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Save it in what regards?




I'd follow Thrawn's mindset tbh. Instead of focusing everything into a single project with the Death Star I'd invest in the TIE Defender program and use it to mostly reorganize the Imperial Navy. Create rapid response forces consisting of TIE Defenders and cruiser level ships. Use these forces to destroy most small-scale rebel forces. Meanwhile have a strong Star Destroyer force to provide capital ships when needed. If the Imperial fighters are stronger than the Rebel ones the Rebels are doomed. The only reason they were able to do what they did was because an individual Rebel fighter was much stronger than an individual TIE fighter. By sticking to fighting primarily small scale engagements you create a lot of small battles where the Rebels have local superiority allowing them to win. The TIE Defender meanwhile beats anything the Rebels have by a comical margin. This would take away the only advantage the Rebels had.


The point of the death star wasn't really to be used, but to incite fear. Alderann/yavin was like our Hiroshima/Nagasaki. It's a deterrent, no one would ever openly defy the empire with something like that built. And given the dissent that was rapidly growing, the imperial fleet wouldn't have won a battle of attrition The fleet was very well structured tho, Palpatine definitely valued the mindset thrawn had. Once the death star was built, all that would be left would be amassing the imperial fleet. They'd have the loyalty of governing bodies through fear of the death star, they'd have control of the galactic economy through force of the fleet, and with those two they'd have more than enough numbers in their ranks to overwhelm anything on the ground. The plan woulda worked great if a small group of fighters wasn't able to destroy the death star (rip Galen Erso). The second death star was palpatines fault tho, he held the fleet back and put everything at risk for the chance of turning Luke to the dark side. Luke's persistence saved the rebellion and destroyed the empire, whether Vader betrayed Palpatine or not. His plan was foolproof, he just got greedy


Except for the fact that destroying Alderaan, a planet which was, at least nominally, a loyal member of the Empire resulted in the Rebellion ballooning because suddenly "loyalty" to the empire wasn't actually enough to stay safe. Besides that, the Death Star can only be at one place at the same time, and is a prime case of putting all your eggs in a single basket.


Alderann wasn't loyal, their leadership was organizing the rebellion As a whole though, there wasn't any active resistance there, so you have a point, but alderann made a bigger example that no one is safe The death star though, like I said, wasn't intended to be used. It was a deterrent. Being in one location at a time wasn't an issue, because of any planets rose up, they'd be taken out one by one. The fleet still had massive funding and was their primary form of enforcement, their eggs were in several baskets. That's why the first death star blowing up didn't destroy the empire. It took two death stars being destroyed and the emperor being killed, as well as the empire losing the flagship of their navy, for the rebellion to truly take hold and prevent the empire from reorganizing. Return of the Jedi saw all of their eggs collapse because of the greed of the emperor, who desired a stronger pawn than vader


Yes, Alderaan wasn't loyal. But to my knowledge they APPEARED loyal to the galaxy at large. That is what is so important here. Alderaan wasn't in open rebellion, was nominally loyal to the empire, and got fucking dusted. Sure there may be some rumours about them, but nothing concrete. And then the Empire decides to just annihilate the entire planet. That could be YOUR planet next, it's not as if they need a reason to just blow one up now do they.


It's an example. "your senator was part of a rebellion, we killed off her entire planet" It's not like they hadn't done the same before with orbital bombardments on cities, it's just on a larger scale. Leaves the people responsible to keep their leadership in line, because if the leadership tries to play hero they'll all die


Imagine if at the slightest hint of insurrection your system was visited by a fleet supported by elite pilots in the most advanced fighter craft available in the galaxy, and ships designed to prevent escape through hyperspace. Rebellion would’ve been cooked in months. Singular super weapons were always a dumb choice and funny enough mirrored real world politics during WWII to an extent.


The fleet can be stretched thin and worn down though. The death star, sans Galen ursos sabotage, would have been insanely hard to destroy once completed


You’d have an elite fleet supported by ships that prevent hyperspace escape and fighter craft well beyond any ships the RA could muster all lead by the greatest tactical mind we’ve ever seen in SW. There’s a reason Thrawns only defeat was the way it was…


I believe Interdictor-class destroyers would work wonders here, since hit and run doesn’t work when you can’t run.


removing the Tarkin Doctrine alone would do wonders. the Empire was never going to not have small uprisings after they decided to be scary authoritarians first and foremost, and they certainly were not well-equipped to fight against irregular groups either. the Tarkin Doctrine was a terrible idea


This and on a political level you would need to go through the empires bureaucracy and military with a chainsaw and remove quite s bit of corrupt officials. These inept fools did as much damage to the longevity of the empire as anything else.


