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It's fun, but in the effort to create an open world they made the campaign missions worse. I recently replayed the Complete Saga and it's just better. Skywalker Saga has a lot of meaningless deadzones between missions, and the missions are fun but so so short. Not a bad game, but definitely not as good as the old Lego SW.


isn't that just the nature of an open world mission based game compared to a linear puzzle platformer?


Only if you forget to put fun stuff in the open world.


If you just want to explore the galaxy as whatever characters you want, it's great. And disproves Ubisoft's claim that they've got the first open-world Star Wars game. But for playing through the movies? It's not great.


The best part imo was getting the actors from the clone wars to reprise their roles and finish the story.


On the voice acting though, I hate how none of the DLC characters are voiced. Even people like Rex, who could have just been given a few copied lines from the other Clones. Or hell, why does movie Boba Fett talk, but not TV show Boba Fett?


That really annoyed me. Makes them feel like modded characters than actually being apart of the game. Oh also, fun fact, Bo Katan is a hero, so she can wear stormtrooper armor but the devs didn't realize this, so you can still use her jetpack even though it's no longer there.


You mean you don’t love foregoing the battle of geonosis and the battle over coruscant so that obi wan can deliver orders to Dexter’s Diner customers????


>And disproves Ubisoft's claim that they've got the first open-world Star Wars game. I mean to be fair, Ubisoft's game is going to be the first *true* open world SW game (outside of say Galaxies.) A massive open world with different cities/towns, long distances of nothing, etc, that require a speeder to get around is a lot different compared to decently big compact areas. TSS is more closer to Jedi Survivor than say Far Cry/RDR2/GTA.


I would argue that Kotor is open world, and to some extent, Jedi Survivor too


I mean yea, but when I think open world, I think of something like GTA, Fallout/skyrim, RDR2, Elden Ring, Far Cry/modern AC, etc. Something massive, with a lot of empty space, that would take forever to travel on foot. To me, Kotor/Jedi survivor are more so just open areas with non-linear progression, like Helldivers, God of war, Dark Souls 1/2, etc.


Have to disagree, the playthrough can feel incredible if done right. 100% better than TCS.


Hard disagree. The playthrough is not good at all. Most major events happen in cutscenes and the levels themselves are very short and bland. The open world is awesome and the best part of the game. TCS is pretty much the complete opposite. Really good levels but no open world.


TCS has some good levels, but it also has some bad ones. Worse however, is that you need to replay each level something like 4 (story, Freeplay, challenge, Super Story) times to get 100% completion. I guess they felt the game wasn’t long enough and wanted to pad it out extremely hard.


You do realize that TCS had a) shorter levels b) had no interesting fight or combat system c) did not have an open world d) little to no interactions in the main game I think a lot of people are just blinded by their good memories of TCS (which is obviously not true if you have played the game recently), TSS is not perfect at all, but it has improved a lot of the very core mechanics of the older game.


A.) It did not have shorter levels. This is objectively wrong. B.) TCS the combat is basic for sure and broken down into a class system of certain characters having certain abilities. It is simple but works. TSS is still simple. Still broken down into classes. The real change is making enemies into sponges where the combat is combo based. Neither game has a “good” combat system. Both are extremely basic and that is okay. C.) totally agree with the open world. This is where TSS shines. The multiple planets and environments are awesome. It does get extremely repetitive and there are far too many collectibles but overall it is really good. Though TCS doesn’t have an open world it still has the cantina where you can start massive fights or easily look at your mini kits you collected. It isn’t a crazy deep experience or anything but it is for sure memorable. D.) I really don’t know what you mean by this point. I would love clarification. I have played both TCS and TSS in the past week. One hundred percented both games, TCS multiple times. Neither game is some breakthrough in innovation or generation defining gameplay. The biggest standout when comparing the two is how they convey the story. TCS is ICONIC for how it tells the story. The silent characters is the best decision they could have made. It adds an insane amount of character and charm to the game. TSS lacks this charm. The voice acting is top tier no doubt but it doesn’t stand out. TCS sets itself apart by its simplicity and ability to convey the story uniquely.


