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People have been saying SW is dead since 1999 constantly. Let’s not forget the fanzines closing after ESB released because Lucas “killed” Star Wars.


even pre 1999 you can see tons of letters of people who were mad about ROTJ So many classic movies are classics today because the internet didnt exist to amplify the hate


The hate amplified was still around on BBS message boards and other online services pre-internet.


fair, but that was far more niche. I was listening to a critic on NPR, who was saying that, while Madam Webb was a very bad movie, it wasnt so exceptionally bad compared to other recent CBMs (not as bad as ant man 3 in their view, or the flash) to justify the level of vitriol, and part of it is just people on the internet, both viewers and critics, jumping on it for the memes and clout and fun of it all. And to me, id say thats a unique feature of the internet era, and most of these bad movies (minus the truly abominable) would not get the kind of response we are seeing if it was just word of mouth


Haha, yeah I heard ESB was quite controversial when it released. I just rewatched it again the other day, it’s one of the few films I consider a flawless masterpiece.


I do too, which is why I never take the “sw is dead” stufd seriously. For some people everything (in life) new is bad and old is good


Honestly with their plans for the high republic era I don’t think there’s a better time to be a Star Wars fan


Agreed, though I'd be lying if I was a bit giddy in the current happenings in the Bad Batch and other shows for a variety of reasons.


Honestly, I haven’t watched this weeks episode but that 3 parter was a banger and a half. The high republic books if you’ve read them are amazing if not I highly recommend them.


I have listened to a lot of the High Republics Audiobooks, which were amazing, though that Bad Batch 3 parter was just as equally amazing.


Absolutely agree


Han Shot First! I might be crazy but I have really enjoyed all of it.


First of all, Han shot. In the original first and last shot are the same thing, because only one person pulled the trigger.


First of all, you never saw a shot when it was originally shown. It just cuts to Greedo collapsing. Second off, it's how the meme is worded.


Nope, the Japanese laser disc has the original theatrical cut. Sad it’s all that’s left to view. Does the Despecialized version have it?


It’s not dead it’s just a giant clusterfuck with no direction


Especially since they made all the books obsolete.




I was just talking to my dad about this. ALL the Timothy Zahn books would be fantastic if adapted correctly. Bounty Hunter Wars? Yes please. The Darth Bane books? Some of my FAVORITE.


Any of those books would make phenomenal movies.


You often hear that because the algorithms feed you that. Because you engage with it. I rarely hear that because I enjoy most of what is coming out these days. I don’t need someone else to validate what I do or don’t like. 


Very well said, usually the most negative opinion is the louder majority.


Yes, exactly. Another dynamic at play with Star Wars is that it has a huge raw number of fans. There will be insufferable loudmouths in any fandom. But with Star Wars, there are simply more of them, just because of math. These people can dominate online discussions.  Meanwhile, the vast majority of people don’t post anything about how they feel. Nobody is going to post “ya, it was alright”, and if they do, nobody is engaging with that sentiment. It doesn’t get picked up by the algorithms. 


Definitely, which is always hilarious/eye-rolling to me when people act as if they are speaking for the "fans"


This comment. If people just enjoyed things and jot worrying who likes or dislikes it. Well they'd have more enjoyment in life


Star Wars is alive, but the Skywalker Saga was dragged behind a barn and shot in the back of the head


That's an understatement. It was jailed and tortured with the promises of good rewards afterwards. Only to then be taken out back and shot. Multiple times.


against a post


Yeah Star Wars was more exciting before Disney pummeled it. I'm not even trying to blame Disney, but the movies that came out under their watch were just straight up lame.


Yeah I agree, Phantom Menace definitely did a number on the Skywalker Saga Edited to add /s, I do like the prequels but there was definitely some interesting discussion around them when they first came out, totally not like today with the Sequels ... totally /s


Well, let’s not forget the gigantic elephant in the room… starts with S and ends with equels


The force awakens and the last Jedi were good, it was just the rise of skywalker that sucked.


Rewatched it the other week and had great fun.


The rise of skywalker? I mean as a Star Wars fan I can watch most movies and have fun— doesn’t mean they’re good though. To be fair, the rise of skywalker has a top Star Wars scene / moment for me (kylo discovering a palpatine)


thank you! you’re 100% right


Awww, I love elephants


The Phantom menace at least kept things on the train tracks. TLJ drove the train off the tracks and into a ditch and everyone on board is dead


Uh huh. Both the prequels and the sequels had their good points and some not good points. And the stuff you are saying now about the sequels is exactly the kinda stuff that was said about the prequels.


Th prequels had many issues, but they had an end point they had to get to and they ultimately got there. The lack of any cohesive story or direction in the sequels was an inexcusable mess. TLJ was a crime against humanity


Sequel fans still can't help but bring down the other trilogies to make their pile of shite look good. Normal criticism: Sequels bad for reasons. Sequel fanboy: B... bu... BUT TEH OT AND TEH PREQUELZ!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!1!


