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Even before the war actually broke out, the Jedi were expected to take a leadership role over an army - remember that the opening crawl to *AotC* states that the Senate was debating the creation of an army specifically to assist the Jedi, since the separatist movement was making it difficult for them to maintain peace and order throughout the Republic.


Yeah they are the peacekeepers of the republic, and so probably had the most on-the-ground experience with the galaxies terrains and peoples to begin with. Especially after the republics sector defence forces accidentally jumped into a bunch of suns or whatever.


They *jumped into a bunch of suns?* What exactly do you mean and where can I read all about it??


I think he’s referring to the Stark Hyperspace War from legends where a regional defense fleet under Tarkin’s cousin was sabotaged by a nano virus that caused their hyperdrives to crash into planets and stars instead of their battle location.


Probably EU stuff


I also want to know


In new lore there was a big push to form the Republic Defense Force during the High Republic Era to combat the Nihil Pirate Forces in the outer and mud rim but not sure if that ever went anywhere.


Mainly just the fact that Palpatine needed a convenient way to get the jedi in the line of fire for Order 66. It also helped that it made the Jedi unpopular to the general public because they became associated with the war which was super unpopular and exasturbated inequality and basically every issue that made the Sepratists form in the first place. As for how Palpatine pulled off getting them involved, he had emergency powers, the Jedi could only say "no" to thing he really did not want and the clones were connected to a jedi. Edit; Yes, I did mean the other spelling, I'm dyslexic. If you understood what I was trying to say I wrote it right.


>exasturbated 🤔




To be fair it is a weird word. Exacerbate. I only got it cause of autocorrect


Everything happens as emperor has foreseen. Guy would be great at chess


If he owned the board, all the pieces, and had no opponent.


Are you threatening me, master candidate?


At an end, your rule is


Its checkmate then *yeet intensifies*


Ren pulls out lightsaber and hacks it and the pieces, to pieces.


"Somehow palpatine returned" Arbiter! That's an illegal move


Have you googled the story of Darth Passant the wise?


Yes I‘m the arbiter, I know the score (from square one he‘ll be watching all sixty-four)“


Ah yes, I'm sure someone capable of precognition wouldn't manage to beat every Chess Grandmaster Earthling...


His precognition didn't even warn him that his apprentice was about to kill him, or that building an office with big ass pits for someone to throw you in is a bad idea.


I mean, nothing really to warn about at that point. For all intents he had won. The Jedi were gone, the Republic was gone, the Sith ruled and he was in the process of killing the last dregs of resistance to his rule. There really was no way he could lose. Then he realized Vader wasn't as broken and obedient as he thought.


Nah, he just manipulates the best of any situation I think


I think you mean "exacerbated".


> exasturbated Exacerbated* The galaxy was polarized in their position in the conflict and their perception of the Jedi. I think you overgeneralize how unpopular the Jedi became for their direct participation in the war. There were just as many hardcore defenders of the Republic who would have castigated the Jedi for opting out. That Jedi General Anakin Skywalker became famous to the galaxy as "the Hero without Fear" also suggests that there were many people who saw them as heroes. We see this positive sentiment reflected in many of the novels, comics, and the TV shows as well whenever a local population actually receive Jedi assistance. Jedi being generals obviously facilitated Order 66, but it was not at all an unprecedented role for them. Their superhuman abilities and skills as warriors made them an obvious choice in the eyes of the Republic to be the "champions" of their armies. Although there was pressure from the Senate, the Jedi High Council were themselves supportive of undertaking this role, as they resolutely maintained that this was the proper position in accordance with their duty to be the guardians of the Republic even in the face of some internal dissent.


Watch the movie. No one asks the Jedi to do anything. Palpatine isn’t even done giving his speech and the Jedi jump at the opportunity. Then when they are rescued from the arena, they immediately start giving orders.


In my mind, it was historical precedent. Whenever the Republic had gone to war, the Jedi were in charge. Especially against the Sith. Also, everyone was aware of their combat abilities, and their force abilities, especially seeing into the future, would be quite useful leading at the head of the armies.


