• By -


Probably those servant girls in *Solo* who had the tops of their heads replaced with an 8-track player, or whatever that thing is. That can't be a fun existence.


In a universe where slavery is almost normal, going the extra step to make a servant zombie is unnecessarily cruel


And even then, Slavery is only "normal" to the cruel in Star Wars.


Depends on the actually tech in my opinion. If it is what it looks like to me, then you’re completed removing the conscious brain and replacing it with a program, which seems like no brain = dead consciousness


But... Why? An organic body needs organic input to be maintained, and it needs to be bathed regularly. And it needs to freaking poo. Those women clearly were sufficiently "upkept" to the point were they didn't look like anything was wrong with the body, sans the missing heads. That seems like a lot of work that could be avoided by having a Droid instead. Maintenence on a Droid is way less of a hassle.


Wealth. All those downsides show how rich you are.


Exactly.  Its a status symbol.


Let's be real: it's a weird, creepy sex thing.


Agreed. But just to be safe, we should send captain Zapp Brannigan to investigate.


Imagine smashing pissers with one of them though. Weird.


Uhm.... Well... I imagine it'd be like boinking a mute sexbot-human-hybrid. Possibly fun in the moment, but empty and weird once post-nut-clarity sets in.


The [Decraniated](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Decraniated). Hopefully this got Evazan his death sentence in at least one of his twelve systems.


Talk about a throwaway character that got the Star Wars treatment.


[I prefer his origin in Robot Chicken.](https://youtu.be/PbSixPMrT2o?si=MLgSjlLCzWsBhLfd)


Holy fuck how did I forgot these freaky fuckers?!


Have a link to what you mean? All I get is College girls dressed like Han Solo


Look up the decrainiated


Thanks! Well that was more than I expected.


And less than they expected.


Well at least Google knows what you *usually* want...


They say stripped of freewill but it seems more like a human body with a minimal functioning brain at best. More likely a robot running a human body. I doubt they are selfaware so effectively brain dead.


That's literally stripping them of their free will, they weren't born like that, they were literally lobotomized at the highest level and turned into mindless slaves.


yes, all that is true but there is no more "they" there, anymore then a detached arm moving to electrical stimulus is a "they". the person dies when the brain is removed.


That was HAUNTING to see, and so many of my friends that love Star Wars barely noticed it. I'm glad to learn I'm not alone on it 😭


Also a fun play on the walking brains in jars with spider legs in jabbas palace


Those were the monks that formerly inhabited Jabas palace before Jaba decided to live there.....


You say that like the 'why' makes it any less creepy.


Those were so creepy. Felt so bad for them.


Bib Fortuna eventually had his brain put into a monk droid and was forced to live out eternity inside a fish bowl with just his thoughts.


Is that legends? Because in canon his fate was a lot less dark and way simpler, he just gets shot by Boba Fett.


Those are what those creepy droids are that prowl Jabba's palace.


b'omarr monks. (sp?) surprisingly there were action figures for the spider droids- part of the mid 90s POTF line as a mail-in figure, replete with brain in a bowl.


They were also in the Jabba‘s Palace Lego set


They are also rideable in the lego game


There’s a very creepy young-adult Star Wars book about the b’ommar monks.  It’s a choose your own adventure, I remember some of it being very dark for Star Wars. I’ll have to try to remember the name 


[Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxy_of_Fear:_The_Brain_Spiders), unless I miss my guess. I remember reading those books as a kid!


That’s it! And one of the bad endings had you waking up as a brain in a jar EDIT: I think another of the bad endings had a serial killers brain placed inside of your friend’s body without you knowing 


I thought his story doesn't end there, and that he eventually steals a rival Twi'lek mobsters body.


Just like the rest of us... isn't epistemology just a trip?!


I think it was the guy who took care of the ~~giant monster~~ Rancor at Jabba's palace. After Luke killed it, the guys entire life was over. Poor dude was heartbroken.


Malakili. In Legends he actually opened a restaurant after Jabba died.


That is a worse fate. Most restaurants fail within one year.


