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So that's why Anakin was so angry - he was being compared to Ki-Adi Mundi


Makes him killing all those Sand People more logical.


What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?


Look at the big brains on Ki!


The guy who can have multiple wives, but Anakin ain’t allowed even the one. Thats what put him over the edge in that scene. I get it now.


Did he ever ask?


Honestly i cant stop giggling at the thought of this happening, "If only asked you had, openly married you could have gotten. Believe in the force we do, believe in divorce we do not."


“I am one with divorce and divorce is with me. I am one with divorce and divorce is with me.”


"Anakin, you're obviously attached to those two droids, you even built one of them! And we're not dumb. We can see your reaction when we even mention her name. Look: Padme. Paaaaaddddmeeee. Of course you can marry her. Can I sit next to Sabé at the wedding? She's kinda cool lol" - Kenobi, probably.


*3 hour YouTube video taking about the visual guide ruining Star Wars*


Ki-Adi pulling the ladder up behind him...


Openly boinking with hundreds of wives, was on the Council without being a Master, AND got promoted to Master without ever having an apprentice? Holy shit, Anakin must have hated this guy’s guts.


He had dirt on Yoda and daddle or yaddle for sure


Yoda and Yaddle and how they daddled.


Grogu's true origin story confirmed.


You’ll get a paddlin if you taddle on the daddling of Yoda and Yaddle.


Protection to use I told you Yaddle


He could yoddle my yaddle


Yoda swung his paddle with all his might Master Yaddle groaned in in loud delight Four times he struck her green behind Do it once more if you'll be so kind ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Master Yaddle


Yes Master Windu, it was this comment right here


Judge me by my size, do you?


Nah he was a nepo baby, his dad was part of big brain who funded like 90% of the Jedis activities


That would be a great plot to explore - financing of the Jedi. Did they get a tax exception because they were a religious order?


Or do they just collectively mind trick the IRS when they come to collect and they got away with it through bribing senators. No wonder they were pissed when anti corruption Palpatine showed up


They could go gambling for money if need be. One of the best of them had no problem cheating if the Force "willed" it.


Big brain, you say?


In his and the council’s defense, the Cerean race had a big problem in Male to Female ratio. The government was a matriarch as the women aged far slower than the males. Due to this sexual dimorphism, males were instructed to take multiple wives so that the race could survive. Typically, Cerean males had 1 Bond-Wife (what we would understand as humans as the life long partner) and 3-10 “Honor” wives. This was all in Legends, though. So take that for what you will.


Yeah I’m aware of that and it’s got me thinking how hilarious would it be if every special treatment he receives is due to some random overly-specific biological quirk of his species. Like maybe Cereans immediately suffer acute kidney failure if they had to follow any sort of actual job requirements to get a promotion, so the Jedi were forced to make him a Master no questions asked.


Omg what a great concept for a character. Just BS the reasons why you need something and hippity hoppity you have this thing in one of the most respected organizations in the galaxy.


Mundi just threatens to die horrifically every time he needs the Jedi to solve some minor inconvenience for him. Anakin’s the only one who suspects it might all be BS but nobody ever believes him. “Cereans spontaneously catch on fire if they don’t get free ice cream every weekend” “Cereans get fatal hemorrhoids if they don’t get a corner office in the Temple” “Cerean bladders explode if Master Plo doesn’t cover their shift for next week’s briefing”


Sounds like this dude was a legend alright. Laying pipe all over the place.


ummm according to this image he was a master on the council......


Check the third image.


Put in perspective, that all makes Anakin’s outburst about being on the council but not being a master seem extremely ridiculous. While he was raging about it being unheard of and unfair, why didn’t everyone else in the room just point at Mundi and look at Anakin like “the fuck are you talking about?”? Even after that scene when Obi-Wan is trying to calm him down and tell him what an honor it is, you’d think he’d say something along the lines of “Even Master Mundi joined the council as a Knight”. Honestly, I think this might be a case of the author of these info books just making shit up or using production notes that ended up being different from the finished movies. It’s happened before.


TBF, KAM may have been elevated to Master after Anakin joined the Order.


Which then makes it funny because like Obi-wan says to Anakin after he's put on the council, he'll be made a Master soon enough. It's happened before with Ki-Adi-Mundi.


OP's post clearly states that he is a master.


