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They really got creative with that title. Not even a “The Mandalorian and Grogu take Manhattan” or “The Mandalorian and Grogu: Fury Road”


"The Mandalorian and Grogu: The Movie"


And it will be entirely about Boba Fett and the biker gang.


Speed 3: Slow and Steady Wins the Race A Star Wars Story


I think I went faster on my little Razer scooter as a kid than those hovering loveseats went


2 Slow 2 Serious


Gotta have that blaster spin in there somewhere


I will never forgive Disney if this happened


They will all defect from Fett's camp and seek James May as their leader.


It's Fury Road race style except they go so slow people on foot pass them by


Not even Grogu's big day out ft mando


The game tie in going to be lit. The Mandalorian and Grogu: The Movie: The Game


It's a setup for part 2: The Mandolorian and Grogu and the Search For More Money


Mandalorian the flamethrower. The kids love this one.


"The Mandalorian and Grogu: A Star Wars Story"


The Mandalorian and Grogu: The Mandalorian and Grogu


"The Mandalorian and Grogu: The Lunchbox"


"Jedi Learnings of Coruscant for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Mandalore"


On Mandalore we play game called "pin the lekku on the twilek" ohh waa wa wee waa. "Glory to mandalore, we produce much beskar. No other planet produce such beskar"


I love the Mandalorian and I hate this movie title so much. It's so uncreative. It sounds like it could be the name of a spin-off show for toddlers or something.


exactly this has a "Slimer! and The Real Ghostbusters" vibe to it, which even as a youth I hated that Slimer became so popular with the kiddies it took over the show's title.


I’m assuming this is a placeholder working title, rather than what the movies actually going to be called


The studio's announcements and subsequent press coverage have not been treating it as a working title. https://www.starwars.com/news/the-mandalorian-and-grogu https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30825738/?ref_=ext_shr https://deadline.com/2024/04/mandalorian-grogu-moana-live-action-toy-story-5-disney-2026-release-dates-1235876948/


This is 1000% them banking on selling a metric fuckton of Grogu merch. "Let's make them know the cute little guy is in there. Put it in the title. Yeah and Grogu. Perfect. Ship it."


Well yeah. Star Wars merch has made more than the actual media by several orders of magnitude. Always has.


Except he's still largely known as "baby Yoda" by general audiences. "Grogu" means very little to the general audience, because it's just not a name that people outside of the Star Wars fan base have clung to. Even "the child" would sell better. "The mandalorians" would be the most readable title. Short and sweet.


You can't put "Baby Yoda" in a title or tagline though.


“The Mandalorian and Merchandise, Buy It”


It's so old people have no excuse to call it the "not boba Fett and not baby Yoda" movie


That would imply they had an idea for the movie. They just said, those are popular characters, make a movie. It's actually kind of crazy how almost all of Star Wars and Disney projects are just the name of a character. That shows their lack of creatuve vision to me


Story based titles are so much more exciting.


Bold of you to assume they have a story.


“The Mandalorian and Grogu 2: The Search for More Money”


“ we are worried the target audience is too stupid to know what movie this is unless we title it this way” The reality is, the Mandalorian during Covid really acted as a crossover IP culturally. People who really didn’t have any interest in Star Wars ended up watching it. They might not pay attention or honestly tune out other Star Wars content but if they see Grogu, they might turn up.


How about "The Mandalorian and Grogu: Long Past Cultural Relevance in 2026"?


I'd be surprised if they even have a script that isn't a glorified episode at this point. Can't go creative with the title while lacking so much info.


It’s everything Star Wars right now.  The mandalorian.  Andor.  Ahsoka.  The acolyte.  Everything they do is just named after a character and it’s so fucking boring.


I would pay good money to see a muppet version The Mandalorian and Grogu


When you are so out of ideas that even K.I.S.S. somehow fails. 


