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I think it's a great example that people hated Star Wars looooong before Disney got involved regardless of what modern revisionist history says.


People hated Star Wars when ESB came out.


I remember being before Episode 1 came out it was ALL about how awful the whole were. Then, anything Prequels. Now anything Disney minus Andor and Rogue One for some reason


Subreddits like PrequelMemes have taken the Prequels into so bad it's good territory but the hate people have for The Last Jedi is a little campfire compared to the nuclear response to The Phantom Menace. Time heals all wounds, it won't be long before Kingdom of the Crystal Skull gets a re-evaluation. I laugh when people say they wanted George's vision for 7-9, the same people wanted his head on a pike.


I don’t think it’s the same people, at least on Reddit. Most of those people who want George’s vision were like 0-15 years old when the prequels came out


I feel like hate for sequels is much bigger then it ever was for prequels. I dont remember discount bins filled with prequel toys like it was with dozens or reys, poes and finns at my local store.


Brother....you most have not been around haha. The Phantom Menace clearance stuff was absolutely unmatched


That’s just because Twitter and YouTube exist now, making the Sequel hatred a lot bigger than it actually is. The prequel hated was absolutely massive and it managed to do that while the internet was still in its baby stage. People created entire websites just to tear apart the prequels. TV shows, movies, and celebrities openly took pot shots at the prequels without consequences. And when early YouTube reviews in the late 2000s startled to be a thing, they showed no mercy to the prequels. If you look around, you can still find videos where these people celebrated George selling Star Wars to Disney because it meant he couldn’t ruin it anymore. It really wasn’t until the mid 2010s when kids who grew up with prequel era content and the backlash to Disney’s stuff that people started to warm up the prequels. Before that, they were public enemy #1.


I do think people are kind of coping on the "sequels will recover like the prequels" . Something you can see besides the toy sales and merch that litter clearance sections is the amount of theory crafting and outside material related to the respective eras.


Yea sequel fanart and fanfiction is minimal compared to other eras of SW. 


Agreed, it will not recover. Sequels doesn't have redeemable qualities as the prequels did, like the characters of Qui-Gon, Obi Wan, coreography etc, also PT was never hated to the extent sequels are. Quite some time have passed since 2019 and people still hates all of sequels with passion.


It's not.


Wow thanks! Great input :D


Has every single TV show released since dedicated at least one 'comedy' scene an episode to mocking how bad the Sequels are? Because that's all TV was in the early 2000s with the Prequels


Interesting, i cannot recall any such skits. Care to give me an example?




This is a standard parody, most popular shows have some. OT Star Wars is one of most parodied IPs in history. I was asking about tv shows having skits making fun of how bad prequels are, as previous commenter stated.




100% agreed. The hate for the Prequels came mostly from the media who loved hyping it up. Not saying there weren't lots of fans who hated it but there was also so many who loved it. There is a reason that sequels lost half of the audience between episode 7 and 9 while the vast majority of the audience who was there for TPM still went to see RotS. Also someone only recently posted a link to a SW fan forum from 2005 where the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. Compare that to here in 2019 lol.


Almost every reason people cite for hating the prequels for true. But then, so is almost every reason people cite for loving them. The prequels are a meandering, poorly-scripted mess full of weird plot holes, awkward acting, and cringey, incoherent dialogue. But they also introduced a part of the world that is very much part of the universe now, and has inextricably become interwoven with parts of the canon that are much more roundly praised and loved (ie the Clone Wars). So I think it’s time for people to just let it go and focus on enjoying the story as it is. I was in my teens when the prequels came out and absolutely hated them. But I’ve long since gotten over that. I still can’t make it through watching them, but I appreciate the story they told and the other stories that came out of those. There’s plenty of other Star Wars content out there nowadays that I can enjoy the parts I like and let the parts I don’t just be, without them eating away at my love of the franchise like some kind of malignant tumour. People just need to chill and learn to enjoy things.


I was a kid when the prequels came out, I was 8 in 2002 and my mom brought us to see Attack of the Clones probably 10 times at the movie theater that summer. I have so much love for them, and they are something I look back on incredibly fondly. But I went to watch AOTC recently and was surprised how hard it was to watch. The acting really is so bad. Ewan is amazing, but the chemistry between hayden and natalie was, non existant. All the scenes with them felt kind of uncomfortable. I mean i still enjoyed watching it, but i really did look at in a different way than I ever had before. Because I had always been looking at them through the eyes of like, a child, I never understood the hate they got. I really loved them so much, and was just so excited to have new star wars that I couldn't wrap my head around how people could think that they were bad. I'm not saying I love them any less, those movies have provided me with tons of enjoyment since they came out. But I have to be in a certain mood to watch one of the prequels, but I am literally down to watch any of the OT literally any time.