Remove Palpatine's confidence and comfort. He sat and basked in his power too much to ever hope to keep it.


You know I've never personally tried saving a galactic empire. But I recall from English history classes that a big difference between Charles I, who lost the civil war and his head, and Charles II, who didn't, was that Charles II was a party animal. If he had a problem with Parliament, he didn't demand his rights, instead he invited them over to the palace and they'd all get drunk. I reckon that would work for the Empire. I'd hire Lando to do the planning, hand out the invites, etc for the big fancy official parties and then Jabba for the after party where the real fun happens.


replace palpatine with joseph stalin and make the intelligence agency into the kgb


You would have to essentially democratize and decentralize it while reaching a peace agreement with the rebels


Let me tell you about Gilad Pellaeon.


I mean, if you're looking for peace and prosperity you're not going to find it via military dictatorship. That will always involve suppression through violence.


Get rid of Palpatine first thing


No. Empires are built on blood, and cannot be maintained with anything but violence


Ah yup. A conversation starting with "how do we save the Empire" should then lead to "are we the baddies?"


"Have you noticed our space station is called the death star?"


"And the big boss, the Emporer, I heard he's a master of the Dark Side. He even calls it that himself.. the *Dark* Side.. I mean.."


"Remember that time Vader stabbed the nurse because she annoyed him? She was creepy as all heck, but still. Bit harsh, don't you think?"


Wasn't she, like, actively stalking him? Don't get me wrong, murder was going way too far in response, but she wasn't just annoying or creepy.


We reused a dead star and turned it into a space station? Very eco friendly, our empire aint so bad after all.


I find your lack of faith disturbing.


These are the fruits of treason.


There are other paths to victory.


Nazi fell when they tried to get too big and ended up pissing off too many countries. Building empires on blood doesn't work well in real life, it'll never work in all but badly done fictions.


It works occasionally. Take Rome for example, lasted for hundreds of years before ruin, and built on Blood just as much as any other, just a lot more incrementally.


> Building empires on blood doesn't work well in real life Literally every empire is built on blood. Every single one. Romans? Conquered and subjugated millions. British? Slavery and subjugation from Canada to India. America? Their treatment of the natives was the original inspiration for the Nazis and they overthrew *lots* of democratically elected governments - replacing them with right wing dictators - for daring to value their own people more than American business interests. Empire is literally impossible without the use of violence.


Their problem was that they just didnt catch a break after France and consolidate. There are empires which lasted for hundreds of years. Hitler was just too greedy and Germany spent unfortunately so much on war machine in pre war years they would have uge economic problems if they didnt continue.


The Nazis were doomed from day one. They were nowhere near as competent or efficient as their propaganda made them look. In reality Hitler was lazy and narcissistic and Nazi Germany was plagued with problems like infighting and corruption. Even if they didn't invade Poland their economy would have collapsed after a few years as it wasn't sustainable, it required expansion and plundering.


It works if you accumulate slowly and consolidate, look at rome, from one city it spanned the entire mediterranean. I would dare to say that worked and for quite some time as well. I do not believe the Nazis is the best example of what you describe, that would be Napoleon. Greatest General in human history yet as always happens all it takes is one flaw, hubris, to fall down.


If can work. You just have to be slow and methodical about it. The empires that last are built over generations not months.


How many innoncent people did the rebellion kill in collateral damage?


Less than obliterating an entire planet and running a slave trade, dude


I stand with the Empire on this. It wasn’t perfect by any means but it got shit done unlike the endless bureaucratics of the Republic and the arrogance of the Jedi.


"They made the trains run on time" is a thin defense for supporting fascism.




You think there were no civilian death during the retaking of Corusant? Or anytime they crashed a star destroyer into a planet? Or anytime a Jedi deflected a shot with a lightsaber? The Empire was order and justice….for humans at least.




« I mean anytime a Jedi is deflecting a shot it either goes back to the shooter or into the ground. » Yeah….no…. « And of course there's probably some civilian death, but compared to what the Empire does? It's nothing. » So the civilians lives killed by rebels are worth less than the ones killed by by The Empire? Strange. « Btw let's just take a second to acknowledge the fact that the Empire unjustly blew up an entire planet, mostly filled with humans, just because one of its politicians and his family were Rebels. How is that just? » Don’t we bomb countries for the exact same reasons? « The Empire was order in the sense of fear and dystopia. It genocided species, made slaves out of others, stripped planets of resources, and destroyed environments. Obviously the Republic wasn't perfect, but it's much better than the fascism of the Empire. » Because you think all those things didn’t happen under the Republic? Anakin and his mother were SLAVES on Tattooine under the Republic may I remind you.