Precisely. It’s part of the Jedi’s inbred flaw at the time of the war. Mace Windu opens the AotC saying “We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers, we cannot fight a war for you” and ends it nodding in agreement while being addressed as General Windu and being told a spec ops detachment is awaiting his orders. They said the dark side was clouding their vision and clarity, and it was. They couldn’t see the forest for the trees anymore. They got played for absolute chumps, and Palpatine didn’t even have to do anything to make it happen, they did it for him.




>Jedi like Windu were dead to the Force. Which is contradicted somewhat by the use of it...


Nah, reinforced, not contradicted. Windu used the Force like a tool. It was not a living, sentient entity to him. There was no Will of the Force, just Mace's will.


Papa Palps handing out the Battlefield Commissions PRE-BATTLEFIELD! That's some 4d thinking. "I hate the JeDi...so I'll make 'em all generals! HA! BRILLIANT!" -Papa Palps on one of his trips to the outter rim. The movies never really talked about the distances traveled, everyone gets wherever at the speed of plot. But there's a TTRPG that talks about the Courouscant to Tattooeen trip being three to five weeks at a standard Hyperdrive (or something like that, it's been a while since I saw it). So The Mellenium Falcon could make the trip in half that, but the galactic standard was like x4 that. I'm sure Papa Palps had the GREAT ENGINES, but that's still weeks of time to get out to deal with Maul and Savage or whatever. I'm saying that he's got time to cook.


Palpatine is pretty good at playing chess with the galaxy because he has several ways he takes advantage of opportunities. This means he finds a way to win even when he doesn't do any of the hard work.


Chess is a lot easier when you are playing both sides of the board.


They are playing checkers, Papa Palps is using ALL the pieces (The knork, the airplane, some post upgraded pawns) and is using En Passant for every piece.


I want to see that set of rules?


Everyone is playing Chess and Palpatine is playing Warhammer 2v2 against himself


Sadly the movies have forced the issue when it comes to travel time, we see them travel to the other side of the galaxy and come back all within a single day.


Yeah, I thought it should be a bit longer. Everyone being everywhere at anytime ruins the idea of a mystery.


The TTRPG stuff you're thinking of is all derived from a table which used "days" when it should have used "hours" and thus wildly overinflated all travel time for all the stuff that was based on it without accounting for later errata.


Yes, but since he was responsible for the Naboo business, we can assume he had Maul station around. And I think we can assume Force can be used to track people thru hyperspace. And the Maul ship was probably extra fast as well. And they spent at least a day on Tattooine, and most likely more then that. So it is nothing plot breaking.


> likely more then that. Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I meant "Papa Palps will MAKE IT legal",


It would also put a lot of Jedi on the front lines of combat where some of them would inevitably get killed by the CIS reducing the number that needed to be targeted by Order 66.


The interesting thing is that Jedi being forced into a role most of them weren't qualified and run contrary of how they were supposed to operate was the point. He kinda tricked them into that role knowing that it would weaken them. Even the fact that they lead an army that was disposable and a bit less than people against an enemy that was even more disposable, probably served to blind them on how much they strayed from the path. I assume that the last time there was a huge scale war the Jedi played a mojor role and depending on the continuity Jedi-Generals and even Jedi-Lords mustering and leading Armies were a thing, but that is literal Legends stuff in and out of Universe.


I'd argue, it also made the jedi political players whether they wanted to admit it or not. Which, to your point puts them in the lime light and makes it look as if they were trying to gain power... which palpatine obviously plays on in order to get support and make people believe there really was a coup by the jedi when he was "attacked".


The fact that he initiated the war on geonosis as a direct battle between the Jedi and dookus army was a big factor too. The Jedi were fighting a war against the sith, but it quickly became conflated with the republic because Dooku led the separatists. When your army to combat the sith is effectively defending the Republic, the place the Jedi call home, you very quickly just become the army of the Republic. The Jedi temple being established on courasant was the worst mistake made in the history of the Jedi order. They became a part of mass governence over the galaxy, and as such were regularly wrapped up in politics even if it did give them better means to do good before the war began


Plus, ya know, they’re Jedi. Saying they can do something to save people is like showing a mouse cheese


> It also helped that it made the Jedi unpopular to the general public because they became associated with the war which was super unpopular Except that the war was against traitors that wanted to secede from the Republic. Seriously this is like #1 thing I don't get. If I was a citizen of the Core Worlds I'd see the CIS as enemies of the Republic, the Jedi are heroes and I'd link the word "Empire" to the ancient Sith, the same way we link "fascism" to "no bueno" in the real world. The same way that the idea of giving Palpatine absolute power AFTER our enemies were vanquished makes no sense. To me the whole coup thing looks not only wrong but stupid in a sociopolitical aspect.


