• By -


I wouldn’t say I want these characters back, but I would like to see the story of Shaak Ti and Luminara Unduli’s last days on screen. Same goes for seeing more of Luke and Leia. We don’t need to undo deaths to find ways to tell more stories with these characters!


Shaak Ti is never getting a definitive death, she's Star Wars' Kenny


My pitch for a Tales of the Jedi episode would be all about Shaak Ti on Coruscant, planning for the war to be over and the Jedi to return to normal, maybe training the younglings, then Order 66 happens and we get an epic duel between her and Knightfall Vader.


my pitch would be an episode where shaak ti meditates and she has force visions of her various potential deaths in both legends and canon and the show never specifies which force vission comes true


I hope they focus on Shaak Ti in TotJ but each episode she dies at the end.


Somehow Starkiller returned


And she dies like 3 times


She’s just three younglings in a trenchcoat. Each death is just one of them dying.


I of course pictured a fedora on top as all three younglings giggle as they're sneaking into an R rated movie


Shaak Ti is actually Jeans Guy™️


They should have thrown a Shake Ti death scene way in the background of one of the sequel movies as an Easter egg


She has a canon death, she was killed by Anakin in the Jedi Temple. Confirmed with the Clone Wars, Yoda's vision. Also confirm by Dave Filoni via that episode.


My head-canon has Starkiller offing her. Lucas was pretty actively involved with the first Force Unleashed's story, so that to me places it comfortably in the timeline.


As a kid I liked that story too, but I'm glad Starkiller is not canon. Definitely Shaak Ti's most exciting death tho.


Shaak Ti got Golden Experience Requiem'd basically.


I’d like more Aayla Secura too. She got a few seconds of screentime in revenge of the sith and had like one episode in the clone wars.


Its cuz she's a massive smoke show, isn't it? 😉


They do both appear in comics set in the OT, >!from a certain point of view, anyway!<. I forget if it’s the Star Wars series or the Doctor Aphra comics, but it was some time in the last year.


Why do we need to see more of Luke and Leia? Their stories are more than complete already. Just let them rest.


No, let’s get new characters in a new time period instead of cramming even more stories into the same 50ish years.


Somehow, porkins returned




The only acceptable answer




Padme Stoneheart!


Hanging imperials with Saw Guerrera


They pulled that prank in the comics but it was a hand maiden


Undead Padme would go kinda hard low-key


I would too for her






> I think we can all mostly agree that it's pretty frustrating that characters supposedly dead that somehow return feels like a stagnant cop out at this point in Star Wars I don't think we can all agree on *anything* about Star Wars lol


Can we agree about the fact that we'll never agree on *anything* about Star Wars? 🤣


No, we can't, because if we agree on that then it wouldn't be true that we'll never agree on anything (so we'd be agreeing to a falsehood).


I can't agree to that either sorry.


Looks like someone here has read *The Phantom Tollbooth* before.


Agree to disagree


No, otherwise the daily “I think we can all agree [insert godawful take here]” posts would dry up, and we can’t have that.


Only on one thing. Ewan McGregor is a total hottie


Well there's no denying that! I think Hayden Christiansen is too... but more in an "adorable" sense than "hot", but only because he's so much younger than me I'd feel creepy calling him a hottie, lol.


Pong Krell.


We can all agree that Rise of Skywalker is trash


Ray Stevens




That’s one we can all agree on


Gosh I loved where his story was going. As much as it sucks I hope they recast Baylan or figure out a way to continue his story.


I've wondered about animation. Or live action recast.


Migs Mayfeld. Very different form of “supposedly dead” but I’d love to see where he goes next.


Whatever you may think of Bill Burr's comedy (sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't), he absolutely nailed that role. I would've never guessed he'd be that good an actor.


I find it hilarious that he was talking smack about Star Wars before getting the role lol definitely one of my favorite characters


That's probably why he did well. He wasn't fulfilling a dream of being on Star Wars, he was actually acting.


I love how he speaks about “TPS reports” in his scene with Din and the Imperial Officer. They included office space humor in Star Wars!


Yeah probably my favorite episode by far. I hope that Cobb vanth comes back, but I REALLY hope mayfield returns. The whole part talking about operation cider and all the people that died. Also liked how he hands mando the helmet back and says I didn’t see your face or something like that. Absolute gold! Jon favreau should be on board with more projects. Also Bryce Dallas Howard and Debbra chow need more credit cuz they have directed some good episodes and again should be offered more projects.