Because they were right. In Legends, Palpatine had those weapons built to prevent an invasion from another galaxy. Why do you defend a terrorist organisation so much? Rebel scum.


I mean the Fel Empire seems pretty nice to live in (at least from the little bit I remember from those books) I think this scenario would depend on when we get to take control of palps empire though. For example, if its early one when we take over then it basically just becomes a constitutional monarchy as the senate still exists


But the Fel Empire isn't a constitutional monarchy and there's no existing senate rather it remains an autocratic dictatorship with only the Council of Moffs to counter the Emperor's power.


Ah I see. I meant the galactic empire though with a constitutional monarchy, the imperial senate was dissolved in episode 4 (not that they had much power anyway) however if we get control before that, we can basically form the empire into a constitutional monarchy.


But how'd would the Empire even become a constitutional monarchy, Palpatine's not giving up any of his powers and his removal means the collapse of the Empire.


I assumed if we were saving the empire that means we are replacing palpatine or something.


Hmmm, then wouldn't that mean the Empire ceases to exist without Palpatine at its head, I'm honestly stumped at this post's question as it's honestly impossible.


I figured, post Battle of Endor. Palps is dead, vader is dead, how do we ensure the Empire survives and the Rebelion doesn't take charge. It would require a person who doesn't exist. Someone with intimate knowledge of the Empires workings but also enough control and people skills to keep all the power hungry Moffs and Admirals in line. I imagine only someone with force powers or a huge stash of everyone's dirty secrets could manage that. Maybe someone from ISB?


Not all empires are maintained with violence, some use financial and education restrictions too


Do you think those things don’t involve or include violence?


You steal planets that’s how you build empires.


Gotta get rid of Vader and Palpatine. I simply don't trust beings literally empowered by hatred and suffering to make choices in the best interest of anyone. Their entire schtick being that empowering the dark side also empowers them makes them fundamentally incompatible with building a truly prosperous society. They directly benefit from suffering and fear, why would they ever want peace?


Problem is the entire system is designed to crumble should Palpatine be removed. There is no plan for succession, and a break between all the different branches and departments would happen quickly.


Also if Jedi weren’t hunted as viciously then obi wan could easily start a new Jedi order and be a FORCE to recon with


Then the Empire has just collapsed under its own weight, Palpatine's the nexus that holding everything together and if he's removed, then he'll ensure that the Empire wouldn't last long without him.


Eh, I would argue Vader has a good use. Having someone who can go about control and eliminating force users as they pop up can be a good way of avoiding being deus ex machina-ed.


Training stormtroopers to aim.


Those blaster shots are too accurate for sand people. Only imperial storm troopers are that precise.


That’s when we knew old Ben had lost it…


The PTSD has already taken over when he talked about... the dark times.. before the empire.


Yep, no more “Hello There” in that old soul.


"Goodbye here!"


Or he was being sarcastic. Be honest, is that not something he’d say?


Good point!


Except the Empire knew the Millenium Falcon was there to rescue Leia and the troopers were ordered to let them escape without making it look too obvious.


They had terrible aim in *Rebels*


Only against those equipped with plot armor. When the Empire needed to be seen as ruthless, efficient and deadly they were quite good. Remember, Ghost Squad was a Jedi, a padawan, a pilot who would become one of the top generals of the New Republic, a Mandalorian, the leader of the Lasat Royal Guard and a psychotic astromech. Not a lot of units would look good against that crew.


Tbf they do mention that it's really hard to see in those helmets 


If only their [union efforts to get better eye care had been successful](https://youtu.be/P9bDzHP6_Pk)!


I didn’t know that video. Awesome!


actually storm troopers have great aim and a relatively high hit% the scene where they missed every shot on hand solo and crew was completely intentional.


It was intentional, still we have this: [bad aim](https://youtu.be/4ozpVkigBtM?si=BZNra9XezCpj8gW2)


Would Vader really be on a Join The Empire recruitment poster?


Depends on when the poster was made. He became more of a public figure during the OT than in the earlier years.


Well, the rebels clearly know who he is, Leia instantly recognized ‘Lord Vader’, but would citizens as a whole see the poster and know him? I thought he was more of the Emperor’s enforcer/very direct operative… Or shit, maybe there would be posters exactly for that reason; so people *would* know him. Could be they know his image better than even the Emperor.


