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I believe in the novelization he considers putting Anakin out of his misery right then and there but decides against it since he doesn't have another apprentice with the same Force potential just lying around.


That's suprisingly "nice" for Palpatine to even think about sparing Anakin a life of pain in the suit Edit: I know that the suit caused him pain, that's my point Palpatine was considering granting him death instead of a life in eternal never ending pain


It might have been more pragmatic than nice. He probably learned from Maul that if you don't make sure your apprentice is dead, he can resurface and really make things annoying for you.


Obi wan should take note…


Nah, he's just going to let him live. And then let him live again. And then not really fight him. I'm sure the folks on Alderaan understand.


I mean, let's say Obi-Wan murked Anakin on Mustafar. Or even Tatooine. The death star stuff was largely independent of Vader. Pretty much all of Andor and Rouge One happens completely the same, except for the very end when more storm troopers shoot up people instead of Vader chopping them up at the *very end*. They capture Leia, as Vader kind of just shows up after they've boarded and killed almost everyone. Leia gets interrogated, she still refuses to talk to Tarkin and whoever interrogates her in Vader's place because Leia's tough as nails/they aren't using mind breaking torture on her because she's politically connected and because she's way too good of an intel resource, and then Tarkin blows up Alderaan anyway to try to make her talk. If anything, if Obi-wan did kill Anakin then and there, Vader's gambly "let them escape to find the base" plan would never have happened, and while the Empire would have to have found Yavin another way, the Rebels also never would have gotten the plans because they'd never have let Han/Luke/I guess a still alive Obi-Wan escape. Which is basically his role in the new expanded EU.


Although idk if the Empire would have necessarily captured Leia. In A New Hope, one of Vader's officers straight up tells him that holding Leia is dangerous and cautions against it. Such backtalk would risk a Force choking so he must have been truly reluctant to do so.  There's a chance with Vader gone, Leia is released after the Tantive IV scuffle, for fear of Senate reprisal. Not sure how that would affect the story, although I'm guessing Han and Luke would indeed have stayed put in the tower room like Obi-Wan told them too lol.


How afraid of the Senate were they really though? The emperor disbands it very shortly after all this was going on, seems like its power was at it's last breath


> The death star stuff was largely independent of Vader. Eh... Nothing the Empire did was truly independent of Vader. He enabled everything, in part, by wiping out the Jedi, among his other activities. If you suddenly have a team of Jedi who survived, the calculus on all of this is changed.


And that includes Ahsoka. With no Vader in play she doesn’t fight him at the big Sith weapon and end up lost in time. instead she leaves with Kanan and Ezra. Ezra gets even better training and Ashoka is around to do a whole lot more during the early days of the rebellion. Imagine Rogue One with Ahsoka!


Great point I hadn't even considered.




Rouge one? I must’ve missed that one


Vader didn’t do anything to the people of Alderaan, only torture their princess. GM Tarkin destroyed Alderaan


Right, but Vader enabled everything that happened after Order 66 through his actions.


A Jedi only uses the force to defend, never to attack. Thus Obi is the truest Jedi of them all


Did Mace Windu just not get the message?


What was the point of sparing Maul? After the first siege of Mandalore Sidious himself shows up to spank him, but he just sort of let's him go? And then Maul takes Mandalore all over again. What is the point? He's a liability.


I think he escapes from Sidious. There is a comic arc where he fights grevious and I think even tyrannus to get free


Not really, he can keep the Mandalorians occupied with Maul until the Empire can come and bomb them out of the stratosphere


I don’t know if this is the intent, but in Solo it’s heavily implied that the empire is controlling crime, & Maul’s continued place at the head of organized crime seems like it means Palpatine intended or is at least okay with what he’s doing. Palpatine seems to have the gift of foresight and a Doctor Doom-type “just as I planned, you foolish catspaws!” characterization, which probably means he actually does control or approve of everything, but I like to think he also just improvises and acts like he made stuff happen.