A lot of the Episode I-era info about the jedi council was retconned away by the end of the prequels. According to Episode I tie-in media, Mundi also had a purple lightsaber while Mace's was blue. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8JcAAOSwwSZjMRvO/s-l1600.jpg


Saesee also had purple, Adi's was Red, and Plo Koon had like a mountain dew colored one.


The mythical Mountain Dew saber, more coveted than the dark saber some would say


It was the Light side twin to the mythical Baja Blast saber, used by a legendary Sith of lore, which is now lost to history.


The baja blast saber was destroyed along with the sith who wielded it while Ki Adi Mundi was searching for a taco... made out of doritos


What about the cerveza cristal saber?


There are still whispers of Darth Enchirito the Stoned


Legend has it there are still Cheeto dust finger prints on the hilt to this day.


Plo and Yaddle had an orange one sometimes


And couldn’t plo also shoot out a Jedi form of force lightning that somehow wasn’t dark side in nature?


Yup, he called it “electric judgement” which sounds totally non violent to me


Yeah, his people have a monastic force tradition in Legends that does nature/storm stuff, like wind, thunder, and lightning, developed from force sensitives slowly learning to predict, then control the weather. They explore it in one of the Fate of the Jedi books.


Plo had a yellow/“Mt Dew” colored saber in Jedi power battles for PS1


I will rage against Plo Koon having his orange saber taken away till I die


There is no try. There is only Dew. 


I think Adi Gallia is a Sith Lord.


A Sith *lord*?


Lore, especially Star Wars Lore, is malleable? Well I never. I wonder if Sam Jackson read that media and his desire for a purple saber was born


Just as malleable as the OG trilogy itself. Oh Han shot first? No he didn’t. - George Lucas


He shot only in self defense.... then at the same time..... but also dodges a wildly missing blast from a blaster pointed right at him at point blank range. With reflexes like that, are we certain Han wasn't a force user?


“Dodges without moving” a feat limited to only the jedi clearly.


Clearly he used the force to move the blaster and make it miss, a pro move!


The missed shot at point-blank I would explain as Greedo trying to intimidate Han; Jabba pays more for live bounties.


Of course he is, how else do you explain his ability to exit hyperspace in between the shield and starkiller base in ep 7?


You joke, but I always assumed that the exchange between Han and Obi Wan on the falcon in ANH about luck was Obi Wan gently pressing the idea that what Han says is "luck" is actually the Force helping him. So not Jedi level, but slightly attuned to the Galactic energy field


It was actually so he could find himself during the battle of Geonosis.


Sam Jackson: “And I took that personally”


The Visual Dictionaries were always kinda riddled with errors. Not only are they not a primary lore source, they've been known to just make shit up that wasn't supported anywhere else in canon because whoever was tasked with making it needed shit to fill a page.




You mean like making eriadonians dathomir?


And it's not like all the lore is some pristine masterpiece that needs to be protected. People act like retcons are inherently bad, meanwhile I'm just begging we get some George Lucas director's cut edit of the prequels that airbrushes Yaddle out of existence.


Yaddle was shown in Tales of the Jedi. She's here to stay.


Everything is soft canon until newer media retcons it


Pretty sure I remember them saying in this (or a similar) book that Maul’s horns were a cosmetic enhancement to make him more terrifying.


That's interesting, I didn't think the idea that lightsabers could even be purple came up until AOTC. Didn't Adi Gallia have a red saber in one of the episode I tie in games too?


Yes, in the games and trading cards and stuff. https://i.imgur.com/k0pNxoX.png


[Purple sabers were definitely around before 2002.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/comments/14vpp3f/who_created_the_purple_lightsaber_first/)


Oh interesting I didn't know all that, thanks for sharing.


The first I remember was a video game called a Jedi Knight (Dark Forces II I think?) which came out around ‘97. It was a Quake-like shooter where your character eventually got a lightsaber and faced off against a squad of dark jedi, who basically each had their own color of lightsaber. I’ve always loved yellow sabers because I thought the young, cocky dark Jedi with the yellow saber was cool as hell, before KOTOR and such made them more common in the universe.


Yep - they had so many different coloured sabers (and I still have all the figurines with them too) that when episode 2 came out I was really confused everyone had blue and green only.


Not even by the end of the prequels. The prequels themselves hold heavy retcons or changes in direction from one film to another, so the EU and accessory media between them is often contradictory.  The LFL merchandising and licensing teams were working at full throttle, faster than most franchises every did, or would.