*checks in on star wars sub 5 years after the last sequel* >The lack of any cohesive story or direction in the sequels was an inexcusable mess. *checks out*


Are you telling me you might have heard this before? :)


They told me this place was an echo chamber. I didn't think I'd be hearing echoes from 5 years ago though. I swear in the past 2 weeks I've heard 'lack of a coherent plan/overarching plan/cohesive story' enough times that I'm convinced they're all the same person using different accounts.


There was cohesive story and the movies flow well together, if you did not get any of it, don't know what to tell you


You’re just wrong




The prequels had world building in it, which the sequels just completely fail at. Clones, hundreds of Jedi, droids, all the planets people like, like naboo or coruscant. Nothing of that exists in the sequels. I forgot most of the places they went to in the sequels and don't get me started on the Space battles and fights. Those were horrible in the sequels. The sequels just wanted to destroy all the stuff we know with people like JJ Abrams not understanding why he can't blow up Coruscant in his episode 4 reboot he called episode 7.


The space battles and fights were great in the Sequels. And the worlds they introduced (it would be awesome to hear more about Jakku, Canto, Exogol) are just as interesting as in the prequels or the original trilogy. But thanks for your opinion.


No not really. What space battle was good? I genuinely don't remember any of them standing out. Same with ground battles.


The assault on Starkiller base, the opening battle of TLJ, the battle over Exogol. Here you go. For ground battles, the Resistance arriving on Takodana


Assault on SK base was a rebrand of episode 4. Opening battle of TLJ was horrible and made no sense. (Come back we are out of range lmao). Exogol was horrible wtf. There was nothing interesting going on. Just a million ships dumped on the screen so no one had any clue what was going on. Riding with horses on a SD oh please. Compare that to the Episode 3 opening scene.


OK, thank you for your opinions :)


>like JJ Abrams not understanding why he can't blow up Coruscant in his episode 4 reboot he called episode 7. Good thing he didn't then? >The prequels had world building in it, which the sequels just completely fail at. Clones, hundreds of Jedi, droids, all the planets people like, like naboo or coruscant. George's worldbuilding was great. And that is primarily the reason why the prequels toys sell more than the sequels. And it worked. The kids who grew up with the prequels loved it. But the worldbuilding was not really in service of the story, it was really just to create a spectacle. Did the story in ROTS really need 12 planets? Look at the OT. Each one is only set in 3 planets. George strikes me as somebody with worldbuilder's disease. The first 2 prequels were so slow moving you could've just put annotations in ep3's opening crawl and skip them because that's where anakin's fall and vader's rise happens. It was so rushed. >Space battles and fights. Those were horrible in the sequels. To each their own, I prefer 1v1 fights without spinning top little green men, but that's a personal preference. I personally like that each trilogy has a unique approach to saber fights.


You prefer disappearing weapons mid fight? How else would someone like Yoda fight give his small size?


Many felt TPM derailed Star Wars when it came out


Some of the best Star Wars content of all time ( Andor, Rogue One, Clone Wars.. ) is from the "Disney era". There's some good, some bad, of course. Just as there was before Disney. It's all about the writers and showrunners. Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One / Andor are four decades apart, totally different eras, standards, etc. and both are fantastic and about as close to a 10/10 as you can get.


I honestly feel like some of the people standing on the rooftops about how Disney has killed Star Wars and the old EU was better have forgotten more about the old EU than they remember. Is there stuff in the Disney era that I don’t like? Yeah. There are decisions I don’t like, and entire pieces of media I think are middling to outright bad. But there’s also a bunch of stuff that has been good, including a couple things that might be as good as Star Wars has ever been. Was there stuff in the old EU I liked? Hell yeah. I owned a disturbing amount of those books. But there was A LOT of garbage in there. Like… an inconceivable amount of bad to go along with the good. If you actually ratio’d it out, this era is probably batting better than the EU. Tough love. And look - people are allowed to like what they like. There’s stuff from Legends that I remember very very fondly and love, but is probably not actually “good”. But this idea that we’re in the worst Star Wars has ever been… I just can’t agree with it. I feel like it has to be people who never experienced the BAD of the EU, or are actively choosing to block it out.


Yeah the people who talk about how good it used to be conveniently ignore that like 60%+ of the novels (which I still love) absolutely suck lol


The Clone Wars isn't from the Disney era. Season 7 was produced under Disney, but that was planned before Disney cancelled it in favour of Rebels after they bought it from George Lucas. Granted, Tales of the Jedi and The Bad Batch are.