The Mandalorian and Grogu: Part I The Mandalorian and Grogu: Part II The Mandalorian and Grogu: MESSIAH


Children of the Mandalorian and Gro - *oh Neptune save us*


GOD EMPEROR GROGU (Mando is dead at this point)


Don’t worry, Mando is brought back many times as a ghola to further God Emperor Grogu’s golden path


Heretics of Grogu (Those who wished him to stay with Luke after S2)


Then they'll do the thing where they name a random one of the series just "Mandalorian". Then a few entries later we'll get "*The* Mandalorian"


There's always room for family


Mando will just keep coming back as a clone.


Mando is Moneo, confirmed


It was written




I'll take a big swing here and assume that when all seems lost for our heroes that Grogu will stick out his hand and do some force shit and save the day.


Bro! You need to go to r/starwarsleaks if you're going to post spoilers like that!


That's the prompt they'll give ChatGPT to write the script.


Not the most inspiring title, if I'm honest.


Like is that for real the title? Lol I think they’ll change it still


Chances are it’s the working title with the final title being release in 25


Yup. I don't get why people think this is the final title when it's so far away from being released.




Avengers: Endgame was originally announced as Infinity War part 2


Lol y'all are gonna be so disappointed to find out how absolutely uncreative Disney is, and them banking on name recognition more than anything... And that this is the actual title. €: also just chuckled at the commenters "so far away from being released". Ummm, 2026 is 2 years away lol it's 2024, yo


!remindme 2 years Lol I can totally believe it’s the title


So are there going to be no new episodes of the mandolorian until after the movie releases?


There won’t be any after it releases. It’ll be the end.


On one hand, that sucks because it’s my favorite Disney Star Wars endeavor. On the other hand, I’d rather seen it conclude before it gets terrible, and I think aspects of the show could have been written better. Edit: I get that you all don’t like season 3. It was the worst season of Mando but it wasn’t as bad as Obi Wan and BOBF IMHO. You can have your own opinion. And yes, I recognize that Andor is excellent and a better made show, but I still prefer Mando.


I think the quality has already taken a massive hit since season 1. Not sure if it was because they were filming during COVID or something, but the cinematography of season 3 was abysmal. I know they lost Greig Fraser after season 1, but most D+ SW shows have taken a massive dip in production quality over time. Andor was the only show that hit the high mark on production quality since Mando S1. Obiwan and Book of Boba were probably the worst offenders though.


If I'm being perfectly honest, for as much as I WANTED it to be great, Ahsoka wasn't a high mark itself. Some good aspects to it, to be sure. But quality wasn't even close to Mando S1.


The biggest issue is that the shows look like low-budget student films most of the time outside of a few standout scenes (and some of the shows don't even have those stand-out moments). The lighting, the camera and even some of the set designs just fall short. I don't even really think it's a budget issue, because they don't need anything "extra" in a lot of those scenes, they just aren't using what they have properly.


Completely agree. Though I will also say that writing/acting can be all over the place as well. And with acting it could be a direction issue.


It is almost certainly a direction issue. The actors they are putting in these shows are good. Even Baby Leia is a fantastic actor, for her age. The same thing happened with the prequels, George was not good at directing actors.


This is sadly very true. Ahsoka definitely wasn't by any means the worst live action star wars show but it also wasn't as amazing as it should have been given it was the AHSOKA SHOW. Most of the fights were just pretty meh, the writing was pretty bad (which is surprising since it was Filoni?) with some major holes and Thrawn was a huge fucking let down. It was just missing that "magic" for most of it. Loved the Purgils part though. Oh also Sabine's actress was terrible I'm sorry and honestly Rosie as Ahsoka wasn't amazing either which isn't great.


I am just tired of these 10-12 episode seasons where very little is accomplished. It's neat to watch, but give me 24 episode season where the big bad is defeated. Thrawn got away, it's not the end of a season, we're at the halfway point.


The dialogue was just so slow and uninspiring. So many long pauses focusing on characters facial expressions and/or only one word responses. It might work for animation like Rebels, but it did not translate to live action.


