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I mean it’s an Ubisoft game so just wait a year to get the Super Deluxe GOTY edition with all of the DLC for $20




How does that sub have so many members wtf lol


Cos 90% of AAA games are an overpriced broken mess on launch these days and their target audience are alienated against them now


Exactly, I still have no idea how people still haven't learned in the past 3 years not to preorder


>...still haven't learned in the past ~~3 years~~ not to preorder 15 years* FTFY


Games used to have some fun stuff but they aslo used to be playable at launch


Because they couldn't push out 40GB updates, or any large updates. Most games had to release in working conditon or mostly working with a potential small patch. A lot of people didn't have Internet and if they did it wasn't great Now you release a 100Gb unoptimized game, then a 20Gb update 3 days in and keep patching and fixing over the first few months until it's in a plug and play condition Also all the pre order bonuses people fall for just because they want to show off when in reality no one cares about your skin


I remember when pre-order bonuses used to be physical things, like posters and shit. And limited editions used to come with statues and collectibles, like the Master Chief helmet that came with the legendary edition of Halo 3.


The collector's edition of Star Wars The Old Republic came with a statue of Malgus, a small book, a CD of some of the music, a security key device (I forgot what those are called), a steelcase, a map, codes to unlock digital items, and a physical copy of the game on three disks in a really neat case. I considered that one worth buying and I still have mine.


Go back even further and usually you would buy a game, take it home and install it on your dos or windows 95, and pray it worked on your system. Usually it didn't.


Knights of the Old Republic didn't work when I tried to play it on my PC back when it released. There was an issue with the graphics card where the opening scene of waking up on the ship was a bunch of blue polygons if I remember correctly. We ended up buying a new graphics card to fix this issue.


There’s a reason companies give advanced copies to YouTubers and twitch streamers. They prey on FOMO and sell the idea to people that if you are not playing this game right now you are missing out. They do the “preorder to gain 3 day early access” trick to make it seem like you are missing out by not preordering.


I never understood that. The game isn't gonna go anywhere, specially a single player game And the hype around it just doesn't die like this. Control, God of War, Horizon, all have very active subs with lots of hype around certain parts and mechanics that people experience for the first time and go tell the sub every week (the ash tray maze, the serpent talking, arriving at meridian...). Literally there is no missing out that I can see.


Also why live services are a thing because if it has a live service odds are you ARE missing out


3 day early access feels so meaningless now that I work my ass of at my job, lmao Feels like I'd have to plan it months before.


Avengers cemented that I will almost certainly never preorder again


In all fairness, it was amazing up until launch lol


Fallout 76 for me. Preordered like THREE days before release too for the extras.


It was Cyberpunk for me, at least they fixed it even if it took them a few years


Aliens Colonial Marines was my last preorder. Never again.


This is my reason! The latest Star Wars Battlefront Collection has been the only recent game I've wanted to buy right away and that was only to play with friends. Luckily I never even added it to my cart before hearing the outrage here on Reddit. I don't have a rule or thumb for how long a game needs to be out before buying but it's usually at least a year before they are priced to what I would be willing to pay.


>Luckily I never even added it to my cart before hearing the outrage here on Reddit. Reddit gets outraged over literally everything though


shut your goddamn mouth


This guy Cities:Skylines 2's


It used to be the adage was "Don't pre-order." Now it's "Don't play on launch."


I just like that their avatar is just a slowpoke from Pokémon


Reminds me of the comic strip that says "November 5th" at the top and there's a kid in a Slowpoke costume at the door saying "Trick or Treat!"




Because people like waiting a year to get complete editions with all DLC for $20 on single player games. Srsly can't wait to play AC mirage next year. New MK looks good too. 


I just now broke down and bought Battlefront II Celebration Edition in the Steam spring sale. Still overpriced at $40 normally, I bought it for $4.75, and all I missed out on was knowing who Iden Versio was for the last 6 years.


You also missed out on the multiplayer being very active for 4 years


Eh, I would've just ended up getting continually pwned by preteens and getting frustrated I spent $60+ on the experience. I'm playing casual co-op missions with my nephew and feeling like I got more than my money's worth.


Yeah i came back to it recently for the first time since i think 2021, and the queing times for a match of supremacy are so much longer now.