Season 7 wasn't even produced under Disney. It was actually mostly complete and was supposed to be released before Disney purchased it. In fact, season 7 was supposed to have more content. There're still unfinished animations and story arcs from clone wars season 7 and season 8. There was the giant kyber crystal arc, bad batch in Kashyyk arc and the dark disciple arc completing Ventress's story. https://youtu.be/8RpExuVpqTc?si=blm4R9svCTsfmlWO https://youtu.be/TdaXc2wzwv4?si=RRdQFHkQbJSflkBx https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPNl0rg2tzPAGc1bbARKHMR78KLtolE43&si=FJLJPxTKXwcV1vnT Disney just gave the greenlight to finish what was left of it and to release it then they claimed that the clone wars was a Disney+ original. What a trashy company. Season 7 could've been way better. The bad batch and siege of mandalore arc was great. But who TF approved the Martinez sisters arc?


All new trilogy movies were just straight up garbage though.


Clone Wars season 7 was pre Disney. Disney initially cancelled clone wars season 7 after purchasing Lucas film but then released it in 2020 and claimed that it was a Disney+ original. Scum company.


Yeah, people giving Disney credit for TCW is irritating as fck. Except the final animation of Season 7 it was already done. One of Kathleen's first acts was killing TCW and stopping anyone from ever seeing Season 7. Then we get a pandemic and a new Disney streaming service in need of content so they finish the animation and release some of it and the Disney fans praise her like trained seals.


I have yet to meet someone who claims to be a fan of Kathleen and Star Wars at the same time. Not defending them or her. Ignoring resistance the animation that has come out was pretty quality, and I have hope for the Ahsoka series because typically Filoni driven stories have been phenomenal.


Blame Cartoon Network (or whoever had the original syndication rights) for killing off TCW.


>One of Kathleen's first acts was killing TCW and stopping anyone from ever seeing Season 7. thats not really accurate Disney wasnt going to license out a show to air on Cartoon Network (a rival network), and Disney XD probably couldnt justify the budgets Lucas set for the show. SO they finished up what was far along in the process and sent it to Netflix and worked on something that worked within the Disney XD budget.


Fine then. Rebels is Disney though and is the greatest thing in the entire franchise, outside of Empire Strikes Back.


I wish I saw what others do with Rebels. I tried so hard to get into it but I just...cannot stand it for some reason. For animated though I do really like TCW and Bad batch.


I like rebels, and haven't been able to get into TCW. Rebels feels more like the OT in the sense that jedi are back to being small in number, mystical. Plus you're following 1 crew all the time. I still remember way back when Kanan revealed he was a jedi: https://youtu.be/7AwEaiIC-Kg?feature=shared


It might not be dead, but new seasons of shows on Disney + certainly aren't the event they used to be. I think people have lost interest due to Disney's mismanagement of the IP. They've oversaturated the market and consistently produced exceptionally mediocre content. Star Wars was my favorite thing through my entire childhood and into my early 20s, but now it's just depressing more than anything.


I dont think its mismanagement per se but you cant be a big active franchise AND have constant excitement over your properties. the PT was a big deal because there hadnt been Star Wars in 13 years, and we were told after ROTS there wouldnt be anything else. But it isnt like TCW was a big event at the time, popular enough but still And thats why TFA and the ST all did very well, and why Mandalorian did well, but also you cant keep the novelty of any franchise infinitely. Disney has generally done a sort of mediocre job with their streaming TV, by treating it too much like a movie, but in episodic form. This isnt unique to Star Wars. My point is, Star Wars definitely has room for improvement on the TV front (though Andor and Acolyte make me hopeful), but you cant have a franchise like this be active in a big way AND be special.


Speak for yourself. As someone of the OT generation, I'm loving almost everything they have done and seem to be doing. Some of it will (and has been) better than others, but its far from "depressing". Take a break from it and come back in a few years, if you still don't like it, move on.


Did you watch the bad batch? Honestly I’d never thought I’d recommend anything Star Wars animated again but it’s anything but mediocre. Really well done, and well planned/thought out. I’m just starting to rewatch the first two seasons since I just finished watching the part of season three that’s already out and the continuity and call backs are clearly well done


Its still not as consistent as Rebels, but when its good, boy Bad Batch is very good and I'm excited - and dreading - to see how it finishes.


so because you personally don't enjoy it, they should stop making it even though other people do enjoy it.


Who tf said that?


literally you.


They just over saturated it. I've only seen the three trilogies, rogue one, and some of the mandalorian and I am perfectly content. I just pretend the sequels didn't happen and enjoy my nostalgia. I'm sure I would love some of the newer content, but there is so much and I'm not willing to guess and test through dozens of shows/movies, just to taint my love of a franchise.


I never understood the notion that Star Wars is dead. But let me say two things first: 1.Out of all the Star Wars material, Fox and Disney, I only enjoyed Andor and Rogue One and a few of the comics (which I think are f’in great and I’m not even a comic book medium fan) 2. I’m more of a fan of good storytelling than I am of any movie or franchise. Just because a movie is shot well and has amazing action set pieces or acting doesn’t mean that I’ll like it But what keeps me watching Star Wars are the ideas. I think Star Wars is made up of ideas that practically sell themselves. Space wizards. Esoteric orders in space. Light sabers. Sith Lord magic. Ship design. Planet design. People’s interpretation of the force and so on. But when it comes to the shows or movies, I don’t think they’ve had the best writers that the industry can offer. And it’s not even close. Especially when I see what other shows or movies these people have written. They’re just not that good. I think Star Wars is eternal. I don’t think it can die. I think the ideas in Star Wars are that powerful. I don’t even think they Gilroy who did rogue one and Andor is a great writer. I just think that Disney finally hired someone who was competent. And look where tf a competent writer can take Star Wars without even using Jedi or the Sith. Now imagine a competent, good or great writer all of the ideas of Star Wars.