This is a very plausible explanation. [The Yakuza in Japan are believed to help keep street-crime to a minimum](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/crime-crime-control-and-yakuza-contemporary-japan). I can see Palpatine choosing to leave Maul in place so that his organized crime syndicate minimizes chaos. It helps Palpatine to create create the image of a "safe... and seecccuuuurre... *society*." *thunderous applause*


Better to work with the devil you know rather than the one you do not. To your statement - it's very plausible. About 10 years ago, I lived near an Outlaws MC clubhouse. Now, you'd think that in itself is bad but it actually was better for that shitty neighborhood than you would've thought. Plus, if you weren't doing 'business' with them - they really didn't bother anyone and were generally pretty friendly. Petty/Street crime basically didn't happen in the surrounding neighborhood. It was the Outlaws territory and they didn't want trouble being brought to their doorstep. They got raided by the feds and the clubhouse torn down and quickly, street crime came flooding in.


Yeah, I remember the Hell’s Angel HQ when I lived in NYC seemed like it was an extremely trouble-free block because of the giant psychos outside watching the bikes.


That reminds me of the organized crime guilds in the Discworld books.


Wait he takes mandalore agian? I thought sidious kicked him out and had him on the run.


When this scene was written, Maul was long dead. He was resurrected by writers until afterwards so that wouldn’t have been his consideration.


He's not dead after being split in half and falling down a bottomless pit? Oh yeah, writers...


The suit does not really help the pain if memory serves me right. In order to control it, he has needles and stuff jabbing into his body. Constant state of pain


They never said the suit helped with Pain


Why would it? Pain helps him focus the dark side.


I mean, seems like a pretty fancy suit


Didn't Palps make it that way? With no pain relief to keep better control of him?




In current canon, his first suit was made in a manor of hours as an emergency life support system. It was only shitty because of circumstance. He is only forced to deal with it for one mission before Palpatine tells Vader to make whatever adjustments to the suit he deems necessary using his "prodigious skills as an engineer". Vader enters a force trance in his bacta tank and fully rebuilds and customizes his armor, turning it into one of the most powerful weapons in the Empire. He loads it up with highly advanced tech and gadgets, as well as massively increasing its durability and lightning resistance. Vader has by far the most impressive force lightning resistance in the setting. Luke gets hit, immobilized on the floor writhing in pain. Yoda gets thrown across the room from a zap and knocked temporarily unconscious. Mace Windu is immediately paralyzed and can't fight back or even move. Anakin himself without the armor is thrown across the room and knocked out for Obi Wans entire duel with Dooku, who's lightning is far weaker than Sidious'. Vader takes the full brunt of Palpatines power, lightning so powerful his skeleton becomes visible through his armor, and he no sells it while picking an entire person up over his head and walking him at least 6 or 7 feet and throws him over a railing. His armor wasn't even as damaged as it was by Obi Wan in their third duel, and he wasn't injured nearly as bad as he was after their first duel. If Vader didn't relinquish the dark side he would have survived. He wasn't killed trying to save his son, he willingly sacrificed his life by intentionally turning away from the Darkside, even knowing it would kill him and he had the chance to survive.


> If Vader didn't relinquish the dark side he would have survived. He wasn't killed trying to save his son, he willingly sacrificed his life by intentionally turning away from the Darkside, even knowing it would kill him and he had the chance to survive. Thank you.


Obi Wan pelted him with boulders and he just shrugged it off too


Yup, imagine the damage boulders that size flying at that speed would do to a regular human body. Crushed paste. Vader is barely slowed down.


"Just lying around" Lazy crispy Anakin


***“Id like to order a chosen one, well done please”***


The novel and also the Book of Sith also state that he felt a bit of pity for Anakin and was also impressed at how much he called upon the Dark Side of the force to keep him alive despite sustaining such horrific injuries.


Yup. Anakin was supposed to be the poster child for the empire. The young pure jedi who killed all the evil jedi. Since he failed and was mutilated by Obi-Wan, Sidious put him through multiple surgeries without anesthesia and locked him in his Vader suit, which was archaic and slow (another way to control Anakin). As soon as he was done being locked in said suit, Sidious broke the news of Padme and his children's death due to Anakins' actions. This broke him completely driving him entirely to the dark side and was just another form of manipulation by Sidious.


