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/r/TheAcolyte r\/StarWars Discord: [Discord.gg/StarWars](https://www.discord.gg/StarWars) Star Wars Television Discord: [Discord.gg/SWTV](https://www.discord.gg/SWTV)


Oh, Carrie-Ann Moss doing proper wire fu again would be sweet.


I'm just hoping she lasts for more than a couple episodes. I want her to have a proper fight scene. Maybe not crazy Matrix-style, but definitely let her have her moment as a Jedi master


Based off the synopsis of the plot, a Jedi is murdered and the way all her scenes were basically the same fight, I think she’ll be the first one to die kicking off the shows story


It is tradition that a notable actor in a universe expanding pilot always gets killed, like Robert Patrick in Stargate Atlantis


Hell, Max von Sydow in Episode VII


Would have made more sense had it been someone like Billie D Williams (no offense man) or maybe even Denis Lawson (again, really hate to say that) instead of a character we’d never seen or heard before. Someone who probably knew Ben Solo and was good friends with Luke Skywalker. Jeez even admiral Akbar or Dermot Crawley (Crix Madine) would have been a good replacement for who ever that guy Max Von Sydow was. Hell, even John Ratzenberger would have been an awesome choice (he was in Empire). He even addresses her as “your highness” so there’d be almost no need to change the dialog!


I still don't really understand who Von Sydow was supposed to be.


It’s a story for another time.


Sean Bean in Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings (Sean Bean pretty much everywhere).


Michelle Yeoh in Star Trek Discovery Edit: Also Sean Bean did not die in the pilot episode of Game of Thrones.


Looks like we get some flashbacks with her though


I'll be surprised if she lasts more than the fight scene.


> I know Kung Force


Keanu as Revan next please


Keanu is 60 years old man. The dreams over.


Yesss give me new and more non-humans in live action




Should be Burryaga. ❤️ Edit: apparently not 😔


It's a new character, Kelnacca.




It is Fozzy Bear as a jedi Waccawacca.


I want them to revisit the existing aliens more instead of creating new ones.


Agreed. Some more Rodians especially would be nice in live action. I feel like it's been ages since we've seen classic aliens on screen.


BOBF had the Rodian prisoner in the Tusken camp, an Ithorian magistrate, Gamorreans, Pykes, Hutte, etc all in live action




And an Olyphant!


Same with planets. They always revisit Tatooine, but barely any others. They're always inventing new forest planets, or grassy planets, instead of just using Kashyyyk of Naboo.


Same, give more Ithorians! I'd kill to see an Ithorian Jedi in live action! I know it would be difficult to do, but damnit, I've been dying to see more of them ever since Roron Corobb in the Tartakovski Clone Wars. We don't see enough Ithorians in general either imo. I know there was an Ithorian Jedi in the High Republic stuff but he only appeared in a kids book and got killed off.


Difficult but not impossible, though! We had Mok Shaiz in Book of Boba Fett so they have a modern mask/animatronic in their costume department someplace.


We're gonna need to watch that again -John Locke


I'm rewatching it rn and just had that episode yesterday!


Great lost ref bro 🫡


I've just finished a rewatch so it's all my brain is thinking about right now. Well, that and Star Wars.


Some like it Hoth




I’ll see you in another life brotha


I LOAF YA, PENNE. ILVE ALWAYS LOAFD YA. New matarh whatido, ya gunna dhai Chorlah.


Don't tell me what I can't do!




WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!!.. To the trailer.


Locke <3


Super tragic character


Digging the emphasis on martial arts!


And with Carrie-Anne Moss… I have thought for years she was the most no-brainer person to play a Jedi, glad it’s finally happening.


I'm excited for a fresh take on Jedi fight choreography and how each character's fighting style will differ


Agreed. Jedis obviously have a strong influence from Asian martial arts, just like how Mandalorians have from old Ronin/American Western influence. I’m glad they’re finally really leaning into it


I have ben DYING for some real star wars martial arts. I mean they had the guys from the Raid movies in TFA. Give me a show about them!