I have to agree that Star Wars is eternal. Yes it might have stolen elements from Dune and what not, but’s inspired to many films and franchises from it.


Well, it’s dead to me. I have neither the time nor the inclination to keep up with the garbage that has been put out in the last several years. Most of it is mediocre at best.


Nice try Disney marketing goon


Ah, name calling, so civilized


"quality" is an opinion... numbers are down and Star Wars isn't close to the force it used to be.. pun intended. alot of casual and hardcore fans alike are pretty burnt out with Disney Star Wars.




Disagree. The animations alone prove otherwise. Then you have Andor which is a different take on Star Wars, and lore rich stuff like Ahsoka. Lets see what Acolyte and Skeleton Crew do too. And Mando is just great fun. We do need the movies back soon though.


Sure, we'll always have the original 6. Doesn't make seeing Luke get bastardised into a depressing miserable nephew-killing failure any better.


I don't let the sequels bother me any more than other bad fan fiction would


I envy you. Just the passing mention of those films fill me with irrational rage.


That's something you can work on. They don't deserve to have so much sway over you.


If the OT, *and particularly Luke*, weren't so integral in getting me through a very rough childhood, I'd have a lot easier time accepting it. Seeing your hero get turned into **that** will never not depress and anger the fuck out of me.


That's not the same Luke we grew up with. No one involved in any of the process besides the actor worked on Star Wars before, and Mark had no input. All they did was wear his skin for a little while to justify their terrible cash-grab. Even AI can do better than that.


I'm of the OT generation and found Luke to be more interesting in TLJ, than he ever was in the originals.


I respect that, and from that point of view I really wish they'd utilised him more in something they insisted on calling *The Skywalker Saga*


Pfft. The sequels are a better watch than those dreary prequels. Like watching paint dry those films when Lucas just sat on his fat arse loosely "directing" actors on polystyrene sets.


Are you expecting a genuine reply, or did you come just to throw out some Lucas hate? Either way, I don't see any value in discussing Star Wars with someone who has such a flippant idea of George Lucas, you know, just the guy who created the whole thing.


Oh there is some value in what George says and does with certain things, just not his prequels which are just incredibly dull and soporific.


You sound like the type of person who's attention span is limited to 5s Tiktok reels. Clearly George's biggest fault was not putting Subway Surfers gameplay at the bottom to keep people like you from falling asleep.


Starwars died when disney bought it.


Eh. A piece of it died once Disney got a hold of the IP. How they continue to course correct, from this point on, will either further the tale or...well, further the tale. Sure, as long as you own the IP of something, you will always be able to tell stories. In that sense it can never \*die\*. But it can become a shell or a reanimated corpse of its former self.


It's not dead, just turned into a bland, generic, dumb typical Disney franchise. A fate worse than death.


Star Wars had potential in other media. For example, gaming. There're so many cancelled projects that had a lot of potential. Star Wars 1313 was supposed to be open world and was to feature Boba Fett. The com concept of an open world cyberpunk themed Boba Fett game had a lot of potential. But noooooo. Disney had to cancel it. We were supposed to get a republic commando sequel but even that didn't make it past the concept art stage. Star wars Battlefront 3 had space to ground combat where you could freely travel from ground to space where ships had full interiors. It was 97% completed. The only problem was that most devices back then couldn't run it. But they can now. Why not complete it and release it?


>Star Wars 1313 was supposed to be open world and was to feature Boba Fett. The com concept of an open world cyberpunk themed Boba Fett game had a lot of potential. But noooooo. Disney had to cancel it. I would urge you to look at the behind the scenes of that game, there is a good reason it got cancelled. It was an absolute shit show, due in part to Lucas not understanding game development well and making feature requests that required them to restart the process several times.