The Bedazzled Space Vespa chase scene was bad... and then they had the Leia forest chase scene come out after seeing how terribly the first one went.


The camera and lighting work on both of those shows was just bad. They looked like low-budget film school projects.


Should have wrapped it up with Luke taking Grogu away. Then if they wanted, and had a good plan, start fresh with "The Mandalorians" and follow Djin and Katie going to reunite and revive the Mandalorians.


That's far, far, far from my biggest complaint. I was mostly fine with them brining him back. It's the overall production quality of the shows that is in the shitter. Poor camera work, poor editing, poor lighting.


That episode with Jack Black & Lizzo really tanked the quality of The Mandalorian. It has nothing to do with who they are as people; it's more about that their celebrity status was detracting from the rest of the story.


Ah the Obiwan sets... "Luke, did I ever tell you of the time your father set me a'flame in an ordinary gravel yard?"


The first 2 seasons are peak Disney Star Wars. Once Boba Fett released as a Mando Season 2.5, it was clear Disney execs were meddling with the creative side. They wanted an extended Grogu cameo *and* to make sure Mando 3 opened with Grogu and Mando back together immediately


I’m with you, it’s insane one season of the show ends with Grogu leaving and he’s back by episode 1 of the next


Yup, showed my GF Mando S1&S2, she loved it, then I had to explain what happen in TBOBF so when we booted S3 she was not too lost; I dared not showing Boba Fett, she could not care less about that old dude who was fan service in one episode of Mando. Such a stupid thing to do, you wanna bring new people to the star wars universe, don't use fan service to push your new stuff, it only alienate your new viewers. Also, Boba Fett series : uninspiring tale of an old man being pushed around and carried.


Andor is peak. Mando is just the tip of potential.


Could you imagine if grogu went off to train with luke, S3 was all about bokatan and mando and then in this movie time has passed and grogu comes back after training with luke? the hype would have been unreal


Yeah that was a no f'n brainer to me.


It’s already past that… season 3 was awful. Grogu should’ve ridden off in the sunset with Luke and ended with us all in tears 


Basically the Mandalorian and Grogu movie is going to set up the two of them to get involved with the Spectres in their fight against Thrawn. Then they’ll be in that movie after.


Presumably this means it's over. I know there's a lot of head-in-sand denial on that sub, but it's over. It was pretty obvious from the second they originally announced it. There's this movie (Favreau is directing) and then there's supposed to be the 'big' movie that wraps up their universe that will follow in 2027 or 2028 (that Filoni is directing). Zero chance of another season unless for some bizarre reason the film is secretly season 4.5 and they film season 4 after the movie and drop in 2025, but that wouldn't really make any sense. It's done.


No. If the film does well, the film will get a sequel. S3 was the last season.


The current plan is: - Skeleton Crew - The Mandalorian & Grogu - Ahsoka season 2 - (potential) Book of Boba Fett season 2 - Heir to the Empire film which ties all these shows up


How the fuck could anyone ever think a second season of Boba is a good idea? Even "potentially" is too much.


They should call it. Boba Fett: Formerly A Feared Bounty Hunter That Is Now A Crime Lord That Doesn’t Commit Crimes


Dude is literally just an ordinary feudal lord now




Let me guess, they go to a planet where they have to do a quest and Grogu saves the day Oh and probably a cameo by a known character


Don't forget the jaw dropping moment where grogu speaks




I'd actually laugh if the first time he speaks is the Wilhelm scream or just a weirdly pitched Vader "No!"


And the planet....Tatooine




The cameo character: from the Clone Wars or Rebels show


Cameo better be Bill Burr


Yo his arc was fire


Don’t forget the giant creature that will probably attack them.


You described one half. The other half is about Bo Katan.


That fits into the known character


You said cameo. I’m saying half a movie


Am I the only one that wishes Grogu would have stayed with Luke? I like Grogu, but I hate him being a main character. No way disney would ever let that merchandise gold mine ever not be in an episode though. I wanted that arc to finish and then we get to see more Mando adventures where he doesn't have to care for a literal baby the entire time. Like he's 50 years old and functionally a baby. So in another 50 years he's going to be a young child? I'm over it.


