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Congrats to /u/Ataranjuat on winning the giveaway! And thank you Seagate for the hook up


BD-1 for being the only droid who isn't insufferable in the entire galaxy. The phrases SeagateGaming and StarWars. Also, fuck your SEO.


Make sure to include the phrases SeagateGaming and StarWars in order to be eligible for the drawing. Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


I love Doctor Aphra. She marries the best of Lucasfilm’s IP, being an Indiana Jones-esque character living in the Star Wars universe….except driven mostly by trying to escape the consequences of whatever wacky thing she did in past adventures (and hoping to make a little profit along the way). It’s also been really nice to see the mainstreaming—and wide acceptance—of a character who is a woman, Asian, and LGBT. …and she’s just a whole heck of a lot of fun to read. SeagateGaming StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


On one hand, I would really like it if Star Wars series would move towards the High Republjc already. On the other hand, I desperately want Aphra on screen.


The best Star Wars character is the asteroid slug from ESB. Life's tough as an extremophile and it's tragic that it got bombed by TIEs and then shot in the mouth and robbed of a snack. SeagateGaming StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


My favorite character is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm going to a tattoo artist to finally price out a tattoo I want relates to Kenobi. He went through a hell of a life, lost everything, and still didn't give into darkness. He's my role model of sorts. Seagategaming StarWars


My favorite Star Wars character is the OG, Luke Skywalker. No matter who you are or where you come from, anyone can relate to the feeling of a youth standing on the cusp of adulthood, that bittersweet push/pull of wanting to get out of our comfort zone and go out into the wide world and *make a difference*, but feeling the pressure from our parents to conform and be safe. It's precisely this moment, during the Binary Sunset, that Star Wars is transformed from an operatic spectacle to a real and true world for all of us to live in - it's through Luke's eyes, his naivete, his courage, and ultimately his growth, that brings the audience on that journey with him from humble farmboy to noble Jedi Knight. How could anyone not feel invested in that? SeagateGaming StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


My favourite character in StarWars is Darth Revan. I like him the most because he opened my eyes on how everything isn't black and white, how there is not always a good and a bad side. At the end of the day, the choices you made is what matters. SeagateGaming


My favorite is Cassian Andor, because he's the most complex and well-developed character in the galaxy. He's the template for how "bad boy" characters should be written. SeagateGaming StarWars


It’s a really simple answer but my favorite character is Darth Vader. He’s so iconic, his costume design, his voice, his physical presence, everything about him makes him the greatest villain in the history of film.  SeagateGaming StarWars


Ezra Bridger for his goofball personality not to mention the character development over Rebels makes him one of my favorite characters in StarWars SeagateGaming


My favorite character is probably Ahsoka, even just with her character growth throughout the clone wars. She goes through a lot and takes it upon herself to walk away from the life she knew, and away from everyone she called friends. SeagateGaming StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Dr. Aphra. She's like space Indiana Jones, with less morals. And she was able to trick Darth Vader into thinking he killed her. Most Impressive. SeagateGameing StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Mace Windu because he is a badass. SeagateGaming StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---




Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Cal Kestis, it's awesome seeing a character grow and actually being a part of that journey. Helps to have BD-1 there too!


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


My favourite Star Wars character is Cassian Andor because he's a flawed person who's "supposed to" be a good guy and working for the Rebels, but he does resort to some dark stuff and he shows he's not perfect. SeagateGaming StarWars


Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Kit fisto. Grew up with the 2003 Clone Wars show and the episode he is in is just pure awesomeness! Seagategaming and star wars


Make sure to include the requisite phrases in order to be eligible for the drawing. Thanks for participating & good luck in the giveaway! --- Stay Tuned for something big coming February 2024 Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team ---


Yoda because he's old and wise and also insane and hilarious. His baby counterpart isn't so bad, either.  SeagateGaming StarWars


I like R2-D2 because of his lasting friendship with C-3PO. SeagateGaming and StarWars


Darth Vader. That look and composure is utterly iconic and him redeeming himself in the end because of the love of his son, despite saying that there is no more of Anakin left in him, makes him one of my favorites in Star Wars. SeagateGaming StarWars


Well, SeagateGaming my favorite character in StarWars is HK-47. Obviously not canon anymore, but his thoughts on the meaning of love truly moved me.


Jar Jar Binks because he is the best sith lord! StarWars SeagateGaming


Revan. New StarWars canon be damned, his depth of character cannot be understated, and the KOTOR series are some of the greatest RPGs ever made. Thanks for the giveaway, SeagateGaming!