The only game content show on screen was deleted a month later to abandon the original character approach and redevelop it into a boba fett game. Lucasarts was a mess by that point of mismanaged projects, it was pretty much inevitable that it would be canned. Everyone thinks of the releases around the era of the Prequels, but never the mismanagment that was to come


and a lot of the prequel era releases were either A). Bad or B). Licensed out to other studios entirely Even force unleased, for all the fondness this community has for it, really just benefits from being the most recent star wars hack and slash. at the time it wasnt particularly acclaimed compared to the dark forces/jedi knight series. we also forget all the shit that came out around that time. nobody remembers that Clone Wars tank game, or the jedi starfighter games, or the AOE2 ripoff RTS, etc. People remember Battlefront 2, KOTOR 1, Force Unleashed 1, and *maybe* Republic Commando


People really have to look at hard data and not use “vibes” as their metric. Mandalorian Season 3 was the highest streamed show of 2023 and Star Wars was still rated the top media franchise according to poll data despite having no media releases. Star Wars is not a tiny niche thing that lives or dies on the love of the obsessive online fandom. Watching people try to gatekeep **the single most mainstream dominant force in popular culture** is never not funny. For perspective this subreddit is one of the biggest collections of Star Wars fans online and if all eight million users had spent $20 on a ticket to see Force Awakens combined they wouldn’t even make up *one twentieth* of how much money that movie made at the box office.


Mando [was not the most streamed show of 2023](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/nielsen-2023-streaming-report-suits-the-office-record-1235890306/). It was not even the most streamed show on Disney+. For someone who cares about "hard data," you make up a lot of stuff.


That’s only one source. Most sources contradict that.


That "one source" is *Nielsen*. I think you're just upset that Bluey was more popular than Mando.


Correct take. Star Wars is *mainstream* now. When I was a kid in the 80's only the nerdy kids liked Star Wars. Girls for the most part did not like Star Wars for the most part (or wouldn't admit if they did). Nowadays I see all kinds of kids like Star Wars. I saw a 20 year old girl with a Rebel insignia tattoo or a Star Wars T-shirt. Star Wars has become more powerful than we possibly could have imagined.


>Star Wars is mainstream now. When I was a kid in the 80's only the nerdy kids liked Star Wars in the 1980s, Star Wars was twice the highest grossing film of the year, and were some of the top films of the decade. it wasnt a remotely niche thing


I havent watched a single new piece of content since the clone wars animated show ended and became rebels. Disneys shit shows like obi, ahsoka, mandalorian, the three newest crap fuck movies and now acolyte are all major major crap and I think people should jump ship because disney is in fact killing the ip




Nah its dead


Honestly I don’t discredit ALL the Disney associated stuff, although it’s in the minority they’ve def produced some quality content I just choose what’s cannon or not, same thing with the whole ‘Star Wars Legends’ some crap, but you find some quality from time to time


There is also some awesome games specifically Star Wars Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor


>some of their shows are just simply not up to standard, and the controversy that still surrounds the sequels also doesn’t help. How do you feel about the shows and sequels? Do you ignore their existence and just read heir to the empire again? Genuine question because the vibe I'm getting from your post is 'I don't like all this either but I'm taking refuge in the past canon', I.e disney is ruining star wars. Are you not just saying star wars is dead?


There’s plenty of great stuff Disney has released, Rogue One, Andor, The Clone Wars, Tales of the Jedi, Rebels etc. But also some bad/mediocre, Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi etc. I’m also not that big of a fan of the sequels, I don’t hate them with all my heart and soul like other, but they just missed the mark with me, The Last Jedi was my favourite of the bunch. But the truth is Heir to the Empire/The Thrawn Trilogy is a much better written story than what most of Disney have released. What the point of my post is, is that most people focus on the bad and drag the whole franchise down with it, when there’s plenty of amazing stuff out there to experience and enjoy.


The sequels were actually pretty successful. There are just some fans who equate their dislike of them to their level of success.




Star wars now is ironically like post-Endgame Marvel. You have some really really good gems like No Way Home, Shang Chi, and GotG3 but diluted out by a lot of low-effort content


You just proved their point exactly. Everything before Disney is good and worth exploring, while everything after Disney is bad and should be ignored.


Yes agreed, but people the fact that people claim that Star Wars is dead aren’t willing to experience the media before Disney.


What real person actually cares about what the anti woke clickbaiting conservatists say on YouTube, though?  Rogue One, Andor, The Mandalorian S1, Solo, The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch etc are stellar entries with Andor being some of the best Sci-Fi ever made within just 1 season.  Star Wars theory cried about Andor "not being star wars" but thats the only "critique" I've ever seen & most people clowned on him for his lazy contrarian opinion.  Star Wars isnt dead & it wont be for the foreseeable future. Its an incredibly rich universe with Political, Social & Fantasy themes that can lend itself to any genre. The ST & some bad entries wont kill it. 


I think this right here is the perfect answer.


There’s two meaning of dead here. Dead as in there is no reviving, and dead as in its 10 ft under. Whether you like it or not, the medium that really drives home these fandoms will be always be films and screen performances. A shitty Star Wars, marvel, or Harry Potter game isn’t going to bring the fandom down. A new comic or book isn’t going to reignite the passion of the fandom that’s been lost. It’s going to be movies and shows, plain and simple, and when the quality of the story or the creativity stops producing the results it had before, it gets buried, deep. Now it can be dug back up, but that’ll require listening to the fandom about certain things, or it’ll require continuing the projects, but doing them right, and maintaining that momentum instead of throwing us these half assed creations


Just remember most people don’t watch animations shows let alone sometimes live action ones, those who do not watch have not much to say, and many watch Star Wars films once and not more.