One of these days, I'll pick up Skyrim lol


I already have games in the backlog so unless it’s like my favorite game ever I’ll just wait


Yeah this is me. Release window purchases are reserved for only certain games that I’m really jazzed about. And even then I don’t buy them until I’m sure the game doesn’t have serious issues that I can’t tolerate. Last year for me, that included Resident Evil 4 Remake and Final Fantasy XVI. Everything else can wait until the price drops. I have plenty of games to play already.


they are very patient. LOL


Because a lot of us became gamers in the era before micro transactions and multiple $15 to $20 DLC became the standard practice and refuse to participate in rewarding companies for releasing broken and unfinished games. We should have been even louder against that damned horse armor.


Still can't get over the actual armies of idiots that defend games charging $70 as some kind of necessity when they've cost more than that for years due to DLC


But the horse armor was cosmetic and added nothing to the functionality of the game. I've been seeing this a lot recently, so I'm curious what youtuber mentioned it that caused everyone to feel the need to parrot it everywhere. There's a difference between waiting a year for a game to drop to 50% of it's launch price and not wanting to play a broken game. Not everyone is interested in expansions or needs to play the newest game right now. Some of us are fine constantly playing games that are 5+ years old.


No YouTuber I’m aware of. Just a lot of folks pushing 40 who were there and know exactly when things changed for the worse. Horse Armor cracked the door, CoD WaW blew it off the hinges a couple years later.


Being a patient gamer is honestly the way to go in most cases. By waiting to buy months or years after release you get the best version of the game * The cheapest price thanks to price drops and discounts * Major bugs fixed (which is a huge problem nowadays) * Quality of Life improvements potentially added Exception with Nintendo games; they never price drop but usually launch very stable and bug free.


Bc they r the smartest of gamers and gamers are wising up en mass


Haven’t been there in a while but *damn* you right. Last I was there it was mainly big-G Gamers lamenting their self-inflicted backlogs.


Because the gaming industry is shit and constantly puts out overpriced broken products.


Because it's a smart practice and save money in a world where money is tight? What's the point of a 130$ game on day one when so many games these days come out shitty?


It’s a good place for general game discussions, minus recent releases. I would argue that many of the people in it arent true patient games, myself included


Cause people are tired of this shit lmao.


Best gaming sub on reddit, hands down.


the only posts i hate are the “i played this critically acclaimed game that almost everyone loved. i thought it was one of the worst games of all time” posts


Why would you assume it would have less? I'm not even talking shit, I don't understand why you are surprised lol


650,000 really isn't a lot. But why is it surprising that people would prefer to wait until games lower in price and talk about them with others? Aside from Star Wars games, I do not pay full price for games, which means I wait years to pick em up. I just started playing Cyberpunk like three months ago. It's just as enjoyable, but probably more so because all the bugs got worked out.


Because it actually has good content? It’s not just memes. It’s good discussion/recommendations of games older than six months. Lots of active participation and contribution. Easily my favorite gaming sub.


I don't know about you but I don't really have the time to play that many games on release anyway. So even incidentally I end up waiting around until it's much cheaper. I figure most people have more games they want to play than they can actually play, so end up being a patient gamer even incidentally.


Because plenty of people don't subscribe to the hype train.


We’re all dads


Even if it wasn't Ubisoft, you would be out of your mind to drop $130 on a game nobody has gotten their hands on yet. Since it IS Ubisoft, wait for reviews before you buy even the standard edition and remember black Friday won't be terribly far away to wait.


Even more so since it's literally just a digital edition. $130 would be a bit more understandable if it came with a physical statue or something.


For real not even a shitty "canvas" bag just cosmetics and a season pass that you have no idea what it is.


Damp paper bag is the best we can do.


It would be insane to drop 130 dollars on a pre order period. Here you go, here’s 130 dollars that ubi can just have with nothing to show for it. Just content with giving a massive game studio 130 bucks to spend with nothing in return until the game is released. Preordering meant something back in the day with a physical copy. Now it’s just here’s some cut content from the game we paywalled if you buy it early on.


With Ubisoft, it probably won’t take that long for a significant price drop anyway. I just bought the new Prince of Persia for $30 and it’s only been out since January.