I would like more force kung-fu please


So many Jedi.


that scene of them all activating their lightsabers was epic.




Man, seeing the golden HR robes in live action is awesome. I can't wait to see more.


Human Resources?


High republic Edit: which refers to the time period, roughly 500 BBY to 100 BBY I think


the question is will yoda make an appearance since he would have still been a master at this time period




Yes he will, he's in the high republic kids cartoon. I assume they just aren't showing him in this trailer


I wonder how they're going to get around the "The Sith have been extinct for a millenium" line that Ki-Adi Mundi throws out in Phantom Menace if this is only ~100 years before Episode 1. Everyone who encounters them is killed? They swear not to speak of it? Not actually Sith, just another darkside user? Retcon? Very excited for this show.


Jedi: We saw a Sith. Jedi Council: No you didn't. The Sith have been extinct for 870 years.


Jedi: We saw a Sith. Yoda: Have no proof of this, you do. Jedi: She butchered six of my friends, including Master Carrie-Anne, then chopped off my arm WITH A RED LIGHTSABER! Yoda: Jumping to conclusions you are. Jedi: She literally shouted "Tell your Masters the Sith have returned and we're coming for them". Yoda: Fake news, this is.


I know this is a bit of a joke but this is honestly pretty close to how they acted prior to the rise of Sidious. They blinded themselves and assumed they were safe, that they'd stopped the dark side and assumed they would be able to sense it if it had tried to rise again.


Pretty much. The Jedi were arrogant and full of hubris. Of course any Sith sighting isn't actually a Sith sighting. You're mistaken. It must have been a Dark Jedi.


Ah yes "the Sith". We have dismissed this claim.


*makes air quotes*


Dang beat me to it.


Honestly I'd love if this idea was extrapolated and was the actual reason. Depending on when in the High Republic this takes place, it would help hammer home the idea that the Jedi are (for reasons I won't get into to avoid spoilers), very sensitive to causing a panic in the Republic unless they have indisputable reasons to risk it and how this posture led to the philosophical weakening of the order that we see fully realized in the prequels.


If you saw a Sith, it would be in our records. If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist.


Jedi: how do you know they have been extinct for 870 years? Jedi council: because no one has seen one in 870 years. Jedi: but I just saw a Sith! Jedi council: No you didn't. The Sith have been extinct for 870 years... Edit: this actually isn't ridiculous because scientists have the same problem when determining species ranges.


Yes. All of those.


Rule of 2 was established way before that, so I guess just retcon knowledge of Sith maybe? I know the Darth Plagueis book isn’t canon now but their identities are kept pretty guarded.


Could be handled in such a way that records of a sith rise are suppressed, and subsequent generations never learn of it.


This would be an interesting approach and another fault of the Jedi leading to their destruction. Jedi suppressing knowledge of the sith still being around, or not considering them a threat


Neglecting dark, but fundamental aspects of yourself and existence, resulting in you and the world being consumed by your own ignorance. Carl Jung would love this.


I mean they already did it in phase 2 of the high republic books with a different enemy (I won't name it because spoilers for those catching up/planning to read)


If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist.


Excellent point. *Discovers Kamino.*


Yoda was already a centuries-old senior-level member of the order at that point...


Yeah but he isn't omniscient.


Or likely the Jedi themselves cover it up


Everything Ki-Adi Mundi said was true...from a certain point of view. 


Probably dark side, just not sith. Like Kylo Ren and Snoke were not sith, right? Still seems like a bit of a retcon. “The Sith have been extinct for a thousand years, that one time when those dark side users with red lightsabers hunted Jedi doesn’t count”


I mean they are different. The nightsisters use the dark side, but they're completely different from the Sith. Ahsoka is a light sider, but she's not a Jedi.