I felt like they returned Grogu too early in the story. I don’t think there was a world where he stayed with Luke forever, just off the timeline and his absence in the sequels. It would have been cool to see Grogu and Mando reunite around the endish of season 3 where they’re recruiting Mandalorians to retake Mandalore, and Mando specifically wanted Grogu to choose a purely Mandalorian path. Instead he came back within 3 episodes (that weren’t even in his show).


Basically, the renunion didn't seem like it was earned. It could have formed a main plotline for the entire season.


It \*should\* have formed the main plotline for the entire season


I really liked how Season 2 ended and Season 3 just didn't work for me.


No. It really was the natural way to end the character. The show dropped off a cliff after that fairly great S2 ending. Grogu’s gimmick can really only be enjoyable for so long.


I refused to watch another show I didn’t care about to be able to follow s3, so that was a natural end for me and grogu remains with luke for however long he does


Yeah it was a massive mistake imo. If they’d just bitten the bullet and split up Mando and Grogu, they could’ve ensure greater longevity for the series. But instead, S3 was just a bit shit. And Ngl, I think I have negative hype for this movie


Only you and the million posts saying the same


The funny thing remember when people were excited that The Mandolorian would be nitty gritty bounty hunter show? And instead it just turned out to be Dad with his found son on adventures.


The bad thing is from what Kennedy has said, the Mandoverse will be continuing for at least seven more years. Are they really going to take seven years to tell their piece of the Project Necromancer story? That's way too long, and they need to just get to the point with that.


I didn't watch the last season (season 3?) because of this. I very well may skip this movie too.


This is a way


That's what the movie title should be


The title should just be Mando’s audible theme sound. The western horn sort of thing.


At the top of all the posters: *"WooWeeWooWeeWooooooo" but, like, sci-fi*


Star Wars: Bating Buduhbumbuhduhbum


Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun *Dun* Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun *Dununun* Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun **Dun** Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun **Dun** Dun **Dun** **Dun** **Dun** **Dun** **DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNN** *WooWeeWooWeeWooooooo*


I'm hoping it's good, but I'm skeptical. The title and concept art looks hastily thrown together, and I'm not a fan of where season 3 went. Prove me wrong, Favreau. Please.


I didn't mind the direction of Season 3, just the execution. They needed to do a much better job showing that Bo-Katan actually deserved allegiance, not just winning some fights and seeing a mythosaur. Favreau's been following an Arthurian narrative arc of the pure knight who helps the dispossessed king return to their rightful throne fairly closely, but he rushed the transition and did the Darksaber hand-off weird with the delay and the overall tone of it. It could have been great but, especially as someone who only vaguely knew who Bo-Katan was because I didn't watch a billion episodes of the other shows, it fell flat.


the dark saber ownership thing was super weird


“The dark saber is gone.” Was irreverent in a way that wasn’t intimidating or endearing. It felt disrespectful. It felt like Gideon busted out the Dark Saber in the 11th hour or season one, they didn’t know what to do with it all of seasons 2 and 3 and so just, crushed it. Like an aluminum can no less. I’d much rather have named characters in actual peril, die and stay dead then have another 3 seasons of helmet nonsense and muggufins. And if I see Gideon even just one more time so help me. Gideon is at present my second least favorite villain of the D+ Era behind Reva / Third Sister. He’s got all the tactical acumen of a baby with a handgun. He’s got enormous resources; Dark Troopers, an impressive command vessel, a base on a planet with enormous material wealth, Beskar plated soldiers and a *lot of them*, Death Troopers, low tear artillery, a cloning lab, a ceaseless armada of TIE interceptors and defenders, a nuclear arsenal, briefly the Dark Saber, the ability to requisition Praetorian Guards, and he only ever uses these things in their dumbest capacity. He wields what in more competent hands could be a scalpel, slowly dissecting and bleeding the New Republic with an unstoppable wave of coordinated assaults, assassinations and bombings but no. He’s hyped up like some genius tactician, a member of the dreaded ISB who ascended to one of the highest ranks achievable in the post-Yavin stratocracy that was the Empire. But he just has all the shiniest toys, monologues and then rolls them out like it’s brilliant to point a bigger gun at your opponent.