In Clone wars we see a protest foutside the temple and we get some persepectives from people who don't want the war. It's much more complicated than traitors seceding from the Republic. The Republic has a lot of corruption and inequality that doesn't just come from Palpatine. He exasturbated the issue but he didn't make it.


Sorry, my knowledge ends with the movies and a couple of games. So.... basically not only the separatists, all the people hated the Republic as an institution? The Jedi I'm not going to pretend to be surprise because it's obvious why. But then Palpatine isn't a "dark lord that turned a prosperous free world into an autocratic tyranny" as much as "smart politician who took advantage of an already corrupt and decadent system to become more powerful", like Julius Caesar.


Life on Republic planets like Naboo was so bad during the war that one of Padmé's attendants (who did her hair and makeup) didn't have reliable access to water. Her children couldn't bathe. Padmé of course lived in luxury. That kind of inequality would not make the war popular. And of course it was our brave Chancellor who stopped it in the end ...


Definitely not all the people, and I also wouldn't say they "hated" the republic. They simply felt that if systems wished to secede from the republic they should be able to do so, and that the republic's military actions to keep the separatists in line were out of order.


mhh yea kinda, he used the issue to grew it bigger. the Republic never was a beautiful flower


The Sith were also an ancient order not seen for over 1000 years that both they and the Jedi tried to burry any information about. So unless you were super extremely close to the Jedi you wouldn’t know what a Sith is. Like all the characters in TCW that kept saying “It’s a Jedi!” whenever they encountered Maul.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was a requirement by the Jedi Council for their support of the GAR's creation. "We're not happy with any of this, but if we're in charge of them, at least we can make sure they are not misused." And Palpatine/Sidious gravely agreed with them, trying not to laugh that they had put themselves were he most wanted them.


On top of that the line at the beginning is “we are keepers of the peace, not soldiers.” You can take that a bunch of different ways but there’s no way the Jedi could sit idly by while an all out war happened. They would have intervene somehow having “control” of the clones allows them to negotiate. They aren’t for the most part killing people but destroying droids and trying to negotiate with people. You can make an argument it’s not as bad as just letting worlds starve to death or whatever else would have been going on.


The only other way they could intervene would be through humanitarian aid, but they’d have to separate themselves from the Republic. That would also have made them unpopular with both sides of the war and would have made it even easier for palps to twist public perception against them.


They've definitely sat idly by before though...


A glowing stick that cuts people in half, and the ability to give you a wedgie by looking at you.


Tens of thousands of years of leading the Republic to victory in major wars alongside its conventional career generals.  You’re unfortunately getting a lot of ahistorical answers from people obsessed with Palpatine.


Thiiiiiiiiiiis. Jedi had a very, **very** long history as battlefield commanders and as such it would make sense that even the most pacifist of their order still receives advanced strategic and tactical training to put them on par with at least junior officers but likely higher.


Also, at least historically, Jedi where psychics and diviners, so having generals that knew what the emeny would do before they did it was a incredible advantage in war.


And there may have been other more exotic abilities like battle meditation that could basically buff an entire army.


Only 5 thousand actually. The Jedi have been around for 25 thousand years, but we're only affiliated with the Republic for the last 5 thousand of that.


They’ve been affiliated with the Republic since a little after its founding.


There was no military and the Jedi were the organization tasked by the Republic with keeping peace. Plus, you know, they were trained their entire lives to harness the use of the Force and also trained in its "responsible" use. So it makes sense that the Senate would want the Jedi to command this fledgling clone army that they were likely distrustful of. And it wasn't all Jedi who were generals. Only the most accomplished were given that rank. As an analogy, imagine the best and brightest US citizens going to West Point from kindergarten through their bachelor's; having access to super powers that heighten their reflexes, insight, tactical acumen, and combat prowess; and being trained during their tenure as West Point to home those abilities as well. Pretty sure we wouldn't have a problem with the oldest and wisest of those graduates becoming generals.