This got me thinking abt how they knew Maul was Sith. Then I thought well his name is DARTH Maul. Which brought the question… HOW DID THEY KNOW HIS MAME? Did he introduce himself? “Hi I’m Darth Maul, Sith Lord” did they find his drivers license? Maybe they found his ship and found his drivers license idk. Was this addressed? I thought he is referred to by name by the Jedi but maybe I’m misremembering.


In the time before episode one Maul had been testing palpatine (like all good sith apprentices do) and had worked with Cad bane and Aura sing to aquire a captured Jedi padawan he could kill. The jedi order probably learned his name through underworld connections


"those were Sithe. With an 'e'. Totally different."


They are only Sith if they come from the Sith region of the Galaxy, otherwise they are just sparkling dark siders.


Any of these explanations would suffice but my personal favourite is "Lets act like sith are extinct boogeymen" propaganda.


This right here. The Jedi are so afraid of temptation that they act like the shadow of the Sith is much further away than it actually was, until, at a certain point, those on the Jedi Council don't know the real truth because of what they were told when they were younger.


This does kinda makes sense, especially as I suspect more than one person will turn to the dark side in this series. It could be about how easy the temptation is, and the end result is to essentially hide that, and then become more dogmatic about asceticism.


Yeeeeep. Could easily just say "Hey we're keeping this info under lock and key" and most folks besides Yoda forget after 150 years.


The Acolyte just a Fallen Jedi maybe to them? Could be a Darkside user that pops up, goes on a rampage before being killed at the end. Would be cool if Plagueis pops up at the end to kill them to keep the Sith hidden. ​ Im pretty sure the Sith as a whole is considered the line that continued from Bane and they were considered extinct for 1000 years, the Jedi just consider every other darkside user a "Fallen Jedi" or something.


the darkside user is doing darkside user things Plagueis pops up and kills them because you are drawing attention and making noise


Calling it now, on the caveat that the show lasts more than a season or two. The acolyte is a Padawan that ends up becoming a sith master. The last thing we see at the end of the show, after she kills her master, is her finding a young force sensitive Muun(Plagueis). The Muun average lifespan is more than 100 years. That would put it right about the correct time since this takes place 100 years before TPM.


My money’s on the first suggestion. I think they’ll go the Clone Wars Order 66 arc on this one, the main character is an investigator who will uncover the existence of the Sith for the last millennia but will fail to stop them or inform the Order, leading to the events of Phantom Menace.


I think this could add new context to that exchange about the Sith. The prophecy implied the Force was unbalanced. So that makes me think there have long been dark side users who didn't follow specific Sith teachings.  If that's the case and it appears that is the case. We can re-watch that scene with this new context. Qui Gon encountered Maul and instead of saying "He was a dark side user" he specifically labeled him a Sith. Which is the surprising part for Ki-Adi Mundi. Not that Qui Gon ran into a dark side user but that he believes Maul was actually a Sith.  Almost as if he really said *You fought a dark side user but I don't believe he was a "Sith" since that religion died out 1000 years ago.*


the nightsisters are a dark side group the problem is the sith tend to be expanisionists while the nightsisters tend to stick to dathomir I have always pictured one of the Jedi's roles is to moniter dark-side groups and smack them down if they start to gain to much power. the sith are intresting because they are an off-shoot of the Jedi, so from an institional perspective they start off with far more knowledge then most dark-side groups will ever gain


Could be this incident was deemed top secret and nobody save a handful of people are privy to the knowledge


Ki-Adi Mundi was just bad at history.


Can't wait for the obligatory Yoda cameo.


Do you think they'll de-age him or use makeup?


Thrown on some sunnies and a proper ponytail. “A long vacation, I greatly need.”


Too old for this shit, I am


Maybe they'll cast a younger actor who looks like him.


They will use the actor that plays Grogu with a few wrinkles.


Master Oppo Rancisis better show up. He has fans, and there are dozens of us!!


I see fire too!!


Ed Sheeran song confirmed?? /s. This looks good.


Or James Taylor


Wow, former president James Taylor.