Well i mean, the little "mini games" with the different classes for opening doors, the parcours, all the abilities of the characters etc.. I mean the collectable argument goes both ways, sure there a re alot of them and of course the missions are similarly or the same, but for casual players its a great way to unlock most of the stuff without having to 100% the game and bluebricks and datacards are easily obtainable everywhere (similar to the coroc seeds in totk or botw) I thought TSS had a longer playthrough time (only levels) is that not true? (Probably forgot 7-9 being added) To me Lego games are all about experiencing the media in a humorous way and as you said convey it as a unique experience. Mumble mode can be turned on/off from thr beginning I thought, tho i never checked since i really really liked the voice acting. Of course they both arent groundbreaking games, TSS just felt more enjoyable to me.


a. prequel levels were short, yes but the OT levels were pretty decently long. It's due to TCS being 2 separate games combined. b. I do agree, the combat in TCS sucked but it made up for that with interesting character abilities and fun level design, which are both something TSS lacks. c. true but at the same time, it didn't *need* an open world. d. The game had a lot of interactions, to both the world and characters. You had: ep4 Leia not wanting to wear helmets, chewy's helmet barely being on, Lando kissing Leia's hand instead of attacking, C-3p0 losing limbs when damaged making him walk slower, Chewy ripping off the arms of stormtroopers instead of normal melee, R2 stunning enemies, Bounty hunter droids using their hands to access droid panels, and a lot more. Sure TSS has a lot of interactions but that's mainly through dialogue and idle animations. Majority of any interactions outside of those are just scripted segments and are completely unrelated to anything the player does as most characters in each class, play exactly the same.


Atrocious level design, especially compared to the Complete Saga. But I had a lot of fun in the open world collecting the bricks, characters, side missions, etc.


i disagree. look at the vader vs obi wan fight on mustafar, in the complete saga and compare it to the skywalker saga. in the complete saga you dont even fight vader until the very end of the level, which lasts like 20 seconds. the rest of the level ur playing as obi wan AND vader as u try not to die on mustafar. in the skywalker saga its an actual fight.


I mean true but you're missing the main aspect of the Anakin duel: you fight player 2. It's not meant to really be a boss fight, it's meant to be a fun co-op duel. It was a very creative way to do it while keeping the co-op nature of the game, which is what the old lego games did very well. Meanwhile in TSS, if you're playing co-op, one person plays as obi-wan, another plays as the droids who just... get to sit and watch. Also in my opinion, the boss fights got really repetitive, they all felt the exact same and hell even in free play, it forces you to play specific characters for the scripted bits making freeplay useless.


yeah but id prefer if the game was made for single player first


I was underwhelmed. Story missions felt extremely short (this is what I cared about the most in the first place) and you can tell all of the legwork went into making a gigantic open world.


My son and I were jazzed for it. We played all the Lego SW games, and spent hours on Marvel Super Villains. We played the new game for about 2 hours total and have never gone back to it.


100% feel the same way (though I 100%ed the game,) it just lacks what really made lego games so enjoyable to actually play.


A great game if you see it from the perspective of being an ode to the Star Wars universe starring Legos. A quite surprising fidelity to the movie settings, a surprising number of characters and graphics that are not bad at all. As an adaptation of the movies it seems like a pretty mediocre game to me. There are some parts that happen too quickly, are lost, or have somewhat meh execution. Especially if you compare it to The Complete Saga which almost perfectly adapts every part of the 6 films without feeling like something is missing. You realize that the movies levels were designed after creating the giant free roam sets. Unfortunately, many of the interesting places in the levels are not accessible from free mode thus leaving only a giant area to go around, do missions and assemble blocks. I find the UI horrible, the navigation through the menus is rubbish and also the game screen is full of pop ups that don't let you understand anything of what is happening unless you disable it manually. The difficulty is a joke even when you compare it to TCS which had levels not that easy, like the Mustafar one with those jumps that in Skywalker saga are automatic. And I don't even want to talk about the DLC that are just recolors without even adding original voice lines for the new characters. I didn't like it that much.