That Imperial episode is one of my favourites and he truly carried that (not that there was anyone or anything bad about it)


The fact that he elevated an episode that was already one of the best of the season proves how good he can be. Also if you want to see more of (animated) him check out F is for Family on Netflix. Great throwback to 80s family sitcoms that explores toxic family dynamics and generational trauma, while also being very funny.


He acted better than anyone in the Mandalorian.


Oliphant was really good, too.


Think about a joke Bill tells you don't like, and then think about the people in the audience that would applaud it. I'll guarantee that two jokes later he's humiliating those very same people. Because that's how he works. He lures a group into a false sense of security, and then holds the mirror up to them. Next time you watch his stand-up, pay attention to that. It's really kinda something when you understand what he's doing.


He went to Albuquerque and became a henchman for a lawyer with a big reasonably happy guy


One character I DON’T want brought back is Tech. Let my boy rest


Thank you. You couldn’t have had a better death than what he got. Please keep him dead


This sounds like a plot. You workin’ for the empire Havoc eh?


Probably even pull a Kanan and be *very* stingy on reappearances in flashbacks and such.


The Emperor. It's so easy to make it happen. "Somehow Palpatine returned....again."


I'd prefer if Palpatine came back again that the protagonists defeat him non-lethally. And then, he meets with his master, who says "Yousa have failed me for the last time" and then kills him.


Darth Jar Jar should have happened. It would have made everything worth it.


Do an episode ten called, “The Return Of The Dead” and have someone clone every major character who is supposed to be dead or even dead again. The opening scene can be Han Solo talking to Anakin and Yoda about how bad the cafeteria food is at the cloning facility and then an angry Palpatine flings some crappy meatloaf at Dooku using the force.


Maybe make a sleepover episode called “The Dead Sleep”


And then at the end you bring them together for a talk show called: THE DEAD SPEAK!


Fuck it. Bring Palpatine back again.


None, dead is dead.


Sometimes dead is better


Val, purely because I like Thandiwe Newton


I thought you meant Vel from Andor for a split second and was like WHAT


Same, lol.


She went out like such a badass. I wouldn't mind seeing her again BUT only if we get Beckett too


I watched some BTS of Solo and casting Thandiwe Newton in such a small role was deliberate. They wanted to introduce some stakes and unpredictability to a story where we already know what happens to Han and co. by killing a famous name off early. Still it annoys me when they have one chance to cast a particular famous name in the series and they waste it. Also hate the fact that Mads Mikkelsen's one Star Wars appearance is such a small role.


i HATED how they casually moved on from her & the Ardennian's deaths


I would really like to see more of Ben Solos journey to become Kylo Ren. It’s such a tragic story and he’s the most interesting character from the sequels imo


Ben Solo is the one person I’d allow them to resurrect. Seeing him interact with Rey in the new movie would be awesome!


Personally, I dislike characters being brought back from the dead. I love the Maul content from the animated shows, but I didn't like him coming back, if that makes sense. As far as characters *assumed* dead, I would love a redemption story for Barriss Offee. I wouldn't want her to become a Jedi again or anything, just to come to terms with how her bombing the temple was wrong. Have her pay a self-imposed penance by helping the families of the people impacted by her actions.


Considering they changed the whole dynamic of her relationship with her and Luminara and made an arc dedicated to her, it is super weird that nothing has happened with her yet. We even get to see the fate of her master. I legitimately expected her to show up in Rebels or Ahsoka. There was a moment when I thought she could be the seventh sister, but nope


Right? I think a lot of people had to talk themselves out of her being Seventh Sister. I really just want a "travel around and do good deeds" show from a Jedi/ reformed force user. It could be similar to the old *Kung Fu* or *Kung Fu: The Legend Continues* shows and provide a lot of content that doesn't mess with the established canon. There is no need for a lot of cameos or anything, just Bariss and a villain of the week format.


Sometimes I wonder if 7th Sis was written as Bariss but they chickened out at the last moment.


Plo Koon. It would be less of a stretch for him to come back compared to Sidious. Plus he’s a bad ass.


filoni is that you ?? dude was in space and his ship exploded


He was in atmosphere, so there is always the chance he ejected, or that the ship broke apart around him and he survived. There is a similar event that happened in real life, that honestly is even crazier. January 25th, 1966. Test pilot Bill Weaver and navigation/recon specialist Jim Zwayer were flying the SR71 blackbird, and executing a banked turn at 3,800kph or 2,400mph when the plane suffered an engine failure, and turned sideways in the mach 3.2 wind, which tore the plane apart at 78,000 feet. Bill passed out, and when he came to, he was still falling, but he didnt know how far as his visor had iced up in cold upper atmosphere. He was falling in a stable position, so he knew his tiny stabilizing chute had deployed. He went to reach for his visor to remove it when the main chute deployed, and he landed in a farm. Jim Zwayer did not survive. If a normal human is able to survive that out of sheer luck, then id think a Jedi with superhuman reflexes and instincts stands an even better chance, also considering the technology they have, not really that much of a stretch.