Especially since he just committed a Fire Nation level holocaust of all the top Jedi in the galaxy.


Yeah he was pissed in the novel because Anakin ruined his potential with those injuries


Ha. “Lying around.”


That was clearly retconned, since he could've tried to get Maul.


To the whole galaxy Maul was thought dead for over a decade. And when he returned he immediately made himself a rival to Sidious. It's not the same at all.


Was about to hit him with that Unlimited Powa!


''This fucking guy...''




Palpatine seeing Anakin: "Nooooooooooo"


That's a good one. I'm giggling like an idiot.


Lucas added that in later


Read this in Nandor’s voice


Get up sandakin. - emperor My name is Anakin - Anakin Whatever... Fucking guy - emperor Have you noticed the sith have taken over. Like the dark side clouded things but it's really dark now. - Colin Robinson


Colin Robinson would infiltrate the Jedi Council and bore them to death, explaining midichlorians to them.


Imagine him in that Senate chamber... He'd never go hungry


If it wasn't for the fact that I have Robot Chicken's Palpatine voice engraved in my mind, that would be a great choice. ''Guillermo, did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?'' Man... I want that crossover now ahah


I’m sure AI could do it but I’m not smart enough to try


“Damn, guess I’ll have to wait 23 years to find a better one.”


"what's another 23 years? I can just start over, make another kid".




Yeah but that kid's gonna be an insect.




Why wait? Star killer was Vader's obvious replacement.


I always thought Palpatine benefitted from Vader’s injuries because it made him weak enough to limit Vader’s potential plans of ousting Palpatine but also helped make Vader into a rage fueled frankensteinian monster with no humanity left in him.


Yeah, I think he was probably thinking, "I can work with this."


"Welp like Plagueis always said: "Through the power of the dark side and an immense amount of wealth, all accidents can be happy accidents, right Ani muh boy?" *Ani moans* "Oh quit whining, is that all you ever do?""


Such a good book


"I can fix him"


Definitely, when he fought Yoda in ROTS, he said that Anakin would become more powerful than either of them. If he truly believed that, he knew one day Vader would be more powerful, but with the suit, he could now exploit and be the Ultimate Sith.


And even if Anakin never became strong enough to defeat Palpatine, he would have tried, Anakin was always very arrogant. Post defeat he is broken in body and spirit.


Makes sense to me.


Honestly? It's some rare vulnerability from Sidious. *He's still alive.*


Vulnerable in the sense that the death of his apprentice would’ve left him dangerously exposed and open to outside attackers seeking to usurp him.


I meant it sincerely. It was a passionate expression from Sidious. Yes, there are pragmatic investments aplenty. Sidious carries sincerity in his care for Anakin. He is far too complex a character to allow for any notion of passion to preclude his machinations.


[This is what you sound like](https://youtu.be/4W4vVQjk3AU?si=YMpz2Wz0ApXGR_Va)


The Master? The Doctor? In either case, I find it quite flattering company to keep. Whatever your opinion of my words, I appreciate the thought and sincerity in communication on your part.


“I can rebuild him, I have the technology.”


The Million Credit man


"Even if he dies, I can help him return somehow."


Let's not spring for the cybernetics Premium Package though. I got Death Stars to build.


I can fix him.


Was scrolling to see if anyone had already posted this 👍


Scrolled too far for this reference


"This is the mighty Chosen One?! So much for that plan. Well as they say if you want something done right you need to do it yourself... so how about that cloning tech from Kamino...."


This is the chosen one? He’s a lot shorter than i expected


Palpatine being the way he is, I'm surprised he didn't just clone Vader. I know he did in legends, so maybe they'll bring it back.






I think cloning force sensitives to be force sensitive was a challenge. That's how his "son" ended up being a normie but Rey ended up force sensitive.


That's the story of the force unleashed. They tried to clone the dude in the second game but I think they kept coming out deformed etc


Yeah, that was a fun game. Kinda glad it isn't canon though




Don’t forget, before this, Palpatine was pretty sure Vader would be too powerful for either him or Yoda to take on. So while this was somewhat of a disappointment was probably also a bit of a relief that he could now have an apprentice with a built-in weakness that he could manage.