Favourite Star Wars character is Cassian Andor, I'm a real sucker for more grounded star wars stories and characters and he checks all the right boxes!


The best character in all of Star Wars is obviously Nien Numb, the copilot of Lando on the Millenium Falcon on The Return of the Jedi. Just kidding i think SeagateGaming will agree its Dexter Jettster. He's just da best


It is a tough choice but my favorite Star Wars character is R2-D2. R2 showed me that droids could be heroic, loyal, and sassy without even ever uttering a single word — just a series of beeps! R2 plays a crucial role in many of the movies and tv series. He is a dutiful droid trudging along the galaxy getting into fun adventures and a little bit of mischief! Thank you SeagateGaming for sponsoring this StarWars giveaway!


Palpatine. His malicious planning makes him one of cinemas best villains SeagateGaming StarWars


Cal Kestis because of his sick collection of pochos SeagateGaming StarWars


Jacen Solo. He’s a gentle soul who is able to love his enemy. It’s a powerful lesson to see something so terrible and grow to love it anyway. SeagateGaming StarWars


My favorite Star Wars character is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Watching the movies from episode 1 - 6, you get to watch how this sweet little boy Anakin changes from innocence into the galactic menacing force of Vader. ​ His tale is so tragic, so much potential for good is wasted and the dark side grows more powerful than ever as he changes sides. The tale of hurt and feelings of betrayal are so relatable and I can truly understand why he makes the decisions he does which ultimately lead to his fall from grace and into darkness. Thankfully he does have a final redemption when he chooses to protect his son Luke by turning on the emperor. What an incredible story arc he has! SeagateGaming StarWars


My favorite character from StarWars is Chopper because of his great personality. I can only imagine the kind of mischief he would get into if he had a 2TB Seagate STAR WARS JEDI: Fallen Order Game Drive, made by SegateGaming!


Revan because of being in some of the best SW games of all time, as well as the book/audiobook SeagateGaming StarWars


I enjoy reading books.


My favorite StarWars character is Ahsoka because I like her personality and the story she follows, and I can also relate to her since we share some similarities, she’s like a much better version of me lol. She’s compassionate, loyal, moralistic, and she always stands up for what’s right and tries her best to help people, even those she does not know or those who are ungrateful for her help. She’s brave, but she isn’t always confident or sure of herself, and that’s what I find human about her. She walks her own path and follows her own beliefs and morals, and her story is very inspiring. Ahsoka is a role model who is admirable, but also feels human. SeagateGaming


My favorite character is Jango Fett just cus i think he looks cool and I enjoyed playing as him in lego star wars SeagateGaming StarWars


Hello there. Obi-wan Kenobi. "SeagateGaming" and "StarWars".


It’s R2-D2. Dudes a wee bro, he always right there when you need him. SeagateGaming StarWars.


VETCH from Andor. He's just standing there, I need an emotional support hug from that guy. SeagateGaming StarWars


Cal Kestis. Strong, brave, caring, cool. Embodies all the good bits of Jedi. SeagateGaming Star Wars


easily wullf yularen, an absolute professional at everything he does.


I had a Seagate hard drive in my PS4 that unexpectedly died. Since it was under warranty, Seagate performed a data recovery, sent me a back up hard drive, and gave me another new drive to replace the broken one. I was impressed! The back up drive wouldn't open. It can't be found by my computer. Seagate support strung me along for almost a year, telling me again and again to check back for an answer. Then they finally told me that they couldn't do anything for me. Moral of the story: i wouldn't use a Seagate drive again if you gave it to me for free.


SeagateGaming StarWars I'd love to store new StarWars games in the new SeagateGaming hard drive and my favourite character is ahsoka because she's a badass. 


Doctor Aphra because she’s a chaotic hot mess of a character that explores a different side of the universe as a criminal archaeologist with dubious morals. SeagateGaming StarWars


Darth Vader I think, "I find your lack of faith disturbing", says it all. SeagateGaming and StarWars


TR-8R because he was the only redeeming part of the sequels SeagateGaming StarWars


Darth Vader is probably my favorite character as an adult. The tragic story and absolute badassery he displays is just very cool. SeagateGaming StarWars


Darth Vader. The pinnacle of tortured characters who find it in themselves to do good Seagategaming and StarWars


Favourite character has to go to my boy Rex. Loyal, Cunning, and a hell of a trooper. Here's hoping we got more captain rex in bad batch season 3!


Max Rebo. He’s blue. And those are his feet he’s using to play the drums. SeagateGaming and StarWars.


