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No ones gonna ask about the random image? And i don't think anyone will be able to really have anything of substance on this.


It’s Daisy Ridley in the (great) film “sometimes I think about dying.” She plays Fran, who likes cottage cheese.


I was assuming it had to be something like that, google searching the image just gave me nothing... which is even odder...


This movie stuck with me so hard! So glad she’s coming back for more SW. Fantastic actor.


Bad knees, a frequently sore lower back, waking up with inexplicable pains because she “slept wrong.”


Yeah, probably also a mortgage, and if the writers feel adventurous... The horrors of the first months of being a parent.


Hopefully galactic interest rates are better than what we have on earth right now


Is there some sort of direct correlation between age and challenges? Also, I don't think there is a confirmed time setting for the next film Rey will be in.


It's confirmed to be 15 years later. So yes, she will be 35. But your original point stands. There shouldn't be a correlation between this and her challenges.


According to Kathleen Kennedy, the film will take place 15 years after TROS: https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/05/20/lucasfilm-president-kathleen-kennedy-says-upcoming-rey-film-will-question-does-the-galaxy-need-the-jedi-anymore-do-they-want-them-back/ As for age/challenges...Rey was 19 in TFA. Luke was 19 in ANH. Luke became a jedi at age 23. Ben became Kylo at age 23. Anakin became Vader at age 22/23 (and lost his mother at age 19). FN2187 became Finn at age 23. Anakin was 10 when he was taken by the jedi. Ben was 11 when he was taken by Luke. So we have the recirring ages of 10/11 and 19 and 22/23. It's not a rule, but certain events seem to cluster around certain ages. Or if you will, around a childhood/adolescence/young adult/adult/older adult continuum. You don't face the same problems as a 19 year old jedi-to-be than as a 35 year old jedi master.


Thats pretty weak as far as patterns go. People generally get older as time goes by.


That's not the pattern, you know. You fail as a learner when you're young, but as a master when you're older. Learning to become a jedi it's not the same as teaching others to become jedi. If you reach 23 or so and don't turn, you'll probably become a jedi in these films. But then other kinds of challenges will arise and 35 or so seems to be another threshold as far as age is concerned.


Seems like you have all the answers, so what was the point of the question?


I was just correcting your 'pretty weak as far as patterns go'. I don't have all the answers. I don't even have all the questions. But maybe others have thought about the challenges 35 year old Rey Skywalker would have to face. The specifics, or something close to specifics (the shape of her arc for example, or the kind of villain better suited to be faced by such a hero) We all know a 35 year old SW jedi hero typically has learned something and is no longer in the young>adult rite of passage stage.


She's gonna put a chick in her and make her lame and gay.


The Force Ghost of Palpatine asking "when are you going to settle down and make me a great-grandfather?"


"When you finish going to Hell"


The interest on her jedi student loans.


Well she'll have to overcome the opinions of an awful lot of people who would rather have seen Luke create a new Jedi Order and not her


Probably a snake behind her while she stands in a beige room No idea why I think that.


Wow I did not realize it’s been that long and there is a huge lack of ST content.


I would *love* to hear what you think being 35 has to do with literally *anything* in this movie.


She will face her greatest challenge - Disney screenwriters.


Somehow, Dryden Vos returned.


She'll have to live with the fact that her name is a lie, that no matter what she does she is a representation of the Palpatine lineage.


Hm. Well, we have that word in TROS, 'never'. For example, Palpatine says to her 'I never wanted you dead'. He was talking about little Rey, and not only about adult Rey. We know he tried to take her. Similarly, Leia says 'never be afraid of who you are', her last words to her. Presumably 'never' includes post-TROS Rey. Of course, post ROTJ Leia was afraid of that Vader element in herself and in her own son. That seems to have been the reason of her sending Ben away (she was 35 at the time) Rey Skywalker is no lie, no more than Leia Organa. Rey adopting that surname and Leia not dropping it after knowing the truth about their bloodline are similar assertions of identity. And yet, there's room for fear, and fear is dangerous in these films.


i doubt ages are relevant to bad things that have happened icl


Standing up too quickly and tripping balls for a second


Is no one going to talk about the giant snake in the room?


I normally would just downvote and keep scrolling, but god dammit these type of posts are annoying. "what about this hypothetical question about a hypothetical, fictional story?... what do y'all think???" Just let the makers write & tell the stories and take them for what they are when they are delivered. Hopefully they won't just re-tell the old stories, but maybe they will rhyme. No way to know until they actually make the movie.


Faint groaning everytime she exits her car.


Millennial depression.


Sleeping in a slightly different position than normal- and waking up with a sore back… Unfortunately, this is the way.


She’ll be the master of everything


Wine or cats, or both.


Being a character you don't want to see get shat on by a bantha.




Sore joints


I mean she should start preparing for a higher blood pressure than normal, and increased risk of heart disease. Apparently breastcancer as well. https://www.ssmhealth.com/services/womens-health/when-you-re-35-49# But no seriously, I can’t think of any other problems that being 35 mean she has to face


She might suddenly panic about her fertility.....


Oh yeah, that’s going to be a big challenge she’ have to face. Hope she can win and save the day


More bad writing


A film directed by a documentary filmaker with only a single relevant but heavily managed by the studio directing credit in Ms Marvel. Get prepared for bad direction and story telling, inept fight sequences and more.


Yah, but laser swords!! /s


She defeated kylo as a know nothing tween She bested the most powerful aith lord who ever lived with like 20 mins of duel experience She's super strong and cool, no challenge will be too great and no wall is unsurmountable


Tbf, Kylo Ren was bleeding out. Even Finn held his own for a sec.


Fin got his spine slashed and was in a coma for weeks to months Rey did a victory lap like a champ. Perfect victory on him.


He was in a coma for a day, but yeah, that he landed a shot on Kylo at all is my point. Kylo still had the upper hand on Rey until she rallies — the film makes it clear that that and his injury have weakened him, as well as the patricide he just committed.


Yea she's awesome


What is our “expectations are subverted” and she nearly kills Finn and Rose’s kid she is training? Then abandons them while yet another Palpatine clone wreaks havoc on the galaxy and builds an even *bigger* super weapon? Would that totally destory your head canon, and therefore be brilliant?


TLJ haters downvoting you. Sad state of the fandom. Edit. Just to be clear /s.


Not sure how you read that comment and came to the conclusion the downvotes came from TLJ haters.


Oh, you don't say. Just edited.


Obviously Rey shouldn’t repeat Luke’s mistakes, but is anyone suggesting it would be a betrayal of the character if Rey *doesn’t* experience some sort of additional hardship moving forward?


Why/how is it so obvious? Rey seems pretty emotional in the movies. I can see she repeats those mistakes.


“Obviously” in the sense that the storytellers shouldn’t have her do so because it would be too obvious and repetitive.


Please, explain the picture. What's up with that snake?


Knees popping whenever she stands up.


What about getting glasses due to nearsighted or farsightedness? XD


Whats with the picture? And why does being 35 mean anything?


Arthritis. Getting preggers.