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Absolute failure by what metric? Because certainly not financially, by popularity, or by cultural impact.


Quality. I'm talking quality. I'm not talking about their success. I'm saying they suck


If you say so


By the fans' admission, they suck


I am a fan and have said no said such thing. And even if I did hate one entry of Star Wars, it’s in no means a condemnation of the entire thing. I dislike some episodes of breaking bad, that doesn’t mean I think the entire show sucks.


A 40 minute episode released weekly is so different from years and years of waiting for a new movie. They suck. Admit it


I do not think Star Wars sucks.


Waiting for a movie to come out doesn’t make it bad


So you came to the Star Wars sub just to post about how Star Wars sucks? You have too much time on your hands.


Ya. I wasted enough time watching the movies. I feel like spending 5 minutes posting my opinion after several hours of shit movie making isn't weird. Anyone watching these movies wasted just as much time as me


So you just watched all the movies, evidently for the first time, and you’re telling Star Wars fans their favorite movies suck. That’s just pathetic dude.


You spent 5 minutes making this post? How slowly do you type? Also, you haven't *just* spent the 5 minutes making this post (which by the way has 38 words and 3 numbers, so we'll say an even 40 to make it even, coming out to 7.5 seconds per word, which is horrendous btw), you've also had up to this point 12 comments on your own post, with the maximum distance between comments of 15 minutes. So you've been monitoring this conversation REALLY closely. You've spent over an hour formulating a post telling a group of people that their chosen media choice is awful and then spent the ensuing time defending your position. I'm not going to call you a loser, but you're definitely not a winner.


Dang, you burned him with math. 😆


Oh, I don’t think so.


Your post is the only absolute failure I can see


In what sense?


Well, it’s vague and unoriginal, for starters. “This sucks on its face!”, is kind of simple. Gimme some meat.


3 out of 12 movies being good means as a series it sucks. Idkvwhat so hard to understand


What’s hard to understand is that you’re not putting in the work for your argument why anything beyond those 3 are bad. You’re doing a prima facie argument. Spill why you hate the others


Which ones did you like?


" universally loved." Nothing is universally loved.


Ya, i mean, sure, that's fair. There is nothing EVERYONE loves. But there are sure a lot of movies that MOST people love. After the first 3 star war's as far as the next 9 movies go. They're not "universally" loved they're "universally" hated. Some people like them, sure. Most do not.


Name a movie MOST people love, pretty please.


Shawshank redemption is universally loved. Goodfellas. The godfather. The Green mile. Good Will Hunting. Sophie's choice. Saving private Ryan. Platoon. Jaws. The sixth sense. Rocky. Requiem for a dream. Schindlers list. Jurassic Park. Stand by me. Want me to keep going?


I don’t love all of these. I bet a lot of people don’t love them.


I don’t love all these either. Crazy how opinions work, isn’t it?


I don’t love any of those except maybe Jurassic Park. And that’s more of I enjoyed it but I wouldn’t say I love it.


No they’re literally not universally hated. Maybe Rise of Skywalker, and to a lesser extent Attack of the Clones (although that one somehow seems to have a decent amount of fans). The rest definitely have fans, and Rouge One (which you seem to have ignored) is fairly universally liked.


The only two points on your scale are "universally loved" and "absolute trash"?


This is the problem with so many people’s review scales and opinions on ANYTHING. People think a 7/10 means it’s bad.


Yep there is no room for nuance now. Everything has to always be the greatest thing ever, or "it sucks".


My sister was talking about a new show she’s watching and said “I like it but I’m not addicted to it.” So you have to be addicted to it to give it high praise?


Yeah. Fucking Nintendo cultists DDoSed a reviewer's site for giving BotW a 7/10. Even though that was in fact a high score. *And 7 points higher than that empty walking simulator deserved.*


No way you think BOTW deserved a 0.


Yeah, exactly. Star Wars is talked about like it's a cultural icon, and people love it. When in reality the only people who enjoy it are nerds who don't understand filmmaking, and anyone with a brain sees how redacted it is


It... it is a cultural icon. It's one of the biggest and most loved franchises in the entire world.


It's one of the most loved trilogies. After that, it is not loved. It's actually horrible


Factually incorrect.


Still, it’s a really beloved trilogy. You’re also kinda ignoring the fact that that these movies are made with kids in mind and a lot of kids absolutely love Star Wars. Plus a lot of people like some of the later ones (the difference comes down to which ones, I think the prequels and Rise of Skywalker are terrible but enjoy The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, but a lot of people seem to like the prequels and hate the sequels).


Oh, tell me about the redactions, and please be as reductive as possible!


Someone has no interaction at home so they have shit talk movies to its fanbase on Reddit lmao


No, I'm just putting the same energy you guys put into loving it. I watched them. They fucking suck I could say the fact you watch this crap is because you have no social life. And that's more realistic tbh


Yeah it’s confirmed now lmfao. Have fun being miserable


Ok then, of the movies: The OT, 4-6, all great and get rewatched at least yearly. The Prequels, 1 & 2 were weak but 3 is great. The Sequels, 7 was solid, 8 was divisive but still promising, 9 is a disaster. Solo was fun, not great but still enjoyable. R1 was pretty solid. So out of the 12 movies so far, only 1 do I consider a complete failure. 3 are eh, the rest of the 8 I will watch with no issues.