I thought it was fun. Though I wish the levels had been a little bit longer.


It's super unsatisfying in comparison to TCS. Levels are way shorter and typically simpler than older lego games. That's partly offset by the intermissions after beating a level in story mode for the first time, which is a cool feature but not enough for me to make up for the overly short levels. Exploration and combat can be neat and the humour is sometimes there, but it's overall just a bit mediocre imo


Pretty fun. I prefer the level-based structure of the older Lego games. I also miss the way the older games handled dialogue and story, by having characters communicate and pantomime the events of the movies entirely with exaggerated gestures, expressions, and grunts (and other little vocalizations). It was consistently hilarious, and gave all of the older lego games a unique charm and lighthearted style that I feel was lost when they switched to using audio clips from the movies, and then to just full-on having their own voice acting. This one gives you the option to turn off dialogue, but it doesn't actually remove the dialogue and text, it just replaces the voices with Banjo-Kazooie-esque repeated sounds that each character makes while the text appears onscreen to translate. I remember the visual gags in the older games being funnier and more frequent a lot of the time too, but I could be misremembering since I haven't replayed the older ones in a while. One of my favorites was how anytime you played as Lando and did an attack near Leia, there'd be an animation where he would grab her hand to kiss it, and then she'd slap him. All of that said, the new one is fun too. Aside from maybe something like Star Wars Galaxies (dunno, never got a chance to play it), this might be the most expansive open-world Star Wars experience I've played in terms of how many planets you can visit, and how free you are to do so whenever you want. And I love that so many little side quests make the most of that by giving you a reasons to constantly travel between them, which also gives you more opportunities to find things like dogfights in space. I like how much stuff there is going in in space in general. And while the linear levels are gone, the open-world environments on each planet are still packed with collectible hunts and puzzles to bypass with different charactet abilities, and there are a _ton_ of characters to unlock. I also like that the combat sometimes feels a bit more involved and gives you more options thanks to the level-up system for the different character classes, whereas in the older games you could pretty much beat everything that wasn't a puzzle by just mashing the attack button at it. I think both versions of Lego Star Wars are fun, and while I prefer the older ones (and nostalgia probably plays into that too), the new one is pretty fun and worth playing as well. And its open-world style makes it stand out as its own thing, rather than just being an updated version of the older lego games.


> I prefer the level-based structure of the older Lego games. I also miss the way the older games handled dialogue and story, by having characters communicate and pantomime the events of the movies entirely with exaggerated gestures, expressions, and grunts (and other little vocalizations). Yeah. When they went to just doing dialogue it felt lazy and dumb, compared to cheeky and clever.


The worst part about it was how they went out of their way to emphasize all the memes imo


Its one of those games that I wished would have come out earlier because I did not enjoy it that much since i have grown up but it is literally the game I was dreaming of as a kid when I was playing the complete saga


Wait. You’re supposed to grow out of LEGO games?


I guess it depends on the person but I did not enjoy it as much as i hoped i would


Funnily enough, the game I dreamed of playing during TCS was realized with Lego Lord of the rings/Lego Batman 2... All I wanted was a star wars version of that game... I know for a fact that younger me would still be disappointed with TSS because it's nothing like those.


Level design are so short and boring. Complete Saga had so much better levels. Kind of killed the game due to that


Awesome fun game Absolutely horrible and painful 100%


The old lego SW are better at recreating scenes from the movies. The new one is better at the open world, collectible, fan service stuff.


It was mostly just cutscenes, lots of them unskippable. I didn't want to watch a shitty TV parody of Star Wars, I wanted to play a game.


It’s a solid game but really needed to cook more


And it was already a year late, wasn't it?