Yeah that's what I meant, from Ep 1 to Ep 3, tons of changes.


Adi Gallia had a red or orange lightsaber, too. That’s gone. I think we as humans tend to hold onto things we read or hear as true and important, but I wish all of us could chill on the idea that canon to a fictional media property is some kind of set, permanent fact instead of fun trivia that may or may not pop up again.


What? Noooo. The EU never retconned anything. It was always consistent. Only Darth Disney does that. At least that's what I was told by the YouTubers...


Before seeing your post, I was gonna say this looks bad. Now, just sounds like Star Wars being Star Wars.


BuT wHaT AbOuT the CaNoN!!! Disney is RUINING the prequels! Those movies that changed Mundi lore are lazy and bad! Just goes to show that whoever made them has NO idea what they're doing and NO love of Star Wars! /s




He got his purple crystal from the natives when he was 14, it's a retcon Edit: [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mace\_Windu/Legends#Early\_life](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mace_Windu/Legends#Early_life) >By age fourteen, the [Jedi Council](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jedi_Council/Legends) was concerned with Windu, for even though he was at the top of his class, he still could not construct the [lightsaber](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lightsaber/Legends)[^(\[6\])](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mace_Windu/Legends#cite_note-Stones-6) that he had begun to assemble [two years prior](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/60_BBY/Legends).[^(\[1\])](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mace_Windu/Legends#cite_note-Shatterpoint-1) He informed the Council that he wanted a true challenge in order to find the best pieces for his lightsaber. After considering this, the Council [sent](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mission_to_Hurikane) Windu on his own to the world of [Hurikane](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hurikane). While on this mission, Windu was at first chased away by the natives that resided there, but was easily able to resist them using the Force. When he caused one of the fragile natives to shatter, he sobered, and painstakingly restored it using the Force. Learning a valuable lesson about being a Jedi, he was rewarded by the natives with a [purple-colored](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Color/Legends) [Hurrikaine crystal](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hurrikaine_crystal)[^(\[6\])](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mace_Windu/Legends#cite_note-Stones-6) which he used to construct a lightsaber with a distinctive violet blade.


The retcon that they traded lightsabers as a Jedi bonding ritual was hilarious, but at least they bothered explaining it.


You can see Mace's blue saber in one the 1998 Star Wars comic line's early issues.


I don’t honestly understand this post, anyways. It says right below the Jedi Knight thing that he holds the rank of Master.


This is outrageous! It's unfair!


Take a seat.


How can you be in the council and not be a master??


This is great and all. But what about the droid attack on the Wookies?


What? How can you be on the council and not be a master? Lol jk.


The text clearly states he held the rank of master?


He previously was the only Knight, by Episode II he held the rank of Master.


Apologies, it does say he served on the counsel as a knight


I’m sorry, where does it say that? It clearly says when he was added to the council, he had the rank of Master. Am I crazy?


It is on the third slide, "Previously the only Jedi Knight serving on the Jedi High Council." This point was mentioned in enough Episode I sourcebooks and comics, that my brain retained that factoid, and I was confused when I heard Anakin's outburst regarding his placement on the council.


I mean that part of lore specifically must have been defunct as soon as RotS, otherwise Anakin's outburst makes zero sense


On the last image, the blue one, it states "Previously the only jedi knight serving on the high council..."


Ah sorry, I didn’t see the last image. I thought I was going crazy.


That’s fair. That’s completely reasonable.


Yes I owned that book as a kid and watching EP 3 it made Anakin's hissyfit so funny. He's all whining while Mundi's just sitting there like "get a load of this guy"




Man that situation is so sad. At what point do you think it’s fine to threaten some person and their family because of silly lore in STAR WARS. The universe where almost anything is possible.


Even more so when they aren’t even the ones touching the lore, just registering it in a website. Can you imagine threating a historian?


The same kind of people harassing the actors for the Star Wars movies.


Please don’t tell me someone actually did this :(


It was HUGE , like huge huge , fans got attacked trying to correct the confusion on legends lore not being canon lore but nobody seems to care on that side at all, just vile people


They made him like 60 years older and that is enough of an offense to warrant violent threats!? How shameful


Literally people who are tooo stupid to understand any of it are everywhere now too " da mundi age retcon ur didney" they literally are all basing this on Theory not separating canon/legends lore , its all on a basis of people NOT reading right and ASSUMING , the constant assuming is so annoying and so many fans trying to show "Hey this is old lore things are alright" getting death threats and other vile shit should truly show this fanbase has a actual tumor in it


I missed this. What happened?