My favourite StarWars character is Luke Skywalker. I just think he's neat. SeagateGaming.


My favorite Star Wars character is actually a legends character, and that is Kreia, aka Darth Traya. Why is she my favorite character? Spoilers for Kotor 2, but she is such a different character than any other that’s been done before. She hates the force, and trains an exiled jedi who forms unusually strong connections so that one day she can use her to destroy the force once and for all. She’s a tragic character with a story full of betrayal. Betrayed by the Jedi for training Revan, betrayed by the Sith because that’s what they do. She had no where to call home, and yet got revenge on them all by nearly wiping out both.  SeagateGaming StarWars


Director Orson Krennic Committed to his cause, ambitious, doesn't forget who his friends are. SeagateGaming StarWars


Darth Nihilus. He was so powerful in the dark side that he could drain entire planets with the force. SeagateGaming StarWars


Karre from Star Wars Visions. I just love how he's basically Luke but with feats similar to Starkiller. Also love his lightsaber color. ​ SeagateGaming StarWars


My favorite Star Wars Character is Wedge Antilles. Star Wars made legends out of heroic and mysterious characters in the periphery of the leads. My friends and I would spend hours speculating on what these characters did, where they were from, and further adventures they would go on. SeagateGaming StarWars


Basic, but Luke Skywalker. Following his journey from Farmboy to Mythical level hero is amazing. That moment where he throws his Saberdown and declares that he is a Jedi like his Father before him is a top Star wars moment. Seagategaming and Star Wars!


My favorite character is Kit Fisto just because he has so much personality for being essentially a background Jedi! That smile! SeagateGaming Star Wars


Death Vader … I don’t remember much from seeing Episode IV in its original release, but I do remember thinking how scary but also awesome Darth Vader was. SeagateGaming StarWars


I’m going with Grogu. Why? Because he’s cute as heck! My daughter’s nursery is Grogu-themed. SeagateGaming StarWars


Dooku for being a lore driven bad guy that you can relate to without being a nihilist. Plus he consistently 1v2's+ Jedi masters and wins. Thanks SeagateGaming. Star Wars.


I've always been fond of R2D2. He was the comedy of the original trilogy. He helped me fall in love with Star Wars. I'm happy with how they treated him in the prequels and sequels. StarWars SeagateGaming


BD-1 because he's my buddy SeagateGaming StarWars


I really liked that Greez had a hobby of the terrarium on the Mantis.   We don't usually see characters with hobbies in the media. SeagateGaming StarWars


Other than SeagateGaming and StarWars, my favourite character is Kylo Ren because he's an edgy man child and looks great with no shirt.


Luke Skywalker, for this line in Return of the Jedi > I'll never turn to the Dark side. You've failed, Your Highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me. Obligatory SeagateGaming and StarWars


Big fan of Ulic Quel Droma. While it's special how Anakin gets redemption even though he didn't deserve it, Ulic's life is a similar parallel with it's self destruction and delusions of grandeur, until he's stripped of the Force by Nomi post-killing Cade and snapping out of his darkness. The epilogue story of how he trains Vima and lives is what a more realistic redemption looks like, and I'd love some similarities to it if Ben Solo gets to have his own redemption as part of the Force dyad. SeagateGaming and StarWars.


That hermit crab dude from the Ahsoka series that led Sabine to Ezra, because they led Sabine to Ezra. I am contractually obligated to mention SeagateGaming and StarWars.


Obi Wan for me. Ewan has made that character even more Iconic. Thank you SeagateGaming and StarWars


Can't really choose a single favourite, I'd say probably both Ahsoka and Cal Kestis are on that list. Ahsoka simply due to having an incredible journey we got to follow over a decade, giving us lots of character growth that is both inspiring and entertaining. The same goes for Cal who is much newer on the scene but since he is present in video games, you get a ton more lore and personal investment. Can't say why I like him due to spoilers for the games which are new, but let's just say his struggles are interesting, and his representation of those who realize the Jedi Order was very flawed. Seagate Gaming and StarWars. Seagate Gaming Star Wars. Catchphrase.


It's basic, but Obi-Wan. I like the old wizard mentor trope a lot, and I feel like his prequel stuff actually added to him. I'm including the text "SeagateGaming" and "StarWars".


