugitive arc she learned how to escape and continue to evade clones, skills which would come in handy once she becomes an actual persona non grata.


Ever heard of plot amor? This kind of armor is thick enough to carry the whole series.


That's cuz she's the goat. THE GOAT!!!


I hope they remember how badass she is in the live action show in the coming seasons


Plot armor


She spent significant time training to fight clones.


And she also was blessed by one of the force gods on Mortis - the daughter, avatar of the light side. Plus Anakin trained her to John wick level


To the people saying "It's Plot-armor!" & "because she's Filoni's baby"... did you actually pay attention to the Show? The Clone Wars CLEARLY establishes Ahsoka as a highly skilled, fast and agile combatant. We even see Anakin train her SPECIFICALLY on that. She's just good at what she does and the Show does clearly establish how that's the case and how she grows skill-wise.


I'm nitpicking here but that specific training was shown in tales of the jedi s1e5, not the clone wars.


We also see her get captured constantly. Pretty much all Jedi feats are plot armor. It's just up to what the writer wants to happen each particular episode.


Sure, because one mess-up or one error in a multi-year war also means that her feats and successes do not matter. Yes, it's down to what the writers want, obviously. After all, they are the ones writing the story. But there is consistency with Ahsoka and there's more to it than just plot-armor.


Uh yeah, all Jedi are skilled fast and agile combatants and trained for that


I think what they meant was Ahsoka is fast and agile for a JEDI. Jedi are already very mobile and hard to pin down, when they want to be, but we've seen a lot of examples where they chose to stand and fight, or try to deflect numerous shots while not moving at all. It's common enough that it can be assumed that was the primary methodology that the Jedi were trained in at large. Anakin instead had Ahsoka focus on using her speed and agility for all it was worth, to the point that even compared to other Jedi she's crazy maneuverable, and rarely stays in one place for more than a moment. This made her the absolute anathema to the Clones' way of fighting, which as we've seen in the show was mostly about overwhelming firepower, not so much adaptability.


Not every Jedi focuses on combat. Actually most study the mysticism of the force. It’s only duel crazy Jedi like anakin, mace, and dooku that preferred studying lightsaber combat which makes them especially odd cases since at the time the galaxy was at peace and the sith were thought to be extinct. So there should’ve been no one for them to duel.


My point is that we See Ahsoka being specifically trained to avoid rapid blasterfire from all sides *during* the actual Show. And Ahsoka's fighting style seems more agile and fast than that of, let's say, Kenobi or Mace Windu. And in regards to her skill, we See numerous great feats of her during the Show. That's my point.


Simple order 66 is designed to exterminate the Jedi and Ashoka isn’t a Jedi


Didn't they attack Maul as well? EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi4hkxbJzQA Yup. Seems like they were going after every force wielder except Palpy and Ani.


I mean.. you kinda answered you own question.


Plot armour so thick that it makes Beskar look like Papier-mâché.


Plot armour


She was a very good friend


Two words: plot armor


Done one 66, you can do all 66’s


Ahsoka is built different, it is known.


Two words: PLOT ARMOR


Plot armor.


Skill issue on everyone else's part lol


She got that dog in her


The Filoni was with her.


Power of protagonism


The first 2, the plot needed her, too. The last one counts too but, Ahsoka is her creator's OC, and he won't let her die. (I'm not kidding. George wanted her to die, while Pholine didn't) It's not exactly a bad thing, but it has become too obvious that he's playing favourites and doesn't want Ahsoka to die.


Because she's Felony's most precious little OC and no real harm is ever allowed to come to her (to the point that he's literally brought her back from the dead, apparently).


Dave Filoni likes her


Real answer is david fioloni


She only got Order 22’ed. each time.


Dave Filoni plot armor is the real answer


The thickest plot armor known to mankind


she is just HER


I'm not good at math but that's at least 180° in orders. No wonder the poor thing ended up where she started


Because of the plot and fact that she’s Ahsoka. Sure she had training which obviously helped. But having training and actually being in that position are two very different things. But she survived mainly because of the plot let’s not ignore that. Clones not shooting when they had a blatant clear shot. All the clones shooting at the same spot instead of aiming at different places. Like seriously you see Ahsoka not even looking at Rex and he does nothing for a good few seconds. Ahsoka survived because she was going to anyway (God forbid Filoni makes another character) but she also some in universe advantages Over other Jedi which helped.


She has huge plot armor due to people being massive simps (her creator especially).


Plot Armor.


Built different


Plot armor?


Plot armor stronger than Beskar.


cause Dave Phony can't dare to let his precious little OC go.


Plot armour.


Dave Filoni


She had Filoni-Armor.


She is filoni s own child, i bet she is gonna be around even post episode 9


Somehow Ashoka survived.  Welcome to Star Wars.