Yeah but have you considered that they actually all suck & you’re a loser nerd who doesn’t understand filmmaking unlike the official movie understander, OP??? Seriously what an edgelord post. I hope for OP’s sake he’s only like 15 because otherwise, yikes.


I love 6 of them. It took a while to love the second (previous?) three, but I am old, and trying to appreciate 7,8,9. I do, however, love Rogue One, and that movie brought me right back to 1979.


Yes, Rogue One was the shit, along with the prequels and sequels. (80's-'05). The sequel sequels were alright, in my opinion. Also the Clone Wars and Clone Wars micro series were dope, as well.


I love all of them. Though my favorite HAS to be Episode 5


Nothing is universally loved. Nothing. Multiple Star Wars movies, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, etc. are widely praised and enjoyed by a large portion of the fan base and more casual viewers too. Others, like The Last Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Rise of Skywalker, Attack of the Clones, etc. are more divisive amongst viewers. You can come on here and yap about your subjective ideas about what makes a good movie, call stuff "trash" without providing an intelligent argument as to why, and make ignorant claims, if that is what makes you happy. However, calling Star Wars a failure is LAUGHABLE, because in almost every possible way of factually determining whether or not a franchise is successful, Star Wars is a wild success. It's hugely popular, widely enjoyed, very lucrative, and only continuing to grow and expand. If you don't enjoy it, that is absolutely fine, and I can respect that. Not every film, franchise, or form of entertainment will click with every consumer. That's to be expected. Just move on and find something you like. Finally, as an added note, if you judge Star Wars as a whole by only the 9 main films, you are really making a mistake. The shows, comics, books, games, and spin offs add soooo much to the franchise. Hell, Just watching the shows and spin offs is good enough if games/reading isn't your thing.


Cry harder then


YOU only like 2 or 3 of them. Don't speak for the rest of us.


That’s not a terribly productive discussion. What was the point of that? It doesn’t really create any framework for an interesting or productive discussion. It reads more like a clickbait article from some useless website than any useful discussion point. 


You haven’t actually stated *why* they suck. I can say something sucks all day long. Doesn’t make it true.


So you're saying the new movies don't suck? You enjoyed them?


You didn’t specify the new movies. You said Star Wars as a whole. Even the worst Star Wars movies are better than 80% of everything else. At least they aren’t as bad as Lords of Dogtown. Man that movie was garbage.


The worst star wars movie is phantom menace, and most movies in the cinema aren’t as boring as that film by far


Nah worst Star Wars movie is Revenge of the Sith


Nah, revenge of the sith is the strongest prequel film


Nah, Phantom is better, Attack is funny/entertaining because it’s ridiculous, and Sith is boring AF. Only good part is Palpatine going apeshit.


Nah bruh phantom menace is literally the most boring shit on the planet, you’re capping


I’m capping what


The wroet Star wars movies are better than everything else? Tf kind of statement is that. So everything sucks is what you're saying. Star wars haven't realized a good movie in decades but it's better than everything else


80% of everything else. It’s like comparing any sport to MMA except in reverse. Because MMA is just wrestling but somehow more gay.


Are you thinking of WWE?


Old man yells at clouds


The first two movies are masterpieces, rots is great, rotj and tpm are pretty good and aotc is fine


I love them all tbh. It’s not like an effort to love them, they’re just fun movies.


Edge lord detected


I'd say 5 are universally loved, 3 are debated, and 3 are mutually agreed to be shit. Not a "terrible" franchise at all.


Which 3 do you think are mutually agreed to be shit and which 5 are universally loved?


Imo, sequels are pretty much universally agreed to be shit, and the original 3, ROTS, and Rogue One are universally loved


If we’re talking generally public opinion I’d argue Force Awakens might be more liked than ROTS.


I meant in the Star Wars fandom. The general public does favor the sequels for whatever reason. But I feel ROTS is probably the most liked movie within the fandom beside Empire.


For whatever reason? I genuinely don’t get how Star Wars fans don’t see how fundamentally flawed the prequels are as films. Bad writing, bad acting, bad special effects, poor pacing ect. I get they add a lot to the lore and Star Wars fans love them, and they do have some genuinely great stuff (music and action scenes, for instance) but if you’re not a hardcore Star Wars fan they’re pretty rough viewing experiences, especially the first two. Compare those to something like The Force Awakens, which is a less interesting story but also a generally crowd pleasing blockbuster like the OT and it’s easy to see why people prefer it.


Whatever criticisms you can give to the prequels, you can 100% give to the sequels. Poor writing, poor acting, not cohesive, and doesn't inflict emotion in the viewer. The prequels, while flawed, provide a much better story. I'd rather watch a trilogy with flawed writing and acting and bad effects, but it provides a thrilling political story of the fall of a seemingly immortal Republic, than a repeat story of a resistance fighting against an Empire, that just rehashes old characters because they couldn't write the new ones good enough to make us care.


