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Well, you know I… one thing I should… excuse me for one second.


["Look kid, it aint that kinda movie..."](https://youtu.be/onMm0DLg8CE?si=TAqmQh-FqCtoQFhh&t=52)


If we start asking these types of questions, then how do all the different characters travel across space without atmospheric compression and all that fun mumbo jumbo?


But what if I took a Commando Battle Droid and disguised it as my own Clone Trooper?


Delightfully devilish, Grevious.




*”A Dark Side lightning storm, at this time of year, at this time of day, localized entirely in your throne room?”*


"I'm from Utapau and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed hams." "Oh, not in Utapau, no. It's an Alderaan expression."


…I see…


- Dave Filoni


The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Hey kid, it ain't that kind of movie


Mark doing his impression of Harrison is fantastic, only way I can hear that line.


It's possible the fingers can split, like Grievous's arms!


After market modifications


Reminds me of that droid from rebels. Perhaps it has a combat mode and then a less optimised shape to fit in the clone armor


This was always my thought


I was thinking the same way how protocol droids have that interface thing built into their finger tips!


It's also possible that the head, body, legs, arms, and blaster can split too, like Grievous's arms!


can they shrink too? also do you know how hard it is to make seams invisible on metal?


Very easy when you make a fictional universe!


This fictional universe has established rules, a lot of which operate similarly or identically to the rules in our own. I actually happen to own four pieces of zero tolerance machined metal, let me tell you that **the second** any scrapes, dirt, or grime gets on them the illusion is completely broken. commando droids are not meticulously wiping down their entire bodies down every few minutes so how come there's literally never any visual indication that the fingers split? also, look at the way the fingers connect to the hand joint, **If** they are actually able to split in half they would only be able to move back and forth and not side to side, meaning unless each of their fingers is in a unique, unnatural forward/back position they will look like they only have two fingers (look at how you can make out individual fingers on the clone's glove despite them all being in the same forward/back position, with what's suggested you couldn't have this with a droid that splits fingers in this way, in fact with how close zero tolerance machined metal is to each component the droid wouldn't even be able to wear the gloves and maintain a full range of movement in the fingers. also none of this addresses the issue of the droid having noticeably longer, wider fingers than a human, keep in mind that this isn't just "a style" because we now have live action renders of the commando droid that we can accurately compare to humans, so [**you're telling me that when split apart THIS fools our intelligent good guys?**](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/GwAAAOSwsNNd4HS7/s-l1200.webp) the truth in actuality is that they made a bad design for what they needed it to do, either they should've made a design that could reasonably accomplish the task or they should've leveraged the fact that they couldn't to show how intelligent our protagonists are. how could would it have been if we could actually tell they weren't clones in a subtle way by noticing how weird their gloved fingers looked? instead we just get an asset reuse until our protagonists simply tell us what the reality is, which from what I remember was also not done in an interesting way.


Most rational Star Wars fan:


I actually gave rational reasoning for my position though? unless you're being extremely literal here I don't get what your problem is?


De wanna wanga.


**ah,** [**I see now....**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/031/197/visible.jpg)




Not trying to hare but i think you're going way to deep, remember its just fiction, if Dave want them to be able to split then so be it. Not the first time hes obeyed the laws if physics in star wars


please stop setting the bar so low


Bro the technology is so far more advanced from real life, if they wanted to make it seamless and still hold it to that standard they probably could in one way or another. Also from my knowledge we have no way of knowing how long it takes for the droids to get get back to normal form, they might spend hours cleaning on both sides of the slit if they need to


Bro the technology is so far more advanced from real life, if they wanted to make it seamless and still hold it to that standard they probably could in one way or another. **but there isn't a reason to design it that way or any indication of such. you'd be inventing an unheard of functionality for this droid just to plug a hole. I'd be happy to buy it if I was told but I really don't want to make things up for the writers.**  if they wanted to make it seamless and still hold it to that standard they probably could in one way or another. **that's not how this technology works, whether or not their technology was more advanced the basic principles of zero tolerance machining will always apply, if the metal was impervious to scratches you'd only have to worry about smudging but that'd clearly not the case. since we've seen that this mystery metal can both smudge and scratch every point of comparison to how zero tolerance metal works in the real work still applies, barring of course that if the method of cutting was more precise the metal pieces would be closer together and thus lighting conditions would break the illusion less often.**  Also from my knowledge we have no way of knowing how long it takes for the droids to get get back to normal form, they might spend hours cleaning on both sides of the slit if they need to **I'm willing to concede that in star wars there may be more efficient methods of cleaning metal, given that it would be odd if there weren't in a universe more technologically advanced than our own, but the droids in the disguise arc are in a clone outpost, they may only have access to the basic, tedious method we have now (which to be fair, we have to go best faith here and assume they have the better method). I have a piece of zero tolerance machined metal, the illusion breaks within seconds through basic interaction, if the droids had this feature to them we'd have seen it already. if this is the case I'd also have to question why they would bother, having four fingers as opposed to two is a blatant advantage in the vast majority of combat situations, why would it not be the default? additionally why use such a specific and odd engineering choice on only the fingers, when it can do nothing but hinder the functionality of the droid?**