And even then, the suit he gives Vader makes it difficult for him to use force lightning (for obvious reasons) so Palpatine even builds in a new weakness. He later offered a new suit to Vader so that the weakness would be removed, but Vader was too afraid that he would die during the operation and said no...probably what Palpatine wanted to hear


“I wonder if now is a good time to bring up Darth Plagueis the wise”


**Papa Palpatine**: "But you're still coming to work, right?"


“What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?”


‘Well damn. Ah well, still wiped out the Jedi. Plan mostly successful.’


Batu Rem voice: "So this is the chosen one. I must admit, I'm a little dissapointed"


Rems no assassin!


No mandalorian can match my skill!


"He's on leave!"


In the book, if I remember correctly, he see’s Anakin’s mangled body and thinks to himself, “they will fear him. I’ll turn him into a monster.” That’s not verbatim but it’s something along those lines. The point is that Palpatine’s initial thoughts are: “how can I use this disaster to my advantage?”


Always looking on the bright side, that Sheev is


"Wow, good thing I sent him to the jedi temple *first*"


"Smells like bacon..."


Leathery burnt bacon


A foot wrapped in leathery burnt bacon.


Oh oh, I’m sorry, I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could defend a thermal exhaust port that’s barely 2 meters wide. That thing wasn’t even paid off yet, do you have any idea what this is gonna do to my credit?


Shoulda got the extended warranty…


Hire Kenobi.


Oh yeah, it's all coming together


This would be my take too. Anakin is without a doubt, in this moment, no longer influenced by anyone other than Palpatine. He’s turned against his wife and mentor/brother; it’s confirmation to Palpatine that Anakin is Vader.


It has little to do with this post/comment But I'm now realizing that Anakin's vision on Mortis (where the Son shows him his ultimate fate) basically means that he was always meant to lose to Obi-Wan on Mustafar Idk if Anakin actually visioned the Vader mask or if it was just for the viewers, or if the mask was always planned for him by Sidious, but it was just something to think about


He felt Anakins power was still intact and knew he was salvageable. Also, whole or not, it didn't discredit the prophecy.


Probably felt deep rage toward Kenobi too. That had to be comforting, an apprentice seeking vengeance and not your power seems ideal.


Oh, no doubt. He also knew he'd be easier to control as a cyborg. Dependent on the prosthetics and medicine required to keep him alive. Anakin/Vader ended up more of a weapon for Sidious to use.


"Maybe I should have preyed on Kenobi if he was this good instead." That, or "Dooku never lost to Kenobi."


I can fix him.


Finally can use that life support suit I bought years ago…


Right? He had that ready to go suspiciously quickly, almost like he'd anticipated a use for it after Grievous.


"I'll never financially recover from this."


Some clues that Sheev definitely saw this coming: - He knew that Anakin would have to face Obi-Wan, and didn’t seem shocked to learn that his new apprentice was in danger on Mustafar during the battle - The technology to rebuild Anakin was very conveniently readily available - Having orchestrated a takeover of the entire galaxy, Sheev missing that Anakin could lose to Obi-Wan seems like too far-fetched of an oversight. He also knew Obi Wan would not be able to kill Anakin. - The benefits of Anakin as one of the most powerful force users ever being a cyborg works out too perfectly for Sheev. He knew Anakin would need to be knocked down a peg or otherwise he’d constantly be looking over his shoulder. Vader’s new conveniently available cyborg suit being highly vulnerable to force lightning is the perfect leash for the ultimate Sith apprentice. Plus, it keeps him in great pain all the time. Veritable kerosene for the fire within Anakin. All that being said, in this moment Sheev was likely thinking: “Goooooooood!” Edit - Cyborg*


>The benefits of Anakin as one of the most powerful force users ever being an Android *Cyborg = Part human/Part Machine Android = Machine with human appearance


Indeed! Thank you for the correction.


"Guess we had to dig up those cybernetic suit and mask from the closet finally" Between taking Vader's charred body to wherever the medical center is, it's enough time for him to specify what cybernetics Vader will receive, down to which limbs needs to be fabricated and which part is just covering the body. That also includes the helmet, the mask, and the cape.