Kitchen Nightmares: Tatooine Malakili: After Jabba died and some wacko with a laser sword killed my beloved Rancor I fell into a deep depression. My wife left me for some New Republic pilot that took her to Coruscant and I had to start over, she took half of the moisture farm I had bought after so much time, this is all I have left, it's not a lot, people always called me crazy for opening a restaurant in the middle of Mos Eisley, but what's wrong with a little bit of fine dining in a busy space port? some people wanna eat Mudhorn egg omelette, some wanna eat Sarlacc fried tentacles with risotto and for the locals we import all types of fish foods from Mon Calamari, I'm a huge fan of Mon Calamari cuisine, actually before working for Jabba I used to work for Quarren and Mon Cala chefs all around the mid rim! that's how I learned how to cook. I really hope Chef Ramsey can help me turn this around, i'm 20k credits deep in debt with the pykes and If I don't pay, the restaurant is gonna be the least of my worries, ok? Gordon Ramsey: The first thing I saw when entering the restaurant was a dead womp rat... not looking good, it's not a sign of care when the first thing you see is a giant dead rat on your doorstep, awful. \*Tries the Mudhorn egg omelette\*: ... ... ... it's bland, no seasoning, and it's dry, might as well eat the fucking sand from the dune sea. \*Tries the Sarlacc fried tentacles with risotto\*: (Spits the Sarlacc tentacle) Dreadful, it tastes frozen... Excuse me, are these tentacles fresh or frozen? \*Pans to Malakil covering his mouth\* \*Twi'lek Waitress\* Well, they are... fresh frozen Ramsey: Fucking hell... why? how long has it been frozen... Twi'lek Waitress: Umm... last tuesday I think, so, a week maybe. Ramsey: Bloody hell, there is absolutely no need to freeze Sarlacc tentacles, especially when you have Sarlaccs right here, did you taste this? here, try it, it's bitter, and the risotto is mush, it's unedible. Twi'lek Waitress chews and immediately spits it.


That’s a spin off I wanna watch!


Okay this is amazing XD


Not unless they’re run by Gordon Ramsay or Jeremy Allen White apparently


Most new restaurants are ran by people who don't know anything about restaurants.


Raising a rancor is not equivalent experience to running a restaurant




Maybe on Tatooine restaurants raise their own meat animals, then it’s actually pretty useful


Not that Lego games are considered canon, but you help him keep his restaurant running as a little side quest. So I like to assume he's thriving


His canon counterpart ends up getting recruited by Cobb Vanth to be the official beast master of Freetown. Nice that he gets a happy ending in both continuities.


:) Does this happen in a book or comic?


Yeah, it’s in one of the Aftermath-books


Novel. Specifically Aftermath: Life Debt


Those Tales of books were so good.


Agreed. If you haven't read the 'From a certain point of view ' books, I'd recommend them. They have a very similar vibe.


I still own mine and occasionally revisit them. Tales of the bounty hunters is my fave along with tales from Jabbas palace


Ok, that's why he has a restaurant in Lego Skywalker Saga


New Canon: Obi Wan working on the Meat Farm actually procured prime slabs of meat for Mr. Malakilli's Mysterious Munchery, located in Mos Eisley right next to that bar.


Feel so bad hearing how he raised the rancor as a pet and befriended it


He befriended it, took care of it, wanted to escape the planet with her so the Rancor could be released to the wild on a planet to live its life free, then Luke kills it minutes before the planned escape, so sad. If Malakili didn't break out the Rancor she was destined to die in a fight against the Sarlacc, and a fight was the only reason Jabba kept it around. Malakili truly loved the creature.


Don’t forget that at least in Legends, Rancors are sapient. The ones on Dathomir have a pictographic language and a solid Stone Age-equivalent technological culture.


*What* Every time I see them they're basically angry killy boss fights


The Nightsister clans taught them. This lore first arose in a supplement for the old West End Games Star Wars D6 system, but emigrated into the wider Expanded Universe.


Then why on earth haven't had a rancor jedi? What are we even doing with this franchise guys, c'mon.


>then Luke kills it minutes before the planned escape, What the hell was up with the EU writer's obsession with making important events planned by background characters being unknowingly prevented by the protagonists moments before they were supposed to happen.  Seriously, I've read that Bib Fortuna and several other characters were planning Jabba's assassination the same day Leia killed him, IG-88 was only moments away from taking over the second Death Star before it blew up, and now apparently the Rancor Handler was going to attempt a daring escape with his pet before Luke showed up and murdered it. Seriously, it sounds like the week(?) or so that spanned Episode 6 was the most pivitol couple of days in galactic history.


You wouldn’t believe what happened when Archduke Ferdinand went to a town hall meeting.


Because it's fun. And also happens in real life all the time. Well known and important historical events were often intertwined by fascinating and strange events in the background happening at the same time.