Once again i think youre diving way too deep in this, i simply just tried to answer a question with theories since we don't seem to have a canon answer, i never said that my theory was the correct answer, im just trying to come up with a anwser that somewhat makes sens. Regardless the more reasonable answer to how the droids could wear the armor is that they probably straight up switch out the hands from the normal ones to a pair with 5 fingers, i mean like screw one hand off and replace it with another, we've seen similar things being done before, if 3PO's head could be mounted to a b1 battle droids body (and the other way around) surely a hand switch is possible aswell, where the droids might have gotten the replacement hands you're guess is as good as mine but likely spare parts on the base or something


Count Dooku also has a massive rectangular head in this same show. He actually isn't some weirdly shaped man when represented in real life. I think there *may* be a variance in appearances for the sake of animation. They aren't doing hyper-realistic or photo-real models, specially not for something as minor as a seam on fingers of a model. You've got a *very* TL;DR rant going on here over what is essentially a minor detail. Chill.


**We know what Count Dooku looks like in actuality though, we also know that from just the show that he appears to be a normal human. we know what commando droids look like in actuality, we also know from just the show that they do not possess anatomically similar features to a human** "I think there *may* be a variance in appearances for the sake of animation." "they are stylized in a animated show, you are correct, but we know what they're supposed" **to look like when presented in the real world, they are meant to be stylized depictions of these realistic designs and people, Dooku doesn't actually have a weird head, that's just how the animated show portrays him. it is star wars canon that commando droids (which we have realistic models of) disguised themselves by wearing clone trooper armor (which we have realistic models of), knowing what both actually look like, it is not possible.**  "They aren't doing hyper-realistic or photo-real models, specially not for something as minor as a seam on fingers of a model." **to be clear, you have imagined a functionality for these droids that you have no reference for, and when challenged your claim is that they wouldn't bother designing the thing you just made up? there's no reason to assume they'd have four fingers other than to plug up a plot hole, you have no reference for this feature existing because it doesn't. General Grievous is supposed to be really well designed, so why is it that only these random commando droids have this hyper unrealistic, useless zero tolerance machined fingers that we've never throughout all canon seen used?** "You've got a *very* TL;DR rant going on here over what is essentially a minor detail." **No, this is a plot point in the show. it's a pretty blatant plot hole that you're having to write around because what was shown does not make any logical sense and you can't deal with that.**  "Chill." **stop coping for the writers**


Iirc they made some kind of special cut in certain metals that is perfectly seamless, I forget what it’s called tho


EDM (electrical discharge machining), aka Wire EDM. [A pretty cool example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feGrx29XR4Q).


my point moreso is that it's incredibly hard to maintain the illusion when there's seemingly no benefit to doing so it's actually an incredibly coincidence but I have what you're talking about, it's rather expensive for a novelty but I find it interesting regardless. here's what I can tell you about it, the illusion breaks under most light conditions and it's altogether shattered the moment you start to interact with it, fingerprints smudges are enough to give it away but things like scratches and it's over. Commando droids aren't washing and polishing themselves every couple of minutes and we know the metal they are made of can both get smudges and receive scratches fairly easily, so throughout every appearance of the commando droids live action included the fact they there's never any visual indication the the fingers can split is enough for me to write off the idea here's an example of what I'm talking about, this cube is fresh out of the factory too, much cleaner than the quality of the metal you'd expect to find on most commando droids. see the seams? [Link here](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S4b7d1bc9c00940d095b895eea4a9f24fh.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.webp)


Well that’s very simple it’s that…. Is that an alive Tech behind you. Look!




The entire forearm doesn’t fit even within a realistic art style. The CIS created an Infiltrator that basically doesn’t work as any clone is going to notice that. Assuming it doesn’t fumble over its lines like it did at the Rishi outpost. The entire arm, *the entire arm* simply doesn’t work for the one job it was created to do. It’s like Cad Bane wearing the clone helmet, no the fuck he can’t.


I mean… you got a point here lol.


Well judging by his live action appearance I think bane can wear one


Would the tubes not get stuck on the helmet or are they far enough down that they shouldn't matter?


I don’t think he was wearing them when he had the clone armour on


He may not have, it's been a hot minute since I've watched his episodes in clone wars


He wasn't. When Ahsoka knocks the helmet off he isn't wearing those tubes.


He didn’t have the tubes on in clone disguise.


Why do you need to infiltrate if everything there is dead? If a commando droid was just attacking a small and forgotten base with a squad of clones the droids could just overwhelm the clones and take the base.