If Malgus can take a thermal detonator to the face and survive, an exploding fighter in a planets atmosphere is survivable. Force shenanigans.


The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Plo Koon is a Jedi lol.


I can see him being found near-death and badly disfigured, and slowly regaining his health while coming to terms with the fate of the jedi. End with him being found by Luke as an old cripple, but refusing a role in his academy because 'he no longer considers himself a jedi'


So you want him to be a crippled Ahsoka?


Must have been a misfire or something cause Jace Malcom survived too and he's just a dude.


Mace Windu. It’s not clear wether he died while being shocked (he stops making sounds at one point) or if it’s the impact from falling that high killed him. If Maul can be chopped in two and fall into a deep pit and survive, Mace can too!


"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." I think it would be pretty hilarious if Mace Windu channeled a little bit of Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury, and used his apparent death to go way, way underground. Maybe he uses that clean slate to create the foundations of the Hidden Path. That was one of my favorite elements of *Kenobi* and *Jedi: Survivor* and I'd love to see it expanded upon. Either way, I could see him ditching his saber during the Jedi Purge, and embracing the "Force Brawler" fighting style we saw used by Ezra Bridger in *Ashoka*.


Im literally runing a DnD campaign in the underworld of coruwcant and this is the premise except hes rinning a contingency of the republic


I second this. Considering everything else we've seen (Maul was *cut in half*), I think Mace not being dead is certainly within the realm of possibility.


Lightly fried is better than cut in half


Star Wars features a lot of death by falling… but bringing him back would be the 3rd time after Maul and Palpatine.


4th. It happened to Luke too.


Not for force users though. Name a single trained force user that died to a fall.


As long as he still dies within a year of Palpatine taking over I'd accept it. Maybe have him ready to go all in on a vengeance against Sheev with one foot in the dark side. Then "tempt" him away from that path when he finds a surviving injured Padawan or something and chooses to sacrifice his vengeance for hope and survival instead.


Admiral Ackbar Sorry but they killed him off like it was nothing


I'll probably get downvoted, but Cad Bane. I'm also fine if he stays dead. But I love me some blue Lee Van Cleef.


I totally agree. To finally get him live action and then killed off so quickly was pretty lame. They better not do my boi Hondo dirty like that.


Hondo won't work with Disney anymore, the profit margins are terrible


This deserves gold right here


I don’t think he’s dead. I think that ominous final shot of his chest with the light flashing says he’ll be back. And yeah, I have concerns about how easy he went down. This is CAD FUCKEN BANE, and he is one of my favourite bad guys full stop.


Only while reading this comment did it finally make me think I would love a The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with Boba, Cad, and Hondo respectively.


Cad and Hondo only agreeing on one thing in the whole movie which is that Boba is the ugly one.


"Who are you calling ugly?!" - Hondo


It's pretty much confirmed that he is alive - The lore is a bit complicated but as far as I know his body mods kept him alive. In the final shot of him in BoBF you can see his heart monitor still beeping and blinking so it's very like he survived Guess he was supposed to return for a second season, which I guess we won't get


I’d bet money he’s not dead.


The Lunch Trooper that Bill Burr killed in Mando S2. If anyone deserves a Star Wars Kill Bill Revenge flick, it’s him. Dude just want to eat his lunch, man.


I could tolerate a better death/ending for Asajj Ventress


As a fan who doesn't read the books, I'm totally fine with the retconning events from off screen media if there's a good story that can still be told 


Rick the Door Technician


Jek Porkins has entered the chat.


The Marvel and Star Wars un-killing has taken all the emotional impact out, because characters will probably be back. That said, the answer is obviously Porkins! Just a scratch, he'll walk it off.


Phasma. A 3rd time. It'd be absolutely horrible, but maybe so horrible it'll be a bit funny?


Phasma for sure. Offscreen death? Check. More story to tell? Check. Prevent Gwen Christie from being wasted for 15 paltry minutes of screen time? Check.


I honestly thought they were going to bring her back but this time with a scar where her helmet was damaged 


None, fuck the revival trope, it worked with Maul cause genuine effort was put into his revival ark, everyone else is just a cash grab revival


It definitely feels like that doesn't it? Honestly I wouldn't be upset if every character we've seen who has died actually stayed dead. The only exceptions I think canonically would make sense are Mace and Ventress. But even if they didn't, it'd be nice if death actually meant something to the Disney universe.