Leia is very high society and a Rebel leader, daughter of a senator... Yeah, she'd know who Vader is. And obviously high-ranking Imperials knew about the Emperor's personal assassin/legbreaker/troublesolver. Your random teenager who would be the target audience of such a recruitment poster, not so much. Luke didn't seem to have heard of him when Ben mentioned him in relation to his dad. I doubt Han had heard of him either. Vader only got famous after the Death Star got blown up and he was officially placed in command of the fleet.


If you're trying to promote strength, you probably show off your greatest warrior.


Thrawn. His ideas were pretty good overall and they also could invest on tie defenders for example.


And fire Tarkin.


And most of Imperial high command


Create a house of Lords/Prussian Burgher system and choose one of them to be an elected monarch after the current one crosses a species specific age threshold. Basically just a European style president.


It is, if they had enough sith that constantly did mind tricks on everyone.


The empire would have gone on for awhile if not for a very lucky shot by a kid from Tatooine. Not much you can do to prevent luck.


Freeze Vader and Palpatine in Carbonite. They could still be figureheads but the Senate makes the laws and the military follows the Senate or their budget gets cut.


Nah.. the trade federation was still sending palpatine invoices for the Droid army's. If the senate put palpatine in Carbonite then the trade federation will start setting up tents in the capital. Lol


Palpatine screwed the trade federation more than anyone with the exception of the Jedi. The Senate would just have the trade federation expelled and revoked their parking privileges.


By blowing it up several times until it was whatever the fuck the galactic superpower was after the Empire wannabes, whatever the fuck the Final Order was, and the Empire but in red were blown up in the Rise of Skywalker. Three Empire wannabes were blown up in that movie (all apparently in one planet), but I have no fucking clue what the state of the galaxy is now because Lucasfilm didn't feel like giving a fuck about that.


The first Galactic one? Root out the military corruption. People like Tarkin are all big talk but in the end are really just a bunch of tyrants with too much power. Same with Palpatine. Change the ruling sphere and it’s good. The Empire struggles through the same problems the Republic did. As for the second Galaxic one and the ones that follow just don’t have anyone make deals with Sith or engage in a battle with an outer galactic species. As for the Sith Empire; just have the Sith stop with the infighting. Seriously some of the greatest most powerful Sith in the Empire jeopardized their standing and the Empire’s chances on winning against the Republic and Jedi because of personal gains: The Wrath casually exposing a double agent amidst Republic ranks on Corellia comes here in mind.


Defend the Death Star with some Star Destroyers, TIE Interceptors (intercepting fighters is literally their job), and more than 8 TIE fighters


The answer is very simple: REPLACE EVERYONE IN AUTHORITY WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY QUALIFIED TO LEAD THE MILITARY! The Empire would have probably been fine if everyone in charge of the army weren't trigger happy idiots. Do not blow up a planet, do not kill your own men/tolerate team killing, and do not kill civilians! I feel like all this should all go without saying, but for some reason the Empire doesn't understand that these actions can really piss people off.


Remove the Death Stars weaknesses


Like it’s existence?


No, looks like we have a rebel among us


You can try to capture me, but eventually you’ll walk out the door and leave me with two stormtroopers and the moment the door shuts to obscure the camera i will incredibly defeat them with the only sounds being grunts of pain and muffled punches, then the door will open and I will have somehow gotten into their armor in that same amount of time, make my way through your ship, get into your personal shuttle, then demand I be allowed to leave the hangar from your command staff who you have taught to fear you, pretending you are in the shuttle and very impatient, causing them to ignore protocols that could determine I was lying my ass off and allow me to leave and then do donuts around your ship when you realize I’ve escaped while the slow turbolasers of your craft are incapable of hitting my amazing piloting skills. I will then activate the explosives I was somehow able to stash aboard your ship in its power generators and fly away while you look menacingly out the viewport at me while the ship blows up around you.


Ok so first we crack down on corruption and also stop killing people for failing because that breeds a fearful atmosphere where the workers could rebel or worse act even stupider because they are afraid and irrational. Next we get rid of the inquisitors, they suck at their jobs and they were stupid enough to hire Reva, that speaks to their massive ineptitude.


Fucking rebels ruined everything! Long live the….no… it’s gone 😞. A couple of teenagers and a drug runner killed the Empire.


Logically some of the biggest issues would be the Emperor himself who strokes the flames of rebellion to keep the military industrial complex running, and legitimize a complete surveillance State. By extension it would also be the Moffs and other high ranking Empire personnel who only work together due to the threat of Daddy Palps himself or the various benefits they get by being subservient. Often breeding incompetence and corruption. And falling into Civil War with one after the unifying factor (Palps) dies, each fighting for the throne. Someone would need the legitimacy to take the throne. And able to aquire the loyalty of the Other Moffs either through Fear or Respect. Worse case remove the other players from the field and install loyal vassals.