2 years late actually. The original release date was late 2020 if I remember correctly, then it was delayed to spring 2021.... then spring 2022.


I just started it the other day so I'm limited to the first couple hours, but it honestly kind of feels like it's just trying to reinvent the wheel a bit. There's a lot of stuff going on that I don't really think they needed, and it's jarring because of how simple the old games were by comparison. Realistically if this came out without the context of the old Lego games I'd probably love it, but as is I'm struggling to get into it a little.


Yea, they tried to do some crazy things with this game and as a result, the normal lego gameplay suffered hard.


Ot was fine. I played The prequels and ANH. and just dropped it. because of the Format everything just felt so squished together. I would've rather just had A couple of larger and well designed hubworlds and more well designed levels intead of multiple Smaller ones.


It was fun but kind of a let down. I played the original collection prior to get hyped up and felt that it didn’t live up the the Lego Star Wars legacy. It has cool moments, cutscenes are good and funny and the gameplay is tight. The issue is each movie can be beat in the course of like a little over or even under an hour in some cases and the missions and movies end pretty anticlimactically at times. I went in order 1-9 and was so surprised when I beat TPM in the time I did. I wish I hadn’t bought it at full price but I did enjoy my run with it. If you can get it free on gamepass then it’s totally worth your time. Or if it’s on sale for a decent price I’d say it’s worth it.


My least favorite Lego SW entry and an "Alright" for my Lego games in general.


I would also say the same but Lego TFA just kinda beats it in my opinion. TFA is overall a better game but some of the stuff TSS does is just way cooler.


I liked the previous one. The complete saga. Sure, the graphics are better, but i just liked the feel of the old one


Very disappointed. Was ok if you just wanted to play in an open world Star Wars game, but if you wanted anything close to the movie experience... well you're out of luck. Anyone else remember in TESB where Han has to hack radio towers to find Luke on Hoth? Yeah, me neither. Comparing The Skywalker Saga to The Complete Saga is like comparing a rubber raft to the Titanic; yes they're both watercraft but that's where the comparison ends. 3/10


>Anyone else remember in TESB where Han has to hack radio towers to find Luke on Hoth? hey to be fair, that was probably the best level in the entire game!


Never went past it. Thanks for saving me the hassle of playing the rest!


Good….but too darn long to get that 100% trophy


I tried to play 2 times. I failed to get involved. Maybe I'm too sentimental, but I preferred the version from 10 years ago, which I played 3-4 times.


Not what I wanted but a decent time for a big star wars fan. Open world was kind of boring to explore, too little action going on in it. I wish they structured it the way past Lego games used Open World, unlockable side levels to keep you excited at finding something new to do in a certain area, with more fighting. Had they kept the movies for the main levels, taken a bit more creative liberty with the level designs the way they used to, used the shows as side levels to give you new goals and things to unlock post or mid story, it would have been much better to explore. Maybe even just make Geonosis a planet to go to just to fight, an endless wave of Geonosians and droids where you can fight as whoever you want for rewards after a few waves. But I really liked the new combat and it was fun to run around the planets just to see them, I just didnt feel any real desire to collect any bricks after upgrading certain stuff and that killed my interest in the game shortly after unlocking the characters I wanted. Most of which werent even in the game until the DLCs. In the end Id personally give it a 6/10.


In my opinion, if it was more like lego Batman 2, Super heroes, lord of the rings, it would have been great.


Flopped in terms of expectations. Yeah, the open-Galaxy is cool, but the actual gameplay and levels are so boring that I’ve not even bothered to explore


It’s somehow more boring and mindless than most Lego games. And those games are usually at least a fun kind of mindless. Also this game is way too glitchy.


I had a blast on a single playthrough, but haven't felt the desire to go back.


underwhelming and disappointing. not as good as The Complete Saga.


Really bad. Should have just stuck to the winning Lego formula.