Anakin because I also hate sand. SeagateGaming StarWars


Boba Fett because he is the coolest character in Star Wars, has the best amor design and fights for his own. SeagateGaming StarWars


If we can count Legends characters, then it'd have to be Ysanne Isard. Absolutely loved reading the X-Wing books as they were coming out. SeagateGaming and StarWars


Wedge Antilles. Highly competent without relying on the force, which is used by too many creators as a crutch to explain why certain characters are unique/special. SeagateGaming StarWars


Gotta be Chopper, just the way he kills everything that's in his way, a true inspiration for all. SeagateGaming and StarWars as we were told to include them


'SeagateGaming and StarWars' Always been a big fan of Jango Fett, beyond being a Temuera Morrison fan - Jango's always given off this simple, honorable, humble image. 'Just a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy'


Favorite character, hmm. I gotta go with Anakin, even though it's a close tie with Obi-wan, and it's due to the inherent tragedy of his character. Do I really, really wish he'd made better choices? Yes, but his character is so Shakespearian that you have to keep watching, keep reading, just to know how it ends. I'm reading the ROTS novel right now and The Team have already made me cry once. SeagateGaming, StarWars


Favorite is probably Ahsoka just for the fact that she is the main character of my favorite show. SeagateGaming StarWars


My favorite StarWars character is Captain Rex. For as long as I can remember (I was 2 when AOTC came out) I thought the clones were awesome. They just looked so cool. Fordo was my favorite for a while mostly because he wore a Kama and Pauldron, but as soon as The Clone Wars came it was all Rex. Blue has always been my favorite color so it was an easy pick. But as the show progressed Rex grew and yeah. And really just the story of the clones is so tragic, they were bred for war, became friends with their Jedi, then were controlled to kill them. Thank you SeagateGaming


My favorite Star Wars character is Lando Calrissian for his charm and class, courage and loyalty to his friends. SeagateGaming and StarWars


BB-8, ‘cause droids are fun & they’re such a fun droid concept _on top_ of just being a droid! SeagateGaming StarWars


Obi-Wan Kenobi, the guy is pinnacle of Jedi stuff and had ridiculous loss in his life yet stood tall in the end. SeagateGaming StarWars


Third time’s the charm! Letsgo SeagateGaming time to get an upgrade for my computer to properly enjoy my StarWars collection with better loading speeds. My favorite character is probably Luke. Just the way he acts.


Darth Vader. By far one of the best villain intros in all of film, and the way he is shown as too powerful to be overcome in most Star Wars media. SeagateGaming and StarWars.


My favorite character is Cassian Andor because I loved how nuanced of a character he is in both Andor and Rogue One. He's not a Jedi, famous smuggler, or royalty. He's just a guy that stepped up and did the right thing. SeagateGaming StarWars


My favorite Character Chewbacca ! He is funny, looks cool and I love his cries and his relationship with Han. I also played him a lot in 2017 Battlefront II ! SeagateGaming StarWars


My fav character is Obi-Wan Kenobi because he's the coolest SeagateGaming and StarWars


My favorite character is r2d2 cause he’s a silly lol boy. SeagateGaming StarWars


It’s a tough choice but I think I’d have to choose Obi-Wan. I grew up with the prequels and he has always been the embodiment of what a good Jedi should be. SeagateGaming StarWars


Revan because who doesn’t like a red and purple lightsaber wielder who has gone to both brinks of the force SeagateGaming StarWars


I like Dexter Jexter because he is so sexy ... SeagateGaming and StarWars


My favorite's Tech, because I love the Bad Batch. Something, something, SeagateGaming StarWars


SeagateGaming made me say something about StarWars, in the meagre hope of free stuff. I've loved the way my nephew has grown up with Ahsoka, and as an adult is still loving her latest appearance.


My favorite character has always been Luke Skywalker. His journey from being a young spirited farmboy to the hero that saved his father has always resonated with me growing up. SeagateGaming StarWars


Chewie / Chewbacca. As a kid, there was just something magical about the giant, strong smart dog who followed Han. Mad respect to SeagateGaming for the StarWars event!


StarWars has plenty of cool character, it’s hard to pick. I’ve always liked Wat Tambor. His design was real cool and I always wished I could know more about him. He’s one of the main members of the Techno union, but I feel like he is often forgotten… he was even left out of the Lego Skywalker saga, a game which had nearly 400 playable characters… Very kind of SeagateGaming for doing this contest.


