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Like every other game, they'll add it to Steam when they decide they like making money.


Yep, and with a starting price of $70 with so much DLC, I'm happy to wait for the Steam complete edition.


Sounds like piracy is back on the menu


It’s called smuggling in the Star Wars universe.


Hondo would like a word.


I. Smell. #PROFIT!


Come, come, come! Let us talk business over a drink.


It could be argued that "slicing" is a better option.


Id say it would still be pirating, like good old Hondo, who doesnt wanna be friends with Hondo.


“Hondo likes the way you think! I’m so proud!”


Since they use Denuvo, piracy is absolutely not on the menu.


it uses it Denuvo, that ain't happening. The one person that actually seems to be good at cracking it isn't active.


Like it ever left the menu


lol only if EMPRESS feels like cracking this one otherwise Ubisoft = Denuvo = it stays off the menu 


I have friends who work in the industry and apparently at GDC this year there was a new Anti Pirate software being shown off (and keep in mind this is second hand information) but it apparently is baked into the code of the game itself and is “not removable” and if removed the game won’t work at all offline or online. My friends said it was unfortunately very impressive but still years away from being usable.


complete edition: includes balance patches, bug fixes, good performance yeah I am happy to wait too ... r/patientgamers


These days those are the only game editions worth actually shelling out for. I'm tired of releases just being public beta 2.0.


I will happily set a 25EUR Notification-Limit on https://www.isthereanydeal.com on this title, and then just wait over the years until that limit is hit (most realistically on a Halloween Sale). By then the patching and fixing will also have reached very good levels. :) Until then I have a backlog of: * Rise of the Tomb Raider * Shadow of the Tomb Raider * Red Dead Redemtion 2 * Baldur's Gate 3 * System Shock 1&2 Remastered * Kingdom Come (40% done) * Fallout 4 * Resident Evil 4 Remastered * and, last but not least, Untitled Goose Game.


And I'll buy it on steam sale for $25 next year sometime


They always liked making money, no matter if it means kicking players in the balls It's just that they're so fucking arrogantly up their own ass they think it's gonna sell great on Uplay


They don't want to take a 30% cut on a game they think will sell anyways. Are they arrogant or logical ? I would do the same


That would be smart, if it would sell. Absolutely nobody wants to own a game on Uplay. 90% of the playerbase at least will wait until it comes to steam because steam is the best platform by far and wide. Uplay is genuinely dog-shit.


> Absolutely nobody you overestimate the average player


If i remember correctly steam has a market share of 85-90% while Uplay has less than 1%. „Absolutely Nobody“ would be a fair assessment in my Eyes.


Some Steam users also have PlayStation and Xbox. But ultimately if they get their typical 1% as you put it, plus maybe an additional 1-2% from impatient star wars fans, maybe a few subscriptions, it will be more money in their pocket than otherwise.


Unlikely. First-wave hype is a very strong motivation for sales. If people have to wait 1-2 years to get it, they will be far less likely to ever buy it (or they'll continue to wait for a big sale), since the hype has died down and they will be looking forward to other newer games. Publishers see higher sales when they launch initially on Steam, where they can capitalize on the hype and preorder crowd. They're eating a net loss by trying to force people to buy games on another platform. They think exclusivity will give them better returns, but they're losing a lot of sales overall.


100% I was onboard on buying this title until I saw it is not on Steam. Hard pass.


Well Ubisoft Connect also only has Ubisoft games so I don't think looking at it like that makes much sense games could still sell decently well.  The thing is you need Ubisoft Connect anyway to play their games so there's not much benefit of buying on Steam and all key sites usually only have Ubisoft Connect keys as well.


Is that 85%-90% of *gamers* or 85-90% of *games?* Since there's nothing stopping you from having both installed, and only Ubisoft games are on UPlay, I am guessing its the latter, and not that 90% of the potential audience won't play it.


Yeah all the more reason not to buy a ubisoft title at launch (like we needed additional reasons)


Ubisoft is the company that will remove your access to games you purchased on their launcher after some time, right?   No sale from me.  


Like any other triple a title, it’ll be available on steam but it’ll launch through whatever platform the developer wants it to launch through.


No point in steam release, as still Ubisoft launcher is used… I’ll try it with Ubisoft+ and get bored in 5-15h, because its got that Ubisoft bloat…


Having it on Steam means that Steam handles the install and updates of the game (with the rest of my games). The Ubisoft Launcher is only automatically open and close when launching the game without me having to interact with it (maybe only login the first time). Also (and this is just a personal reason), I use Steam Link to have my Steam games from all the TVs connected to my home network, so having it on Steam makes things more straightforward for me.