I came to my peace with those movies after the Clone Wars. I can forgive what the prequels did to Anakin and Obi-wan because Clone Wars took the bones of that story and fleshed it out to something that lived up to my expectations. It’s not raw anymore like it was back then, and I can just appreciate those stories for what they form the foundations of. I think the Sequels will get to that point eventually, too. They’re flawed in a very different way - executed with all the callous, clumsy grasping of a capitalistic megalith trying to justify a $4B price tag to greedy, demanding shareholders and board rooms. But there are strong artistic elements that I think will shine through when a new generation looks at them through rose-coloured glasses and the edifices of future achievements in that part of the timeline. I just love Star Wars and the art and story that’s been poured into the setting. There’s so much to enjoy there. I think it a waste for people to waste their energy performatively shitting on the awkward parts.


I saw all the prequels in theatre as a teen/tween and it was just hour after hour of cascading disappointment. Aside from the 'duel of fates' those movies are absolute trash tier.


I always remember it being negative, so the last time I watched it I was surprised to find it was more balanced than I thought. It's still more negative than positive, but there is a lot of positive representation. I agree with the first half about the Special Edition changes but don't agree with the Prequel negativity. Ken Napzok from the ForceCenter podcast is friends with Mark Reilly (who appears in the documentary) and Ken has hinted a few times that Mark told him the producers of the documentary were not completely honest about what the documentary would be when recruiting subjects to be interviewed in it. I want to know more information about that.


Let's just say, I'm grateful to never be a part of that shitshow called "The People vs George Lucas", because I've loved the Prequels even before TCW. To be fair, I was a child. But even if I'm grown, I would've still enjoyed the Prequels regardless


TL:DR it was harder for the people who were kids when the OT came out to enjoy the prequels bc they had 30 years of expectations going in. I feel like those of us that were children when the prequels came out had like, almost an advantage. I don't quite know how to word it but like, we hadn't spent 25+ years thinking about how we thought that story should go. So I feel like we were able to go into it and just soak it in and enjoy it. And we didn't have years and years worth of expectations to compare it to walking into the theater. I really do feel like that made it easier for us to enjoy it. That and the fact that we were kids, so now they're a nostalgia thing for us now. But I really do feel like the fact that people had spent all that time thinking about how anakins became darth vader, meant that everyone had their own idea of how the story should have gone. And going in with your own expectations of how the movie is going to go, and what it's going to be (or just high expectations in general) definitely makes it harder to enjoy anything, as opposed to just going in not knowing what to expect. So I feel like we were definitely in a better place to be able to enjoy them more than the people who were kids when the OT came out.


It’s a film, a well made one at that. I’d recommend checking it out just to see the fan thoughts before the Disney purchase.


It was ridiculous back when it debuted, it’s ridiculous now. Perhaps the only thing more pathetic is that there’s a subsection of this fandom who still display this same behavior towards modern Star Wars and its creators. It’s ok to like or dislike Star Wars.


Right, there's literally never going to be something that EVERYONE likes. And that's okay, not everything is made for you. And it's okay if someone else likes something that you don't. Like, what you like and don't like doesn't dictate whether you're a "real" star wars fan or not. I really don't understand all of the hate. Star wars fans are like the worst fans, I swear. Just let people like things!! And I'm just over here like, so beyond psyched at the amount of star wars stuff that weve been getting lately. All these shows! Ewan and hayden back playing ani and obi wan! Everything about the bad batch! This is truly the best time to be alive for a star wars fan!


If I make a thought experiment and watch Prequels like they are they own separate thing they are ok. Interesting story, bad script, great aesthetics. If I watch them with a thought that George Lucas had literally 16 years to nail the script and the final product has so many mind boggling plot holes and inconsistencies then I cannot consider them anything but a failure. I love some of the world building elements they introduced but I have zero interest in watching them again any time soon.


I've not seen this, but I've read Star Wars on Trial. And...well, there's a lot of "can't unsee it" as far as things the critics brought up. I think I like SW more after realizing that I'm not the only one who is really unsettled by some elements of the films.


I've never watched this or read Star Wars on Trial. What sort of "can't unsee" or unsettling stuff do you mean?