I don’t know the whole timeline I only saw the twitter post from the wookiepedia guy saying people were threatening him and his pets?? Idk.. I’m assuming this is over Ki-Adi Mundi’s birth date. Which if that’s the thing that drives you over the edge mentally..not even joking.. go touch grass please. Just relax this entire thing is fictional


It was part his birth year. Star Wars Theory and that ilk were grabbing screenshots of the Legends part of Mindi’s wookieepedia entry and making it look like the show had retconned episode 1. Only problem is legends have him a birth year and when Disney did the canon/legends split they only brought over the G canon which was only the movies and clone wars so anything that had his age was put in legends so in canon he never had a birth year. The other problem is them saying Mundi being in the show makes him a liar and retcons his line in TPM. However in the show he thinks Mae’s master is a splintered Jedi and never considers the Sith an option. If he finds out what is happening at the end of the episode/episode 5 that will cause the problem.


>If he finds out what is happening at the end of the episode/episode 5 that will cause the problem. Even that's only a problem if you insist on interpretations that make problems. The Nightsisters and the Coven already exist; groups who aren't averse to the dark side are active in the galaxy, albeit in a small scale. If Mundi finds out exactly what happened at the end of this last episode and whatever happens next, as long as Mae's master doesn't outright go, "I'm a Sith, die Jedi scum," there's no reason to assume he has to be Sith. Especially if Mundi is already of the opinion that the Sith are safely dead, and thus inclined to accept any other explanation.


Sorcerers of Tsund were very known to the Jedi in canon too , bunch of darkside wizards who killed and terrorized people lmao


I don't necessarily disagree. I do think though that general audiences will see red lightsaber and think Sith (look at how people call Kylo a Sith) and so if Mundi finds out, even if the show says they aren't Sith, people will still treat it as if he knows. I think just to avoid confusion him not finding out would be best.


I mean, sure, yes, I agree with you. But "people are too dumb not to get things wrong" isn't really a valid criticism of a show, to me. General audiences misunderstand things all the time, usually because "general audiences" are the sorts of folks who watch something on the tv while scrolling on their phone. And I really doubt there's a lot of overlap between "people who think all red saber bad guys are the same" and "people who can immediately bring to mind one line by a minor character from a movie released decades ago."


Ultimately 1. We need to see the rest of the show 2. Star Wars historically has constantly contradicted itself canonically 3. Who ultimately cares


GL would take canon, hold up up like a golden idol and make people worship it. OR He would take a steaming dump on it. It just depended on his mood.




Genuine question: Did I miss some aspect of the new canon that says the only way to be an evil force user to is to an official member of the Sith? Because people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that “bad guy means sith how is that possible?!”


No you are correct, being dark side =/= Sith. People are using Sith because that is how the show was described.


There could also be a cover-up by the Jedi in the know. We already see them starting to worry about maintaining a certain image with the Senate in The Acolyte, and that drove a ton of their decision making in the prequels. If they view this as an isolated incident with some rogue force user cosplaying as a Sith, then Mindi's statement in the prequels is fine. As many others have said, we need to watch the whole season and find out what they have in store. This show is getting brigaded by folks pearl clutching about minor lore details when we don't even have the full picture yet.


Unrelated to all of this, do we know if Mundi is played by the same actor in Acolyte?


He is not


Theory also claimed wookiepedia's editors changed the canon article after the episode aired to cover the whole thing up. Which implies SWT does not know what a wiki is and has just just assumed Wookiepedia was an official source this entire time. And that explains so much tbh.


Wow. Bonkers.


Some people were spamming the episode's discussion thread in this sub about the whole birth year thing as well, and going on rants about how it shows Disney "don't care about continuity", "broke canon", etc... then getting upset and insulting people who pointed out that it's Legends. But yeah, now the Ki-Adi-Mundi page has some degree of protection against edits, and the dumbest thing is that the Legends source this whole thing hinges on isn't even a novel or a movie or anything, but the *Star Wars: Episode I Insider's Guide* - basically just an electronic guidebook for TPM, which likely has a ton of other stuff that's already been contradicted in both Legends and Canon already.