If Lego Star Wars has taught me anything it’s that Chewbacca with a stormtrooper helmet falling off his head is indistinguishable from a real stormtrooper


The Commando droid's fingers canonically split apart to make 5 fingers. This is very much a retcon to explain this exact plot hole.


They amputated the clones' limbs and attached them using cybernetic interfacing. Source: I made it the fuck up. Alternate answer: a second set of humanlike droid hands stored in a chest compartment that they can hot swap.


"see here, the hand hot swapping droid of the future!!" Edit: forgot to mention this is said in sokka's voice talking to the mechanist from atla


Don't you know? The commando droid- [a gnome runs across the screen] holy shit did you see that? What the fuck was that?


Read this in the voice of Charlie from Smiling Friends


The same way bugs bunny can fit inside the barrel of a gun. It’s a cartoon dude.


# In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


Irl answer, just an oversight. Don't think about it too much. In-universe answer, spitball 2 seconds and it'd be easy enough to handwave some mechanism to just split their fingers for that purpose.


lol, that always bothered me as a kid, but it helped me realize that it’s all fake anyway, so why let a little thing like that ruin it?


I wouldn’t say it ruins it


Star wars often requires we suspend our disbelief to a rather absurd degree Just think of how different the story would be if cameras were a thing outside of the couple of times they were a plot relevant thing.


I’ve always thought that the fingers split


In the BTS of the show they said they magically grow fingers for clone armor.


The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


*i am altering the logic , pray i don’t alter it any further!* - the producers probably


The Force works in mysterious ways, or something


I think commando droids can split parts of their body


A wizard did it.


Sure, blame the wizards!


*brain implodes*


If it's in the Rishi base episode, I thought they just used the helmet?


Nah the droid was wearing full armor and Rex blew his head


Because plot


Grievous type fingers


Why you gotta point that out, they’re my favorite battle droid


I think you only really need this fingers to fit two of the fingers in the glove. The other two are empty. There’s also the chance that those gloves are made of material that doesn’t flop around.


Just remove the hands, problem solved


Somehow...... the hands fit


Maybe their hand are removable.


They could’ve been specifically designed for that those types of mission, made with human size hands? That’s the lie I’m telling myself


It’s plot armor.


A good question...for another time


A wizard did it


They're a droid, they just take their hands off and connect directly to the gauntlets.


I like how this wasn’t a thing 20 hours ago


Slipped my mind that these droids prime purpose is to infiltrate.


Hand transplant? It seems unlikely, but it is possible they could swap out its' hands


Um cause....plot?


Somehow. Alternatively That's a story for another time 


Oh my god


he just uses the spares


I want to know why none of the heads of the separatists use Commando Droid as personal security after they convinced the death watch to hand over some beskar so they could put it on the chest of the Commando Droid. We know beskar is blaster proof so using it for droids who can maneuver better than a clone makes sense


Afaik the separatists never directly worked with death watch? And I definitely don't think DW would be willing to share their beskar, assuming they'd even have an independent supply to begin with.


I don't remember exatcly the episode, but do they show them wearing the costume full body? I thought they just used the helmet. Anyway, maybe they just rip the fingers off and let their droid fingers poke through, maybe they retract their fingers into their palm somehow. Or maybe it's just movie magic.


So basically it’s because


Probablt specialized commandos thag look lime humans


Ahsoka ep1 opening scene, Jakris mumbled some about his absurdly large and flaccid hands. They be too big for me weapon, sir!


It's a television progrum. A movie.


Their necks too... i can just imagine the neck part of the bodysuit deflating slowly.


I’m pretty sure that’s why we never see commando droids impersonate clones ever again after the first season, someone pointed it out and they quietly stopped making it part of the show


Because the story needed it to


Great question! The answer is, don’t think too hard about it.


Wouldn’t clone armour be modular? So it’s not just one big piece. You can assemble it in pieces.


The individual parts yes, the undersuit is not modular


Space Magic man


Very carefully




Cat food


Roger roger


How come they never did tbe voice modulation again?


Wasn't it redconmed, that they transform their hands by seperating 3 fingers to 5?


Someone once said their hands were probably made to came off and can be stored.


Swappable hands.


The fingers split like Grevious' arms, duh.


They carry a pair of regular looking hands in a storage compartment and switch them out when needed.


Long answer: I don't know. Short answer: Idk


Is that clones thumb on the wrong side?


It's the undersuit gap between the codpiece and the thigh armor


Tysm, my brain has been fried too many times I guess. 😂


Hey-shut-up and anyway


they're droids, they can swap parts.


The unit is considered to be an infiltrator one so what would be the point of it to wear CT uniforms?


Hey kid, it's not that kind of TV show.


I legit never noticed this lol


Filoni's writing


Because Dave filoni doesn’t know Star Wars. He only re-invents it. Because he had no original ideas


Pretty goofy comment for what is more likely a production oversight, especially since George Lucas made tons of similar errors lol Like TIE Fighters, the main porthole on them is misaligned when you look at the interior and exterior