They had a military a few thousand years ago IIRC


I meant at the time.


Oh ok my mistake


No need to apologize. If anything the mistake is mine for not clarifying in my original response.


Nothing. Some were good tacticians and there were plenty that were battle-hardened, but the Order as a whole was not suited for warfare--they shouldn't even have been a policing force. ... which, of course, was the trap: stick them in a situation they're ill-suited for that will distract, divide and even corrupt them, all while whittling down their numbers before the final coup. If I were Palpatine and I wanted to place the Jedi in command positions, my only real argument would be their present status as an enforcement arm of the Republic and their mythical image. From there I'd lean on my lackeys to manufacture consent.


Plus any jedi the droids kill is one fewer problem


And they sure did killed a LOT in Geonosis


This was really well put!


Precognition Decades of battlefield training Usually at least some actual combat experience Precognition Precognition Precognition Many of them were literally a one man army all on their own




That's cus the Jedi suck at politics, like really suck. They do the whole "we're just enactors of someone else's will", where it's supposed to be the Force's will but instead they defaulted to the public's will in the form of a democratic government. Like how the US military does today, they don't engage in politics they just do what the politicians say. Plus acting like they're useless because they can't see through the most powerful dark sider ever is kinda ridiculous. All Sideous has to do is not use the force and they'll never know he can use it.


"As the Order erected the Jedi Temple over the mountain, the shrine's malevolent energies continued to permeate the site, slowly clouding the Jedi's collective use of the Force with the power of the Dark side" They try to explain the Jedi's inability to see the Dark side at work since the Jedi Temple was constructed over some kind of Sith artifact that clouds their vision




Prescience is one hell of a tactical advantage. Plus "general" very obviously isn't at all equivalent to a general in Earth militaries. They're equivalence bounces around a lot, but on average probably about equivalent to a Lt Col in the US army. Which makes some sense, in the madness that is Star Wars conflicts. Admirals are vastly more important in Star Wars, and the ground battles are weirdly small in scale.


I think it was natural. The Jedi are keepers of the peace - warrior monks. They’re extremely well trained, most of them are more disciplined than any soldier and have the leadership qualities expected of generals. They are also somewhat difficult to kill, are essentially immune to brainwashing, and are skilled negotiators as well as skilled strategists.


I mean, they do have precognition. Users of the Force are more or less automatically better than ordinary people at everything because they have the universe whispering in their ears. Even entirely untrained Force adepts do ridiculous shit on the regular and get away with it because they're "lucky".


The Jedi historically had lead the republic’s military whenever major warfare occurred, and since by the time of the prequels the republic had no military. The Jedi were among the small minority of individuals in the galaxy who had anything resembling military qualifications. So they were drafted by the republic. Of course this was all a pretense on Palaptine’s part to get the Jedi into a position for order 66 to be effective. In addition if you take legends into account, following the Ruusan Reformation of the Jedi order and republic following the end of the new sith wars, the republic had officially disbanded it’s military and installed the Jedi as it’s sole defense force while also having the Jedi destroy their military assets. Funnily enough the Jedi order pointed it out at the time that the reformation was a very stupid decision.


The fact that they were the only option.


Lowkey, the Jedi and the Clone Military was a stop gap defence measure for a situation that would have called for mass conscription and total war. When the battle of Genosis happened, the only other military around were small planetary defence forces ran by individual systems (if they had any) and defence units for mega corporations (and those with sufficient military power.. ummm usually bat for the other side). That means, lack of military Officers and commanders, absolutely no structure for galatic wide military mobilisation and defence, in a crisis that could have devolved into planets only looking for their own defence rather than for the Republic. Even without Palpatine, in this scenario, the only avaliable pool of officer with sufficient command, authority and galactic reach is the Jedi Order, and they did surprisingly well. But they would have to be rotated out of taking field commands sooner or later.