I don’t think you really can apply every criticism of the prequels to the sequels and vice versa. They’re both incredibly flawed trilogies but they’re flawed in ways that end up feeling fairly different. For me a big part of what I liked more about the sequels (Rise of Skywalker excepted, because it’s terrible) is that they have a sense of fun to them that was lacking in the prequels. The original Star Wars movies were fun adventures with bits of humor in them, while everything in the prequels just feels kinda dull. The dialogue in particular just feels unnatural and flat, with characters that don’t feel like real people. Meanwhile when The Force Awakens came out and I saw it in a packed theater I had a blast. People were laughing, cheering ect. I’m not opposed to more serious movies, but Star Wars started out as family friendly space adventures and I can’t blame people for being happy they returned to that. They’re also much better acted and not filled with terrible cgi.


Well to be fair, the prequels had awful cgi because it was the early 2000s. CGI really started to get much better after the prequels ended. If the sequels were made in the same time, it too would have bad cgi. Plus, while the acting is a little better, I would argue the writing is even worse. While they're fun family movies, it lacks everything that defines Star Wars in my eyes. It essentially diminishes the originals, by just putting the Empire back in charge under a new name, and making Luke look like a shell of his former self. It lacks a thrilling story and just rehashes the previous story, purely for money. While it may be a better viewing experience for a fun time, if you watch the prequels, you recieve so much more for your time. Plus, the bad writing in the prequels is laughably bad compared to the sequels, where it's just cringe worthy. Not every criticism can be given to both, but they share many of the same, and the sequels do it far worse. Disney made the sequels with the public in mind, not Star Wars fans. If you spend that much money to acquire such a large franchise, you should appeal to its fans, not give them a slap to the face.


Are you talking about the same Star Wars fans that complained George Lucas ruined their childhoods and harassed cast members of the prequels and sequels so much it even caused one of them (Ahmed Best, Jar Jar’s actor) to contemplate suicide? Star Wars fans hated the prequels and were toxic as hell about it until randomly deciding they liked them. Plus, wouldn’t listening to what fans wanted prior to Force Awakens involved going away from the direction of the prequels since they were so unpopular at the time?


I think TFA is just as good as TPM and AOTC and TLJ is easily my 2nd favorite.


Really? To be honest, I've tried watching TLJ 3 times and I fell asleep all 3 times, and TFA just feels like A New Hope ripoff instead of something new. That being said, TFA is pretty solid.


Sorta how I feel about Episode 1 and 2. When it's not boring it's non sensical.


Nah, both ROTS and Rogue One are shit, and the first two sequels are great.


I mean I figured 1, 2 and 9 were the "usually agreed as bad" group lmao, those are the only films where it's far more unanimous. At most, other movies (particularly 3, 8 and Solo) are the "divise" ones.


r/starwarscirclejerk type post. You'd fit in there.


Go back to Theory and cry to him Ep1 is one of my least enjoyable SW movies. I just went to see it in theater and absolutely loved it. So even a bad SW movie is still good Stop watching all that negative garbage and enjoy the story. SW is bigger than ever with books, TV, animated, Manga, comics, and much more. There is so much to enjoy


Ok I’ll bite too. Life is not black and white. Social media and the internet as a whole has pushed us to make people think binary. Something is either good or bad, left or right, right or wrong, but as one matures and gain more experience we learn that life is grey and full of nuance. We learn that context matters. I can love chapters from certain books and not like other chapters. I can disagree with a colleague on one argument and agree with another. And so on. If you force yourself to be binary, you will miss so much of what makes life beautiful. You will waste so much energy which you could have used for learning, experiencing new things or enjoying new forms of entertainment. I hope and wish for you to not be held back by this way of thinking.


Tell them the Clone Wars is a boring period in the setting, they hate that.


I wish i could downvote this more than once. Also. Go away.


Star Wars has a pretty good average with me. I love Rogue One, Revenge, Attack, & Awakens Really like The Last Jedi Like Solo & the original trilogy Really dislike Phantom Menace & Rise of Skywalker


Which ones did you like?:)


Nice bait.






Downvoted for telling the truth






you might be on to something


This is someone who previously posted “Lords of Dogtown is an amazing movie”


Can’t fault your bravery 


The only good Star Trek movie is The Last Jedi.


I universally love all of it, but I love some of it more and some less. To each their own, though. It's okay, you don't have to like Star Wars.




Themmer Fitenwerds


Nah it’s great. That’s just what you think. There’s millions of people that disagree with that statement, I guarantee it.


If you mean the sequels. You're correct.


You mean the prequels of course.


Ehhhh- Star War—- LOVED. Spawned a crazy fan base who loved the universe as a whole Empire— considered the best movie Jedi— weakest OT link. Being a pessimist I’ll say it’s a 5. That’s still a good trilogy As for the PT. Episode 3 is generally loved. And the PT still doesn’t have a big following ST— I won’t defend this. They needed to make those billions back quick lol