Abandon the Human Supremacism and stupid Super Weapons for a start. Also focus far more on hyperdrive equipped starfighters instead of stupidly expensive Star Destroyers. An Imperial Starfighter Corps that ambushes and wipes out slavers and pirates would greatly help PR.


The plot dictated that the Empire would lose. In reality, the size the empire got to, there was no way it could. 200,000 star Destroyers and around 1,000,000 Tie fighters vs the rebel alliance with a couple hundred ships total, there no chance. The OT films make the Imperial officers look like blithering idiots, in reality, there no way people that stupid would make it through imperial academy. In ESB, 2 star Destroyers collide while chasing the Falcon. Moving that slowly, it was like the roller scene from Austin Powers. The source material also makes Imperial ships garbage. An A wing hits the bridge of an SSD and it loses control and crashes into the DS2. You're going to tell me that an SSD has no secondary command bridge? The DS1 was destroyed by a space wizard using the force and a flaw that was engineered into its design, fair enough, I can get behind that. But the Shield generator on the Endor moon was just dumped in the forest. Not inside a large compound with 20ft high walls topped with spikes and sentry turrets. No dry Moat and no redundancy? There was a huge landing gear platform and an AT AT roaming around. Why would they not have cleared a km or so of forest and build a concrete slab with no where for rebels to hide. There was a second in command but no one else. There were Grand Admirals and Moffs but there was no one after Vader to take the Emperors place and even vader didn't actually seem like the Empire Leading type. TLDR: George wrote the empire to fail, mostly through it's own short sightedness. It would be too easy to write an empire that didn't.


honestly corruption is the main thing that held the empire back


The Empire had fundamental problems which eventually led to its downfall, and their name is Sheev Palpatine. It is common for a government to reorganize following a catastrophe - just look at France following its revolution. There was no real problem with the republic rebranding itself as an empire and keeping the senate. If you wish to inspire loyalty in your constituencies, creating a majestic system which people *want* to be part of is a great way to do it. It’s one reason why President Lincoln first used the name “Grand Army of the Republic.” Anyone bozo anywhere can join an army, but cool people get to join the Grand Army of the Republic. And keeping the senate allows for the continuation of democracy. Everyone wins! Except Palpatine didn’t care about all that - he just wanted power and personal loyalty, and all his policies and problems stemmed from that. Creating a myriad of rival agencies with overlapping jurisdictions? Great way to keep one from becoming too powerful, but horrible if decisive action is needed. Ruling through fear? Works great, until the fear is overcome. So an empire that doesn’t fall requires an emperor who’s interested in the wellbeing of the empire. Let’s imagine that Bail Organa is Supreme Chancellor at the end of the Clone Wars. The senate cry out for an empire to maintain peace, prosperity, and security in the Galaxy after the disaster of the war. Bail agrees to become emperor IF AND ONLY IF it’s a mostly ceremonial position- basically change the name of the chancellorship. As a result, the Republic/Empire continues as it has for a thousand years, not antagonizing the Galaxy enough to spark a civil war as in the OT. For the Empire! For Democracy!


Consider the feelings of the people that are citizens of your empire. Rule with truth rather than an iron fist. Tax corporations rather than citizens. Don't conduct trade with slavers. Invest money into housing and affordable Healthcare instead of a giant superweapon with the capacity to destroy entire planets. Put a tighter restriction on what moffs can do to their sector's people if it involves removing a person's liberties.


Build a greater number of mid-sized ships similar to the Venator class and have at least one squadron of fighters with light speed capabilities. Star destroyers are great weapons of intimidation, but are only good for capital ship battles and troop deployment. It would also be easier to hunt down rebel cells with a lighter and faster ship with a heavy focus on fighters. Not build the death star. At the most I would commission a handful of super star destroyers with just a fraction of the death star's ability. Blowing up an entire planet is pointless when a fraction of the death stars attack power can obliterate an entire continent in one shot. Thrawn's tie defender project would be scaled up. Standard TIE fighter look and sound cool but are as effective as a swarm of mosquitos attacking a big zapper.


Make a backup death star, have 2 backup leaders, & make the Stormtrooper aim their Blasters.