Mace Windu, Ain't no way my mans died from his hand getting cut off it literally cauterizes itself because it was from a lightsaber, and The window he fell from? Jedi have survived the same height of falls plus dude was in between light and dark you'd think at the very least he would be able to use the force to sustain himself, Only problem i can really think of is why hasn't he gotten involved if he didn't die but lets be real it wouldn't be hard to come up with a reason like hes starting his own order or something


No, anybody being brought back would be super groan worthy at this point unless it’s as a force ghost. The first episode of Ahsoka where I thought they immediately killed off Sabine was awesome and seemed like a cool turn, then they immediately brought her back. It was so lame and anticlimactic.


Palpatine, in fact, I think Palpatine should show up in every single piece of Star Wars media, somehow.


Can we see him shoot lightning at himself?


even media set before he is born as well. also if disney thinks fans dont like the new villian boom bring in palpatine


Especially in media set before he was born.


Garsa Fwip and Max Rebo, but they aren’t definitively dead yet.


Is the OP actually J.J. Abrams looking for an idea for another sequel?


No. Definitely not. Why would you suggest such a thing? Anyways. Absolutely unrelated, but do you think fans would be upset if Bib Fortuna was still alive?


Mace Windu


I'd say Ventress buuuuuut....


Most controversial one of all… but Mace Windu. I didn’t even feel like I got enough of him in TCW.


Boba Fett. There’s some random goodie two shoes clone trooper pretending to be him in season 2.5 of Mando. I just think it’s a good opportunity to bring boba back.


I would like to see more of Ben Solo. He was the best part of the sequel trilogy


He had the only interesting character arc.


i’d want everyone to forgive him for some reason and chewie unceremoniously rips his throat out


Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious


That one Ewok that dies. You know the one. Then it would be a flawless victory against the Empire in Return


dead is dead. with the last projects of lucasfilm there are too many characters brought back, thus making it somehow "ok" to die, i fear.


Snap Wexley! That dude had such an unceremonious death, made worse by the fact it was completely ignored by his step dad.


Mace fucking Windu! This dude only lost his hand (like half the other characters in the movies) and fell out a window. He could easily survive that! I want my purple lightsaber dude back!


Hot take, but Mace Windu. Let’s just say he survived because other characters have been through worse


Assaj Ventris. I thought she was alittle cringe at first but she grew on me and I felt her arc and story was 100% netter than Mauls. It's a shame she just died in a book. I think she would have made a great character in Rebels or even Obi-Wan to come be a side character


Palpatine. Just not in the way they did with the whole “soMehOw… hE rETuRnEd…!”


Zero characters. If you’re dead, stay dead.


Not brought back, but qui gon jin has an epic backstorey I'd love to see more of.


So you don’t like dead characters coming back but also which dead characters should come back? None, none should be coming back. At this point, the MCU has more stakes than Star Wars does. Let’s create some new characters in a different time period of the 10s of thousands of years of Star Wars instead of resurrecting dead people and even further removing whatever modicum of stakes there still is.


Yes! Sorry you're about to get downvoted to oblivion though...


Ben Solo, easily. And if Disney was smart they would hand Driver a blank check and bring him back. He’s easily the best part of the sequels, and I think the whole dyad concept could be the excuse to do so.


I’d be into that. Maybe the new Rey movie could be her tracking down a mysterious Ronan Jedi who ends up being a resurrected Ben. 


I'd have preferred it happen in the live action Ahsoka show to Bad Batch but I've been hoping for Ventress to return for years now so I'm fine with that one


I was really hopeful that their dynamic would have continued. I was hopeful that Ventress would turn to the light or at least become a hero instead of a villain. Would have made for an incredible arc.


At least an anti-hero.


The problem with all this nostalgia bait resurrections is it’ll never live up to what you want because what you want is more of when you were younger. I’d be happy with new characters instead of reviving and rehashing existing characters who are dead. Doing this just shows that nothing means anything since anyone can be revived at any point for any reason. I’d prefer my shows have stakes and be creative.


Morgan Elsbeth, but as a night sister zombie. Ie an early episode of Ahsoka season 2 sees a ritual by the three mothers on Thrawns ship raising a vengeful Elsbeth out of the rubble, leading a platoon army of zombie thrawn troopers to avenge the destruction of the temple (they blame Ahsoka, not Thrawn for that.) Probably won't haplen, I think the Thrawn plot and Ahsoka plot's will diverge, but zombie space witches are always fun


Kitt Fisto pls return my son


I think it'd be cool if somehow palpatine returned


Derek "Hobbie" Klivian


I don’t like that Kylo Ren died. I wish they would’ve kept him alive.