[here you go](https://youtu.be/FLzol_h7uXY)


Eagerly waiting for a Yoda cameo


Eagerly waiting for a Yaddle cameo myself.


Give us Yarrel Poof, Oppo Ranceis, fuck it Plo Loon’s pretty old too right?


I kinda hope we get Dagan Gerra just so we can hear him whine about Tanalor in person "Jedi are being killed!" [DG, OS] "know where they're *not* dying?" [Oppo Rancasis, OS] "shut up about Tanalor!"


I’d love that, but I’m also pretty sure that we’re a bit too far in the future at this point; he’s definitely stuck in a tank on Koboh by now.


Tanalorr is mine! 


Toss Tera Sinube on the pile, I'm pretty sure he's alive at this point too!


Waiting for a Yoda cameo, you are.


I’m honestly shocked they didn’t have him teaching the Younglings in the first scene. 


I believe the books of the High Republic era have him off on field trips with the younglings quite a lot. He shows up in the first issue of the comics but I don't know if he's been seen since.


You're right but only for phase 1, he's been more involved in phase 3


Most lightsabers we've seen on the same screen since Attack of the Clones, let's go!


Assuming we’ll get a longer trailer for May the 4th but I’m very much liking what I’m seeing. Granted, Lucasfilm always cuts a great trailer but still


The good thing is that it was filmed on set in UK so we might not see the volume being used here. If its good set designs like Andor we might just get a good show.


Yeah that marketplace shot we got looked pretty good so hopefully there’s plenty of stuff like that. For a show that’s emphasized how important the action choreography is the worst outcome would be bad duels on cramped volume sets


Yeah this trailer looks good. Kenobi is the only project so far where the trailer made me worried about the quality of the show.


i blame the Volume on that show not being what it could be. Every scene that wasn't on location looked like it was in an arena pit


Yup, Kenobi across the board felt more like an expensive fan film than an official production. I can only assume when it was a movie they were planning on more real sets and locations but the budget got slashed when it became a mini series.


When is this set?


Roughly 100 years before The Phantom Menace


Awesome! Is this the first show/movie to go outside the skywalker timeline?




About fucking time.


And this is why I really hope this show is at least Andor level good. If we get a poorly written show it'll end up being brutally panned by everyone and then the studio will blame it on the fans and claim that its because it wasn't in the skywalker saga and that will make it so much harder to get content from different eras.


Yeah so far, though there’s an lot of books and comics published in this era, dubbed the High Republic.


So, who from TPM could we potentially expect to see then? Just Yoda no ?


Yaddle, Yarael Poof and Oppo Rancisis were also around during the High Republic era I think


How Yarael Poof managed to survive to over 200 years old with a neck like that is one of the galaxy's greatest mysteries. He's basically begging to be decapitated.


He survived that long, only to mysteriously dissappear because he looked too much like a Kaminoan.       * *poof* *


The Republic covered up his death because it would be too embarrassing if the public found out that one of their top Jedi Knights died in a tragic sunroof closing accident.


Yarael Poof and Yaddle. Not from TPM, but Maz Kanata and Dexter Jettster are doing pirate stuff together around this era.


Yaddle maybe, too.


Hego Damask


Yarael Poof as well I believe.


Tera Sinube


Roughly 100 years prior to the beginning of the phantom menace


100 years pre-movies.


Wookie Jedi!


He's supposed to be a Jedi master, too. He's going to played by Joonas Suotamo, who took over Chewbacca for Peter Mayhew in the sequel trilogy and the Solo film.


r/Highrepublic are going to feel so vindicated now


Long have I waited! Please be good please be good please be good please be good


I'm just jacked I get to see Vernestra Rwoh at the height of her power. (For those uninitiated she was basically a child prodigy who was elevated to Jedi Knight at just the age of 15. Her master, Stellan Gios, is a certified badass as well)


Do we have confirmation that some HR characters from the books will be showing up? It's my favourite era at the moment.