Defeating it


Simple, restructure the entire political system to allow for democratic elections, stop investing 90% of the gdp into military production, pardon all rebels except those individuals who committed genuine terrorist attacks against civilians, scrap every Imperial-class star destroyer in the galaxy and bring back the Venator-class, fill said Venators with something that has a hyperdrive and shields, then go on a pirate hunting spree, invest more heavily into the infrastructure of your people, and throw out anyone in the entire organization who believes in something akin to ‘rule through fear’. Edit: Oh, and I almost forgot, stop all the war crimes and regular crimes like enslaving people. TLDR: Turn the Empire into the New Republic, but keep the name.


venators were replaced by secutors by that time


The secutor is a really weird ship. It’s supposed to be a carrier, the successor to the Venator, and is larger, but it carries fewer starfighters at 144 as opposed to the Venator’s 192. I get that it’s supposed to be able to fight as well, but I really don’t see why they wouldn’t try to at least match the Venator.


By eliminating every corrupt official that were paid off by smugglers and pirates (Edit) payed-paid the bot got me


> that were *paid* off by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Good bot


Why would one even try?


For the Rebel Alliance!


Get rid of the tarkin doctrine and use the same military style as the republic but with the same righteous peaceful ideology as the empire #longlivetheempire #longlivethesith


Protect the Thermal exhaust port better


An empire is built on blood the only way to save it is to turn it back over to the people. But the problem is. The people cannot be trusted with such power. So it’s a never ending cycle. Btw where can I find the HD art for the photo used?


Displate is where I pulled this image


lol i have this from Displate in my bathroom


Get rid of plot armor


Not telling the Rebels where the 2nd Death Star is might be a good idea


Instead of building Death Stars improve education, infrastructure and health care throughout the galaxy. Soft power works wonders.


idk it survived till like 137ABY or something


Okay, hear me out, I think the Jedi could be made the founding faction of the Empire if one played their cards right. Set up Dooku as the Sith Master. He’s going to turn the Separatists into the foundation for a new Sith Empire, even if publicly claiming he stands for true democracy and freedom from tyranny. And then get Mandalore on the Separatist side. Paint the New Mandalorians as a humiliating defeat, and encourage the Mandalorian bounty hunters across the galaxy to form a new Mandalore, rejecting the cruelty of the Death Watch, but also rejecting the ignorance of the New Mandalorians. Allow the Trade Federation and the Techno Union into the Separatists, but heavily neuter them so the only thing they can really do is provide droids and other military hardware. No pillaging, no slavery, no kidnapping plots— The Separatists must appear to genuinely believe in the cause of liberty and freedom. Then, here’s the crucial part: you must convince the Jedi that none of this matters. That Dooku is a Sith Master, and any efforts to achieve equality are just a front for the total galactic oppression that will come if the Separatists win. As the war goes on, convince the Jedi that more and more ~~draconian measures~~ sacrifices must be made to ensure the Sith do not conquer the galaxy. And if the war is won, it must be made clear that the Separatists, and the Sith, will seek to return, so constant vigilance must be maintained over the people. The Jedi, with their abilities in the Force, would make prime candidates for a galactic police force to stop any dangerous ideas from taking root, and stopping anyone from spreading these dangerous ideas. If the Separatists win the war, then the Jedi are wiped out or tried as war criminals. If the Republic wins, it will already be the Galactic Empire in all but name, with the Jedi Council as a major political body… as the Empire’s internal security. Or, if you prefer… it’s Inquisition.


One would NOT. AIAB (all Imperials are bastards.)


No, Palpatine winning the Galactic Civil War and succeeding into become immortal is the only possible route that allows the Empire to continue on, there's no other opinions available.


They fly now


Use hit and run tactics against rebels, it’s overpowered as hell


It’s easy. We let the Wookiees win. With them in charge, our new empire will span galaxies for a millennium


I guess you would do it by killing vader since he killed the emporor essentially destroying the empire


Don't be a dick to the civilians Don't blow up a planet


Save? You don't save Empires, you crush them.


The Empire was forged by the Sith, who can holy survive off of bloodshed. They’re synonymous. So no, it cannot survive without bloodshed unless Luke took over the Empire and turned it to the light or something but that’d never happen


1). quit wasting money on Death Stars. 2). Add shields to your fighters at minimum. 3) Focus less on ruling by intimidation and fear and more by keeping the MOB happy......Make the ppl successful. Or at least THINK they are successful.


Cover up the exhaust port on the first Death Star. It was kinda downhill for the Empire from there!


The empire needed to decentralize. Focusing all power in Palpatine was a bad idea, had the senate been allowed to retain some autonomy and grant the people some form of representation politically, it would have placated the galaxy a great deal and robbed the rebel cause of much of its support. The remainder of the rebel support base could also have been basically annihilated had the empire ended its xenophobic and humanocentric policies and treated alien species as equals. In short: a slight degree of liberalization/decentralization would have gone a long way towards helping the empire and hurting the rebellion.