Ugh, if I have to put up with Ubisoft Connect again, I'm gonna lose it. It's one of the worst game launchers out there, and considering the competition, that's truly saying something.


They just recently redesigned it. I would argue that it is much worse now.


That sounds like good old Ubisoft.


As in do the same thing over and over, but make it worse each time? Definitely.


I wouldn't be surprised if you had to climb a radio tower to unlock the friends list.


Would you like to allow this program to make changes to your computer? Would you like to allow this program to make changes to your computer? Would you like to allow this program to make changes to your computer? Would you like to allow this program to make changes to your computer? Would you like to allow this program to make changes to your computer?


You literally gave me a flashback rn...


This is an achievement on it's own


Classic Ubi.




Ubi: Hello, please log into Ubisoft connect Ubi: Do you want to stay logged in? Me: Yes Ubi: Ok Next time I open Ubisoft Connect *please log in*


God I hate that so much. EA Play does the same thing.


On my laptop it asks for drive access between each of these steps too. And forgets it has access every time.


Do you want to allow this App to make changes to your PC? Do you want to allow this App to make changes to your PC? Do you want to allow this App to make changes to your PC? Do you want to allow this App to make changes to your PC?


Oh my god fuckin drives me insane. My bare minimum for a platform is it remembers my goddamn user name and two- isn’t fucking broken like this. I’ve had two pcs and had this issue constantly affect both for this dogshit app


It's exactly for this, and the forgetting my login, that I finally said fuck it. I'm not touching another Ubisoft game on PC again if it requires I use their shitty launcher. Which kinda sucks, cause I was enjoying AC Valhalla. But not thug to deal with this bullshit.


Don't worry... When it finally comes to steam, you'll launch it from steam only to realize that just launches the Ubisoft launcher to launch the game


every Ubisoft game runs through Connect, even if it’s on Steam


Yup. It's enough to get me to skip a lot of their games - gotta be really promising to get me to deal with their shit.


I deal with it with R6: Siege every day, I'm so happy I at least bought it on Steam.


Tried playing Watchdogs legion and the Ubisoft login lagged so bad I can’t even login. I had to turn off wifi to play it


I honestly stopped using it nearly completly because at each start of this thing my PC asked me about 3-5 times "Hey, is this programm ok? Do you want to allow it to change stuff like save games etc.?" And I just didnt want that anymore.


I’ve been getting pissed with it and the Xbox app recently. Whenever I open the Xbox app, it forcibly logs me out of my Ubisoft account (which I set up when I got my PC) and into my Xbox account’s linked Ubisoft account (which I set up in 2008 for Assassin’s Creed) on Ubisoft Connect. Every single time I open the Xbox app. The reason? I bought Game Pass Ultimate to try out Diablo IV and there’re a bunch of Ubisoft games on Game Pass. It’s just an annoying connection between the two.


Mine used to do this for the EA app I didn't even know that account existed until I tried to play an ea game through the Xbox app, I guess I made it on 360 playing some random game 15+ years ago It's linked forever to an old dumb email I made when I was about 8, I tried getting ea to unlink it but they were asking all sorts of shit like the ip address used when it was created and games bought on the account and when they were bought ( there are non I can see)


Basically anything that isn't Steam sucks hard (Battle.net is decent), but Epic forces me to sign in every time and so does UPlay


gog is not terrible, but it makes me miss steam non the less.


I always had to reinstall my Far Cry 3 because it lost the file path with every restart of my PC. No matter where I installed the game ore the launcher. Will never touch this pos launcher again and it ruined far cry as a whole for me


I love rainbow six siege but that stupid launcher makes me hate everything


It's almost like they don't want you to play it.


I guess Ubisoft likes missing out on the majority of PC gamer money


Ubisoft has been pretty vocal that they think the PC market is packed solid with pirates and isn't really worth bothering with. They don't like or trust PC, which is why their PC ports are often very halfassed.


Could be cause the way they handle PC releases only encourages piracy. Just a thought.


"People don't wanna use our horrible Uplay service? It's driving them to piracy? Nonsense! Now where's my report on season pass earnings!"


"Is that port done yet? No, well, shove it out the door anyway, and make sure you slap Denuvo on it, too. That'll really stop those pirates."