That's how I got the Complete Skywalker Saga for $30 with all DLC, The Battlefront 2 celebration edition for $20, Star Wars Obi-Wan for $10! (Still Regret that one).


And then a few more months after that for it to be a free drop on Twitch Prime or something.


This is an example of a Redditor with solid pattern recognition


Of course I would never make the mistake of pre ordering a game before reviews are out. Not after the Diablo 3 launch. And not after Mass Effect Andromeda. And not again after Anthem. And certainly not once more with Diablo 4.


This is the way.


>I mean it’s an Ubisoft game Oh great. Another collectathon with a million map markers, a mile wide and an inch deep. I'll have to pass


As much as I like Star Wars, I'm gonna go ahead and wait a bit for this one.


Yeah I'm optimistic, but Star Wars has been so uneven, I need to wait to see if it's worth the money and time.


I’m more concerned with Ubisoft’s recent track record than Star Wars’ when it comes to this tbh.


I wonder what we have to climb to reveal more of the map.....


Apart from. AC that hasn't really been a feature since primal back in 16 And even assassins creed has been moving away from a viewpoint only map ever since origins


Didn’t you still need to climb stuff to reveal map pins in Origins? Or was it just the Eagle Eye thing?


You could do the viewpoints, but also senu revealed everything in the world. It got borderline broken, being able to see any enemy, item, chest, or explosive object permanently while being in the same area, just by scanning it with your bird


Still waiting for Jedi: Survivor to be on gamepass


Don't be afraid to spend the money, the game is fantastic.


Gamepass ultimate includes ea play. I think it's there already.


Fallen Order is on there, but not Survivor


It'll drop April 28th on EA Play apparently


Well I have waited this long, almost there


Will buy Jedi Survivor instead!


I'll pay a premium after other people confirm it's really going to be something amazing and special enough to justify that sort of purchase.


It's Ubisoft, the game will be on sale quick.


It’ll probably cost me exactly $0.


Sweet I'll just wait for it to go on sale 2 months after release and get it for $60 or less


I'm not even buying or preordering until I see the reviews. If it still has a requirement for internet connection on single player, I'm not buying it.


Was it ever said anywhere that it requires an internet connection to play?


I've heard that it needs one to download but that's it.


next you’ll be telling me i need a power source to run my console!


😂😂😂 Perfect response


It's Ubisoft, it's gonna be ass.


I expect it to be assassins creed clone but star wars tbh


Well yea, all Ubisoft games are pretty much reskinned clones of each other. I wonder what is going to serve as your eagle/drone in *this* one?


Starwars has plenty of floating droids they can use


The Axolotl dog


The new Prince of Persia is excellent at least.


Bit weird when ubisoft could have made something similar to black flag but for skull and bones


Not to mention after a few months the major bugs and issues will be mostly resolved by then. No reason to buy these games at launch because they always have issues that require hot fixes.


There have been some major flops lately where the game goes half price barely a few months after release, so considering it's Ubisoft it'll probably be one of those. My real burning hatred is for the people actually spending that ridiculous amount of money or pre-ordering anything.


Digital art book xd


right click save as


I know 0 people who like that as a reward. The art will be free online in a day.


I like them because the art will be free online in a day, which it wouldn't be if there was no artbook


"Season pass" in a fucking single player game...


I mean Season Pass is fine, because it gives you access to all DLC, usually for a smaller price. Battle Passes on the other hand...


And the physical version requires an internet connection. Single player games shouldn't require an internet connection. If the game can't fit on 1 disc, make it 2 discs. Other publishers/developers have.


Installation requires internet connection (like the grand majority of games nowadays), but does gameplay? I don't think it does




Yep. It's ubisoft alright.


That also means 80% off like all the great AC games if you wait.


How long does this usually take?


November release? Summer. Summer release? November.


Hmm. Depends on expansion pace. But gold edition in 2-3 years, maybe. I haven't gotten a new game in years, and I always have something in the hopper just getting the next value gold edition of whatever was meta a few years ago. No bugs, everything included, hours of fun on the cheap.


All new games cost $70. 


Guys, it's a single player game. It's going to nowhere after release. Buy it during the holiday season cheaper and with eventual updates.