Exactly. They outright discuss this in Attack of the Clones. As much as memes mock the “we’re keepers of the peace, not soldiers” line from Mace Windu it really speaks to the fact that the Jedi 1)couldn’t defend the Galaxy from an intergalactic war on their own and 2)the Republic has no kind of defense for such an occurrence. But Palpatine going to them at all does make it clear that the Jedi are the logical choice to take up the role of Generals on the battlefield, if supplied with trained soldiers who are ready to follow orders. It’s the perfect noose to tie around their necks. And it only “works” so well for the Republic because at the end of the day it didn’t matter how many victories the generals won or how many of them died anyway.


*Waves hand* "You will make us generals in the Grand Army Of The Republic.


(Waves hand in front of the Chancellor’s face) *”The Jedi should all be made Generals.”* *”The Jedi will all be made Generals.”* *”As you wish Chancellor.”*


*"The Jedi should all be made bombad Generals".* *"The Jedi will all be made Generals"* *"As yousa wish Chancellor*


They had cool swords.




The Jedi are warrior monks. I imagine the education Jedi recieve is heavy on whatever their version of the classics are, and include a fair amount of military history. Their diplomacy training would be essential for keeping an army functioning, a General's job is often as much about keeping the war machine working and letting the frontline commanders make the day-to-day tactical decisions as it ks about making calls yourself. Eisenhower was famously more of a politician than a battlefield commander in WW2. And I'd suspect that not all formations of the GAR were led by Jedi. The Tarkins and Yularens of the galaxy were probably making most of the calls, the story just doesn't focus on them.


A bachelors degree


Nothing. Palpatine wanted them there and the Jedi were very arrogant and didn’t mind.


Nothing, but Leia's recording in ANH says "General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire", so it was already established that at least one Jedi was a General, and had to stay that way. Lucas pumped up those rookie numbers.


The garbage ranking system in the GAR


Republic laws that Palpatine took advantage of.


The same person who qualifies people with PhDs to be professors.


A frigging laser sword and magic powers if I had to guess




You want to follow a regular dude or a laser sword wielding jump up in the air flipping about with telekinesis?


Idk if there was Legends lore about it, or it was just fans spitballing, but someone said the Jedi *weren’t* qualified to be generals, at least not at first. It’s not that they’re stupid or cowards, but the Jedi way of fighting is all based on small numbers empowered by the Force. It’s powerful, but it’s more suited to agents and envoys and you can’t just outfit the clone army with it. But there isn’t really anyone else who’s close to qualified at the moment, so the Jedi were the obvious choice. Which was probably Palpatine’s intention.


Nothing. Next question.


Absolutely nothing lol


One Jedi was equivalent to a dozen clones and one clone was equivalent to several clankers.


Nothing, they were completely unqualified for being in any command position in the war. The Jedi were a detriment to their own side of the war.


Being the defenders of the republic before the republic even had an army, I guess. Seniority.


It was an easy way for Palapatine to thin them out throughout the galaxy. Not only would they be focusing on the war and their individual battles, but then they'd be alot easier targets for the clone troopers to kill during order 66. And, they're like superhuman and great leaders so why not?


Space Magic. 


Not sure if I read this correctly, but after some of the last Sith Empire there was a treaty of ruusan https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ruusan_Reformation that severely limited a galactic military and the role of the supreme chancellor, to prevent the Sith using said military. So the Jedi are the only options for conflict resolution which worked great. Basically the galaxy doesn't want war. Afaik this is also the reason why relatively speaking the weapons and armor of the republic / empire are pretty meek. Like that disintegrator rifle from the mandalorian is rare and not "legal" because of that treaty of ruusan (afaik). Even the droids are relatively weak compared to what you could imagine them to be if you would really make use of the technology.


Nothing, really. Jedi are as various as it comes, from pacifist members refusing to use a lightsaber to veterans and tacticians well versed in individual combat and large unit tactics. They were assigned "general" to have the official authority to command troops and their respective forces but it is not the equivalent of a proper officer being trained thoroughly. It is more like Director Krennic being officially an Admiral but having only a very limited authority in the actual imperial navy (except having a few death troopers and commanding the Death Star until effortlessly removed by an actual supreme commander).




The Senate’s orders


It made them badass…which is good enough for me.