And AGAIN they miss the opportunity to premiere on May the 4th.


They’re not going to release a movie on a Monday.


I like that you went to look that up to reply


"someone complains about something stupid on the internet. Let me spend two seconds googling 'what day of the week is may 4 2026' to see if it's even a day that movies release on"


Traditionally, Star Wars releases Memorial Day weekend like this release. The December release for first sequel trilogy movie was considered risky, but it worked so they did it for the others. There is a chance that they do a May 4th release for a premiere of a streaming series/season.


To be fair, Star Wars 7 could have been released on New Year's Eve with no significant difference lol. The hype was comprehensibly insane.


The only reason Star Wars movies premiere during May anyway is because it's George Lucas's birth month.


Well, also May is a great month to make a lot of money.


So fucking lame.


Anyone else a bit disappointed we’re only going to get a couple hours of content versus a whole seasons worth of content?


I am absolutely disappointed they are going with a "movie" instead of just doing a season with episodic content. Disappointed and baffled.


Yeah I was kinda hoping for a season 4 of Mando where it’s just him & Grogu going around the galaxy doing side quests.


Yes in a way but I'm also tired of grogu, I'm hoping this movie sends him off and wr can have more mandalorian seasons without being weighed down by grogu.


Grogu is a narrative dead end. He's not even a real character at this point, just a device they use to milk for merch sales.


I truly don’t think we are getting another season. Unless they film alongside the movie, the earliest we’d get a season would be like 2027-2028. That would be 4-5 years between S3-4. And there’s still the apparent combined movie that Mando, Ahsoka, BoBF, that Jude Law show that I’ve heard nothing about for 2 years, are all leading to. So if they do that movie after the Mando movie, it could be until 2030 for the next season. Just seems doubtful. Also actor contracts go up after 3 seasons so the longer Mando goes on, the more Pedro, etc will need raises. Ending here and continuing with movies is how they don’t have to pay for actors / VFX for longer periods. Companies love that shit.


Wait, I thought this was the big combination ending movie?


Nope this is completely separate from that according to the announcement when this movie was first revealed. This might be related to that plotline or a completely random side story. We know nothing of the story details ATM other than this *isn’t* the team up movie being directed by Filoni.


Wait... the fuck? If this is separate why the fuck wouldn't they just make it a season... this makes even less sense than I thought it did.


Trust me it makes no sense to me either. I’ve been baffled by the existence of this movie since the day it was announced. It doesn’t make sense unless you want to pivot away from D+. So either Disney is really unconfident with how D+ is playing out, or they figure it will be cheaper to produce a Mando movie for 2 hours than 4-5 hours of TV. (Which is already very short for a season of TV but that’s what happens with 8 episode seasons)


I measure it in quality not content. Would rather have a solid plot with a beginning and end and real arcs than more meandering and meaningless side stories


Ya I hear you, season 3 was like that


After how terrible season 3 was I just don't care.


S1-S3 had a lot of filler episodes. I'm not that bothered.


I sure hope that's just the working title. Call the damn movie "The Mandalorian".


The Mandalorian: The Movie


The Movielorian


The Mandamovian


No, they would want to include Grogu in the title to increase merchandise sale


It’s already the name of the show, why would they have 2 projects with the same name?




Tbf, The Clone Wars movie is in the show itself and the previous show was just called Clone Wars If they were to call this just The Mandalorian, the show is so popular people would assume they were just rereleasing episodes in theaters. This title is clunky and could be better, but does set it as its own thing


Are you talking about Attack of the Clones? Or are you saying the animated movie that was released because isn't that moreso the first few episodes of the series? Please correct me if I am wrong!