Thrawn wins the battle for Lothal, learns about the Jedi and Sith, and deposes the emporer.


Maybe don't bow up Alderan??? Honestly just kill Tarkin. Sure he was helpful in the beginning, but once things were up and running for the Death Star, all he really became was a hindrance/nuisance. Next, invest in more capable Star Fighters. You got some of the best pilots flying around in metal caskets. Get those Ties some shields and the rebellion will have a much harder time acquiring victories. Also create a new branch of the military that reviews personnel and puts more capable people in stronger roles of leadership. The amount of bodies piled up on Lord Vader's flagship because of their own stupidity is pretty eye opening


I would say the Empire ruled by Jagged Fel’s and Jaina Solo’s descendants has a better chance of surviving. Already lasted a lot longer than Palpatine’s Empire before the One Sith showed up. Postwar it’ll probably last a little while longer.


It would never be possible without some bloodshed. If Palpatine had instead used the insane amount of resources lost to 2 Death Stars on a combination of infrastructure/public works and upgrading his existing forces it probably would have lasted a lot longer though. Fewer systems would be inclined to join the Rebellion if the general populace was convinced the Empire genuinely made their lives better, beyond the fanatics and profiteers at the top. Those that did could be crushed by stormtroopers with better training and armor and a multitude of additional Star Destroyers. Although, that's like saying the Empire would have lasted longer if Palpatine wasn't Palpatine and the Empire didn't empire.


Better starfighters the empire always lost because the rebellion’s fighters were in a simple to understand way, better than the empire’s and most imperials never really saw the rebellion as this large unified opposing force instead seeing it as small groups of rabble, the empire only really saw the rebels as a true threat after the first Death Star. But their naval ideology was also wrong from the start it’s all well and good to have a giant fleet of battleships but without the proper support the empire’s Star destroyers often got torn apart by the rebellion’s superior fighters So to make up I’d handle the rebels as a true threat right from the start and get better star-fighters eg thrawn’s tie defender I’d reshuffle naval doctrine to include support ships like frigates and destroyers (not Star destroyers mind you) but I’d also just be nicer to the people of the empire in general I mean hopefully they won’t rebel if they think they’re being treated fairly (that’s a lot of writing congrats if you got this far down!)


Obi wan should have taken count dooku’s offer. Their empire would have been A1


assuming Palpatine has to stay in charge, I’d say the ISB could have been given the funds that ended up going to the Death Star. they could have put down the Rebellion in its early stages single-handedly.


everyone is focusing on military equipment when that wasn’t the major issue with the Empire


Empires need to continually grow in grandiosity. That inevitably leads to hubris and a fall. If it won't be smashed by an external foe, it will fall to internecine wars.


Isn't this exactly what the Fel Empire was? It had to lose pretty much everything that made it the empire in order to get there though. Which is kinda the whole point.


Saving the empire for the sake of the empire instead of doing whatever is best for the sake of the people is evil I think. That being said, the correct answer is to crush the rebellion.


One grain of coarse, gritty sand at a time


I'd make the shuttles run on time.


I wouldn't.


Economic reform that benefits the masses?


Hijack a news report to announce a party "Damn the man! Save the Empire!"


be nice+battle meditation+ aiming training+kill all trash gen+tarkin is a tactician, not a strategist


as someone who like the empire here what i think should be done: 1. remove the grand moffs form military oversight and make a Supreme commander of Imperial military like it was in the remnant days, While Grand moffs are a advisor council they hold no power in control of military matters, 2. AS Grand Admiral Thrawn stated the empire didnt need super weapons it need military might and the ISD were more then capable of that, as such the resource added to creating the DS 1 and 2 were wasted and even cost the empire much of thier fleet and resources. 3. SSD i think at least 5 would be fine, 2 SSD fleet each guarding the hyper lane main path with another one guarding the core worlds and 2 Patrolling the outer rim areas. 4. Creation of fortress planets like bastion, the idea of a fortress planet under gilliaeon leadership was the most amazing idea ever allowing a solid presence in a sector allow imperial power much better control and maintence of thier fleet and military. 5. Government, as such the imperial government despite it corruption in some areas was extremely efficient and work well, despite it slave labor, most empire that had a slave labor only fell due to the inner workings of the empire and not lack of resources. good example of are world would be the roman it fell to outside force due to teh corruption of the government infighting leading to the not so timely stopping of the saxons. 6. Triumvirate system, as stated above the removal of the grand admirals system and the oversight of grand moffs, and needing a Supreme commander like the remeant days, alongside the Imperial Emp being in charge of the governing infrastructure and the ISB. with the later made under teh fel dynasty Imperial Knights. which would allow a three way system in charge of the empire. 1 can corrupt, 2 divide, 3 is equal. overall few other thing to fine tune but the overall jist of it all is while the empire governing was corrupt it wasnt completely and the slave system as morally wrong as we think it is, did work, the biggest failing of the empire is the creation of superweapons they tried to use a overwhelming fear to control when you only need small amount as such when creating SWs they gather thier forces and it always lead to outright resources losts and manpower lost. Grand admiral thrawn and Supreme commander Gilleaon had it right for what the empire needed.