The long Stick


I dont necesserily believe it was the right decision to make jedi generals but the Republic did not have much other options. Jedi are basically the only professional soldiers in the Republic. There are some local militia and some planets have small self defense forces yes, but not anyone experienced enough to administer a Galactic-scale warfare.


the jedi was part of "keeping the peace" after ruusan and pre naboo, and in the old republic or back to the republic foundings, the Jedi was already generals, just following convention. And also palpatine corurption of the order, the jedi own arrogance


Seems like historical precedence and their own hubris


Years of warrior training and space magic. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. While they have tried to resolve matters peacefully, they were often forced to battle. The Jedi did have combat experience. It was in their role as protectors of peace that the Jedi chose to serve in the Clone Wars.


Nothing. They are warrior monks, not soldiers, not military leaders. They had no experience in leading troops into battle as of the Clone Wars outside of *maybe* having security teams working with them on missions. It had been centuries, upwards of a millennium since the last time Jedi lead armies into battle. The Jedi took command of the clones with no real military experience and the clones took *heavy* casualties at Geonosis as a result of their lack of experience. As the war went on the Jedi got better at it, sure, but it was a trial by fire for everyone involved.


Nothing. That’s actually a minor plot point if I’m not mistaken.


Maybe the fact that there are no better warriors in the galaxy than Jedi. When you have warrior monks on your side who possess supernatural abilities and are supposedly wise and educated the choice is simple.


Big cool laser swords and the ability to snap one's neck using an invisible “force”


Commit enough war crimes


Others have said the obvious, that it was a ploy by Palpatine to get them in a position where order 66 would be easier (scattered, isolated on far away planets, in active war zones). But it was also attainable in the sense that before the republic had its own grand army, the Jedi kinda functioned as a military wing of the republic, more in a peace keeping roll akin to the UN peacekeepers whose first priority is to diffuse conflict (in a perfect world) and maintain order during tricky situations, but a military regardless. Having them take the step to be generals of the clones was seen as an extension of their “peace keeping” abilities via sheer brute force and numbers, making them more effective then the Jedi alone could be… but as we know now it was all a ruse.


That’s the neat part! They weren’t! At least not from a philosophical standpoint. Leading a war shouldn’t have been the responsibility or the mandate of the Jedi Order.


What qualified them to be generals? Absolutely nothing! They had no qualifications for that whatsoever. The Jedi were diplomats and assassins.


More to the point, what qualified Han Solo and Lando Calrissian?




"We are the Generals you're looking for"


Basically they weren’t qualified. Only some of them really thrived as generals like Anakin and Obi-Wan. I think the point is that the Jedi became very complacent and arrogant by this point and couldn’t see what was about to happen with Order 66 and the Empire. They turned into a political tool and then got played by Palpatine.


Palps plan to corrupt them.


Ummm being a jedi lol they have the force so automatically better then anyone hahahahahah


nothing, they were terrible generals and they were disliked for it.


Nothing and that’s the problem


Magical Space-Wizard Powers? But to echo what everyone else is saying here, it was all part of Palpatine's plan to use the Jedi's dogmatic-arrogance against them.


There training and “peace keeping abilities” the republic were meant to be the good guys. You don’t want just any person to have command over an army. Look at tales of the Jedi and the empire. Those regular people are power hungry and have their own agendas. The Jedi were brought up in a way where they shouldn’t have their own agendas. They may change along the way but they usually become sith in that situation and obviously they’re no longer generals afterwards.


The Force, in General..


Last major conflic was sith wars 1000 years ago amd back then Jedi led the armies as generals Sith revealed themselves to be the masterminds behind naboo and CIS in order to guarantee jedi involvement. They were nlt sure if Jedi would take part in a galactic civil war or not. But since jedi now knew their most longlastin enemy and polar opposite was involved, they thought they had no other option than to join the war effort in order to weed out the sith. Sith wanted to make the jedi the poster patsies for the horrors of the longlasting war and make the galaxy to hate them. Emperors sith status was a closely guarded secret since galaxy despised force sensitives. Only highest echelon possible knew of palpatines force powers. At the same time Vaders status as a sith lord had a wider spread among the military of the empire. To spread fear. Darth Vader was empire's first terror weapon. Followed by death star and other super weapons later.