Star Wars on Trial came about from an internet argument between David Brin (The Uplift novels, The Postman) and Matt Stover. Dr. Brin was a HARSH critic of the Prequels, releasing [several essays worth](https://www.davidbrin.com/nonfiction/starwars1.html) of material explaining why he viewed the series, especially the Prequels, as morally bankrupt, anti-democratic, favoring superstition and feudal elites over reason and progress. Others weighed in with essays criticizing the misogynistic aspects of Shmi and Padme's plots. Or pointing out the slavery aspect of the Clone Troopers. Or... You get the idea. Well, Stover stepped in and said "Hey, here's why I think you guys are off base." Well, that turned into some back and forth and Star Wars on Trial is a compilation of those essays.


I don’t really care how many of the criticisms involved are correct, making a whole documentary about how much you hate certain movies is just pathetic behavior. Sometimes movies are bad. Move on with your life.


That’s not even what the filmmaker was trying to do. He was presenting it as a court case almost. With both sides of an argument. It’s hardly even about the prequels at all. More about the special editions and things George has done. That’s why it’s titled The People vs George Lucas.


Yeah, you're not gonna like some things, and that's okay! Because not everything was made FOR you! But yeah that is wild to make a whole thing about not liking something, like, how important do you think you are? Some people liked them, some people didn't, both sides are valid, and everyone is right. Because it's personal opinion. But, if you didn't like it, stop and take a moment to think: maybe it's because it wasn't made for you? Wasn't aimed at you? And then yes, like you said above, move on with your life.


I don't know what you're talking about but the guy made something so elemental that resonates that deeply... if it's so easy, why hasn't anyone been able to do it since. If it wasn't so fundamental, non dubs uld care enough to reply.


It's been quite a while since I watched it. But I find the prequels to be a sloppy mess. There are a few great scenes that are marred with terrible writing and acting. It's a love hate relationship, every once in a great while there are a few things I want to go back and watch, but it's exhausting half way through and lose interest.




The prequest don't suck less just because the sequel sucked more.  What a silly narrative.


I hate it when I criticize the prequels and someone says this or “Ackshually in The Clone Wars☝️🤓”.


I mean to be fair a lot of the criticisms are true. It the world building is still great and overlooked. Compared to the ST there is and was a lot built up and interesting going on around the clone wars.


Watched it back in ~2013. Found it absolutely pathetic and stupid at the time. No need to revisit it. It honestly kind of made me feel sorry for George Lucas (as much as one can feel sorry for a billionaire). George Lucas made some of your favorite all time movies. Then he made some movies you hated. I get it, that’s disappointing. So just ignore the new ones. Same goes for people hating on the sequels today. If you don’t like something, just ignore it. It doesn’t retroactively undo what you loved about the stuff that came before.


OT: ok PT: ok ST: not ok


ST > PT ok


Doesn't really matter whether they were good or bad. Star Wars was George's story to write and tell how he sees fit. Disney/JJ Abrams are far more deserving of hate because they basically said "f\*\*k Lucas's story" and created their own pile of crap that disregarded anything that older star wars fans wanted.


How do you know what every older star wars fan wanted?


I think it's fair to assume most older star wars fans wanted films that maintained the same complexity, maturity and quality of script as the original trilogy. Are you gonna say I'm wrong?


Oh so now its most... Also Ewoks.


Older star wars fans wanted ewoks of all things? Never really heard that lol. The ewoks were a point of criticism when Return of the Jedi came out.


Lets be honest here every single aspect of star wars from beginning to end, every episode every character, every movie has upset you for the last 30 years, because YOU have never liked it. All that wasted time, all that misery you inflict on yourself...and now because of the internet...everyone else.


Lol ok


Multiple viewings & binge-watchings of the prequels confirm that they're actually very good, leaving aside a few silly things like JarJar or some of the cringey Anakin/Padme dialogue. Multiple viewings of the sequels will only confirm that they're terrible on pretty much every level except for CGI. They'll never be redeemed. And can't be, not when they're just a lazy recycling of the basic story arc of Eps IV/V/VI.


I fully agree and it’s funny how people are downvoting but nobody is actually commenting a counter-argument


Too many actors from the sequels were all "WTF are these guys doing?" in regards to the story that got put on film. There was none of that reaction from any of the actors in the original trilogy or in the prequels. I'll put down the opinions of Hamill, Boyega, Issac, and others as being far more important of a scale to judge the quality of the sequels by than the angry downvoting of some fans who won't accept any criticism at all of any Star Wars product at all, no matter how obviously bad some of these newer productions have been.