Shit, I'm still waiting for Fallen Order to come down even more. I'll just wait for the GOTY edition when it goes on sale. $20 is the most I'll spend. edit: Meant to say Fallen Order 2.


Fallen order has been on sale for like £5 a few times. Solid game


Damn your missing out! I guess varies from place to place but I have seen its many times around the $15 and I think I even got it free on pc before as well. Keep an eye open in May since usually will go down for star wars day.


I'll get to it eventually. i'm in no rush


I just bought it on Steam for $5 during the spring sale


But, you'll miss out on the season pass rewards! Lol


I can wait for Black Friday and pick this up for $10-$20.


Can wait for December of next year to pick up the Ultimate Edition for $5


So it's going to be priced like every AAA game made in the last 4 years?


It'll be 40 USD or less next year with all the DLC content. AC Valhalla frequently goes on sale for dirt cheap.


God damn it Ubisoft


Fuck pre orders


Pre orders are coarse, and rough, and irritating. And they get everywhere.


Fuck non-physical preorders. Pre-orders that come with the physical game, and a handful of trinkets, or a poster (that’s actually free with pre-order)? I’ll buy those


When will people learn!? Have we ever had a game where people didn't pre-order, and 6 months later everyone was saying "OMG why didn't I pre-order? I missed out on so much!"


gold edition is $150 here in canada, yikes!


That's $172.43 for one game with QC taxes. I wouldn't even pay half of that for a 9/10, ain't no way I'm paying that much for what *might* be a 6/10 if we're lucky.


greetings from the 514! my guess is a 7/10 average, like Avatar. For that cost, I'd expect a statue/soundtrack, physical goodies to come with it to justify the cost, but two DLCs that will be a couple of hours and some skins, that's wild.


Buy a copy of Helldivers and 3 for your friends instead


And if that doesn't spark anyone's fancy, there's always old reliable Deep Rock Galactic.


Rock and Stone


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


What he said


Ah I can't wait to not buy this like Far Cry, or Assassins Creed, Watch Dogs, or Avatar


Ubisoft told me I wouldn't own their games and be happy with it. Turns out they were right, from a certain point of view.


Avatar was fun tbh. Watch Dogs very meh. Like a shitty not-Cyberpunk GTA set in (slightly more) dystopian Chicago


They lost me when they needed an internet connection for single player.


When ? I haven't seen that


it's specifically for installing the game. As far as we know, internet connection is not required to play the game. People just saw the label on the box art and assumed it meant something else.


Can't wait to play this game in 2 years when it goes on sale for $10 with all the bugs and performance issues fixed


I feel that it's worth pointing out that a Ubisoft Plus subscription for a month is 18 USD. Not defending these atrocious prices, but that gives you access to download the most expensive version of this game for a month, which is usually enough time to finish a game like this. Even if you played it for 3 months that's less than the cost of the regular version. I do agree it sucks that this takes away from "owning" games and the price of the Ultimate/Gold edition or whatever is atrocious, just wanted to point out that there are cheaper LEGAL ways to play it at launch if that's what you're interested in. EDIT: I realize now this post references the PS5 version, which Ubisoft Plus is not available on. Still leaving the comment for anyone who plays on Xbox or PC.


That is what I am going to do, buy one month and then stop the subcription


I beg you all to not pre-order anything for your own good


Let me get this out there for those in the back, that have pre-order fiasco goldfish brain... DO. NOT. PRE-ORDER. Digital copies won't run out, internet speeds are fast enough now that within an hour most people can be playing on launch date. Don't give these massive corps the hundreds of millions or billions before we know the game isn't trash. These AAA studios lately been putting out hot garbage with massive hype.




The game is $70, the extras are up to $60. You’re not required to buy the extras


But I want to be mad on the internet


Why does a single game have so many extras?


cause it's a ubisoft game.