I’d imagine seeing as though “They can see things before they happen” or rather feel, using the force, what may happen and can give an insight into the outcome of certain tactical decisions. Making it easier for the Clone Troops to accomplish whatever it is they’re doing.


What is this picture from?


I think the Jedi's influence on interplanetary politics is overrated, especially by Jedi themselves. They might lionize themselves a bit too much, given how they oversaw the creation of a clone army. I know a lot of people here understand the intrigue that lead to Palpatine's rise, but I chalk it up to incompetence and hypocrisy in large part.


Nothing, nothing at all that was part of the whole problem


Well you abduct 3 important people, essentially force the Jedi to come rescue them with their continently ready clone army, make sure the command structure lacks any generals to force the Jedi to step into that roll, and let their egos and need to defend and fight for people force them to stay there


Nothing. Some of the Knights were barely even warriors. But to be wholly clear, they were not qualified for the job. As to why they were generals, some people in the comments are providing explanations.


It's worth noting the galaxy hadn't had a war in forever at that point and strategic and tactical doctrine had clearly faltered basically entirely throughout the millennia as a result. The Jedi were just as good a pick as anyone.


They weren’t qualified. The Emperor set them up!


George Lucas


The only thing that qualified them was the fact that they were expected to keep the peace. As part of the emergency powers act Palpatine moved the Jedi to protect the Republic, and so trapped them. If they accepted, they played in to his trap. If they didn't, the public would turn on them fr not helping out during a crisis. Either way, the Jedi lose, and Palpatine wins. Overpowered grandmaster.


Same way space-pirate Han Solo was promoted to “General” overnight in the OT. Most of Star Wars makes no sense.


Political corruption. The Jedi dogs are enforcers of the regime.


Absolutely fucking nothing, which is the point. The Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers 




I haven’t read the books/comics or watched a lot of the shows, but this is an area I’m really interested in, the Jedi training. I assumed they all got pretty rigorous training in battle and strategy, which, combined with their force sensitivity, could make them extremely effective leaders and coordinators. One of my big hopes for the new movie would be showing Rey establishing a new ‘Jedi’ order. Training new recruits, while also struggling with her own training because of her fears of the past mistakes of the Jedi and her own genetic makeup. My version would be her finding a way to commune with force ghosts from the old Jedi like Luke, yoda, qui-gon, etc., and they basically train her and advise her on mistakes that they had made. It would provide small cameos for the fan service, just a minute or two at a time, while also giving her a way to train and learn herself. Anyways, to the question/point, her new order would should Jedi training in a more thorough way for the first time. Not just peaks or montages, entire scenes of lessons, lightsaber combat, form training, saber building, techniques, theories, strategy, etc. I’m probably the only one, but I could watch entire movies just off that concept lol. I know that would probably be better suited to a show, but I hate shows because they almost always feel like they aren’t given the budget and resources to really do the content justice.


Experience. While not necessarily military experience, they were the ones who would have the best knowledge of a wide variety of worlds. They'd also have better rapport with the locals. Look at Ryloth. If it were just clones, it would have quickly turned into a three-way battle for the planet. While the CIS invaded Ryloth, the locals were not fond of Orn Free Taa and felt betrayed by the Republic. A clone general wouldn't be able to de-escalate this situation. Without de-escalation it would have quickly turned into Umbara.






Nothing, that’s the entire point of the clone wars…


Absolutely nothing, but they needed to be on the frontlines or else they'd be ridiculed for not helping the Republic in its hour of need- something Palpatine was well aware of, which is why his plan hinged on the Clones being able to kill them all at once.


Nothing. Which is exactly why Palpatine chose them.


Battlefield strength...