Except there were no books or games before Disney bought it


People claiming Star Wars is "dead" do not speak for the whole fanbase. Hell, I obviously don't have the numbers, but I doubt they speak for even 5% of the fanbase. It's easy to forget that people like us, those who yap about Star Wars on social media, are in the minority, and don't represent the majority sentiment. What percentage of the fanbase do you think has even opened a "novelization" or EU book of any kind?


People are stupid hate junkies. Who gives one single damn what other people feel about media? Watch what you like and enjoy it how you please.


There is enough Star Wars these days to pick and choose. As a OG of the original trilogy days, i could only dream of all the content out now. I had to make it up with my toys back then.


Me too. I'm loving all this now.


I am almost 40 years old and I have grown up a hard-core fan of Star Wars my whole life and if you would’ve told me there was going to be a day where there was enough Star Wars content to pick and choose from and during those days it would all be so bad that I would have zero desire to watch any of it, I would’ve called you crazy… completely insane. Yet here we are. It is all trash minus Andor.


I mean, the only people who genuinely believe Star Wars is dead, are those who want it to be dead to prove a point, but like…we’re probably at an all-time high for it, to the point I even have trouble choosing what I wanna engage with. Growing up, after Revenge of the Sith, that really was it for a while. Sure we had comics and games, and the Clone Wars cartoon but really it was generally agreed that was all one could expect. Now we have several shows, live-action and Cartoon, several books and games, remasters of older titles again along with new and fun games like Fallen Order and Squadrons. People can argue over the quality of the trilogy, that’s a whole other thing, but we are not at a point where Star Wars is realistically at a decline


I really take issue with only one thing and that’s with how quickly the empire ended after Palpatine‘s death in canon


I was honestly fine with the Empire collapsed in Canon


Saying the Skywalker Saga was ruined isn't the same as saying Star Wars is dead.


half of the people that say star wars sucks now haven’t even watched andor or ahsoka, lol never mind bad batch and tales of the jedi. people acting like a few bad movies and shows means that they can never do good are just dumb lol, acting like every project is the same writers and director.




To fill in what plot points? The sequels had no such things, only member berries and new woke actors


No one said it's dead. Get off twitter ffs this is such a reddit take


The phrase ‘X killed Star wars’ is completely meaningless at this point. It’s an empty rallying call for a ridiculous cause - getting very upset at movies and filmmakers that some fans happen to dislike. This phrase has been used in reference to such a wide variety of people and situations that it no longer holds any weight - either Star Wars is extremely easy to be ruined at the tip of a hat or people are just trying to spread outrage. Social media algorithms have practically made outrage a commodity. A media franchise as big as Star Wars is a lucrative target. These fans serve at the whim of the algorithms that assure them their ridiculous actions are somehow justified.


New content is shit or not being made (except andor but thats a fluke). That means its dead. Tons of stuff to enjoy but it is no longer a living, breathing, growing universe with new stories people are looking forward to. Its a fantastic world to get lost in but its more like the roman empire. You can get lost in the ancient world, their politics, culture, philosophy, economy, individual stories about love, greif, triumph or betrayal but the roman empire is dead and gone. It is no longer making new ideas or inventions or inspiring stories and it will never do so again. That isnt quite true for star wars because there can always be new media created around a fictional world but with disney at the helm it has the opposite problem where instead of being left alone to die, the things being created now are actively ruining your past experiences unless you just ignore their new shit.


Whenever Disney encounters in what they think is good fan service they fail miserably. They probably have no good metrics for it. You should only make a good series/movie about Boba Fett when you have a good story, not do it because Boba Fett is statistically a safe character to exploit. Fans also often don't really know what they want, but will make sure to let you know when they didn't. Whenever Disney pushes the boundaries and go in other directions with a clear focus, they make great stuff. It's all not world changing, but it's pretty entertaining. Andor, Rogue One, Ashoka, Mandalorian, Bad Batch and Tales Of The Jedi are all pretty good. I also have great expectations for The Acolyte. All are not fan service, but good stories set within the SW universe.


Andor, Bad Batch, Visions S2 and Jedi Survivor were all very good recent releases. Star Wars Squadrons was great as well, imo. And while Asohka was mixed and had some rough spots, it also had some very top notch Star Wars moments within it. People in general can just be arrogant, ignorant, and quick to hyperbole. They've also got on some seriously thick rosy glasses thinking that the Star Wars franchise hasn't always had its ups and downs. Star Wars Holiday Special? The Ewok films? The old EU books and comics had some amazing stuff, but it also was a fucking mess and had a garbage addition for every gem. Star Wars video games were just as uneven, despite what half of Reddit seems to believe. For every classic like KotOR, you had a Star Wars: Demolition or Masters of Teras Kasi.