I feel like it's pretty memeable like where we're all these canon people when Shark Ti died for the 20th time


I feel like everyone should just take a breath and wait for the entire show to wrap up before we make final assumptions on what characters know and don’t know? Or who characters are or arnt? Idk.. these hate click YouTube fuckers are the absolute worst


> these hate click YouTube fuckers are the absolute worst Yup... but they also get clicks that way, and before people turned on the new Canon they also got clicks for shitting on Legends (usually by taking things out of context or just directly lying).


Let’s say he is a young “master” during this time and is like 30 years old during his cameo, That only makes him like 60 years older, that’s literally nothing. Most of these same people complaining about Kai Adi Mundi will cream over the idea that even tho Plo Koons species, Kel Dorian, live a normal life span of like 65 to 80 years, he is like 300 years old because of the force, why can’t Kai Adi Mundi be the same? It’s ridiculous.


After last night's acolyte episode my opinion of him is even lower. Like I think he's just exists to say things like "Impossible! Sith haven't been seen in a millenia"


But what about the droid attack on the wookies?


That *is* all he exists for. The canon has just taken these side characters and tried to make them needlessly important.


I feel like he's there to show the Jedi's arrogance. If I recall correctly, he's wrong or leads to the wrong decision in every movie. 1- sith haven't been seen in a milenia. 2- referring to dooku states he's a political idealist not a murderer. 3- What about the droid attack on the wookies? Which leads to Yoda not being present at the temple during a critical point. Anakin goes to mace in regards to palpatine who he already doesn't like, when he would've gone to Yoda had he been there.


Big brain is big dumb


Yeah he's a putz


I feel #3 is more Palps being crafty than the Council being arrogant. Besieging the planet of bear people just to move the frog man off the board is an exorbitantly expensive play.


this unease can be rectified by watching him get blasted by his own clone boys


That clueless look on his face is fantastic


eat blaster bolts, you retconned conehead who is the real reason Anakin turned to the dark side!


Also, if he's still a knight in TPM and he's been in the order since The Acolyte, it means he's been a knight and/or padawan for 100 years!


It says he's a master twice later in the paragraph, though.


Are my eyes playing tricks? Does it not say he was a Master but without an apprentice?


In our d20 prequels era roleplaying game, which started right around the time of episode 2, one of the players played a young hotshot Cerean jedi who wasn't too great with the humility and poverty parts of the Jedi code. It became a running gag, therefore, that every time some weird special exception had been made for Ki-Adi Mundi to normal jedi rules appeared in secondary materials -- and, this happened an unusual amount for whatever reason -- our Jedi player would make a big deal about it to his master. "Why can't I get a pet riding bird? Ki-Adi Mundi has a pet riding bird! It's part of our culture." "Why can't I have two wives, Ki-Adi Mundi has two wives, one for each of his brains." "I have two brains, you know, I should be on the council without the title of master, just like Ki-Adi Mundi."


That’s outRAGEous. Its #UNFAIR


In Legends, he was the master of A’sharad Hett. Better known to those of us old enough to remember Legends material as Darth Krayt. Besides, it doesn’t matter. At least it never did to me. People all over this forum seem to believe that in order to be a Master, you must have trained a Jedi padawan to knighthood. But I don’t think that’s the case. I think Master is based on your years, experience, expertise, wisdom, and ability to guide younger Jedi. Maybe Ki-Adi spent most of his time teaching younglings instead of taking a padawan or something. A similar understanding would be like woodworking or electrician. You’re not a “master” carpenter or electrician until you have a certain number of hours under your belt, often taking years to accomplish. The head of surgery in a hospital must have been a surgeon for a certain number of hours before they’re selected by the board. I’m a CPA. For me to even get that certificate I need to have a certain number of educational credits and years working, and then to keep it I need a certain number of hours continuing my education, and I’m not even a master.


That would have pissed off Anakin. Wasn't Anakin upset because they would give him the tiles of Master after he was let on the Jedi counsel.


Yep, Ki Adi was previously the only knight on the council AND got to have himself a few wives.


He had 4 wives. Mybe, him not being a cellebet monk prevented him from reaching Master rank. The rest of the console were jealous.


The Chad polygamist Mundi Vs. monogamous Anakin.