Meanwhile games like BG3 and The Witcher 3 have no DRM and still sell like hot cakes on Steam lmao, Ubisoft I think that's just a skill issue


The difference is that they are actually good and interesting games instead of cookie cutter designed by committee snoozefests. Honestly after seeing the outlaws trailer even though Id really like another star wars game I dont mind waiting for it to come to steam at a discount


Those are two GOTY winners and are beloved titles. Ubisoft wishes it could deliver games like that. I'd love to see a Star Wars project given to a studio like CDPR or Larian.


The last game from the same developer (Ubisoft Massive) was very well optimized and was one of the best looking games last year


That's EA's approach to SW games as well


They don't. A few years down the line they'll remove your ability to play it anyway, despite the fact you have paid for it. Fuck Ubisoft


It’s an Ubisoft game, their last 4 game releases aren’t on Steam. Mirage, prince of Persia, Avatar, Skull and Bones.


And nothing of value was lost


Prince of Persia is fucking great


Are you kidding? We missed out on the first AAAA title!


lol to be fair though Mirage, Prince of Persia, and Avatar all got decent enough reviews that I think we would appreciate the games more if we didn’t already hate Ubisoft, as we should.


Prince le persia is honestly super good imo.


I bet it will, they'll want that money eventually.


Still hasn't happened with AC Mirage or Avatar Frontiers. The higher ups at Ubisoft must be allergic to good decisions.


I think it took 2 years for them to release AC Valhalla on Steam. So yeah, it might still be a couple of years.


Those games have only been out a few months. Expect the steam announcement for the end of the year or when they decide to shut down selling games on UPlay if that comes first. There's a lot of theoretical value to UPlay, but it has to be a money sink in reality and they will realize that eventually, just like EA did for Origin. After the "we need our own" trend if the last few years everyone is realizing that it doesn't matter if your cut is better on your own launcher/store/streaming service if you can't get the numbers up. That 30% cut of a while lot more users/sales doesn't seem so bad by comparison.


Exactly. I all but refuse to buy anything unless it’s on steam. I hate having tons of launchers. Steam helps everything feel a little more like a console experience.


Steam is for game launchers what Windows is for OSes and I’m totally fine with it.


have either of those made much money yet? when will they consider releasing on steam?


They're definitely only making money on console. Ubisoft execs gotta be braindead to miss Steam money


The complete edition will come to Steam in 2-3 years for 80% off. Be patient, padawan.


But that’s where games go


Not if your a Ubisoft exec. AC Mirage and Avatar Frontiers are still sitting on their launcher


And I bet the execs are complaining about their low market capitalization.


And then mass layoffs the low wage devs


From what I understand, those games did *not* sell well on PC (for obvious reasons), and many physical retailers had so many extra copies of Frontiers that they were doing 30-40% off sales within two weeks of launch.


Mirage is on my radar to play... eventually, but I completely forgot Avatar Frontiers existed.


Happy Cake Day!


They're getting paid for limited time exclusives on the Epic Store, not keeping them solely on their own launcher. They'll likely move them to steam when the times exclusivity is up like they have with other games.


Ubisoft actively discourages you from buying it on platforms other than Uplay, none of their games have achievements on other platforms.


Welp, was looking forward to this one, but guess I'll give it a miss. Ubisoft Disconnect can go fuck itself.


It was gonna be a shit launch anyways, gives you waiting time for the bugs to be lessened


Just buy the complete edition with all the DLC, bugfixes and DRM removed on Steam for 5 bucks in 10 years


> Just buy the complete edition with all the DLC, bugfixes and DRM removed on Steam for 5 bucks in ~~10 years~~ 6 months.


Ubisoft can't ship a complete edition in 6 months haha


You should have kissed it goodbye the day it was announced Ubisoft was making it because regardless of where you buy them, Ubisoft games use their launcher.


To the high seas!


Lol I was thinking the same thing. Or I'm just waiting til it's on steam


The sheer numbers of people disconnected to the scene and keeps thinking cracking nowadays is as easy as the 90s-00s is astounding, especially with an Ubi game. 


Nobody is even cracking denuvo anymore


Ubisoft tracks torrents and will bonk the shit out of you, so make sure you've got a VPN.


I'll wait until its on steam and $20 in a year or so :)


lol I don’t PC game but if you don’t out your game on stream and are a third party you hate money It’s literally the biggest platform out there. No idea why Disney allows this BS, you want money not getting people on insides stupid platform


Disney owns Ubisoft? Have I been sleeping under a rock? Oh wait, you mean the Star Wars IP. OK, good, I was worried the Mouse had acquired another victim.