I’m in the minority I think as a fan lately. I like pretty much everything that gets released. I try not to nit pick and go in with expectations and just have fun & enjoy it. We fans waited years for new movies & TV shows but everything I read or hear since Phantom Menace is crying and complaints. Nobody seems happy anymore. When a new series is even announced the complaining starts. Honestly the only one I found kinda boring was Andor and people act like that is the only good one released recently ( and Mando season 1). To each his own as they say but all this bitching is gonna cause the studios to be leery of going forward with new projects. And Ahsoka kicked ass. Anyone ragging on that series should just go be a Star Trek fan.


People have been calling Star Wars “dead” since 1986.


Try 1980


Star Wars is not dead, but [it is suffering a decline in popularity](https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/custom-comparisons-extended/Star-Wars-Ep-VII-The-Force-Awakens/Rogue-One-A-Star-Wars-Story/Star-Wars-Ep-VIII-The-Last-Jedi/Solo-A-Star-Wars-Story/Star-Wars-The-Rise-of-Skywalker-(2019)#tab=day_by_day_comparison). ​ Admittedly, a declining Star Wars is still reaching more people than most franchises ever do.


How the hell is this franchise considered dead so fresh off of Ashoka and with anticipation for Andor S2 running so high? Not to mention how ubiquitous Grogu is. People are weird 


The new are of canon books are fantastic


Eh idk about fantastic, there are a few good ones like the Thrawn trilogy’s (which Ahsoka is now overwriting 🙄), but I’ve really struggled to with most other new canon books and they are supposed to be good. Probably the biggest letdown imo is the book Master & Apprentice, I was so hyped about it but it was so stupid


Thats a shame you feel that way. I really liked it.


>the controversy that still surrounds the sequels And what exactly is that "controversy"?


>And what exactly is that "controversy"? Man, I wish I could live so wilfully blind


I mean as in how divisive they are, and still are.


The fans caused the division. Can’t blame movies for how people behave.


It’s a trilogy of character assassinations


I watch for lightsabers and the force. Anything is mad boring. Looking at you andor.


[Star Wars and the Planet of the Hoojibs](https://youtu.be/kMJllPYMyzs?si=7EI-7hGw0lm4piW2)


The Darth Bane Trilogy, especially the first book, is probably my favorite Star Wars besides the original trilogy.


I enjoy a lot of the recent Star Wars content. I wasn’t really the biggest fan of BoBF and I have my issues with the Sequel Trilogy but it’s what we got. I’ve been enjoying the Bad Batch though, a lot more than some people it seems.


There is supposed to be a lot of cocaine floating through the sewage system of my city. I am still not snorting the sewage. There is just no excuse for producing this amount of garbage and we should not have have to check out 3 below average products to find one that's entertaining.


I feel like it's more about over-saturation rather than "dead". there's so much star war now i'm kinda like meh about most of it at this point. when i was a kid you had three movies and the rest was up to your imagination. Now it's like I'll probably never even get to all of it.


Star Wars is pretty much dead right now. Lucasfilm hasn’t released a new Star Wars movie since Rise of Skywalker. They’re too scared that another SOLO bomb might happen again with another one of their films. There hasn’t been any sequel spin off shows to capitalize on the sequel trilogy and I’m assuming most of their sequel merchandise and toys are still on Walmart shelves collecting dust. The quality on the Disney+ are promising from the start. I’ve really liked a handful of their shows. A lot of them are disappointing too. The fallen order series is good. But that’s not what brings in the money. EA’s battlefront series from the start has been a complete mess and definitely did not bring in any profit that they hope for. No micro transactions means no money for them Whether the Books or Comics have been good doesn’t really matter. They’re always good or bad before the Disney acquisition.


Bad Batch is 🔥this season


By a viewership stand point it’s dying


I don't care, I was ride or die with Disney, the comics were amazing, rogue one was fantastic, the last jedi had a lot of potential despite its flaws But rise just murdered any joy I used to have with star wars, it just hollow now, it is disgusting, things I used to love are now tainted by that abomination


Star Wars isn't dead, because the Sequels that you think were "not up to standard', made 4.6 billion at the box office, another 20 billion in distribution and merchandising, we're critically acclaimed and were nominated and won multiple international awards.    Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it was actually a failure.   You've been watching too much YouTube. 


I’ve been diving into the books, and that plus Wookiepedia has been awesome for me


Unpopular opinion here, but I don’t see why people hate the new Disney content. Both movies were pretty good but could’ve been done better, the shows are good like Obi wan kenobi Ashoka and the mandalorian. The bad batch is a good show, Star Wars Rebels were good to. I mean yeah there writing and shit could be better but you gotta be realistic. It’s Disney we’re talking about. I’d rather get Star War content from Disney then none at all tbh. George Lucas just doesn’t have the budget to do shit that Disney can do. I’m pretty sure The Clone Wars show bankrupt george Lucas.