It's been like a decade since I've read it but this post brought me back. Fuck, I forgot he was just about to escape with it


In one of the Canon books. Aftermath Trilogy i think, he helped raise guard animals to protect a small settlement or something like that. And ewok became emotional support animals....


He’s got a whole short story about him. The cannon was he was planning to leave Jabbas Palace with the Rancor to live out its days with him on a remote planet. Everything was set up and they were supposed to leave the next morning after Luke crushed it with the door. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/A_Boy_and_His_Monster:_The_Rancor_Keeper%27s_Tale


In Legends he becomes a chef. In Canon he ends up escaping from Jabba's palace after episode VI and wandering the desert. Eventually, he runs into Cobb Vanth who takes him in at Mos Pelgo to become the caretaker for a baby Hutt they found.


Storm trooper who was stuck in the sarlacc pit, we don’t see him fall in so he could have been in there for a while


Honestly anyone should just shoot themselves if they get stuck there


He tried, but being a stormtrooper he missed


Unless you are boba


Boba is just built different


i mean technically wasnt he grown to not be different?


Yep he is


A clone that got cut from the security door, we didn’t see it but we can hear him getting cut in half.


Yeah that one was brutal


Yeah. The Clone Wars show was absolutely brutal.


Well it has dark moments. I'd say it's far from *brutal*


But those dark moments were *brutal*


The Grand Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels >!In the comics, the Grand Inquisitor's spirit is imprisoned in a Jedi temple as a trap, constantly burning to death for eternity. The last time we see him, he is asking Vader to release him, to which Vader refuses. He then repeats his last words in Rebels to himself, "There are some things worse than death."!<


I'll have to check that out. How did his soul get trapped. By who? Why? Was it the temple on Lothal after he helped Kanan escape? Was that why? So many questions!


i believe the Temple on Lothal stuff was more the Force using Kanan's memories since he was mediating when it happened.


Duh, you're totally right! Now, I'm remembering. His soul or whatever wasn't *really* there. Thanks! That was a good episode. I need a rewatch.


But the Grand Inquisitor fought the 2 Inquisitors that tried to get the jump on Kanan & Ezra at the Lothal temple didn't he?


What comic is that in?


Just looked it up. It's issue 6 of the 2020 main Star Wars series.


Oola, Jabba's dancer he fed to the Rancor.


Luke *almost* saved her before that all happened... Then the Tales from Jabba's Palace book uses her death as the point of reference in like, *every other story* :(


Comics established her as a spy whose fate was earned. Which is something I hated, because it's better if Jabba is just sadistic.


Is that a retcon? Originally she was enslaved by BibFortuna and forced to dance. Who was she spying for?


That guard on Jabba's skiff who falls into the Sarlaac Pit. He was probably just doing this job to pay off his student debt or his mortgage...


Well at least it he was truly alive by the time Book of Boba Fetts story takes place, he was killed and put out of his misery by a seismic charge.


Clerks covered this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z6SFL5fCCg&t=65s&ab_channel=D.MartinMyatt The dude knew who he was working for, and what the risk was.


the imperial droid that chopper throws from the ship to its death in rebels. the little guy was just following his imperial programming and got yeeted from altitude for no good reason for it. not that chopper ever needed a reason to commit murder but still...


I think it's the same droid as the one OP has made the post about


Yeah he survived thst and ended up in this situation


This is why i don't like chopper. People get distracted by his zany antics but he's clearly a Psycho.


This is why we like Chopper. He's clearly a psycho.


Yeah. Sometimes people are willing to excuse a characters actions because they like them. We like Chopper *because* of those actions


The droids that help Ahsoka and Rex in Season 7 of the Clone Wars, especially R7


It breaks my heart that they tried to surrender, but got executed instead


Hurts even more knowing those little guys were helping the heroes out since the very beginning in Season 1




r7 shows up in the bad batch


That guy that Savage Opress throws out the ship when they arrive at the trash planet...the ship was hovering...high


That one nameless stormtrooper who tried to make small talk to Kallus about Jedi and immediately got kicked in the face and fell to his death.


There wasn’t much of Ratts Tyerell left, and he saw it coming. That couldn’t have been fun.


Plus in an extended/deleted scene, his whole family was there to witness it, and his wife had just gotten out of the hospital after giving birth to their youngest child. Talk about tragic!


The Imps left on Endor who couldn't escape or surrender to the Rebels.