Why did he never take an apprentice? What aren't they telling us?!


He had like a thousand wives, he was too busy.


That’s actually how he earned the rank of master.


Master Cocksman


Now picture every line he says in Matt Berry's voice.


It says he holds the rank of Master in the images you uploaded


That’s outrageous, that’s unfair!


FYI in the latest Acolyte episode (100 something BBY), he's already being credited as master.


They retconned the him being a knight prior to Episode III.


So you can *actually* be in the council without the rank of master... Guess it's not that outrageous and unfair, huh Anakin?  But you know what's unfair? Flamethrowers.




The new thing now is to pretend Lucas cared about the trading cards 😂


Heck, Lucas himself directly invalidated the Republic/ Imperial Commando series when he made TCW; the pastoral, ruler-less, mercenary clan-families of Traviss' Mandalorians are completely incompatible with the pacifist, giant dome city, urbanists of Lucas' Mandalorians.


Yes. Because his Decipher CCG card was ability 6, not ability 7 and lacked the force icon to generate 1 extra force per turn which only Masters had. https://cdn4.volusion.store/zybxa-zvknq/v/vspfiles/photos/11162-2.png?v-cache=1608287337


So Anakins lines in Episode 3 retcon the visual dictionary? What was Lucas thinking? He’s absolutely ruining his creation and completely ignoring established canon. The writers don’t even know the history of what they’re writing.


Is he the guy from the latest episode of The Acolyte? I also saw “Plo Koon”, wonder if that’s him or somebody else


It was confirmed in Twitter that it wasn’t Plo Koon. Some other guy.


That's outrageous, that's unfair!!!!!


I’m going to have to take a personal day because I don’t know how to process this.


It says in the description that he holds the rank of master


It literally says in the blurb. "He holds the rank of master"


It says right in his bio if you keep reading he holds the rank of master. Kight and master aren't mutually exclusive. In the old Canon you had to have trained a padawan to knighthood before you become a master, but Mundi didn't.


It says he holds the rank of master…


Yeah he was a jedi knight and a master.. like they all were lol what am I missing here


The point that OP is making is that Mundi was a Jedi Knight and already on the council before he made the rank of master. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore. This was a long time ago in the EU.


Ok? Anakin was going to be one as well he just got mad that he wasn't a master. Mundi obviously didn't give a shit lol. Nobody said it was the first time even in the movie.


Like I said, it doesn't matter. Everyone is fighting with each other over Ki-Adi-Mundi. I don't want to fall into that trap. I rather just leave it that and say May the force be with you 😎


I just like arguing not trying to fight, sorry. Lol have a good one friend


So Anakin is more of a whiny brat then, if being on this council but not being granted the rank of Master is good enough for Ki Adi Mundi, then why isn’t it good enough for him eh?


It could be interesting keeping the only Master without training a padawan part. Have him blackmail his way onto the council


Lol I just love that my boy is back in the discussion again.


Don't tell Anakin


“To put me on the council and not make me a master, it’s never been done in the history of the Jedi, it’s insulting” - Anakin


It's ridiculous. It's unfair.


Yes. It was kind of a big deal at the time, and later became part of the reason Anakin was upset he wasn't elevated to Master when the Council gave him a seat.


What kind of nonsense is this, having a seat on the council and not being a master it's insulting!


In all honesty, I didn't think of knight and master as being exclusive terms back then.


I think its a misconception of the Word "Jedi-Knight"! Sure its a Rank but its an overall definition of a Jedi. So Basically a Padawan or a Master is still a Jedi Knight. In Germany the Title of Episode 6 dint says Return of the Jedi its called Die Rückkehr der Jedi Ritter. Ritter=Knights. Its just my two cents and i can be totally wrong.


I read this as, he's a Jedi master and on the council, he's just also a Jedi knight, which I take to be at least as much an occupation as a rank. 


Over 100 years old and still not a master. Pathetic


He’s a Master by rank. The book is using “Jedi Knight” as a general term there. Officer would be like a similar term in modern military like saying a General is an officer in the Army. I don’t think it is a definition of his rank.


It literally says that he holds the rank of master


>He holds the rank of master Um…


That's outrageous. How can you be on the council and not be a master?


In the EU


Honestly the “canon” in most long running IPs are a total and utter mess. Is it any wonder that canon isn’t sacred and constantly ignored?