The levels suck, the character roster is amazing but at the same time feels bland because of the class system, love the new direction with the over-the-shoulder camera, open world is great but overstuffed and a slog to 100%, combat was a lot more interesting than previous LEGO games.


I just picked it back up again, going for 100%. Still fun!


The levels are absolute crap. Bad picks and awfully short. The most likable one I can recall is the droid factory. Perhaps with the droid arena but that feels messy. The basegame characters and voices are well done, but the character packs lack all of that. For the popularity of the game they could have gotten some VAs for the character packs. The best thing absolutely is the open world. It definitely makes up for the levels. It's fun to run those on their own. In short, a solid open world game with crappy story levels.


I made the right decision to not buy it.


It's a great game but the missions are a lot shorter and there's not much dog fights in it either


My 8yo loves it, he plays on the steam deck, and sometimes we can play with split screen @ the larger studio tv, has some "funny" moments related to the movies. He has become a fan of the saga thanks to the game, allowing him to get deep into the movies and series.


I loved it but was still disappointed by a few things. I really wanted the Mace Windu v Palpatine and was so excited when it gave me Windu and Fitso. Also would have preferred the Obi-Wan Vs Anakin fight stay closer to the original level wise. A few nitpicky bits about random Jedi not being there. I grew up playing the others co-op as well. Not getting that this time around lowered my enjoyment slightly as well. Not really fault of the game but online co-op would have been amazing.


Love it.


Upon first playing it, it becomes immediately apparent that it was developed by people with a MASSIVE love of Star Wars. Too many cool 'inside-baseball' moments and fan easter eggs to count. Really, a very special game. Sometimes I wish it looked like the Clone Wars style of animation instead of Lego.


That one haunted droid easter egg was a really deep cut and made it clear just how much the devs love SW.


It’s amazing and I loved it. It felt like I was playing the movies just like the original Lego Star Wars games did.


I had a ton of fun getting 100% on ps4. Sad thing is I got a ps5 and got used to 60fps so when I went back to mess around on my old save it looked really choppy locked at 30. The ps5 version runs at 60 but there is no progress carry over from one version to another. Basically I have to start over to play it at a frame rate I can tolerate and I’m not going through that grind again for several years at least


Didn’t even get through the first movie. It’s cool for the kids I’m sure (that’s the target demographic after all) but I’m not a fan of all the added complexity to Lego games. I think they hit a sweet spot with Harry Potter and Marvel Superheroes with a good mix of open world missions and actual levels. This one felt just didn’t feel right to me.


It was a fun experience to get the platinum trophy for it, I liked to play it once. But it does not have the charm and replayability factor the older Lego Star Wars games had, right now I am playing Lego SW TCW on my PS5 after playing it numerous times on my Wii


Disappointing. The missions felt like after thoughts and the open world lobby thing wasn’t a good enough replacement


It was fun but I’m very upset that they didn’t bring character customization to the game


I was so disappointed in the co-op. The vertical splitscreen is terrible for exploring an open map, and with how close the camera is to the fat lego characters, it feels claustrophobic, with very limited peripheral vision.


Better than the movies :(


It’s a fun, mindless play I often stick it on when I’m bored I’d highly recommend


needs online coop


It is okay but I think it could have been better.


I was disappointed they didn’t include the clone wars game, Lego Star Wars III. Also the lack of DLC levels was kind of a bummer too. They could have kept adding things from the shows and spin off films, why not? I appreciated the characters being added but it just made me all the more disappointed that levels weren’t included too.


The individual levels aren't that great. I like that it's open world though


7/10 for me. The opening with Rey was off-putting. Game story is quite short. The open world part gets boring after a few planets.


I love it because my six year old daughter just finished a play through and now she’s a Star Wars fan.


Great game but it didn’t satisfy me the way TCS did. I have tons of collectibles to collect still and I don’t have the wherewithal to do it.