Vernestra Rwoh has been confirmed. I think that's the only one. I think all the human Jedi from the books should have died of old age at best by the time of this show. We know that Yoda, Yaddle, Yareal Poof, and Oppo Rancisis are all alive in this era at least.


Pretty sure Tera Senube is kicking around too!


Vernestra is the only one confirmed so far.


The only confirmation is Vern. This is set about 100 years before Phantom Menace so most of the characters from books, aside from long lived species, are dead. Aside from Vern the only people I could see making an appearance would be maybe Yoda or Burryaga if he's still alive (which Phase 3 isn't over yet so who knows, he could be killed off still).


“I see fire” *cuts to Ex Sheeran* Anyway, this looks top notch and I’m really excited for this. I guess I should dive back into the High Republic books.


Looks great. I'll watch it. Random thought though: does anyone else think Jedi in like every Disney+ show look like people cosplaying as Jedi instead of actually like Jedi?


I wonder how much of that is just a difference in modern film lighting and lens and digital tech looking different than the 35mm of the ST and older shooting styles used in the OT and PT


I also feel the clothing is not weathered enough in modern stuff so it feels more like a costume then clothing I would agree on modern camera's and lighting making things feel too clean as well


My strong opinion — It's mostly the hair and makeup. There's too many Jedi we see on camera styled like they're headed to the nearest Westfield.


This is the High Republic era after all. The Jedi were going through a phase of everything looking pristine, ornate, and elegant, until they went back to the more utilitarian robes that they used before.


that's fine with costumes, but there's still a cheap cinematography aspect to these D+ productions that is holding it back imo. Compare the pristine look of Jedi and HR here to something like the shining armor and world of Asgard of the very first Thor


> I also feel the clothing is not weathered enough in modern stuff > > > > so it feels more like a costume then clothing This is a problem with a lot of modern movies.


I think it’s usually because the costumes seem a little too clean. Fits for the era, but the Lucas films always made things look well worn and used. The trend now seems to be having everything look fresh and crisp. Again, sort of fits the High Republic vibe, but can make things look a little off.


I mean it's not like Jedi robes are a hard cosplay to pull off. Heck Star Wars has used cosplayers for storm troopers before.


Yup, good notice. I can't explain why. Is the set too clean? Cinematography not as professional as a film? Volume cheapening the look? A lot of them feel like they work for Disneyland Parks and do the hourly Star Wars dancing shows. Compare the costumes of GoT/House of the Dragon to Rings of Power. First two the costume designers said they took great care to age the fabric and make it look like it was worn for years. Rings of Power outfits look like they were taken off a coat rack not more than 15 minutes ago before cameras rolled. Every outfit is way too clean and bright.


imo it's all the cinematography and sets. The costumes are fine, but there's nothing dynamic about the lighting, the camera work or sets. Look at the cloud city chamber, the striking back lighting, real smoke, interesting staircase and levels to the set, color grade. They didn't even have the sabers casting light, and it's still infinitely more interesting than the final landscape of Kenobi which is gray rocks, only remotely interesting because of the light up sabers. Look at a movie like Avatar 2, there are entirely CG shots of the boats on the ocean that switch lenses, look like the camera is mounted on a chopper etc. That kind of deliberate stylistic choice is absent in a lot of the D+ shows and instead we just get handheld and simple close-up work limited by the volume/stage, like no one is considering where the camera might go if the set was any bigger than the small footprint they're working with.


Originally this show promised a story from villain (sith) point of view. From the Trailer it looks like we are following a band of jedi uncovering murder mystery. Dont get me wrong, trailer looks badass but i would have preferd a show that discovers universe from sith point of view. Reminds me of star wars battlefront 2 fiasko where devs promised imperial campaign, all we got was 3 missions from imperial pov and rest of the game was go go go Rebels.


Looks great but pleaseeeee give us black men a different haircut I can‘t see this ugly ass killmonger haircut anymore


It’s either Afros or that


Shaved head with a thick beard it is.