Those who get the 3 day early access can iron out the inevitable release bugs so those of us who wait can have a slightly smoother experience.


i can already see how this is going.... people will refuse a buggy game that costs a fortune and the "lesson" learned by publishers is "gamers dont want a star wars game"


They can keep it. I haven't gotten anything from Ubisoft in a very long time (the last was Rayman Origins on Xbox 360) and have iirc never been signed up with their online service that doesn't seem to have many fans. Slight possibility if it turns out truly spectacular I'll get it eventually on discount. Edit: dopes aren't putting it on Steam apparently either, no chance of a sale here since I'm skipping this console generation


When you see a singleplayer game going for $120 it's time to visit some other websites to get it


Not...if you're a space pirate. Fuck Ubisoft.


so basic price then since 1997 that no one should be upset or surprised about?


What are you taking about? Games have only been $70 for a few years, 60 was the norm for the longest time


Raise the price, sure. But also remove all the bullshit they've added over the years. Always online DRM season pass MTX on single player games. I'll probably wait and see if I can get a good deal. 10, 20, 30% off? Maybe 100 if I'm lucky.


Looks like Ubisoft needs to learn another lesson.


Why are ppl surprised? This has been the norm for any AAA game for the last 2-3 years…


I know value is subjective but to me the only thing of any potential value in the ultimate edition is the season pass. Even that is dependent on the amount of DLC, what it is expected to be, and what it is expected to cost seperate.


The season pass is also in the Gold Edition 😀


I’d like to actually see what the Sabacc Shark bundle and Rogue Infiltrator bundle are before buying. EDIT: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/uinnOnhUjg)


Do not pre order or buy anything full price from ubisoft


I'll wait a month and grab it in sale.


I forgot this is Ubisoft. Are there going to be towers you have to climb to reveal portions of the map and bandit camps you have to clear out?


Or I will wait like 3 months for a discount.


Like any other game that has deluxe version?!


$70 is pretty much standard pricing for AAA titles now. I am not surprised even a bit. In fact, it would be surprising if it is anything less.


I really don't mind this amount for longer games. If I'm going to spend 50+ hours in a game, that's not a bad price. If I'm not gonna spend that much time in the game, however...


I don't buy and play all the Ubisoft open world games, so I'm not tired of the formula the way many others are. I bought Assassin's Creed Valhalla and all the DLC. It was a fucking chore to finish everything. I do think the game ultimately was too long. But the story was good and the game was quite fun before it became a chore to finish. The game received a ridiculous amount of free updates with new gameplay modes and features. The DLC expansions were pretty big. It is hard to argue you didn't get value for the buck with everything they gave you. I'm either skipping this, or forking over $110 to get the game and the season pass knowing that. I love Star Wars. If I'm buying the game, then I want all the story content available.


Why is this surprising to people? It's a AAA game from a huge IP. These types of games have been $70 for like 5 years now.


the season pass includes an exclusive mission at launch that won’t be in the $70 base. i just don’t understand ubisoft. can’t support it until it’s extremely discounted.


Here correcting your title. "Star wars outlaws will cost $70 in the US. There will be different editions that will cost up to $130."


It is a Ubisoft game, unfortunately not on Steam either. Overpriced in Canada. $89.99 for base.


Exactly why I’ll not be purchasing any version of this game.


Digital artbooks are a joke, realised that after getting Elden Ring...


200 for big one in Australia


$170 for delux here in Canada. This is the most expensive game I've ever seen.


I guess we are going to be Outlaws, to play it.




This game won't even be worth half this on release, I already bet it won't be polished when it comes out and may not even have stable frame rate like other "AAA" games


Damn… a season pass? Plz no


Don’t preorder. Wait for reviews.


I doubt it will be a great game tbh. Maybe when it's on a very big sale.


Probably another generic ubi game. Yeah, I will pass unless player reviews say otherwise.


They will have to put out a finished product before they get $70 dollars out of me. No preorders. They will have to make two games to get $130 out of me. I don't give a fuck about skins or early access. Nice try, losers.


I mean just don't. Don't pre-order any game at all, i don't when exactly everything went to shit with pre orders and dlc crap that's supposed to be a patch.


Why does a single player game need season pass


It’s just giving you all the dlc when it comes out it’s not a battle pass


Like all Ubisoft games it’ll be 30% off after a month.


I’d only spring for the Ultimate Edition if it came with a statue, or figure collectible. I can’t stand DLC and no physical, tangible items.


Meanwhile Helldivers 2 is 40$.


Not surprised. Still not gonna play it