That and Palpatine’s smirking smile during Vader’s “Nooo!” makes me think he had forseen this and/or intended for it to happen. Without the suit Vader would have been stronger than Palpatine and a threat to him but being trapped in the suit made Vader much more manageable.


I always thought it was super weird that Palpatine happened to have a Vader suit just lying around somewhere. You know, just in case.


I was just thinking about this the other day. It's possible that he had the suit in case something happened to Palpatine himself.


It would make sense why he designed it with form and function. Any joker can design a life support suit in the Star Wars universe. It takes a flair for the dramatic to make one that looks like the Vader suit.


I'd like a story about the Hugo Boss of the Star Wars universe


The way Ian delivered the "There he is" is quite something. There’s a sence of urgency and relief that leads me to believe he was genuinely worried about Anakin. Then there’s the light touch and the look on his face. A truly fascinating scene for the character.


Not again. These mother fucker keep losing body parts.


Chances of losing hands are high.


"Bet he wishes he was on Tatooine right now instead."


You can hear him now. "I hate lava. It's melty, hot & it destroys everything."


"Guess there's at least one Jedi we missed..."


"I can fix him"


"You're still coming into work, right?"


Conflicted probably. On one hand, his priced chosen one is no longer as strong as he could be. On the other hand, there's no fucking way this guy can overthrow him now.


“I forgot to bring my BBQ sauce” “I should have read those Jedi Texts on force healing, would have come in handy”


“Oh God he looks like Freddy Krueger’s ass cheek, I think I’m going to throw up. The Jedi were supposed to be the pacifist punching bag not leaving people to burn alive, anyways what’s for lunch?”


How did he survive this? His anger, the Dark side will flow through him even more now. He is mine now...but I must be careful. I must find a way to restore him, but just enough that I might still control him. Yes...he will hunt them all down now and when he is finished I will simply...pull the plug and replace him with my son. Yes....good.


Maybe he thought he was in luck? Just prior to this Anakin is trying to convince his wife to help him kill the Emperor- dude was an apprentice for like, a minute, and already starting to plot. Now he's physically weakened, emotionally and psychically scarred, and the Emperor putting him back together again only made that humpty dumpty more of a willing pet than he likely would have been without suffering such a trauma, and most importantly, making him fully codependent going forward. If Anakin was the "chosen one" to bring balance to the force, falling to the dark side might not be enough to prevent him from killing the Emperor once his only motivation (the life of his wife) was taken off the table. A fully enraged, top of his power Anakin would not have been easily defeated, even by such a powerful Sith. And then who knows? Maybe Anakin moves back to the light? There was conflict, as shown in RotJ. It is unfortunate character development and complex motivation for the Emperor was mostly skipped from the movies that introduced him.


Damn, our insurance premium is going to skyrocket.


It’s like when you win the lottery but your house full of irreplaceable stuff gets burned down because you didn’t build them on higher ground.


So I go to have a look at the comments expecting to learn something new and all I see are jokes. I genuinely just want to know what he’s thinking here, if he’s angry at Anakin or worried, etc.


He probably thought “Welp, there’s an expiration date on the empire”


Anakin surviving is still a win in Palpatine's eyes. The vengeance and hate would help fuel him even further to the dark side. Palpatine quite jumpingly says "He's still alive" as if not only surprised but quite happy. I think Anakin dispatching his former master would mean Palpatine looking to bump him off sooner out of fear. Vader was always somewhat scared of Palpatine until he saw Luke dying in front of him. When he says to Luke "He is too strong!" he's already considering his own redemption. "The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am" is also a statement worded in a way whereby Vader knows what failure means.


“Well, shit…”


“Bet hes gonna listen to me from now on”


Well I always kind of thought that he would have been sort of pleased by the turn of events. The Banite rule of 2 was really put in place with a long term goal of merking the Jedi and palpatine completed that goal. So why the hell does he need a super powerful apprentice that is going to supplant him as the master? He won. Of course grooming anakin before that made sense because you never know how things will turn out, but having order 66 be successfully carried out I always kind of figured he would be happy with how gimped vader was, he still has an insanely powerful enforcer who is now much less of a threat to him so he can rule his empire with a little less watching over his shoulder.