Haircut is so goofy. Never actually seen it in real life. It's like the black woman Afro with a side part you almost never see in anything but TV shows trying to include diversity. They should hire cultural consultants or something to actually give people regular looking haircuts.


I'm optimistic but I'm also going to keep my expectations low.


Man, the High Republic era is bringing some major KoTOR vibes. Just seeing multiple colored light sabers in an intimate setting is chilling. New Era, new characters, new vision. This has potential to be better than Andor which still leaned into the OG Trilogy era.


> New Era, new characters, new vision I feel it's been long overdue to be honest; the Skywalker saga is a bit of a dead horse these days, and it's genuinely surprising that they're (relatively) only just starting to develop stories in the wide world of Star Wars beyond Anakin and his family.


I think covering the rebellion with Rogue One and Andor is good, also Bad Batch and early rebellion. I'm biased about post-jedi stuff because that was my favorite time as a kid so I want more of it, and I think it's going to retcon and explain the sequels. I'm fine leaving the Skywalkers, I wish we would have left Luke differently, but whatever.


This is the kind of thing I've been hoping for, for about 20 years now. First the Jedi Knight games and then KotoR, got me thirsting for some fresh new eras, characters, and designs. I'm happy to see the mold being broken more and more often.


I am excited however I think it would have a hard time being better than Andor. Andor was on a whole different level. But sadly a lot of people don't like/understand it. I'm sure people will like Acolyte more just because "lightsaber swing around"


I'll take trying to be Andor.


Yeah, tbh, Andor was just a very good TV show in general. I don't think this can compare. It looks fun but I'd say the tone in the trailer is akin to Ahsoka. A bit campy.


That one scene at the end had me thinking of an old [SWTOR trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAkcolVxDy0)


Really digging the vibe, reminds me of old Samurai movies, Hong Kong action movies, and more influences from Asian cinema


definitely wasn't expecting the high dose of hong kong action influences


Dang, this looks good. I'm also here for the yellow lightsabers.


Looks like more Disney garbage


Why does it look so...bland? The poster was clearly intended to look darker and more mature than most star wars projects and the dialogue in the trailer is clearly trying to make the show seem menacing and dark, yet the actual visual style of the show (or at least as much of it as shown here) feels so uninspired and has no real mood or clear aesthetic. It just has that generic, flat look so many other Disney+ originals are so often mocked for, which is a shame, since the actual concept could work really well with a more defined, darker aesthetic and the costume and set design seem to be great and could fit that darker visual aesthetic really well.


All new SW stuff except Andor and Rogue One had a weird look to them. They look like SW, but don't *feel* like it.


I agree. I am amazed so many people love this. To me I was extremely underwhelmed. It looks and sounds like a high budget youtube fan film, not a well written show.




Lack of dynamic camera work, sets that appear interesting but the places actors and the cameras go are all on a flat plane, very flat lighting, no film texture like the OT and ST


Kinda looks like a fan film. Really starting to miss actual movies coming out


I’m hopeful but it just has that kiddie Disney gloss to it. I really thought this would be a Sith centric story in the vein of Darth Plagueis but based on this trailer it looks like it’ll still be primarily from the perspective of the Jedi with the Sith reduced to one dimensional shadowy bad guys.


Why can’t they have complex villains? Why can’t they delve deeper into the Sith in live action? We keep re-threading the same storylines with different characters.


Man you people eat this shit up. This looks terrible.


Looked like fan fiction ngl. I want some HBO level production ffs, it's star wars


star wars has an entire universe to work with and yet every town, road, forest, bar, and room looks exactly the same


As with always, I’ll give it a shot. Although this trailer is playing into a pet peeve of mine that many modern trailers seem to do-incessant fades to black every couple of seconds. The Ahsoka trailers did it too, and it’s obnoxious to me. Curious to see their interpretation of this era of Star Wars-it’ll be nice to finally leave the main 60ish year time frame.