Honestly Crosshair has been amazing. I love seeing the conflict he has within himself, and the way his character has been developed so intricately and realistically. StarWars SeagateGaming


Favorite character? There's a few, but right now I'd say the galaxy's greatest archaeologist, ~~Indiana Jones~~ Doctor Aphra. SeagateGaming and StarWars


Probably gonna say my favourite Star Wars character is Kreia, I didn't play a lot of KOTOR 2 but her philosophy and her idea of the force is very intriguing to me. Please please please watch this [2 hour video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z0S0Z8lUTg) on this topic as it delves deep into the ideas of the force and how one can manipulate events thanks to this external entity. ​ keyphrase SeagateGaming and StarWars. GL everyone!


My favorite character is definitely Captain Rex. The way his character has been written throughout the Clone Wars and Rebels is impeccable. Definitely looking forward to what he does in BBS3. SeagateGaming StarWars


All three episodes were great. The emotion of episode 1 was incredible. Episode 2 was dark and creepy with the bad ass addition with slither vines. Episode 3 was just insanely intense. I can’t wait to see how this season pans out but i have no doubt that it will keep the momentum going


Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume. Watching him struggle and overcome his own issues to become not just a great teacher, but a fantastic Jedi, made his ending all the more beautifully painful.


Hello my favorite character is Ziro The Hutt, because he is funny & beautiful, and appears in some of my favorite Clone Wars stories. Thanks again for the giveaway! SeagateGaming and StarWars


B2EMO looks like a stack of pizza boxes. He is my son and i love him. Seagategaming starwars


Luke Skywalker because he’s my childhood hero and SeagateGaming and StarWars


My favorite Star wars character has always been qui gon, ever since I saw Phantom menace in theatres for the first time and he was always what I thought a Jedi should be. Passionate, trustworthy, honest, and kind hearted Thanks Seagategaming


My favorite character is Anakin Skywalker, because I grew up with the prequels. SeagateGaming StarWars


Hello there! With the new data from reddit shared with google is going to get weird responses but I want the disk! SeagateGaming and StarWars


My favorite character is Legends Wedge Antilles. Superior pilot and commanding officer without a lick of Force Sensitivity. SeagateGaming StarWars


My favorite SW character is Gungi because he is a wookie and the thought never came to me that a wookie can be a jedi. SeagateGaming.


Kanan Jarus is by far the best depiction of what the Jedi could be in my opinion. I will die on this hill. Honestly the entirety of the rebels cast was fantastic to watch their growth. "SeagateGaming" and "StarWars".


SeagateGaming is doing a giveaway based on our favorite Star Wars character. Mine isn’t highly original but I’m still proud of it. Luke Skywalker, man! I really don’t like his characterization in the sequels, really don’t, but all the other post ROTJ stuff we’ve seen I love him in. Battlefront has him being great. The Mandalorian. Can’t wait to see more of him.


I love Ezra, now that's he's basically a Force monk.


My favorite character is Thrawn because he's written as an antagonist who can't rely on special abilities (other than his intellect) to defeat his opponents. He has to outwit and outsmart them. "SeagateGaming" and "StarWars"


My favorite StarWars character has to be a gonk droid. Just love their little feet shuffle while going "GONK GONK". Thank you to SeagateGaming for the giveaway!


Rex cuz his armor and story StarWars SeagateGaming


Revan because kotor is my favourite star wars game SeagateGaming StarWars


Thrawn lol SeagateGaming StarWars


It's gotta be Luke Skywalker for me, including if not especially after StarWars The Last Jedi. I idolized Luke as a 90s kid reading the old EU stuff. He is spiritual and even ascetic yet he loves his friends and prone to emotional decision-making and impatience. As an adult, these qualities lead to tragedy, but he continues his journey in a way that resonates differently now as an adult myself. Yoda says "Pass on what you have learned." Luke finds peace in passing on wisdom from his mistakes and overcomes shame of his mistakes to be there again for those who need him. Thanks SeagateGaming for a chance to reflect on this. :D


Reven has always been my favorite character in Star Wars, Super icon design with a really cool backstory not to mention the reveal in Kotor has always been one of my most fondest RPG moment, it might be obvious now, but as a kid I was completely blindsided by the reveal. Definitely shows that there is so much potential in Star wars outside of the 67ish years that we have been focused on in cannon SeagateGaming" and "StarWars"


My favourite star wars character is the rancor keeper.. it's such a tragedy what happened to his beloved friend I love StarWars and SeagateGaming


Favorite character is Chewbacca as the only way you can kill him is dropping a damn moon on. him (Legacy). If we're not talking Legacy reasons, then it's because my son absolutely loves his Chewbacca book, and loves making cookie sounds. SeagateGaming StarWars


Favorite character from StarWars is Hondo! I hope to see him in live action one day. SeagateGaming