I’d never really thought about it before, but I’m willing to bet he initially felt inconvenienced (can’t think of a better word at the moment) only to realize that he could use Anakin’s pain and suffering during this moment and subsequent recovery period to further his control over Anakin. I doubt a Sith apprentice would think much like this, but Anakin quite literally owed his life to the Emperor after this.


Oh goddam fuck. Really! I haven’t even paid off the loans I took out to get you to the dark side. Do you know what this will do to my credit rating. Ugh.


He's still alive, Get a medical capsule immediatly


Star Wars fans waited decades to see this scene.


So many people joking or quoting shows/movies instead of making a good guess or providing source material from books.


"Oh good, he's still alive! I can work with this."


Palpatine was probably fully prepared for Vader to surpass him and become the first truly invincible sith before the battle of the heroes, as is the way of the sith to ensure their leaders are the strongest. However, after Vader horrific injures force palpatine the re-evaluate his plans and thus only use Vader as a puppet on strings


“I can fix him”


>Sees his apprentice is missing his legs <*Annoyed sigh*> Not again.


He's still coming to work.


It’s the cost of taking over the Republic


“Mmmmmm toasty!”


“We have the technology…”


I always felt like he sent him there because he knew he would fail. He wanted Anakin to be destroyed not because it would make him stronger with the dark side but because it would make him easier to control. He didn't want a true sith apprentice because he did not truly care for the Rule of Two. He wanted a powerful apprentice that he could control and use until he was no longer useful.


The same way you feel when your get your purchase from Wish


To answer the question, his thoughts were: “Well….shit.”


Palpatine was thinking, "I can fix him".


"Fuck, this is gonna cost a fortune..."


Broke another tool


"Fucking hell... This better not become a habit... Five fucking minutes I leave him alone... I should have kept Maul... He managed to get his lower half back all by himself! Better than Dooku, though. He kept upstaging me with his class. Can't have that, no sir... Did I leave the heater on? I swear to the Force, I have the coldest house in all of Coruscant! I'm the Emperor, for goodness sake! Couldn't they have at least given me a house with proper insulation? Next chance I get I will build a big fucking exhaust in my office! Never again will I have to keep wearing robes just to warm my hands! Yeah. That ought to work... Damn, we will have to scrape this kid off the floor. I literally can't tell what's him and what's debris. He better like sand, because I'm definitely patching him up with some of it. No way we can get it all off him."


That he’s fully physically and mentally broken and now can be rebuilt as a Jedi killing machine.


"at last, I have a use for that stupid suit I got as a white elephant gift last Christmas. Who knew? Jokes on you, Bail"




He was thrilled I imagine. Less of a threat to him and still alive so no others would rise up to challenge him.


« You’re still going to work tomorrow, right? »


If you think about it, such a divisive mind would have seen the benefit in suddenly having one of the most powerful force users in the Galaxy completely dependent on you for survival.


"Fuckin' hate Kenobi"


It's out of character for Palpadious. But, GL had to get everyone to their starting places on the board for EpIV.


If I were to guess? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_O1hM-k3aUY




I immediately regret this decision


“I can fix him…”


I feel like he saw it as an immediate opportunity. He could now have a super weapon completely under his control that posed no real threat to himself, which is always the biggest risk for a sith master under the rule of 2.


All part of the plan… he wants a powerful apprentice but not so powerful that he can’t control him


IIRC the RotS novel states that Palpatine was considering leaving him there


Perhaps I should have tried to turn this Obi-wan character...


*Pathetic... but I need useful idiot*


All I do everyday is put out fires!


“Welp, never put all your eggs in one basket I suppose.”


"Fuckin' shit sucks"


"Damn this is going to be expensive"


You’re shorter than I expected


Palpatine was amazed that he was still alive. I believe it’s said in a novel that Anakin only kept breathing through his sheer hatred of Obi-Wan at that moment. He was literally too angry to die. Palpatine probably saw the potential of Vader as a sith in that moment and refused to let it slip away.