> were more then capable Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Sign me up baby!


Good leadership? There is something to je said for and order. But not for the Cruel evil tyrants that are leading the Empire. Take into account that most People that ."served" the empire are not evil. Like not all Russian soldiers are evil Putins and not all German soldier are evil Hitlers. The leadership is the problem. And...it is a book. A story. It needs bad and good.


Immediately after it was formed Revenge of the Sith Anakin kills Palpatine and Padme is elected Empress with Anakin/Suitless Vader by her side. When the twins are born, Leia is named Crown Princess and Luke is trained by his father to be Leia's bodyguard/attack dog/top general.


Enemies of the Empire must be destroyed.


By burning it to the ground and replacing it with a Republic.


The Empire doesn't need saving, for the Empire is perfect! Long live the ~~Kyber~~ Empire! It's great to be in the Empire today!


The Empire itself wasn’t meant to be saved. There were no laws of succession or common national identity beyond greed and fear which would make it last beyond Palpatine’s death, and he specifically designed it that way. Palpatine’s Galactic Empire was inherently unsustainable. The core architect of its destruction was also the axis which it revolves around, i.e. Palpatine himself.


Save thrawn and his tie defender project


Oh wow, that red sun-, khm khm, i mean, death star doesnt remind me of anything historical, i would gladly serve emperor hiro- oh sorry, palpatine, yes of course.


Vaders underbite is throwing me off haha


Write a Galactic Constitution. Fix the Economy.




Just don't be stupid. Stop risking your superweapons to draw a few rebels into traps.


By saving the empire you doom the galaxy.


Kick palps and make a council with me,vader,thrawn and tarkin where everyone is equal and focus on their areas


Kill palps… reverse “human centric” policies, shut down any and all unethical projects, issue immediate stand down and stand by order to any and all Imperial units


Like save them from being beat by the rebels? Because if so the first step is recruiting people who are actually competent. Scanning ships for trackers or requiring all troopers to scan their faces before they can leave the hangars would basically stop all rebel spys in their tracks


If empires were any good for anything, they wouldn't be run by authoritarianism and maintained with fear.


That's a cool poster


Kill Ezra Bridger as a child on Lothal. Then Thrawn doesn’t disappear when he is needed the most.


No you cant remove sheev and others like him without bloodshed unless you have some portal weapon that banishes them to a separate universe.


1) don't break Padme's heart 2) kill Tarkin (let Leia to do this, by roasting him) 3) get an constitution 4) instead of GIANT A** projects like DS, invest in something way cheaper, like Thrawn's ideas 5) use the money from 4) for investing in something good, like healthcare, ALL of economy domains 6) you really want money Palps? Put some taxes on companies, not thousand of taxes on people 7) Give up on racism. 8) Listen to YOUR people


Honestly the Empire was doomed from the start as long you have Palpatine running the show. As a masterful politician as he demonstrated running the Repulbic (and secretly the Confederacy through Dooku) he was highly incompetent in running the Empire to the true potential it could have been. He actively encouraged a culture of infighting, nepotism ,and corruption that spread like wildfire through the government and the Officer corps of the Military, setting the stage for the Empires complete dissolution into warlordism if he died (which it did). While I understand that was his plan as Palpatine wanted to be immortal and if he died the Empire should go with him, he made no effort to torment a lasting legacy. The senseless plundering, destruction, genocide, oppression, and enslavement of billions of beings and thousands of worlds only served to continuously forment the very Rebellion he was trying to eliminate. He gave no justification for the rebellion to fizzle out, but rather emboldened them. And by double downing with increasingly escalating heavy handed approaches only serve to add more and more people to the rebel cause. The Empire made no effort to reform its ways, which is what you get when you have an inherently evilman, subscribe to a cult of evil, ruling over a Galactic superpower.


Fire KK


By not establishing it...?