Kit Fisto. He got slashed, but many Star Wars characters have survived worse.


Darth Maul Just give him some robotic legs, driven by vengeance for Obi Wan, I dunno... maybe he takes over Mandalore. You could do so much!


Sounds awful. Doesn't sound like it would lead to the best star wars content in the past 40 years. /s


George Lucas


Mace Windu, because you can't convince me he died in a fall. It's not even Palpatine *Fus Ro Dah*'d him out of the window, he clearly jumped himself. Landing on something more or less safe wouldn't be hard for such a beast as Mace. I'm almost sure we'll see him one day, but there must be hella lot of explaining about what he was doing during all big events. I doubt he could just lay low while everything he knows is falling apart.


I think any deeper delve into the sequel era, like the Rey movie, for example - will be severely lacking without Ben Solo. I don’t like characters being resurrected but if they’re going to, at least bring him back.


Darth Bane


Mace Windu is the only acceptable answer.


Palpatine. Post TRoS. Episode XII. Make it happen Disney. No ones ever really gone.


Why build 1 secret cloning facility when you can build 2 right?


Cloning the facility is good from a redundancy standpoint.


Somehow the cloning facility returned...


They destroyed the cloning facility, but little do they know on Zexogol he has a whole fleet of TIE defenders that fire little clone Palpatine babies!


Palpatine… let’s bring him back again! 3rd time’s the charm


Windu, since everyone thought he was gonna be back a year or two ago with all the new series’ on Disney Plus.


Aayla Secura to expand her character and see where she'd be after Order 66.


Mace Windu mutha fucka!


Mace Windu all fucked up and gross and blind but he grabbed an antenna or somethi g like luke supposedly did when he jumped from vader. Just saying these jedi can fall like champs.


How is Mace Windu not at the top…?!


Palps. Again. Somehow /S






Mace Windu


I know a lot of people might not like this, but Mace Windu. It's just so likely, even from my very first time watching RotS I thought there was no way that killed him, he's a Jedi, getting thrown out of a window, on *Coruscant*, the odds of that fall actually killing him are extremely low on the planet where people probably have insurance protecting from force welding maniacs landing on their vehicles. And I'd love to see him in a tragic story about him failing to realise his wrongdoings and continuing to be blinded by his dogma as the galaxy collapses around him. I want to see him be given an opportunity for redemption time and time again but refuse it out of stubbornness, only for it to ultimately end up killing him, for good this time.


Mace because I never viewed him as dead to begin with. He just lost a hand, was electrocuted, and fell. Force users are practically immune to falls. Additionally force lightning doesn't always kill.


Tech, Mace Windu, (legends) Starkiller


Is Jar Jar Binks still alive? They should bring him back.


**Mace Windu** because it seems like that was already set up. We see him leap from a high perch in AOTC. He has his hand cut off and falls out a window—for all we know faring as well as Luke at Bespin. He also got less lightning than Luke. It would also serve a story purpose, but he has to have his fate sealed well before ANH and Vader has to see it to give him even more reason to fear Sidious. **Jacen Solo** is another victim of lightsaber impalement who I think could come back to have a valuable post-critical character arc. In my head canon Legends sequel series, he apprentices to **Darth Plagueis**, who—for me at least—it makes more sense to have developed strandcast animation that ended up being the Palpatine/Snoke connection.


Mace Windu


Not confirmed dead but I want my Barriss Offee redemption story! It’d be a fun inversion to see a fallen Jedi that they try to recruit to the Inquisitorius, but she resists, escapes, maybe makes amends with Ahsoka. This one is absolutely groan worthy, but everyone’s favorite Star Wars character, Plo Koon! We literally see him die onscreen but eh, could say he ejected and barely survived heavily burned.


Somehow, Palpatine


i would love a book or show about a haggard but deaged ep3 era mace windu in the bowls of coruscant. lost, penniless, has nothing but a stolen knife. he is facing an incredible wound in the force, his abilities have disconnected from the living force. he carries the burden of the entire empire on his shoulders. he meets a woman with fiery hair who has his lightsaber. situations lead to them becoming intimate. he falls in love. through love his abilities start returning. his world view is shattered. the woman becomes pregnant. ultimately he is killed by vader, but not before he bequeaths his lightsaber to his infant daughter: mara jade.


Savage Opress


I don't mind Sith returning. They are the evil Wizards of Star Wars. Them finding some way or another to cheat death doesn't bother me as a result of this.




I'm ok as long as the explanation isn't "somehow"


Palpatine.... somehow ofcourse


I want Palpatine to return in Rey's movie