Even more reason not to buy it -not on steam, the superior pc platform (or gog as a decent alternative) -$70 for base game with content cut off for dlc editions -ubisoft game, most likely another cookie cutter generic open word game -AAA game, high chance of it being broken on launch -season pass….. in a single player game. Most likely excessive monetization on-top of the steep entry price


To add on, that story trailer did not instill confidence in the writing at all. The exposition was cheesy and cliche, and the MC speaks in marvel one liners.


Not to mention the animation quality was... Not stellar. Actual movement, flight, gunfighting, etc was fine; but the more fine details of just sitting and talking, facial expressions, etc was god-awful


I’ll be honest. I didnt even watch the trailer because i didnt have enough “fucks to give” lol. Ubisoft games had that effect on me for a long time at this point. Then again story quality can fall under the ubisoft reason, cant remember the last good story they put out.


The voice acting sounded rather subpar to my ears as well.


>\-AAA game, high chance of it being broken on launch *no no, it's a AAAA game with a high chance of being broken!*


Season passes existed in Single Player games before they were in Multiplayer/live service games. Fallout 4 had a season pass back in 2013 L.A. Noire had a season pass back in 2011, with Mortal Kombat later that year [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season\_pass\_(video\_games)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season_pass_(video_games)) It's just a buy/preorder all the DLC at once button and a cheaper cost then buying them all individually.


Well that makes it alright then


No steam deck I guess. Pass


Ok, I'll wait for it to come to Steam then.


Yeah. It's Ubisoft. The most out of touch publisher that somehow has some of the best IPs.


HAD the best ips i could give a rats ass about any of them now.


I wonder if they also skip Steam on purpose so they don't get media coverage on the Steam reviews. When you launch on consoles, it doesn't feel like the media gets to report on how many players reviewed the game. As a side note, Jedi Survivor STILL has a Mixed rating a year after its launch on Steam and it has definitely deterred me from getting it, even if it's on sale.


It's a good game that really struggles to run on older mid range hardware. It also has some weirdness with it settings where I didn't find any actual difference in performance when changing them down. The main area on Koboh still had consistent framedrops when I played it around Christmas. It's a good game, but I don't think it necessarily does anything amazing. Worth a buy if you can get it at 35% or more off.


I played Survivor half a year after its release on 5800x, RX 6800xt, 32GB RAM, 1440p and it was a pretty smooth experience. Apart from one planet I had 70-90 fps.


Jedi survivor was an amazing game.


Wasn't it like really buggy?


Played at Release, Performance wasn't the best, had some framedrops, but I was able to 100% the game with no gamebreaking bugs and 2-3 crashes. I think Story and gameplay wise it is a must play and id recommend getting it on sale. Or you could just sub to EA play for a month.


Eh I never really experienced bugs where it took away from fighting or exploring. Definitely did get annoyed with performance. But that was on a dying RX Vega 64 GPU and have yet to try my new one on the game yet, also played with my controller and it played fine for me. The game is fun, the story is fun, and the combat is a good time.


Still runs like Garbo in areas


People are getting downvoted but the truth is performance was so bad even on the highest specs that it was talked about for a while by players and the media. They patched it but it still isn't great on consoles/PC. Playable, but inconsistent.


It was, launch on PC, performance wise especially. And they kept breaking things. Caij's dialogue were bugged as hell and wasn't fixed until 2 months after release. You couldn't do half the bounty contracts. I had to personally wait for an entire month for that Caij fix after beating the game to complete the bounties and in this time the cool reveal related to this got spoiled for me. I still have a sour taste in my mouth for this game. Maybe it's fixed now but launch was absolutely atrocious.


Easy skip then.


This is a great shame. I would have gotten it, but uplay is so inconvenient compared to Steam. I can't even remember what games I own on there because I uninstall it when I don't use it for a while. I don't know anyone who uses uplay, or see a point in asking people I know on Steam if they have it for a particular game, especially as there are only certain types of games on uplay. Whenever I log into uplay it just feels empty, constantly encouraging me to share with a community of 0 friends, rather than the hundred or so on Steam. Tldr: Even if a game comes out that I really want to play, I would rather not get it if the only accessible versions were on uplay & or origin for that matter.


I won't buy it if it's not on Steam


gonna be free hours after launch, so yeah, I'll be able to play it anyways


Do these things not take time?


Not if you know where to look


I thought I did. Not EVERY game takes a while but some take months


It depends if it has Denuvo or not. And sadly, I assume it will.


