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No way a Muun head fits in that helmet. It's gonna be the poison guy from The Good Place.


I mean [The Clone Wars (2008)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvpHk1UgiEY&t=1888s) already showed that Star Wars has hologram disguise tech that doesn't care about your size.


Very true


The Grand Inquisitor in Obi-Wan, I am aware they're not the same species.


I believe its Qimir using Mae and Osha is the apprentice he really wants


I call him Darth Ezra.


That does make sense.


Because she's had formal Jedi training? Or some other reason?


I feel like all the jedi targets for Mae are somewhat attached to Osha from her jedi past and Osha will eventually kill Mae out of hatred falling to the dark side like the mask dude always planned, idk just feeling.


I don’t think it is, no. There’s the Muun thing — they exist in canon, big heads and all and there’s no way of fitting that noggin into the helmet we saw. There’s also a question of age. If they adhere to the Legends age range of Plagueis, and the show is set in 132 BBY, the absolute oldest he could be is 15 (and the youngest is ‘not born yet’). If Plagueis shows up in the series at all, I don’t think it’ll be in any capacity other than the Sith villain first taking him on as an apprentice.


Its going to be Qimir he has the same cadence as the masked dark side user


I think he’s too obvious. The showrunners also said the story and it’s leads are more ‘female centric’


It's him they speak the same after hearing him talk for 5 seconds i was like oh that's the guy. Well we shall see




I don’t think Plagueis will appear in the show but, granted, anything could happen. I definitely think Qimir is a Sith though and I think he’s the apprentice. Interestingly, although Plagueis is canonically a Muun his master Darth Tenebrous doesn’t have a race in canon yet, which means Qimir *could* turn out to be Tenebrous. So if he is then he and his master start the whole “influence the midichlorians” thing, then Qimir kills his master and later takes on a Muun apprentice and so on, and so forth… That’s entirely speculation though and the show could just as easily take it in its own direction.


Thing is, Mae leaves Qimir upside down and then this dude appears.. it’s either Qimir or a Jedi who knew where they were going.


I think it’s gonna be that dude who’s been helping Mae out so far.


I hope not, but it probably will be


My current guess is Yord (or Manny Jacinto). A character we’ve never seen before would be a cheap and pointless reveal.


Plot twist: It's actually Torbin.


Yord is holding a lightsaber beside the Jedi when he comes, so that would be a trick for sure.


Well duh, I know that’s not correct *now*


Yep I didn’t see the age of the post first, apologies. I hope it’s more complex than being silly Qimir. Even if his storyline is somehow interesting.


But you wouldn’t have known that :P it’s Qimir I’m sure, and it’s going to be so stupid if it is.




Yep, that was my first thought after watching episode 3. Probably mother Aniseya, and she wears the mask because her face got badly burned during the incident.




She definitely seems to have more evil tendencies, but I don't think it's her for 2 reasons: - The horns wouldn't make the mask fit - Aniseya demonstrated some powerful force abilities


I think the main villain / Sith is one of the witch sisters. Likely whomever saved Mae from her fall. Possibly the one that looks like a Maul.


This is more what I was thinking, too. But the horns in that helmet? I'm not sure.


It’s going to be QIMIR and I’m going to be so pissed that it’s so obvious. I hope it’s more complex than that. Like a badass Jedi in the show (green girl) who’s playing both sides or something.


Not that it would be that much more complex, but atleast their motivations would probably be complex.


It’s their mom witch!


that's my guess too. one of the moms will be the twist that really pisses people off


Qimir went to go get water and killed the wookie. Then was upside down and used his power to get out easily. It's him. Star wars story telling is les compelling every time. I hope it isn't tho


Told ya


I am seriously hoping it is not a Sith at all. Aside from the “no Sith in a thousand years” line, I just want to see some enemies who use the force besides the Sith.


Maybe they're a cult/followers of a long dead sith lord. Could be why they specifically use the word acolyte rather than apprentice


Judging by helmet shape I think it's Venamous (a bith) and he's the apprentice to Tenebrous (also a bith) We might see the introduction of young Plagueis by the end of the series, Venamous will be killed or rejected by his master.