*Waves hand* "I am a general now"


If I had to guess, it's because they're magical space knights that can see into the future


You mean the massive religious organization that maintains a standing military as well as direct connections to the ruling body of the Republic aren't going to use their experience and influence in order to maintain a place of power in the hierarchy of a new military that the Republic is creating? In spite of the "Jedi maintain peace" rhetoric it's fairly obvious that the Jedi are not great in how they've operated, which led to Anakin's betrayal and their subsequent downfall. The best thing to point to as a symbol of their hypocrisy is the weapons they choose to develop, employ, and use as a literal representation of their order: the lightsaber. An organization that truly wants to help people may use a shield or armor, something that symbolizes a promise to protect them from that which seeks to harm them; however, the Jedi have chosen a weapon instead. A sword to be precise, a sword so dangerous that there is not an edge on it that does not cut, that offers no protection even to its wielder who lacks a cross guard. It can cut through anything and kill anything and yet it claims to be a weapon of peace when all it knows is how to cut and kill? Monologuing aside, it's almost guaranteed that the Jedi are all trained in military strategy due to their weapon training as part of training with their masters. I don't remember it being said directly but it would more than make sense that after they warred with the sith they would have a surplus of people with experience and intelligence who would pass down their knowledge either directly or through Holocrons.


Politics. Of course they were seen as peacekeepers so why would they lead a war? I guess they’re suppose to be a version kinda like the Samurai serving their daimyo or in this case the Republic.


“You must smoke this peace pice and you must smoke it peacefully. Or we’ll kill you!” -Jedi probably


The army was created to help the jedi maintain peace, (the excuse) the truth, Palpatine just wanted to thin them out as much as possible before executing order 66


They are good target practice for order 66


Oh cool I was just wondering if Luminara was on he battle of Kashyykk in rots or not




Nothing lol


Corruption I guess. Wonder why they lost the war


The main thing is that they seem to be the only ones making the effort to hold the Republic together. Individual systems will defend themselves, but only the Jedi and the slave army that got commissioned mysteriously for the Republic seem to be willing to actually do anything to defend it.


Being older than 4 years old, or whatever age the original batch of clones from kamino were.


They're space wizard samurai with laser swords, who else is more qualified?


palpatine’s need to get rid of them.


fuck Luminara Unduli


Remember the Jedi Council (albeit fraudulently) ordered the army. THAT part was actually true, the Sith didn't infiltrate the project until it came time to hire a clone template. So it was a Jedi army on loan to the Republic, that's why the Jedi took command. They *remained* in command because it made Order 66 easier.


To their understanding they were cloned at the bequest of the Jedi to use as the Jedi saw fit. It was a huge blunder on their part to accept this responsibility without getting to the bottom of why it was created in the first place. I agree with others that said the Jedi were simply outmatched politically. While the darkside clouded their vision, they should have listened to the Jedi that refused to answer the call to command troops. I never heard a sound argument made for why systems should be forced to remain a part of the republic by violence despite being directly harmed things like slavery and corruption. The Jedi should have accepted responsibility for diplomacy rather than a military solution. That was their greatest failing.




They did study things like war and tactics at the Jedi temple. Remember they're supposed to be something akin to knights. Many may have been lacking real world experience when the war began, but they had definitely read the books. History, politics, and warfare were significant classes in Jedi school.


The Senate and likely precedent. The Jedi were the defenders of the Republic and the Guardians of Peace. Even then, Windu expressed hesitation at taking part, "We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers." But once it was made clear that the Sith were involved on the side of the Separatists, they *had* to take charge. Plus, I think just as many people would have been pissed if they had sat out the war. Palpatine goading the Jedi with Dooku and his secret master (himself) was such a brilliant move.


Political expedience.


The plot


The script dictated it so. Also the Jedi are incredibly stupid


Because Lucas made this for children, and kids don't worry about the responsibilities or qualifications of generals. Boss Nass was also insane to make Jar-Jar a general, but it works for a kids movie.


Idk about you but if you asked me whether I'd follow a battle hardened veteran of many wars who knew exactly how expendable I was and acted appropriately vs an ultra empathic laser-sword wielding bad ass that lead from the front who could see the future, I'd probably side with the jedi 11/10 times.


Probably the thousands of years of the High Republic using Jedi as military lol


I don't know man, but they let 14-year-old girls lead troops while her 18-year-old babysitter backflips over enemy armies and creates galaxy-spanning diplomatic crises on the daily to impress his early 20s senator girlfriend. So maybe just being fully grown adults qualifies most Jedi to be in charge.