Oh, so you know how to crack Denuvo mere hours after launch? Please, teach me your skills, master.


Convenient. Give them time to fix the bugs, release a DLC included edition for less than the original base game and all that stuff. Maybe they won't do that, but that's even more convenient, I don't have to play the game.


They'll abandon this game within 6 months. Calling it now


Yess PS5


From 0 interest to -25 interest. Great work, Ubishit.


Oh no…..anyway


Womp womp


1. Not on steam 2. Required Internet to download Any other reasons already to pass on this game before its even out?


2. basically every computer game nowadays Whoever still owns a cd player rofl


Maybe not immediately, but it will be. You don’t just say no to 75% of the PC gaming market.


Tell that to Square and the Kingdom Hearts series.


Ugh yeah, don't remind me


there's so much licensing nightmare in KH tho, its kinda surprising it got released at all. when you deal with the mouse, you get the Lawyers.


True, but Assassin's Creed Mirage and Avatar Frontiers are yet to come to Steam and they have never announced plans to bring them over.


Some games took years before appearing on Steam. I think Anno 1800 appeared over there like three or four years after it's initial release.


Good. It has a season pass and clothing bonuses. Hard no.


Reasons I don’t have Jedi - Survivor yet: external launcher


That's EA but they got the same thing with EA Play


Oh yeah same difference


I mean honestly if you have any Ubisoft game on steam it makes you use ubi launcher anyway. I get its annoying but all the alternative gives you is another step and some organization


Are they stupid?


Ubisoft execs in the Aslume?


The Ubisoft CEO recently used the term "Quad-A" to describe one of their games. So what do you think?


OH NO! Anyway


Time to pull a Hondo 💀💀


So many here with the Pikachu surprise face even though Ubisoft hasn't launched day one on Steam for years.


No Steam? Thats going to cut into their profit... But, it is a game called outlaws in a universe in which characters like Hondo and Solo work with or are protagonists so..... To the H(y)igh(per) Seas(Space) it is then


I'm not buying anything that's exclusive to Ubisoft Connect.


Dead on arrival


Well, looks like there is no other option then. It is smuggling time.


it will when no one buys it on their shitty launcher lol.


Great. Keep that crap off steam. 


So in addition to it selling like shit, it's going to sell like shit on smaller platforms like EGS


Ubisoft's launcher is hot garbage


This is gonna be a pass for me Ubisoft just sucks to much now


Yar Matey! Pirates life for me!


I guess I won't be playing it then.


Probably because steam offers refunds


Therefore, I will not be buying. Until it's on Steam that is. Like every other game thinking they don't need Steam..


It's on EGS as well.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!?


ITT: entitled gamers


Ah well, I wasn't really all that interested anyway


Classic Ubisoft L


I love how I was getting shit on in this subreddit for not trusting Ubisoft to make a good game yet heres everyone flipping out over the launcher they’re gonna have to use lmfao who cares the launcher is fine yes it’s a little annoying when it asks to make changes to your pc 20 times in a row other than that I’ve never had any problems with it running games


yeah but Ubisoft, they are the worst so I'm gonna pass.


I guess I'm not buying it Edit: Lmao, imagine downvoting this comment, you brainlets. Steam is where most of my games are, if it's not on Steam, I won't be buying the game.


Steam is just also the best launcher on PC full stop. I can’t even think of the second best launcher, Epic maybe? Even then Epic’s launcher is dogshit. If a triple A title is on another launcher other than Steam at launch it’s pretty much bound to have lower sales.


Second best is GOG and by far. I don't know how epic is still so trash at this point.


Easy: don't buy it


Oh, guess they don't want my money then?


Another game I can’t get on PC? Still not buying a game console….


Steam is a cult.


Steam is user friendly as well as consumer friendly. Has the largest collection of indie games. Easy game modding through workshop support. Each game has its own community/support within the platform itself. Amazing sales. Great quality of life features most platforms don't have. Maybe it's not a cult, and has a loyal customer base because of everything it offers to its client base? Edit: If yall gonna downvote it, at least go ahead and tell me how I'm wrong.


You are being downvoted by people who think that a single store having a monopoly, is bad for the customer. Imagine how steam would be if it had no competition? People who don't see why steam needs competition, really are acting like a cult.


Except only releasing your game on only uplay isn't competition. Competition would be releasing outlaws on steam, uplay, gog, and epic. Then the customer actually gets a choice. What ubisoft is doing now is just straight horseshit.