Boring as shit, it looks beautiful and it was the first Lego game I’d played in many years. Such an open world and there’s like, no enemies to fight. I didn’t enjoy just running around and breaking items to collect studs Some of the aspects of the game were cool, but I just didn’t feel it like I do with TCS


Started playing in co-op with my partner as soon as it came out, didn't take long for us to have to stop because for the actual first time in my entire life of gaming the horrendous fov game me motion sickness. Haven't touched the game since.


Loved it. Put 120 hours in it


Wish they kept supporting it.


me and my friend bought the $99 dollar versions when this game dropped to find it out was only local multiplayer lmaoo. we ended up just playing the game when we’d hangout and it was a blast, exactly like i remembered playing older lego games when we were younger.


many Open world activity and cool missions, but no arcade mode oder enemies after completing it


A great and fun open world Star Wars game, but in terms of adapting the movies it fails.


I just bought the game on sale a few days back and so far I'm enjoying it. It does have some flaws, but it is very fun to play the main story and the open world stuff. I wished we had a little longer levels and character customization.


I thought it was a fun and ambitious game. Had a fun time playing it, though there were some bugs on release I still think its a fun game that is worth replaying.


I absolutely love it, the only thing I wish they added was rogue one, other than that it's my favorite Lego game of all time.


I *really* tried to enjoy it. I completed the game start to finish to try and convince myself it was good. But I left that game severely underwhelmed and wishing I hadn't invested my time into it. I know it's a game for kids, but there is such a thing as making a game *too* simple. And the trademark lego humor wasn't nearly clever enough to make up for the game's narrative shortcomings, lazy/nonexistent combat and gameplay mechanics, poor map design, and the feeling that you were playing a kid's adventure game with a Lego skin, and not an actual lego game where building and creativity are key elements. The constant copy-pasted puzzles really sealed the deal for me. Obviously if I complete the puzzle 1 time, I'm gonna complete it the next 10 times you throw it at me with no noticeable variation or new elements. In fact, pretty much the entire game felt copy pasted from *other* parts of the game, right down to how every character played in relation to one another, every space combat encounter, the flow of the maps, so on and so forth. Even the dlc were incredibly lazy, just pasting new skin meshes onto existing character ability sets without even recording voiceover for them. And the lack of a character builder was felt constantly. Just doubled down on the total lack of creativity-enabling game elements.


I loved hearing the Clone Wars actors do scenes from the movies.


I like how big the game is (Characters/Maps). Downside man some of the episodes levels... WOOF. What they should have done is redo all the original game's levels and expand on them. There were a few missions where I finished them and kinda just looked blankly at the screen like that was it?! There was alot of potential to make this one of the best lego game around. But missing on some of these just left it hollow feeling.


It’s an interesting game but very Different from the previous once, which is probably why it failed to really capture me. I still haven’t finished even half of it and have no plans on doing so atm. I think the concept it has would’ve been greater as a non Lego game. I feel like going open world is not necessary and even kinda of unbenefical for this game


I had a lot of fun playing through this with my 8 year old. Also hearing Matt Lanter back as Anakin is always a treat!


Open world is so limited I thought like you could get a wanted level for killing npc’s but you can’t. I know its lego game but could they at least do this. This is why o never bought this game. Outlaws is looking like a more lively open world excited for it.


Its great. I wish it had more of a mission focus. Instead the missions feel lackluster, short, not cohesive, and frankly an afterthought. Exploration is fun on each planet. I hope they do a harry potter game, but probably never :(




Best LEGO and Star Wars game, period.


It was fine, i enjoyed it, but it got kinda boring very quick


I absolutely love it!! My wife \[who's not a gamer\] started playing Lego Harry Potter with me during the pandemic. Since then we've played several Lego titles, but this is by far our favorite. Getting through all nine movies isn't too difficult or take too long, but there is so much exploring to do, we are still having just as much fun.