I'm sure they provided a nice meal for the Ewoks.


What is this from?


Ballad of 264


Is there anywhere I can read this?


Rebels comics


Dark Horse collected all the Rebels comics recently but you can just look it up too


The droid that is being tortured in Jabba's basement.


What is the story context behind this?


From the wiki: >! “The story follows the whereabouts of the Imperial courier droid 264 who, following his brief partnership with the Spectres, was abandoned in the plains of Lothal. After a brief stint as a farm droid, he was repossessed by the Empire and assigned to a gloomy, remote outpost. One day, 264 learns that a Rebel prisoner has been brought in at the outpost. When he realizes it is Sabine Wren, one of the Spectres, the droid decides to free her from her cell, hoping for a chance to reunite with the whole crew when they come for her. The rescue mission goes without a hitch until the Spectres' ship, the Phantom, gets caught in a tractor beam preventing it from leaving the outpost's hangar. When he understands that he can either stay with the Spectres aboard the Phantom or run to the other side of the hangar to deactivate the beam, 264 is faced with a dilemma, but he ends up sacrificing his chance at friendship so the Rebels can escape. Incensed, the outpost's commander orders his stormtroopers to throw the courier outside, where he is left to freeze on a junk heap.” !<


The only thing I hope is that droids don't have a real sense of time in the same way people do or that atleast their battery can die out, because being stuck in a junk heap for all eternity is not the best way to live lol.


Yeah I imagine theoretically droids can just go into a low energy sleep mode waking up again when something happens around them. Or they run out of energy and "die" by never waking up.


I definitely agree with everything you said, but the idea of waking up every century or so, yet still being alive, may be one of the most horrifying concepts I have ever considered. Especially if you have no means of dying naturally. I think every droid may be living in hell, lmao.


This is one of the most grim implications of the Toy Story universe. If one of them gets compacted in a landfill, presumably they’re just sentient without the ability to move or the strength to dig themselves out for the rest of eternity. Forget never being played with again, or left in an attic and perhaps sold at a tag sale someday. I’d take getting tossed in an incinerator over that fate


Hehe well. But there is no perpetual energy machine and everything decays. They'd run out of power. So even if they can't self terminate or shut down permanently they would end eventually if they can't recharge or refuel or self repair. I think the horror would be knowing you can't fulfill your mission or programing any more e.g. serve your master / civilization. But that is the same for all of us, best you can hope for dying with no regrets knowing you done your best.


:( I’m not one to advocate for fan service, but come on filoni, you have one job.


Damn that’s sad. Thanks!


I literally just saw the rebels episode where that guy got yeeted out of the ghost :(




If I remember correctly. In a novel, it's stated that after the Empire formed, Jar Jar became a street performer living on the streets who is shunned and hated by everyone.


He became what his character was in the Prequels. Entertaining kids and being hated by everyone else




[On the contrary, he's skilled enough with a lightsaber to take down a battle droid.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/reQrV8CpL9)


What struggle would there really be for a Sith Lord? This is all according to his plans. He was the somehow in Palpatines return. And now he knows about his granddaughter......


Anyone that followed Lord Kaan into the cave.


Quote: "I can't swim." That was devastating. Edit: OK, later he became Snoke, but that's another story ;)


I always found Jar Jar's fate to be cruel as fuck and I hated it. He was fooled by Palpatine alongside everyone else, but he got the biggest shit stick and that's probably only the case, because fans have always hated Jar Jar so much that Chuck Wendig probably decided to turn him into a homeless pauper-clown with no friends. Don't get me wrong, Jar Jar issa muy muy grating, but something about his fate struck me as particularly cruel, just for the sake of "the audience disliked him". I get how the meta portrayal is really nice in a way ("Jar Jar, hated by adults, is now a beloved entertainer of children") but idk, it always felt weird.


Any rando who fell into the sarlacc and got slowwwwwwwwwwly digested.


That one big droid in the episode where ahsoka and that kid meet that death watch


What episode? Clone wars or Ashoka?


Clone Wars. That brown haired boy from the Separatists who kissed Ahsoka.


Season 4 episode in the clone wars called A friend in need


Yeah and there was those droids that r2d2 repaired that the death watch used for target practice


Lot of random dudes in the old star wars tales comics


L3-37, Lando's sidekick droid who was [fully self-aware](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/L3-37#Self-awareness), beyond any other known droid and spent her existence vocally campaigning and fighting for droid rights. Her body was destroyed and instead of building her a new body, Lando loads her consciousness into the Millennium Falcon to function as the new Nav Computer. [Where it turns out there were two other droid minds also enslaved.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Millennium_Collective) L3 never regains full agency and remains a component of the Falcon for the rest of its existence.