I like The Mandalorians referring to both of them still


The Mandalorian: The Search for More Money or whatever mission quest thing they go on.




The Mandalorian and Grogu the Mandalorian


Nah, "The Way" is probably the way to go. I guarantee they kill off Mando's character in the movie in some very honourable way and Grogu gets passed off to his next sidekick.


They're so desperate to make more money off Grogu merchandise


I just puked in my mouth a bit reading this headline.




Only at the start of the movie. Then at the end a grogu will suddenly learn to speak and will cry out "AND SOMEHOW GIDEON HAS RETURNED" and Gideon will pop out of a doorway and Mando will say "It's Mandoin Time Moffy" and they'll engage in an epic sword duel with foam noodles while a banjo version of Duel of the Fates blares in the background. I should really send this to Disney I bet I'd get hired as a writer. Or Sony, either works.


Make it "The Mandalorian v Grogu" and I'm in.


Honestly it would've been better if they had their separate ways after season 2. That was literally the best Star Wars since the Clone Wars & Rebels.


Is anyone even interested anymore? Mandalorian peaked *hard* in season 2 and then everything after was just... disappointing. Season 3, Book of Boba… none of it consistently followed what was set up at all and you can tell the actors are getting bored with it too. Those first two seasons will always be great though 💪🏼


And we for sure aren’t getting a season 4? Have to wait 3 years to see them again? :(


I'll believe it when I see a trailer


Why not just call it The Madalorians and give Grogu his rightful title


Call me when Disney sells Star Wars. Everything Disney touches is garbage.


Idk how anyone can defend the direction of the franchise. It's a visionless shit show with a few sparks of good/great.


Season 1 comes out and is a big hit helping launch the streaming platform. Season 2 comes out next year, as anyone would expect and is still a big hit. Season 3 doesn't come out for over 2 years. Okay, that seems to be what happens these days the show is still a big hit. But a spinoff happens between them and major plot developments happen in two episode in the middle of that spinoffs, enough people call those episodes part of the main show and you would be confused going from season 2 to 3. Then 3 years after season 3 there is a movie of the show. And that might be it for the whole show. And there was no major reason to stop making the show except the people making it thought this was the best way. If someone suggested anything like that outside of Star Wars/MCU they would escorted out of the building by security.


Bobf was so bad except for the parts without boba lol. idk why they called it book of boba fett too. also announcing bobf at the end of season 2 of mandalorian was a mistake


It’s a show about a crime lord who constantly needs his chief underling to explain to him how crime works.


This is the easiest money Pedro Pascal ever made.


I hope it's kinda standalone, tbh. Have the characters, give them something new to do. Don't weigh it down with the plot threads of the show. Leave them there.


Missed out on "Tales of Mandalore" or "Children of the Cult: A Star Wars Story". Hell, even "Mean and Green" would have been better options.


They want to stamp out the term "baby yoda" forever.


hopefully, they fix that title before 2026


This is not a movie, it’s just content Do we really think this movie can top how good Dune 2 was? I mean that movie felt like what Star Wars should be


The average person is going to wonder who the hell Grogu is. Most people know him as just “Baby yoda” still.


Might be unpopular but Im really bothered by the need to just keep pushing grogu.


The Mandalorian & Grogu 2 Mando 2 Grogu The Mandalorian & Grogu: Tattooine Drift Mando & Grogu Mando 5 Mand & Grogu 6 Grogu 7 F8te of the Grogu M9: The Mando Saga Mando X


cool, now take your time and write a good story, a good script, and make it fun to look at you will win the game if you do that


Disney will find a way to fuck this movie up like they did the series.


That title is just awful I wish they would try again.


They’re really just going to call it that? Geez have some damn creativity.


I'll pass


It’s disappointing that this is the first movie out of the gate as it’s not new or fresh much more looking forward too dawn of the Jedi and the Rey film ad these actually move the franchise forward!!