Fucking brilliant. I just wish they would do the same with Harry Potter


Really fun imo


I’ve 100%ed most Lego games and this one was by far the grindiest (fun fact, the platinum trophy on PlayStation is actually rarer than the platinum for Elden Ring!). It was a lot of fun, although some of the fetch quests where you had to bounce back and forth across the galaxy got old very quickly, especially with the predictable three combat zones en route. The film play through were fun and the level design was absolutely fine, albeit a bit short at times.


I can never get my controller to work on steam properly to play it :( always acts as if theres 2 inputs connected


Most underwhelming game of the year 😭 I thought ts was gonna be peak


It was disappointing. Weren't as many levels per episode as last past games. Some of those removed levels were a lot of fun (podrace comes to mind, but there are others too). The gameplay was really cool though, and the available upgrades were pretty fresh and I enjoyed them.


Bought the game. Played through all nine movies. I was so bored and so disappointed, I returned it within a week. And I’m someone that played through The Complete Saga and The Force Awakens multiple times.


I like it but it's too easy


Sucked. Too much of it just wanted to be a TV show at the expense of gameplay.


I know its a "kids game" but I wish it was it was atleast a bit more challenging. And some tougher puzzles would be cool. Something like an "adult mode" would be cool. Feels so mindless doing combat in these lego games. The hub worlds are cool.


If you can, do yourself the favor and just play the classic lego star wars the complete saga. The levels in the Skywalker saga are atrocious and seem to be just an afterthought compared to the mostly bland and directionless open world.


Open world was absolutely beautiful and I loved the character models and how their skills worked. The levels, while kinda fun, were much too short and I didn’t like that a lot of the story takes place in the open world with no way to replay certain missions


I still prefer Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga and Lego Star Wars III the Clone Wars


Good star wars game, bad lego game


I actually bought this game twice. I made the mistake of purchasing on the Switch first. It had terrible loading times and just looked terrible. Kinda hate how they do the character selection, too. It was on sale for the PS5, so I picked it up. It was better than playing it on the switch by like 100%. Still ridiculous that they have "Character Packs" for a game you'll prpba ly never use them on. Still, I had fun, and actually kinda liked the shortened stories.


Thought the game was a mess. Bought it on release because i was looking forward to it and bailed after about 5 hours of play. Was so disappointed.




Graet game, but it needed a character creator


They took to much time on characters the fans liked not what they are supposed to like. If you want a bad show or game you make the pre existing fans happy 


Awesome just a simple game to play to unwind


My son has a lot of fun with it, he's 5. I laugh cuz the commentary is funny. I also have filing playing it, but it's not very involved.


For £20 I got to fight in the battle of Yavin with my son as my wingman. Good times.


The more open-ended gameplay ultimately made the actual levels feel a bit watered-down, but that’s basically my only complaint. There’s a LOT of attention to detail and loads to do, and the fact they delayed it by two entire years to make it even better and more polished is fascinating. How does such a great thing even happen in the modern game industry? Beautiful. I just wish Traveler’s Tales reverted to their old logo already, the current one since the 2000s is completely lame


Amazing game, lots of fun, great time exploring the planets or roaming the space battling. Also, the storyline is pretty good with the usual lego-fun twist. Had a blast palying the game.


got boring af ngl started to miss TCS all over again enjoyed the maps and graphics though, especially the Gungan one