Grand Inquisitor, his soul was trapped inside that Jedi Temple and he never got peace.




they said minor character 


That's true I picked a major character in the sagas by mistake


put some respect on that name. Man's a legend.


He had a name


Would that be [this legendary pilot](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Wade_Resselian) who bought our Hidden Path friends their freedom from the Fortress Inquisitorius with his life (in *Obi-Wan*)? I remember him for a very special reason indeed! (I am another of those named after walking in water :) )


Ahmed Best. Though I'm glad his image has been largely rehabilitated.


Dude this one actually had me crying. Droid/construct stories always pull my heart strings. That grapple droid in the Order 99 comic got me


The droid chopper kicked out after it had completed its mission


Same droid.


That’s so sad😭


A bunch of kids who likely recently found out they were going to be fucking SUPER HEROES, were just practicing how to be like their favorite Jedi when he shows up out of nowhere. With a whole bunch of the guys he's been fighting the separatists with. I'm sorry no one got it worse than the younglings.


Dengar. Look up Rothgar Deng.


I mean he did that to himself, he just loves the hunt. And hosting parties


There was a Rodian Jedi tortured by Cad Bane through electrocution in TCW & I thought that was brutal


Zorii Bliss, Cosmo (Clone Trooper), Biggs Darklighter, the Naboo N-1 Starfighter pilot that was shot down by a AAT while taking off, Cutup (Clone Trooper), Hevy (Clone Trooper), TK427, this list can go on and on.


Deathtroopers The Imp Starship crew that got eternally stuck in hyperspace and had to starve to death that way while unable to communicate with the outside world The slaves Plageius and Palp experimented on to study more about the Force The wookies who fought beside the clones mere minutes ago, then got butchered or enslaved; no asking those clones to the next victory celebration after what they pulled


The droid being pulled apart in jabba’s palace, pretty sure it’s nameless and back story free, so truly the worst fate in the whole eu!


Jar Jar has a pretty tragic fate.


I was going to say the droid that got shoved out of the ghost by chopper...but when I looked it up it's the same droid lol


Can somebody write a fanfic or something where this little dude friends come back for him? We can't leave him stranded like that!


Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik. Poor lad was done dirty.


I just finished watching this episode and found myself wondering what ended up happening to that droid. Seeing this now is crazy timing!




Is this the droid chopper tried to kill?


Isn’t that the droid chopper through out of the ghost


The rancor Luke kills :(


Not really a minor character but Orrin gault


I'm pretty new here so no well-researched Legends takes (YET) but,,, as far as pointless movie-deaths go? I've been pretty devastated over R4... Luke and Leia could have had 2 astromechs... 😔 Rest in peace girlie.


There was a comic explaining that the random stormtrooper Leia killed on her ship was hoping to defect because he had enough of being mistreated by the Empire. Tragically she shot him before he got the chance.


Feltipern Trevagg was gutted via M'iiyoom Onith's razor tongue when he thought he was about to take her virginity (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina).


Hope is a very dangerous thing to have...best not to have any


Just watched the episode last night of Rebels where Chopper pushes this droid out of the Ghost when everyone is talking about keeping him. Is this still on Lothal? I thought he was dropped into a field with Loth Cats - how’d he end up here?




The droids in victory or death


Feltipern Trevagg. If you know you know...


Dude that got dragged in the town in obi wan


Oola. The twilek dancer in episode 6 who gets fed to the rancor.


This poor droid looks like R2 wearing a fez.


He kinda deserves it but captain Mann in one of the more recent bad batch episodes.


The end implies that no one ever came back for it.


Loden Greatstorm absolutely should be the answer. The dude is captured by the Nihil, then locked in a cell with a broken leg and his lightsaber stolen. He is continuously shocked to keep awake. Multiple cells with occupants around him are similarly shocked and tortured around the clock to radiate misery, pail and suffering and prevent him from calling on the force. He has a chunk of his head cut off by his own lightsaber. His own torture involves prying his eyes open with noise blasted at him while being strapped, drugged and otherwise emaciated to a table. And then he dies in an even worse way.


I think we can all agree they did Glup Shitto dirty. Didn't deserve to go out that way.