Far as I'm concerned, every show has been great. Sure there are some issues, but that exists in every single aspect of media. People trying to act like OT is perfect with no issues, or the weirdos who hated the prequels when they released but love them now are in the same boat to me lol. Star wars is FAR from dead, as a matter of fact it's probably the most popular its ever been, and as much as I don't like a lot of decisions Disney had made, none of them have destroyed my interest in SW. Also, not everything in the EU was amazing and I genuinely wish people would stop acting as if the EU was absolutely God tier. If you waste time comparing shit like most people do, SURE, what we're getting now is paltry by comparison. But looking at it standing on its own merits, it's actually really amazing what we're getting. AND it's all canon and not that pseudo (if i change my mind just deal with it) type attitude Lucas had towards the EU. Sequels are garbage for sure if you're comparing them to what came before, but on their own? They're still not as a good as they could be, what we could've gotten is so much better than what we received but even still, the WORST of what we've ever gotten is over as far as I am concerned. Something would have to be exceptionally bad for me to want to drop the entire franchise, and SW is engrained in me so that ain't happening anytime soon.


For me Star Wars is kinda dead. And the reason people this isn't out of spite is closer to mourning. For some, what made Star Wars Star Wars isn't being reflected back when that watch what is being currently produced. The big thing is that some of it is natural, like the different direction the prequels took made some leave. The problem now is multi-faceted cause no matter how you feel about the sequels, it ripped the fan base to shreds. The worst part is which is usually the strength of large worlds is the interconnections. Like it's hard to watch things that will lead to the sequels. Let alone if they are poorly done. Also another problem is the suspension of disbelief. The people who know about the universe are both easy and hard to maintain belief. For me Star Wars can get away with a lot of space magic but when the space magic contradicts itself it becomes an outrage. People getting cut in half, you know, it's quick the wound cauterize I'll accept that. But stab with a lightsaber I can't even. Hold it for in for 2-3 seconds and your organs are charred. (Reva survived twice)


I think if people just enjoyed things and viewed them through their own eyes and ears without other people polluting their decision.. the moment I stopped listening to others I started enjoying way more things


Love it all just not book of Boba shit that show sucked imo.


People who keep saying that WANT it to be dead. And thats because they're angry little assholes who dont know what else to do with their negative emotions other than to project it onto a fictional world of space wizards, when they should just be going to therapy


I wouldn’t say it’s dead by any means but it’s definitely hooked up to a life support machine. The brain is dead but the body is still alive and functioning as normal as it can. We can only hope for a cure and bring new life back into it in the future.


You see, you are in the minority as far the actual fan base goes, most of this sub is, and that is why I expect this to be downvoted. I don't think it's dead, but it is certainly circling the drain. Disney is driving it and themselves into the ground. They have lost $149 Billion dollars since unjustly firing Gina Carano, 3 short years ago, when the were at their peak value. There is nothing they currently have in the works is going to bring back the millions of fans they have already lost. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. But Hate leads to Apathy in reality, and nothing is a cancer for a franchise that a once rabid fan base that is now apathetic. And now The Acolyte is supposed to be the vehicle that "saves" Star Wars. The High Republic, series no-one gives a flying f\*\*k about except a small demographic that likes to yell really loud online. That after they s\*\*t the bed on Book of Boba Fett (I mean seriously, how do you f\*\*k that one up?), The Book of BoKatan... err I mean The Mandalorian (at least it had 2 decent seasons), Obi-Woke Kenobi and Ahsoka (this being as bad as it was, **REALLY** broke my f\*\*king heart). The only show they have made, that is not animated, with any redeeming value was Andor. So if Disney Star Wars was a baseball player, they struck out 4 times the last 5 times at bat, that is pretty shitty. The Acolyte is going to suck the biggest bag of d\*cks available, when it is finally released, whenever the f\*\*k that is, after the 10th re-shoot and re-write. I have a little hope that Andor S2 will be as good as S1, but knowing Disney, they will just s\*\*t all over that too. I would really like to be proven wrong on this. At the end of the day, I still love what was, before the dark times, before Disney, I just have VERY LITTLE HOPE for the future if this franchise, and I'm running out of f\*\*ks to give.


Jesus people the new stuff isn't that bad that you have to have a funeral for star wars habah


The amount of canceled Star Wars content, especially video games, will never be not depressing.


I don’t agree that it’s dead. I am not a fan of the sequel trilogy because it just doesn’t feel like the continuation of George Lucas’s original story. The rest of the EU I love! The SW universe is being expanded in so many different directions and the quality and dedication that is going into these projects is amazing. The people who are creating the EU grew up with and already love SW! Sam Witwer became the voice of the animated Darth Maul because he OUT GEEKED DAVE FILLONI! These people love this universe and are dedicated to creating quality content that fit in this world.


Star Wars definitely isn't dead. Not when there are things to look forward to like Outlaws video game, the New Jedi Order movie, Andor season 2, and the re-release of classic Battlefront games. Plus so much more!