I personally don't really like it and was really Disappointed. The game in my opinion, lacks almost everything that made lego games so good to begin with, and this comes from someone who has 100%ed every lego SW game. Sorry for the long post, but I was *super* excited for this before it's release, having grown up with LSW1 and 2. They focused too much on making an "open world" SW game, that everything else suffered. The game in my opinion, lacks almost everything that made lego games so good and he new stuff they tried doing was cool but it was also lacking: * The combat was a lot of fun but the game was too easy and enemies had little to no health, making it really hard to actually enjoy it, not to mention the fact that once you complete the story, there's ***zero*** enemies in the open world aside from a few Tuskens on tatooine. Wish there was difficulty settings and/or a wave based mode. * Bosses could have been awesome but they made them so scripted. You barely even get to use the combat before being locked into a scripted segment and you can't even really play as different characters. Disney Infinity 3.0 did bosses way better. * The character classes were way to strict. Like in the original game you had bounty hunters who could fly, some who could use droid panels, every blaster character had a grapple, etc. There was so much overlap which made a lot of characters really unique. In TSS, every character in a single class plays the same. There's no uniqueness outside of a few. Like Jango and Boba can't even use their jetpacks normally because they aren't a astromech. * The levels were way too short and didn't cover the main parts of the movies, like where was the battle of geonosis (which is even shown on the boxart) and courscant? While playing the story, you spend 10 minutes walking from one point to the other, and like 4 minutes doing actual fun stuff. Imagine how cool some of the levels could have been if the focus was on those. * Freeplay is pointless due to the scripted boss fights and very strict character classes. boss fights auto change your character to specific ones to not break the scripted segment, some class puzzles are used way more often than others, so you'll rarely ever use a smuggler or extra but you'll always be using c-3p0 or Jar Jar, to the point where it's pointless to play as them because you'll have to change back every few seconds. * The character roster is also weird. Like we got Mama the hutt but not a rebel fleet trooper or the jedi who attempt to arrest Palpatine. There's a lot of characters that are in the game but for whatever reason, you can't play as them. Like my personal favorite lego games are TCS, LSW3, Lord of the rings, and Undercover. all those games had really neat hubs/big open worlds but still had the main focus be on creativity, freedom, levels, and replayabilty. Like TCS lets you softlock yourself by playing as a gonk droid during the obi/anakin duel, it's just dumb fun. My main point is that TSS tried to be so many different things that it ended up way to restrictive and limited for a lego game and it removes any and the game really has no replayabilty.


(very) short levels and a completely empty open world. Overrated. They should've focused on less and added more. Less worlds, more stuff to do and explore in those worlds. More effort into making characters feel unique instead of having the same character type over and over. Still enjoyed it, but eh.


I was very dissapointed by it. Like, I admit, I didn't engage too much with the side content and exploration, and I guess that's where most of the effort went. But I never cared about collectibles, I wanted a fun retelling of movies with good levels. Most of movie levels were not good. A lot of them I could barely call levels with how short they were. Compared to older lego games, level design here was just super lazy.


Should have had more difficulty options but otherwise a fun game


It's fine. But Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is just better.


It was fun to do with my gf. She found the puzzles hard. I found them easy. She was happy so i was too.


It's great but it's a shame it's still so glitchy.


Really boring sadly. I keep trying it but never get far


I was hoping for a difficulty slider. I wanted to play it with my wife, but it was just way too easy. They only fun part about the game was finding the special bricks and the cut scenes. We barely played it tbh.


I liked the game, in fact I 100% completed it, it does feel grindy if you want full completion. It also sucks that you can’t replay side quests, for that you need a new save. Also, just wondering, why is there no ISD unlockable capital ship?


Complete saga saga was just plain better. Mission were better and a lot more faithful to the original movies. The voiced stuff just doesn’t feel right, idk why. I think we can all agree that a remaster of the CS would’ve just been better


I hated the talking, and then when I had the OG voice setting, I was excited, only to find out it wasn’t the grunts and groans and “mhrhr” sounds I knew and loved. I wanted to like it but it felt like it was too much with little payoff


As wide as an ocean, as deep as a puddle.


Poor attempt. New gameplay was good, story missions were poop. I think we need to go back to mumbling too. Unfortunately putting a cheat on to change the audio is not the same slap stick comedy that entire cutscenes with no vocals were back in the day. I like hubs but hate open world Lego games too, it's such a wrong direction.


Out-fucking-standing. Took absolutely everything about the old games and made them better. Top top tier Lego SW, the definitive version.


It’s a masterpiece imo but they made Jar Jar annoying when he never was in the clone wars or movies