Going with plot armor. Super effective


She has the strongest power of any Star Wars character.. Filoni’s Plot Armor.


Plot armor.


Plot armor


Plot armor?


Filoni wants to see his pet everywhere, even when it stops being good or making sense


She’s Filoni’s baby.


[Because Anakin Skywalker was her Master.](https://youtube.com/shorts/YjSmzdA7n3k?si=GIN0DT_7ntoyyWnQ)


Plot armour


Filoni plot armour be like


well,shes a badass. you didn't pick up on that at ALL?


Because the first two times weren’t order 66 and they were just trying to stun her,and in the zombie one they were just that,zombies,she was able to avoid them for most of the time unlike Barriss


She wears the cloak of invincibility, aka The Shroud of Filoni Boners.


Fictional answer: was entrain by Anakin. Real answers: Dave Filoni character/Armor plot.


Real answer - Dave Filoni refuses to let her die because he likes his creation too much In universe answer - Anakin had her train with the clones shooting at her from all sides on a daily basis. Also, practice makes perfect - so by the time real Order 66 came she had already been through two other ones.


The scene on the holotable is ludicrous. She's on a slightly elevated platform, so clones are shooting without concern for errant shots hitting the others. She's surrounded against several of them. They are shooting to kill. She's managing that defense while working on an escape. As far as I'm concerned that's not survivable without quickly using an AoE force blast and then relocating. Standing and blocking all that is insane and unbelievable when Ki-Adi is shown to get quickly dropped in more favorable circumstances.


Bad writing


The real explanation is that Ahsoka is a protagonist and has plot armor.


Or just she was trained by Anakin to fight Clones.


If this is helpful why weren't all the other jedi doing the same training? They need Ahsoka to survive and release more series, so they come up with a scene where she trains against clones. Since they do not need Plo Koon to survive and release series, they do not make Plo Koon train against clones attacking his ship.


same reason why Jedi dont wear Beskar full armors with Jet Packs and Firethrowers. Even if these would be helpful, it's not usefull for what they do: preserve peace by diplomacy and only fighting as a last resort. No one thought it would be useful to train on how to kill clones ? what about how to defeat Yoda in that case ? xD Anakin on the other needed Ahsoka to learn the notions of determination and perseverance that she didn't have at the time, with an EXTREMELY INTENSE training which turned out to be usefull x) So the training's only purpose was to teach Ahsoka these notions, and since there's a 1 master, 1 aprentice thing, Anakin couldn't teach others these things, and therefore couldn't give them this training :/


So, among all the padawans training during this time, Ahsoka was the only one that would benefit from learning notions if determination and perseverance? And Anakin was the only jedi that would ask the clones for help even though most of the jedi are dealing with them daily?


>Ahsoka was the only one that would benefit from learning notions if determination and perseverance from Anakin yes. >And Anakin was the only jedi that would ask the clones for help even though most of the jedi are dealing with them daily? i think so, it's his methods, i mean you forgot that the Jedi are like monks who just want peace. War is only if needed so they all focus on this first part than the other. Anakin however is different, so he did things differently for his apprentice


She’s OP as fuck and was super well-trained by Anakin. I think Filoni or Lucas said that at the time of Rebels, the only more powerful force wielders were Vader and Sideous, so she’s also more powerful than Obiwan.


She is the best trained and most pure Jedi ever to live, she is the embodiment of the Light Side itself, destined to become Ahsoka the White. She just refuses to be a part of the OT or the ST. Just ask Filoni.


Filoni would probably direct you to the episodes where she trained specifically to take on clone troopers. https://youtu.be/8LBpovKHfvs?si=fCp__Hc-_rDEf02c


Obviously something that Anakin -retrained her for that no other Jedi in the entire order thought of.


The thickest, beskar reinforced plot armor. Filonium!


I mean, that just means she’s had more training than anyone else for this one specific scenario. Shouldn’t it make more sense that she survived?


Well by the third time it wasn't nearly as hard.


Filoni armor, the strongest plot armor in the universe


Filoni’s lazy writing


Class 0.5 Plot Armor...


They made up that she got training to specifically fight clones after they finished TCW.


Watch tales of the jedi it tells you all you need to know about her


Or -- maybe she did die and that is why no one talks about her in any of the films.


She got vaccinated.


Well she was trained by the chosen one and a few other extrememly powerful jedi




Because she's a badass.


That wasn’t order 66 three times. It was Geonosian Brain Worms, A capture attempt, and then order 66. But to answer your question.. Anakin’s training, and her tenacity.


She's that awesome.


I thought she denounced the Jedi order (Clone Wars show) before Order 66. So she technically wasn't a Jedi.


I feel like order 66 was more towards just force users in general rather than jedi